We’ve said all along that Roevember Is Coming. We’ve said all along that the male politicos had completely underestimated women’s rage at our rights being stripped away by Republicans’ Christofascist anti-woman agenda. Now that Roevember Is Here, MAGA bros are shocked. They’re shocked by the gender gap in early voting, shocked by the sheer number of women who are agitated and engaged in this election and going all-in on Kamala Harris. A few days ago, I saw a right-wing commentator snorting in disgust that so many young women were single-issue voters on abortion. The data reflects that, and it’s gotten to the point where even the biggest MAGA douches are panicking:
Two of former president Donald Trump’s most prominent backers in the right wing influencer sphere fretted Wednesday after early voting numbers showed massive early turnout among women that could imperil their candidate’s path to victory.
“Male turnout in Pennsylvania for Trump has been a disaster,” tweeted Mike Cernovich on Wednesday. “Unless this changes, Kamala Harris takes PA and it’s over.”
Cernovich is a longtime far right gadfly and commentator with a massive online following. He’s been around long enough to have played a role in the anti-feminist Gamergate harassment campaign and to have helped spread the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, though has disavowed the alt-right and drifted closer to the mainstream conservative movement in recent years. (Trump’s eldest child, Donald Jr., once said he deserved a Pulitzer Prize).
When a follower questioned his assessment, Cernovich pointed out that conservative organizer Charlie Kirk, who he called “one of the most significant [get out the vote] activists in the country,” had also raised the alarm.
“Early vote has been disproportionately female,” tweeted Kirk earlier Wednesday. “If men stay at home, Kamala is president. It’s that simple.”
Preliminary data supports their concerns. A Politico analysis of early vote data in battleground states published on Tuesday showed a 10 point gender gap in early voting, with women comprising 55 percent of those who had cast ballots. Nation-wide early voting data compiled by NBC showed Thursday that, of roughly 58 million mail-in and early in-person votes cast across the country, 54 percent came from women.
National and swing state polls show Trump’s Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, with a commanding double digit lead among women voters.
“In some states women are actually exceeding their vote share from 2020, which is at this point shocking to me,” Democratic strategist Tom Bonier told Politico. “I never would have bet on that.”
In a follow up post, Cernovich praised Trump’s strategy of appearing on a string of podcasts with overwhelmingly male audiences—including the Joe Rogan Experience mocked—as a way of getting his message out without going through traditional and legacy media. But he also mocked the demographics of the podcast listenership, noting the Republican campaign should do more to reach women voters—presumably more than Trump’s babbling about how he’ll “protect” women if he gets back into the White House.
We’ll have to wait until all of the election data is compiled, but my vibe is that while Trump did a “good job” in radicalizing young white men (the toxic podbro demo), the Harris-Walz campaign has actually done a good job in speaking to normcore dudes of all races about how reproductive issues will radically change their lives too. But yeah… women are mad. Women are voting in HUGE numbers. Women are not telling the men in their lives who they’re voting for either. Speaking of, this Harris-Walz ad has enraged the right. Julia Roberts did the voiceover. It’s so effective, which is why the bros are mad.
This is the excellent Julia Roberts ad that so provoked Snowflake Charlie Kirk.pic.twitter.com/KVZK6RV6So
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) October 31, 2024
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.
- Philadelphia, PA – Actors Mark Ruffalo and Don Cheadle are spotted at the campaign event for Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris, held at The Alan Horwitz “Sixth Man” Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pictured: Kamala Harris BACKGRID USA 27 OCTOBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Philadelphia, PA – Actors Mark Ruffalo and Don Cheadle are spotted at the campaign event for Democratic presidential nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris, held at The Alan Horwitz “Sixth Man” Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pictured: Kamala Harris BACKGRID USA 27 OCTOBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – United States Vice President Kamala Harris, the 2024 Democratic Party nominee for President of the US, makes her closing argument to voters from the Ellipse in Washington, DC. The Vice President made her remarks one week before Election Day. Pictured: Kamala Harris BACKGRID USA 29 OCTOBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Washington, DC – United States Vice President Kamala Harris, the 2024 Democratic Party nominee for President of the US, makes her closing argument to voters from the Ellipse in Washington, DC. The Vice President made her remarks one week before Election Day. Pictured: Kamala Harris BACKGRID USA 29 OCTOBER 2024 BYLINE MUST READ: MediaPunch / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- Democratic nominees Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz campaign event at Shell Energy Stadium Featuring: Vice President Kamala Harris and Beyonce Where: Houston, Texas, United States When: 25 Oct 2024 Credit: MediaPunch/INSTARimages
- Democratic nominees Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz campaign event at Shell Energy Stadium Featuring: Vice President Kamala Harris Where: Houston, Texas, United States When: 25 Oct 2024 Credit: MediaPunch/INSTARimages
Do you know how many times I got bullied by people for voting for a Democrat because they believed the election came down to one issue – abortion and they just couldn’t get around it no matter how awful the candidate was? Stop whining about the very playbook you’ve used for decades.
@nutellatoast that was also my first thought. For years tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people yelled in our faces that every election was ultimately about one thing: abortion.
Well, now it really IS about it and they’re in their corner crying. I hope this election not only kicks Trump every which way but Senators and Congresspeople in every State too.
The last few elections I have voted solely based on abortion and the Supreme Court. Now I am voting based on abortion and part of that is the makeup of Congress. We have a strong R candidate here in Maryland for Senate (which is a shocking change) but I refuse to vote for Hogan (even though I liked his handling of COVID) because I am not giving the Rs another seat in the Senate.
We were told for years that Roe was safe. And now its gone and the results are horrendous.
When you put my life in danger, I am going to vote accordingly.
Two days ago, Musk even said Trump will destroy the economy.
People votkng for Trump “because of the economy” are the dumbest creatures.
@nutellatoast this was my first thought as well – as far back as I can remember republicans have built whole campaigns on single use issues and their constituents bought it. The lack of self awareness is stunning.
That’s EXACTLY what I was going to say, Evangelicals and many others have been single issue/abortion voters forever.
Karma is brilliant and she is going to make sure that women of all colors kick his orange diapered ass. 😂😂😂💙💙💙💙
Please enjoy MVP’s brilliant new ad for the campaign here
I’m Canadian, watching the US election with some angst. It comes down to one gender being treated unfairly and with great judgement. A woman’s right to self governance is on the ballot, perhaps more than just her reproductive rights. It feels like the 2025ivers are using the Handmaids Tale as their play book. If the US falls to the regressives it will no longer be a democracy. While democrates typically aren’t great for trade, I don’t care. Women’s rights must not fall into the hands of men who see you as expendable.
They’re airing commercials in my area that literally say, “No one knows who you vote for, but the fact that you vote in general is public record, so your friends and family can look up if you’ve voted.”
They’re absolutely intended to be intimidating towards women in NC who may be voting in secret.
That’s scary. The Julia Roberts commercial is amazing. Growing up in GA, I used to go with my mom to vote, but as I got older, I found out my parents had told each other they didn’t vote or maybe they just assumed the other one didn’t. Bc my dad was a republican and my mom was a democrat, so they figured they canceled out each other’s vote. But then my dad found out my mom had been secretly voting for years😂. He wasn’t mad and it became a funny story. But at that point, GA always went red so I don’t think he cared. So far, he hasn’t voted yet and I don’t think he will. Which good.
Give your mama a high five from me please (from Australia)
I live in Georgia and we get those ads here, too. I’ve been wondering about them, but your point makes sense. I may also explain why I got a “voting report card” from the Center for Voter Information and my husband didn’t. It lists which elections I voted in and has the quote, “We will be reviewing these records after the election to determine whether or not you joined your neighbors in voting.” It is written as if it is encouraging me to vote, but feels vaguely creepy. Though now I looked it up and this is non-partisan non-profit that tries to get out the vote, and seems to lean to the left.
I keep getting the Voter Report Card texts too! All the other election texts stopped once I did early voting, but those keep coming through. It really does feel sinister.
I early voted too, but somehow still am getting lots of texts. But the we’ll be checking on you vibe is definitely creepy even though I know the voting records are public.
That is creepy af.
I got one of those too and I’m in a super blue state, but a purple area (half of my county is very red and half is more blue). So I’m not sure what they mean or what the intent is.
I got something like that too! I live in Maryland. It didn’t say how I voted, just that I voted in the last 3 or 4 elections. And that a handful of my neighbors voted too.
I’m not worried about people finding out. Maryland is Blue and the county I live in is even bluer.
Those are weird.
I got a few of those and shredded them as soon as they arrived. Also got crap from the GA GOP which nearly caused me to stroke out in rage. They are absolutely trying to intimidate women into not voting for Kamala.
It is absolutely creepy. 😳 They might also be illegal.
I live in Portland, Oregon, and both my husband and I received those cards in the mail. (We’re both registered Democrats). It felt creepy and intrusive, like big brother is watching.
Got a Voter Report Card in the mail. Neighbors names were blurred out, but it’s you and two of your neighbors listed. One local news channel reported that they were sent out.
My voting record may be public record that can be looked up, but to send it out with neighbors’ voting activity included makes it a little too accessible.
Yep, I got that mailer this week as well. No biggie – I look up myself on the same public website they use to make sure I am still registered, and I check my husband too. It tells me what primary ballot I’m given (D or R) because you have to choose, but no other voting info is public, and general election ballots are the same.
So that’s convincing them they might as well not vote–and then thats another vote for Kamala.
I got a flyer in the mail saying this. It admits that they don’t know what my vote was, but uses vaguely threatening language (“we will be reviewing these records after the election to determine whether or not you joined your neighbors in voting.”)
I’m the only one in my house who got one. I’m also the only registered Democrat in the house, as the other voters are no party affiliation.
MAGA, which has been screaming that mail ballot voting is all fraud and should be illegal for years, is also pushing mail ballot voting like crazy to the point that Trump filed suit against Bucks County, PA over people who missed the deadline to have a ballot mailed to them waiting in long lines to pick up their mail ballot as being the county trying to suppress the vote (there’s sooo much irony in this whole scenario). What worries me about MAGA push for mail ballots, especially with the current commentary from Charlie Kirk and Fox “news” folks is that MAGA men may force their wives to use mail ballots so they can watch them complete the ballot and make sure their wives vote for Trump.
As for the messages about voting, I’ve gotten a few texts indicating that not everyone in my house has registered (I’m the only one in the house eligible to vote) and a few about my voting status. Most of the texts about my voting status indicates they I need to vote – I’m doing it in person on Tuesday because I had a ballot tossed a few years back, I live in PA and this election is too important.
I also got one text indicating that 1 person in my household has voted but the other has not. I’m not sure what group that text came from so I quickly checked my status online to confirm that no ballot was sent to me. I assume it came from a MAGA source and was sent to make me think I couldn’t vote because I already had
I think it’s very possible that trying to get MAGAts on board with mail-in ballots might be similiar to the COVID vaccine. Remember when Trump, after spreading all kinds of conspiracy nonsense against that, suddenly wanted the vaccine named after him, and literally got booed by his own supporters when he tried to tell them to get it?
There were so many men posting pics of themselves standing over their wives while they voted “to make sure they made the right decision” on Twitter. They also said they prefer mail in ballots for this exact reason.
@friendly Crow – I wonder if people can report any of those pics of men watching over their wives to make sure they vote for Trump to someone as evidence of election/vote tampering.
I read that about PA voters. Your early voting is all by mail-in (or requesting a ballot in person?) so a lot of people are waiting for Tuesday because they don’t trust the mail entirely. I don’t blame you. It’s actually surprising that we have such a long EV period here in Texas. We had two weeks of it, with enough polling places (at least in Harris County) that the lines weren’t too terrible.
The main reason that the MAGA crowd suddenly got enthusiastic about early voting and voting by mail in 2024 is because Trump suddenly got “religion” and the media speculated that it was one of the main reasons he lost to Joe Biden in 2020. Biden and the Dems strongly urged their supporters to go out and vote, but if they were concerned about contracting Covid to vote by mail instead. So, despite the fact that Trump rarely admits to his losses, especially in 2020, he’s now urging his own crap supporters to vote by mail. The bast*rd. That second coming of Hitler, Agolf Sh*tler!
I’m also seeing ads about the “Supreme Coup” where they want any new justices considered have to state whether they are for or against term limits and restructuring. Just like we wanted them to say if they wanted or intended to overturn roe v wade. It’s so hypocritical. Fake cases made up so they can make rulings, obviously corrupt judges, yeah fixing that would be the coup. Facepalm
I look at another way here in the NC triangle. We will know if you didn’t vote, so don’t say a mumbling word if democracy dies. It won’t be a secret that you failed your civic duty!!
I have voted AGAINST the orange loser three f*cking times. This. Is. Insane.
the fact that he even won in 2016 and it’s been close in 2020 and this year is an utter indictment of American society. he shouldn’t have a chance even with the obnoxious amount of gerrymandering and yet, here we are *again*
MAGAts don’t seem to realize that women have been dealing with loud-mouthed inconsiderate bully boys since our playground days. Just because we’re quiet doesn’t mean we aren’t angry. And that we won’t get even.
I saw the best Meme. Roe Roe Roe your boat. You stuck us in this boat boys now get out of the way before we Roe you over
I live in Canada and regularly wear a t-shirt that says Roe Roe Roe your vote, with the Roe Roe Roe in big letters. Yesterday I wore one that says Sugar and Spice and Reproductive Rights as my scary costume, bc we can’t be complacent up here either 🙁 I’ve had people tell me there’s no way they’ll try to recriminalize abortion access, but I think that’s naive 🙁
The conservatives lead by whiny boy who for some reason still hasn’t gotten security clearance, has linked himself with the religious nuts. Doug ford has done so too. I do not trust these men at all and what they will and have done first is reduce access to abortion clinics in Canada. I believe there are none in PEI and few if any in NS and NB. In Ontario the fake crisis pregnancy centres outnumber the real ones. Quebec is the only province that has been consistent in maintaining access. But then again they pushed for it first before the Anglo Protestant provinces dared to. Chantal Daigle is the one Canadian women need to thank for bringing her case to the Supreme Court of Canada as well as Dr Mongentaler.
The evil in the MAGA rhetoric has already crept up here. The anti vax MAGA convoy was one example but it won’t be the last.
Conservatives won’t do it the same way though. It will be through defunding public health care relating to these issues. They work with the anti choice groups in the states to set up their strategy so it is false to say it won’t ever happen in Canada.
Yeah waking up and finding out I am just an incubator maybe had me in my feelings you freaking stupid AH!
I remain unburdened by the tears of the dude/douche bros.
We are NOT going back!
There are more of us than them. Vote, vote, vote women, because your life literally depends on it. I vote for the future safety of my little daughter. The daughter I was only able to have because of the miracle of IVF which I fear will also be on the chopping block if these monsters get elected. Not to mention I fear for all of our children’s safety if anti-vax RFK is in the administration.
I’m with you. It’s not a leap at all to see women have to choose to only have one egg extracted and hope against hope it works, or have to agree to implant all of the embryos for fear of being prosecuted . Couple that with the fact that women are dying in 2024 because they can’t get proper treatment for a miscarriage is just insane. And beyond all of that- the decision to grow a human in my body should be my choice alone. Period. I’m voting for my daughter and for all women.
That’s the thing.
Kirk and that GOP loser in Ohio running against Sherrod Brown and all the whiners complaining about “one issue voters” talk about “abortion” like the right to a safe abortion exists in a silo all by its lonesome.
It doesn’t!
It is a critical part of a women’s reproductive rights and bodily autonomy. And the GOP mouthpieces have outright said
“yay! We bullied down Roe and women’s right to an abortion nationwide! Now we’re gunning for birth control and the right to ANY reproductive healthcare that takes into account what women want or their well-being. Keep ’em barefoot and pregnant. And better dead than having them make their own choices or treating them like they are entitled to have human rights like menfolk! Amirite, guys?”
Most women aren’t stupid and we have been paying close attention to Trump and his bigoted allies. We see then and where they are trying to drag us. “Whether we want them to or not” … Trump’s own words
It’s the right to our full bodily autonomy and our right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” of OUR choosing … for us, our daughters and sisters and aunts and cousins and granddaughters and nieces and neighbors and co-workers and students and and and Every Single One of Us.
We are NOT going back!
Huge turnout here in Ohio for early voting. I know we’ve gone for Trump the last 2 cycles but there’s a palpable shift. The lines were full of folks holding the blue leaflet handouts from volunteers outside that have all the blue down ballot candidates. My neighborhood has whole streets with Harris/Walz signs and maybe 4 Trump signs in the whole neighborhood. Change is in the air. Let’s go!
Change IS in the air.
In my neighborhood a few folks who had multiple huge Trump signs all over their lawns well into 2021 now have prominent down-ballot repub signs in front, with one teeny-tiny Trump sign up near the house.
My partner went to vote early yesterday thinking that since it was the first snow of the season the lines would be shorter, but still ended up spending an hour and a half in line! (I voted by mail weeks ago.)
Bright red county for me, too. Lots of downballot repub signs on lawns, but very few trump signs. I’m hoping they will leave the pres one empty (if they don’t vote for Harris). There’s definitely trump fatigue here.
My friends in NC say huge turnouts for early voting, that state hasn’t gone blue since 2008 with Obama. We are hoping for it to go blue now.
If Taylor Swift concerts taught me anything, it’s the profound depth of female rage—and the desire for a shared, peaceful outlet for it.
That struck me even more than anything I saw onstage.
I have been hearing that recently. Someone on Threads shared about a particular song that they sing passionately along with her:
“They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one,
They got their pitchforks and proof Their receipts and reasons.
They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one.
So light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up) Light me up, go ahead and light me up (light me up)…”
“I Did Something Bad”
I can imagine the electricity going through any building when a song with lyrics like that is being performed.
I was at the Miami show when she performed “I Did Something Bad” as one of the surprise songs, and everybody was so f–king pumped that she chose to do that song, in that place. We all knew why she did.
I hope so.
I pray so.
I hope the polls saying it’s close are false because they are not polling the right people.
Because the she has the numbers.
He has people walking away.
Have there ever been this many people, this many former staffers, going country over party and voting for the opposing candidate?
Let it be a landslide.
The make up of his rallies these days inspires confidence too. The seats right behind Trump are filled almost exclusively by young dude bro incels. This is a change even from over the summer.
Ooh I hadn’t even noticed that I did notice they were leaving whilst he was still rambling on.
Meanwhile the vibe at Harries rallies seem awesome, the joy, the dancing…
I looked up cross party voting the other day (to prove a point, LOL) and in the last 20 years or so it’s varied between 4-10%. 2020, each candidate got 6% cross over (which is WILD to me that 6% of Democrats wanted a trump second term??).
I’ve seen as high as 15% predicted this time, and it could be even more. That’s huge.
She has the numbers for sure, we just need them in the correct states because our election system is stupid.
That ad is gross. What I mean is that the husband looks so MAGA, is so condescending and frickin’ icky — and I KNOW the actor is accurately portraying thousands and thousands of brain-dead men across the US. That actual women may be placating (let alone having sex with!) men like this is just appalling. The whole thing skeeves me out on a visceral level.
Oh, and Trump said Liz Cheney should be shot in the face by a firing squad, so … yeah. Bro power or whatever. 🤮
Doesn’t Project 2025 wants to prevent women from divorcing their husbands?
Yes, yes it does. Project 2025 says they plan to “eliminate no-fault divorce.” That means a wife won’t be able to leave a husband unless a judge agrees she’s proven adultery, abuse, abandonment, or some other reason that *the judge thinks* is good enough reason to end the relationship.
Creepy af.
I truly wish that it was some ridiculous comedy sketch and not something that women need to hear right now…but it really is. We’ve heard from women of all ages all through this election cycle, those whose husbands/boyfriends “didn’t think they should vote” to those who discourage their partners from exercising their franchise in other ways, like making sinister threats (“I hope your car doesn’t break down on voting day”). It shows how afraid the MAGAs really are, huh?
This may be a good reminder to my American friends to reach out to the women in your life and make sure they have a ride to the polls or to turn in their ballot!
Frankly, if a woman’s husband is demanding she vote a certain way, she needs to divorce his ass as fast as she can. Ain’t nothing good gonna come of a relationship like that.
While the MAGA bros are freaking out, it’s good to see quite a few traditional non-MAGA Reps crossing over and putting country before party, and even some evangelicals admitting that the abortion ban went too far, and is killing women.
So let’s hope they see that Roevember is on them.
What frightens me is the small but very vocal number of ReThugs wanting to take away women’s right to vote, equal pay, no-fault divorce and similar achievements.
And the spray-tanned con demanding Liz Cheney to be shot. And a racist Halloween display in Westmoreland county, PA, where they tied a woman dressed like MVP in chains to the back of a golf cart decorated in tRump finery.
I am an intersex woman who needs hormones to live a full, successful life. Those hormones are likely to be outlawed in a GOP handmaids land, as they are a form of birth control. Women are definitely going to fight for the right to control their own medical care.
I am so pleased that reversing Roe has come back to bite these Repub mofos in the ass. Getting their way on that was probably the worst thing that could happen to them.
This is very scary. As was when I read warnings in the US for people who menstruate to stop tracking those.
Lets hope she wins and Roe becomes law.
I’m to scared of another 2016 surprise to celebrate just yet. But God I hope the swing states go for Kamala. So far the pollsters are saying it’s very close but maybe some of the polled women said Trump because their MAGA husband’s were around.
The difference I’m seeing is that because the polls say it’s close people are encouraged to vote.
In 2016 people thought their voted wasn’t needed, or that they could vote 3rd party and she’d still win.
And re the polled women a quote by Liz Cheney:
“I certainly have many Republicans who will say to me ‘I can’t be public.’ They do worry about a whole range of things, including violence, but they’ll do the right thing. I would just remind people, if you’re at all concerned, you can vote your conscience and not ever have to say a word to anybody,” she said. “There will be millions of Republicans who do that on November 5.”
In 2016 the prevailing opinion was that HC was going to win. I was an independent voter at the time and the arrogance on the Dem side that a win would happen was breathtaking. I am solidly blue now (older and wiser) and I have not seen any of that overconfidence or arrogance.
Yeah, I’m trying really hard not to assume Harris will win. When Hilary lost, I cried like a baby. Anyone else remember Kate McKinnon on SNL opening the show singing Hallelujah? I bawled through that too.
Ugh, my stupid uncle has already waxed rhapsodic over the “good” old days when men were head of the household and “took care” of everyone else. Luckily, not all of my male relatives down here agree, but this is definitely a thing.
Kamala Harris and the women that endorse her are being subjected to gross VIOLENT rhetoric. AOC, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Liz Cheney, etc
Took care of everyone else?
Lmao, that has always been done by women.
Bingo. I was married back in the good old days and I remember nothing about being taken care of because I was taking care of everyone else, including being the only one with a full time job and regular paycheck.
When I think of a man “taking care of” someone else, my head goes to domestic violence and child abuse disguised as discipline. That’s the kind of household I had when my father was at the helm, so maybe just me, but I doubt it.
“Taking care of ” meant ruling with an iron fist.
Exactly. My family was, I guess, the ‘typical’ 1950s family, mom, dad, three kids, one dog. My dad worked for a paycheck, but my mom did everything else. Housework, yard work, kid care, dog care, advocate for the kids at their schools, sewing, mending, grocery shopping/putting away/meal prep/cleanup, doc & dentist appointment setting/taking, etc. And in the weeks leading up to Christmas, worked, checker, pear-packer. My mom did EVERYTHING. My dad worked, as I said, and drove the car. He ‘took care of’ nothing & no one.
Women have always done the majority of the world’s work and held
a small percentage of the world’s wealth.
Fox neanderthal Jesse Watters said that if a woman secretly votes for Kamala it would be like having an affair. It would be “violating the sanctity of our marriage.” 😂 Oohh, so NOW betrayal is not okay, Jesse? You were fine with it when you cheated on your first wife (and kids).
This is the guy who hit on his producer (while he was married) by letting the air out of her tires so she would be forced to ride home with him. THAT guy. THAT guy is talking about the sanctity of marriage.
Douchebro does not even begin to describe it.
Watters’s mom is proudly and loudly pro-Kamala
I loved MSNBC’s Chris Hayes’ aside about Watters’ last night “um … maybe Jesse Watters shouldn’t be calling more attention to people having affairs … just sayin'”
CH knows some dirt.
Oooh, yeah, the worst dudes on the internet/cable news were all super triggered by this ad, which shows that the Harris campaign knows exactly what they are doing:) This is what they used to call “free media”, folks. A whole weekend about whether or not women should have the freedom to vote how they choose? Yes!
Trump is also being hurt by outsourcing his ground game to Elon Musk who has no idea how to run a turnout operation. He’s running a human trafficking outfit by hiring a lot of out of work people from other states, lying to them, and transporting them in the back of vans. They are threatened with being left high and dry if they don’t meet all kinds of impossible goals for door knocking. No surprise, the recruits are mostly Black and poor. Elon Musk may be worse than Trump which I didn’t think was possible. He’s at least as bad as.
I appreciate what you’re saying, Brassy Rebel, but I’m going to tweak your statement to “Trump is hurting himself.” I think it’s really important to say Trump is DOING stuff as opposed to saying people are doing it for him. He’s in charge of Leon. He hasn’t apologized for any of the vile stuff said at Madison Square Garden. He was running on Project 2025, in which his vetted VP candidate wrote an intro, and while he’s distanced himself, he’s still running on it. He is the presidential candidate that the Republicans think best fits to leading the US, and he is determining this whole horrible campaign.
People also forget Trump basically bankrupted the RNC. I forget the exact stats but his legal bills have been above 1 mill, and often above 2 per month almost every month since he lost the election and Laura Trump helped him siphon much of that from the Rs. Rs are going to have to keep learning the hard way there’s no honor among theives!!!
That’s why he had to outsource the turnout operation to Musk. Yeah, ML, I agree it’s totally on Trump. But the human trafficking idea was Musk’s. He’s vile, as is Trump.
That’s got to be hurting down ballot races too, one hopes. The GOP deserves everything he does to them though.
You also raise great points from a legal perspective: I suspect if one pokes around, Musk is violating various labor laws (and the interstate thing is especially interesting, since why is he hiring from one state to go work in another in the first place? Why didn’t he hire locals except to threaten employees with abandonment?)
I would also bet good money that many of the people he hired are undocumented, because a) of course MAGA would use the very undocumented labor they rail against for such a shitty job and b) this sounds exactly like the kind of treatment these MAGA AHs think is fine for undocumented folks, since their racist asses refuse to see them as humans deserving dignity.
So I hope the states involved look into alllllllll the ways he’s probably violated laws.
Oh, I’m sure there are multiple legal violations. The workers were transported across state lines in the back of the vans on the floor without seat belts too. Serious safety issues there. This is the way undocumented people are commonly transported into the States. Ironic AF.
Brassy Rebel, my understanding is also that these poor trafficked folks aren’t even told beforehand who they’re knocking doors for. They’ve been led to believe it’s for Harris but when they arrive & are given their impossible goals, that’s when they’re handed materials for Trump.
Redpill men: a group famous for self starting, getting up off their asses to work, planning ahead, taking responsibility. NOOOOTTTTTT. LMAO these divorced ass dads don’t even have furniture in their houses.
News flash: the gender that loves to preen about being Alpha tough guys from their mom’s basement isn’t exactly a reliable voting block. I doubt half these gen Z Andrew Tate acolytes even registered. They already don’t participate in society or the workforce and now you want them to politically organize. LMAOOOOOOO
THIS THIS THIS … so much this. 🎯
This topic gave me similar thoughts. The men that won’t do any of the emotional labor in the household and want to force women to be in relationships with them and take care of them and their offspring. So sad if their wives didn’t schedule and remind them four times to go vote and keep them prisoners. These people want to ban divorce as well! I hope every woman facing this has already early voted and hosts trump-y bbq’s all day nov 5 or schedules travel and family activities to keep them occupied.
I voted early for the first time ever yesterday. (I have always voted on election day). The site was packed and over half the participants were women. One young family brought their little girls dressed in their Halloween costumes. Where I live women and people bringing their daughters while they vote doesn’t mean they haven’t been radicalized by the magat agenda, but if this is happening in cities, we may be free of rectum lips forever. Vote blue! Elon is WEIRD. That ketamine fueled nutter who apparently dreams of creating a master race of his own children needs to lose his top secret clearance and not to be in charge of any companies.
I’m in Georgia and so far in this election, the majority of voters have been older women. I am hopeful we’ll go blue again!
My 74 year old cousin in Georgia is voting straight blue ticket. Her daughter and son-in-law, currently in the Army, are both voting straight blue in North Carolina.
My other cousin’s 2 grandsons, ages 19 and 22, both Marines, are also voting straight blue tickets in Georgia. Something about Trump having no respect for the military.
He truly has offended pretty much every voter block, hasn’t he?
For YEARS my parents knowingly cancelled each other’s votes. My dad was always a democrat. my mom was the republican- until the 80s when the gop really ramped up the anti abortion stuff.
Then in her 40s, with 2 teenagers, she used to say if she got pregnant again- she’d run away from home.
From there- she voted pro-choice dem until she died.
But this idea that men would *expect* or *demand* their wives to somehow fall in line- is so foreign to how i was raised.
All the ick.
The commercials are giving me hope though.
That’s what I am saying. The very premise of the ads is so bizarre to me, I guess because I do not live among misogynists. That a woman would have to sneak around and hide her agency is mind-blowing to me. Or that she would kowtow to her husband in this way — “yes, honey, I did” as he looks on approvingly like her fucking parent. It’s so, so, so gross.
For real, are we in the 1950s?
For women in a red state hive mind, Republican-ness is as much a part of personal identity as religion. Protecting that identity means conformity. That’s who this ad is targeted toward: women whose towns are all pro-Trump, whose husbands are all pro-Trump, whose friends are all pro-Trump. Women who are accustomed both to asking and answering Republican purity checks amongst themselves.
It could just as easily be her pastor, or another mom in line, but the husband gives it maximum impact because it subtly reminds that the man closest to you isn’t voting to protect you, you have to do it for yourself. It’s a very clever ad.
@FYI, 100% there are a lot of women who will have to hide who they voted for. It’s horrifying to think that it’s true but it is. I live in Canada and it is true here, where we are a lot less divided.
I listened to the Daily pod this morning, not my usual fare, but they were talking about certification of elections. You want to be scared, listen to that. There is a grass roots movement that is huge to get people to not certify your elections.
You all have so much to be concerned about. I wish I could help is some way, but all we can do is sit here and watch, hoping that the bleed of insanity that is coming this way slows down and that we can stop it here.
Pre 2016 I could see it being a difference that is tolerable, but now? The gop is a party of misogynists actively removing rights from women. Staying married to a man who believes in that is just a time bomb waiting to happen in terms of abuse.
FYI so funny you say that cause I was born an American Black female in the 50s and every Saturday, the one day my mom worked my father took my sister and myself out and about NYC where he seemed to know everything and everyone. It became such a thing among neighbors that the other husband had a meeting with my dad to get him to Stop spending time with his kids and making them look bad. My dad just laughed and sometimes took their kids with us! Too late brose. The genie is out the bottle 4eva!!!!
ariel, Talk with the older women around you and I think it will help put it into perspective. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has never been ratified because there haven’t been enough states that have voted for it. In my state, our Governor (a Republican) immediately started working with women’s groups and got the constitutional amendment to our state constitution passed (1972), and then the next year our state voted to approve the federal amendment. (1973). Women finally got the right to open bank accounts and get credit cards in 1974.
There’s a reason the ERA has never been ratified, and that should be next on the must do list.
They want to go back further than 1950. They want to go back before 1920 when women got the right to vote (black women were supposed to be able to vote, too, but too many states passed laws to stop that–they finally got that right in 1965).
The patriarchy wants to be kings in their castles and if they have to make laws to make that happen, that’s what they’ll do. The patriarchy will not go silently. They’ll kick and scream and we’ll wave goodbye with smiles on our faces.
I was a member of League of Women Voters in Michigan in 1980 and we were asked to be city welcome hosts for the GOP convention. That was the one where Phyllis Schaffly was having press conferences about how women were supposed to greet their husbands at the door wearing nothing but Saran Wrap!!!
Anyway, one of our members passed out ERA YES buttons and I still have mine somewhere. Got to find it but too late for this election.
And this is what Trump and his male supporters want us to go back to!!! And I am 81, so I hate it when young people try to say we old ladies don’t care or don’t remember what the bad old days were like when employers questioned us about what kind of birth control we were using.
I saw that ad on TikTok a few days ago and while I enjoy the humor in it… what a sad state of affairs. It’s so far divorced from my own reality, I can’t imagine living like that! If it’s that bad- divorce already, I guarantee your life will be better for it.
Suggesting that if it’s ‘that bad,’ women can simply divorce, is a naive worldview. It’s not at all easy for women in controlling or abusive relationships to just leave or divorce. In some cases, it is simply not possible. Please familiarize yourself with the realities so many women are living.
K, there’s also plenty of women who don’t have the financial wherewithal to leave. Divorce isn’t easy to accomplish for a lot of women; the patriarchy wants to make it impossible.
“If men stay at home, Kamala is president. It’s that simple.” And yet he’ll still be yelling it was stolen, even as they acknowledge this now.
Also let’s be clear – If men WHO HATE WOMEN stay home. There are a lot of good husbands, dads, brothers, and friends out there who care about the women in the lives, believe in rights and equality, and are voting blue.
Anonymous, thank you for saying that. I’ve been reminding the people around me that we have to include all of the men who want futures for the women in their lives. They’re very important.
My god that we need an ad like this. It’s freaking 2024. Good lord .I have tears in my eyes because women are afraid It’s just too much. We must win.
My feeling here in Michigan is that there are many R men who are also quietly voting for Kamala Harris. I’ve seen a number of homes with lawn signs supporting down ballot R’s but no Mango sign. The atmosphere is very tense around here.
I took my absentee ballot directly to the City Clerk’s office—the last few elections, the characters around my polling place have become increasingly intimidating, and sad to say, many local law enforcements have allowed Mango and Vance to use their stations as a backdrop for the MAGA campaign.
My point being, a lot of people fear retaliation regardless of the outcome and are quietly voting Harris/Walz.
(Apologies for rambling—I don’t know how I’ll get through these next days. It’s nuts in Michigan.)
Omg. That you’re being intimidated during in-person voting. We CANNOT let this political violence become our new normal.
Voted from abroad (in my non-swing state) but when Harris wins, if we secure the House and Senate too, we NEED to pass robust voting-rights legislation.
Like the Voting Rights Act of 1965? Strengthening voting rights legislation would be great. Keep in mind though, that once legislation is passed, it needs to be enforced — and think about who might be tasked with doing the enforcement.
We need a deep and broad overhaul as a country. I’m counting on
President Harris and VP Walz and their team to steer us in better directions.
@Blithe Elizabeth Warren had a plan for that, and it’s not too late to revive it: https://elizabethwarren.com/plans/strengthening-democracy
Trump saying Liz Cheney should be shot in the face should get him arrested.
He is a convicted Felon, openly making a death threat.
How can anyone let him keep encouraging violence?
Treasonous criminal continues to drag my America into the gutter.
Every country on the planet sees us as a laughing stock because of Trump.
Except Putin, he knows he bought Trump, Vance, Elon. Knows it.
I thought I was beyond shock at this point, but no. When I heard that news clip this morning, I gasped. Good god almighty, how can anyone–any news organization, any republican voter–be OK with this like it’s just another Friday?
They’re not only okay with it, they’re defending it, saying that what he “meant” to say was that she is a war hawk and could not handle having g*ns in her face, like our “brave” military. I literally heard this. Meanwhile, we all heard him and the context he made it in. That is so not what he meant.
‘Raised the alarm’? ‘Their concerns’? Is a massive voter turnout for women a bad thing, Daily Beast?
Payless Putin (a name I saw for Trump on TikTok) is scared because if he loses the US presidency he loses his get out and stay out of jail free card. As POTUS he would have his new Attorney General (no way Merrick Garland stays on,) get rid of special counsel jack Smith and makes the federal charges on him go away. Three guesses who is on Trump’s short list for AG? Judge Eileen Cannon, the judge who oversaw and dismissed Trump’s classified documents case. (The AG is the chief law enforcement officer of the US, a member of the president’s Cabinet, and 6th in the line of succession to the US presidency. Quite an incentive to make a case go away, if it did happen.) Trump is facing sentencing for the NY state case, right before Thanksgiving. The maximum he could get is 4 years, the length of a presidential term.
aquarius64, let’s not forget all of the other people who will be indicted if the orange blob isn’t in office. Mike Johnson comes to mind. Oh yes, don’t get anxious people, but they WILL try to steal the election after November 5th. Just stay calm. They won’t be able to do it.
The Julia Roberts ad is brilliant – like a continuation of her Erin Brockovich streak. I haven’t early voted because the location isn’t as convenient as my regular election day polling place.
I love the “if men stay home” panic. Nothing gets men to stay home like the NFL draft. From now on they should broadcast the NFL draft on election day.
Sadly, my sons are politically misguided. One is 17 so he can’t vote, thank goddess.
The the other is a college junior who ironically enough told me in our last conversation that he would write in Vivek on his absentee ballot AND that he wants to go to Puerto Rico (you know, that floating island of garbage?) with his friends for spring break. I told him if Kamala doesn’t get elected, I simply won’t have any money for spring break.
CeleBitches, where did I go so wrong? I’d like to blame their Republican father, who in all other respects is a good dad. If my dog was still alive, she would be all in for Kamala.
Look up pink pilling.
It’s not brain washing. But it is presenting women’s daily lives and fears with statistics to men. There is one woman on tik tok a
Probably YouTube too – who tells her husband this stuff. His face while realizations dawns is something.
An elderly relative told me once how during the first federal election in the US in which women were allowed to vote my great-grandfather was telling my great-grandmother how she should vote. I asked my relative how did she vote in the end and he said the way she wanted, and it wasn’t how her husband had been telling her to vote! It’s shocking to me, more than 100 years later, that this continues to this day – men telling women how they should vote.
My Italian father says it to my mother all the time who to vote for(he was born in the US)—he is 81 and she is 75. She says she doesn’t listen to him at all and votes however she wishes. He got so upset my Italian grandmother was a lifelong Democrat and convinced her to switch to Republican in her 80s! She also volunteered around election time. He oddly says zero to me, his only daughter as a registered Democrat since 2008; I was non declared prior.
What the pro-life agenda didn’t think about is how women who are having miscarriages are also not able to get the care they need. They had in their minds that it would be stopping young women and women of color from getting abortions but what it has done is create laws that restrict basic miscarriage procedures that are necessary to keep the women safe. They didn’t think any of it through and so women of all political persuasions are pissed, as they should be!
No, they thought it through plenty. They don’t care about women. And if they die, it’s just penance for getting pregnant in the first place. The cruelty is a feature, not a bug.
It’s not just a feature, it’s the entire point. To devalue our lives and to normalize that our bodies are not as worthy of care and that our pain is normal. They didn’t just know this would happen, two years ago they message-tested what to say after women started dying and it became public. They blame liberals for scaring doctors into doing things that say are allowed by law (while also fighting any exceptions), they blame doctors for not providing care, and they blame the women themselves. They say they’re the ones protecting us when no one else will. In the same way the immigration threats and rhetoric communicate that some of us are less than human and unworthy of rights, these laws and their messages do the same to women.
I’ve been coming here since at least the late 2000s and I don’t think I’ve ever posted. Today I am to tell women here what I tell any woman I care about. You need to read “Abortion Every Day” every day. This is all going according to plan.
I second Abortion Every Day as reading material. Her work is incredible and relentless. In all honesty, it’s Pulitzer worthy fact checking and reporting, but she’ll never be recognized because she’s affronted too many industry names by holding them to task for softening the horror of the post-Roe reality.
Repub politicians (and Catholic bishops) don’t care if conservative women die from untreated miscarriages–but conservative women do. While the Catholic Church tries to elevate women to sainthood for dying rather than terminate an ectopic pregnancy, most women don’t aspire to martyr themselves (and leave their kids motherless) to honor a doomed embryo.
I assume this is why the Harris-Walz campaign thinks this is a winning message. I hope and pray these conservative white women will do the right thing this time–that their own safety will lead them to abandon Trump.
They don’t know the basics of human biology, but they still want other men to make decisions about the health & welfare of the women in their lives. And they think they’re the only ones to get to do that, but nope. Fooled ya!
They always reveal themselves in these moments. It’s not just the assumption that conservative women are all SAHM and don’t contribute financially, but it’s also that they’re explicitly revealing that they don’t see traditional women’s labor as actual labor. Her husband is “working hard to give her the good life,” as if her own domestic labor isn’t allowing him to work that job, himself.
Stay at home. Have kids. Be the perfect woman. And we will still devalue you.
I’ve commented in one of the posts on SM more than a couple weeks ago, women and younger generations are always underestimated by the GOP. When this group shows up in huge numbers the Republicans lose big. And it’s been repeatable. That Access HW video is also now trending on tik tok and gen z women are super psst.
That’s why Trumps campaign is panicked and I won’t be surprised if they’re already thinking of ways to cheat.
Fuentes was on twitter saying that they would blame women for Trump’s loss so they’re just setting the scene.
Lau, they will try to steal the election, but they won’t succeed.
As far as Fuentes blaming women for T’s loss? Let’s all take a bow.
Hehe Nazi Fuentes says what? He thinks blaming women for Trump’s loss is gonna … inspire a groundswell of support for Nazis? Does he think incels outnumber women?
First time commenting though I’ve been coming here for years, I’m in NC in a deep red area and I haven’t seen the Trump signs like in years past. Now I know friends and family have voted for him but my little family all voted blue. Funny enough we have the traditional family with a twist, my wonderful husband had been a stay at home dad since our son was born. He wasn’t politically minded until the first Trump campaign and he got himself registered and he’s voted straight blue in all the elections since. He’s currently under Hospice care but he made sure I got our absentee ballots and he got his voice heard this last time. It wore him out to fill out the ballot but he was determined!
I’m so sorry that your husband is in hospice care, but glad he is loved and that he cares enough about you, your family, and our country to make his voice heard even in the midst of preparing to pass. Wishing him a peaceful and loving transition.
I have been telling people this for decades. Granted I went to law school (graduated in ’92) so we studied the Roe decision, and quite a few of my classmates there and even a couple in college were “judicial junkies.” I knew what they were trying to do and how they were doing it. My husband (whom I met there) and I even know a few conservatives who were outspoken and tuned in, and eventually ended up on higher court seats as Republican appointees. There has been a plan in place since the 80s at least. And they succeeded.
My son was on speaker phone with a friend the day of the Dobbs decision. His friend stopped in the middle of their discussion and said “The Supreme Court just overturned ROE? What the f**k?!” loudly enough for me to hear it from three rooms away. It took it actually happening for some people to wake up. I don’t know why anyone ever believed the Republican Justices when they lied and said Roe was settled law. They were always on a mission to take it away. They are a combination of fanatics and plain sexist, opportunistic, reactionary assholes.
I know someone whose father convinced his wife she was not smart enough to learn to drive a car or make decisions on her own., and she went along with it. She is long since passed away, but they were married for decades. She is an example of a woman who cannot just get a divorce. The father outlived her and his kids thought he was such a good father!!
Hopefully the younger generation is less
likely to get in that trap, but unfortunately many young girls are still being brainwashed to think they are weak and without choices. Sad.
So this is not related really, and I’m waaay down here in the comments basement, but I just wanted to share my story from this weekend. My in-laws are all, unfortunately, loud and proud Trump supporters. I don’t ever bring up politics around them, and do my best to change the subject or leave the conversation if it does come up, because I’m not going to change their minds and I have no interest in getting myself riled up over it. However, when it came up yesterday at a party, my sister in law said she hated that Harris was a “liar” because she “said she was Indian, and then said she was Black.” When I responded with, “well, because she’s biracial, so she’s both,” my SIL looked at me like she had never considered that as an option. The most comforting part about all of this, though? Turns out, her and her big opinions have never voted! And she won’t this year, because she “can’t do crowds.” Her equally opinionated husband wasn’t sure if he was registered but knows it’s fine, because he can just register on election day. You guys.
@Bethany hehe make sure they show up on Thursday to vote in-person 😛
Women are 💀 because MILLIONS of them can no longer get abortion healthcare… in 2016 & 2020 it was a possibility…now it’s a reality….it’s as simple & horrifying as that😢🤬