Here are photos from last night’s Festival of Remembrance concert, which is always held the night before Remembrance Sunday (today). I’ll cover the Remembrance Sunday photos tomorrow, but these concert photos deserve their own post. This is the Princess of Wales’s second public outing since the summer, and since her very strange “cancer-free” announcement video in September. The last time we saw her was when she suddenly popped up in Southport with William a month ago. Ol’ girl has been noticeably “refreshed” since then.
Kate usually chooses a conservative black dress or coatdress for this concert, and this year’s appearance was no different. A black coatdress which looks new to me, but who knows. The point wasn’t actually the coatdress, it was the jewelry She wore Princess Diana’s Collingwood pearl earrings, and paired them with a pearl necklace from Monica Vinader (which is part of Kate’s jewelry collection, she didn’t borrow it). She also got to wear her sapphire engagement ring, which has been largely missing this year in various sightings and events.
In recent weeks, there’s been a new emphasis on how Kate is feeling a lot better and she’s preparing to be keen yet again. Katie Nicholl at Vanity Fair gave an update just before Kate’s Remembrance appearances:
According to a family friend, the princess, who was photographed in Scotland in August attending a church service with Prince William and the king and queen, is “doing well” and feeling “better than ever.”
“Catherine was committed to attending two key events, Trooping the Colour and Remembrance Sunday, because she knows how important they are both to the king and the nation. She’s doing very well and feeling very strong and positive about the future,” the source told “In fact, she and William have enjoyed a couple of low-key visits to Scotland recently without the children, which has been very special time for them.”
Aides say it’s the princess’s intention to return to work full-time when she is ready, and that she is working on her Christmas carol service of thanksgiving, to be held at Westminster Abbey next month, which she also plans to attend with her family.
Again, they’ve set it up so people only really expect to see her once a month (with summers off) for the big events. What I would love to know is if this is purely Kate’s call, or if Charles and William want Kate tamped down and largely out of sight from here. Also: Camilla begged off for this event because of her chest infection, so Princess Anne was seated with King Charles.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Prince and Princess of Wales arriving to attend the annual Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales, Prince William Where: London, United Kingdom When: 09 Nov 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales arriving to attend the annual Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 09 Nov 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince and Princess of Wales arriving to attend the annual Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales, Prince William Where: London, United Kingdom When: 09 Nov 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince and Princess of Wales arriving to attend the annual Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales, Prince William Where: London, United Kingdom When: 09 Nov 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales arriving to attend the annual Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 09 Nov 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester attending the annual Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales, Prince William Where: London, United Kingdom When: 09 Nov 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Duchess of Gloucester, Princess of Wales, Duke of Gloucester, Prince of Wales, Duke of Kent, King Charles III, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence and the Princess Royal attending the annual Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall Featuring: The Duchess of Gloucester, Catherine, Princess of Wales, Duke of Gloucester, Prince William, Duke of Kent, King Charles III, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence and Anne, Princess Royal Where: London, United Kingdom When: 09 Nov 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales arriving to attend the annual Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 09 Nov 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince and Princess and Wales with the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester attending the annual Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales, Prince William Where: London, United Kingdom When: 09 Nov 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
Holy fillers. It’s fillers right?
No its filters . Have a look at todays photos
Agree I think it’s mostly lighting and having a photographer willing to touch up the photos.
It’s not fillers, it retouching.
I saw her today live on BBC and I have to agree with the other comments. She didn’t look good. I thought Charles looked well.
She is trying to become windsor corpse bride. Her looks just remind me of that.
Or she’s just finished being treated for cancer, so it’s hardly surprising that she doesn’t look as great as she used to
@Yvonne, except her husband spilled the beans that she was being treated for precancerous cells. I’ve got those. I’ve never had chemo. MANY women I know have had them. They never had chemo. Weird.
To me, the issue is not about her having cancer and how that has affected her appearance. I’m not here to judge how well a person who has been sick looks. Or how sick a person really is based on their appearance. I can believe it’s been a rough year no matter what and that’s had an affect. But at the same time, it’s all smoke and mirrors which makes that conversation moot. The issue has always been how much some rota photographers retouch her and how that creates a cognitive dissonance when we see photos of her as is with no retouching. There are photos from a few years back in Denmark when she was not retouched. And they are similar to how she looks on the balcony for remembrance. And that was well before cancer. She looks younger and smoother in some pics bc she is retouched. There’s a denial from some of her fans or the British public/media to acknowledge that she has aged and that it’s okay. She’s an attractive woman who is aging and sometimes she and the press like to play youthful pretty princess with pictures as opposed to showing a pretty woman who looks markedly older. I’m vain too and I get it but there’s a sense of reality-denying and blaming looks on a sickness. I can believe her health has affected her appearance but so has aging and what if she just continued to have minimal retouching in all her pics and we could just get used to seeing her as is.
@Joy … Kate spilled the beans herself during that ‘Bench’ video statement. She said she [has been] undergoing ‘preventative chemotherapy’. Oncologists around the world scratched their collective heads at that, but no one gave them any notice or made a stink about it in the media.
Agree with others – it’s retouching and a filter or mayyyyybe super heavy makeup.
The difference between these pictures and pictures from today (that KP posted!!) is insane.
Right? The pictures from last night made her look like she was in her 20s, and I thought “Ah, fillers and some nice new extensions. Well done.”
Today she looks much more her age (nothing wrong with that, she looks fine, I like her outfit although it probably cost 30k pounds). I suspect she didn’t get retouched today as much, but I did notice the eye blinking on the Daily Mail video…She’s blinking every second, what is that? It’s very noticeable. And don’t tell me it’s tears of sadness for veterans. It’s just like William when he showed up drunk to the investiture earlier this year. Is there a medication that makes you blink rapidly and constantly, and are they sharing it? Valium? IDK
The blinking could be TD (side effect of many psychiatric meds), signs of a neurological issue or dry eyes/vision problems.
My first thought as well. And apparently wearing Diana’s earrings is “news.” The bar is in hell, I swear. “A very special time for them” without the kids. Sure, Jan. He can barely look at the woman. Katie Nicholl: known, proven liar.
Here is were im at with her. She isn’t useful period. Who cares she got fillers. Who cares that she will only appear when her contract seems to allow. This is a marriage of business and a crap business it is. She is a known liar and I’m very tired of known liars. The whole institution/family is one big lie. I’m still of the belief that she left for other reasons than “pre-cancer cells”. The lying will continue.
Looks like she had her jowls tucked, and that lower area of her face tightened and slimmed.
Will and Kate simply do not have *it* and never will. Period. I barely made it to reading the end of the post because they are utterly and absolutely uninteresting/vapid. Nothing they do interests me. Its ALL contrived. Also still amazed that, nearly 5 years after Meghan’s departure, the brit media DAILY have Meghan’s name in their mouths. It will one day result in a case study of the deepest, most unsettling types of stalking and obsession. Bring on INVICTUS!
These people have gone so far past having the “it” factor it’s not even relevant. Will appears to be shrinking before our very eyes(we do have eyes) and surprised they didn’t do more to camouflage what is going on with left side of Kate’s face. Do remember thinking a few weeks back that if Wills took Big Blue back, Kate should have a replica made since so much of her life revolves around that thing. Wouldn’t be surprised if this were the case.
I think whenever they dust off Cannot to appear at a major event William gives her Big Blue back for appearances.
On Instagram the royal bootlickers were out in full force. These pictures – she is so beautiful, her hair is so glossy, most beautiful princess ever!
Pictures from today: Poor thing looks so tired, hope she doesn’t overdo it, fighting cancer takes a toll, she should rest!
This woman never had cancer, as per her loving husband. KP let us know she is well enough to hit the gym. But standing for 30 minutes tops is exhausting? She had no problems this week carrying a shotgun, walking through the heather, shooting grouse.
Makes me throw up in my mouth.
I’m embarrassed for you if you actually believe what you write. I feel sad that your life must be so small and irrelevant that you feel you need to write these comments to make you feel relevant.
I wanted to reserve my comments in case she lost hair due to chemo but I saw different angles of her hair,and if I didnt notice hair pieces or extensions before this ,they are so noticeable now,it looked ridiculous like a Disney character.
But the BM screams like WanK had the best PDA before this concert. I want through the Daily Fail comments, people criticised her for making the whole event about her. Only about her dresses and fashion.
This dress actually gives me Queen Mary of Denmark vibes. She and Queen letizia often had these fashion.
And Princess ann’s dress looks different and good. Not her shoes. But many people praised dutchess of G’s dress choice.
But the remeberance Sunday look was really awful on Kate. She looked like a granny and hate the hat choice. The looks nice but not on her. Seems like she is enjoying ‘Camila free’ event. Finally as everyone predicted it is all about kate not the war veterans.
@Neeve – Notice how her parting is on the other side now? The scar must be fully healed.
She appears quite healthy and refreshed after her recent almost year long illness.
Thanks to the photoshop talents of the photographers. See other photos from the event that are untouched and there’s a big difference. Her *illness* is still up for debate, there is no proof other than some vague reference to “random cancer cells” and a whole lotta coverup and faking.
Where are the untouched photos?
@Caitlin — Daily Mail and X.
Yup, she sure does look “refreshed”. And forgive me, but seeing her in these pics makes me question what she has (illness wise) or if she is even ill to begin with.
Please don’t start questioning whether someone is ill or disabled based on their appearance alone. It’s a slippery slope.
@yvonne, this is a valid question, considering the circumstances around the Royal Family. We have every right to question Kate’s “illness”.
Yvonne, the British Royal Crime Family tells lies 24-7, 365. It is perfectly reasonable to question everything they say.
The lies they’ve been caught in bely the fact that it’s very likely the whole cancer story has been blown out of proportion or entirely faked. We may never know the real reason behind her disappearance and reluctance to go back to her “less lazy days” but we can be suspicious when things don’t add up.
Never forget: North Korea levels of propaganda.
Heavy re-touching on the photos and lots of makeup. And she was never ill. She had surgery, that was it.
Her hair ages her.
So true. I’m 41 with long hair downnto the middle of my back, but I have layers and shorter strands around my chin and cheeks and it makes all the difference. Without the layers the long hair dragged my face down so much. I’m blessed with thick healthy hair, so if I just leave it grow it looks like hers and it’s very aging.
She mush have had a chemo that she didn’t lose her hair. I am currently going through chemo and cold capping to save some of my hair and hopefully stop permanent hair loss.
There are so many rules for cold capping and what you can or can’t do to your hair. Even months after you have finished chemo. There is no way she could wear wigs, a topper or extensions for months if she did cold capping..
@Elise — good luck with your cancer treatment, wishing you a full recovery!
Elise, I wish you the best. And Jaded, I hope you are doing well.
To add the heavy 80s makeup also ages her – she needs to burn the eyeliner and learn how to blend properly.
There is a noticeable difference when a professional make up artist does it – she looks better but she tends to do her own makeup – girlfriend needs to get herself over to Tik Tok for the beauty vids.
I wish she would update her makeup style. I loved her makeup she had in the cancer announcement video this past Spring. It was soft and flattering and fresh.
I agree! I’m shocked at how terrible her eye makeup is. It’s so dated. W & K are literally withering before our eyes. They are both looking absolutely ghoulish. Assuming both aren’t actually in very poor health, this feels like karmic retribution. Their horrible inner selves are showing through.
These photos are photoshopped she looks dreadful in the photos from the service today . She’s aged considerably. Jowls , huge bags under her eyes etc
There are times when you can absolutely see Carole and Pippa coming through. Kate isn’t as hard-faced as they are, but I see it in some photos when she isn’t “on”.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Carole was a regular smoker.
A lot of the aging around Kate’s mouth suggests she is a smoker herself. Smoking rapidly ages people more than they realize.
We know she was at some point a smoker as she was seen with cigarettes in her possession before(but sometimes people carry cigs for their friends). I would think that she would have stopped years ago at this stage.
There have been pap photos from the dating days where packets of cigarettes could be seen in her open bags, and I think I even remember pics of Kate actually smoking. But so much has been scraped, so I’m not sure if my mind isn’t playing tricks.
Oh there were definitely pictures of her with cigarettes because I remember them too.
If she did quit then she really was a heavy smoker at the time because the tell tale effects are there now.
Camel Lights was Kate’s brand IIRC.
I don’t smoke myself, but my sister who is 18 months younger, has smoked since she was 14. She would smoke in her sleep if she could. She goes off and buys all this Dermalogica and other fancy brands and well, the lines are starting to kick in big-time now.
@Tarte Au Citron – Carole WAS a regular smoker. I remember reading something a few years ago about how she chewed nicotine gum in front of the Queen.
I was going to say, the British press appears to be back to shenanigans with the photoshopping because she looks like a lot different today. She was helped here with good lighting and, almost something akin to stage make-up – it’s so heavy, but works since the lights are harsh.
Side note – if I didn’t know who was ill – I would think it was William at this point, he has gotten so thin and aged. I do wonder sometimes.
@Talie, we tend to focus on Kate’s appearance but in some photos I saw, William looked awful…and there were many red spots on different parts of his head and I wonder again if the whole beard thing is about gaslighting the public about what’s really wrong with the Wales…
Those pearl earrings look so cheap on her. They photo-shopped her here because Kitty looks older than Sophie in today’s photo.
I think the issue is that she tried to create a set look with her own necklace and that effort failed spectacularly.
I see the wandering eyebrow appears to have halted it’s escape to her hairline.
Isn’t her poppy leaf supposed to be at 11:00 and not straight up? I wonder if she left off the engagement ring for a while because of all the attention Meghan got when she didn’t have hers on.
Yes. The leaf is meant to point to 11 o’clock as it represents the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month that the Armistice was signed to end WW1. Of course the significance is lost on Kate.
Forgive me but I thought she was so showy. She was front and centre getting all the attention lik3 she was at some kind of premier. Big blue is back she looks as though she has been on holiday abroad. Poor Sophie tucked away at the back. Charles and Anne look like thunder.
I too thought Kate had some new work done until I saw today’s photos. Last night photos were retouched. Apparently when she wears a big hat or a hat with a veil, photographers are unable to photoshop her pictures.
The Daily Fail did her dirty,those pictures are awful, are they from different agencies or do these big papers have in house photogd? Either way she looked stone face and miserable.
I’m thinking within the concert event there is prob only one chosen photographer. There are more photographers for the next day balcony appearance. But it does feel uncanny and strange to have such differences from one day to another. I think lighting and angles can have a big impact but I really think it’s mostly retouching.
@Neeve – Everyone who attends the Remembrance Sunday service at the Cenotaph in London is supposed to look stone-faced and miserable. It’s tantamount to a funeral.
No finger plasters this time, so that’s good, right?
He knuckles are very misshapen , like she has arthritis ,
Very swollen .
A Squaddie shared the video of the Wailses’ arrival at RAH.
Hundreds of yards of barriers and… nothing. No cheering Derangers, and the few people (tourists?) who passed the site didn’t stop.
Despite St. FakeyKatie’s arrival being announced well in advance.
They are in bigger trouble than they realize. If Kate can’t bring a crowd then who do they have?
Wow that’s a lot of make up and photoshop. It looks like her head is attending a different even to the rest of her.
Her makeup looks dreadful, like it was applied with a “virtual try-on” tool.
The blush is soooo bad, it’s a bit unbelievable. And too much eyeshadow for a somber event. Well, at least Kate is consistent with her heavy-handed makeup application, maybe someday she’ll be consistent with her royal duties.
It’s funny how they pretend that she is the one planning the Christmas concert. Does anyone actually believe that?
I wonder what she actually does all day, other than going to the gym.
Tells the servants what to do.
It’s been reported lots of times that carol is the one who tells the servants what to do. She organises the running of the household, Kate’s wardrobe, the childrens activities (done with the nannies).
Kate sleeps in late, works out 2hrs a day, Goes shopping by herself for hours, spend hours in a salon chair having hair and beauty treatments, goes to restaurants, goes swimming.
She looks good but reminds me of a broken figurine held together by invisible glue, people not perceptive can’t see but the cracks are there and one day no glue will be able to hold it together.
She’ll be totally reliant on her mother.
She is useless without her mother always has been
Carole controls her life
The UK headlines this morning calling her brave for attending a concert are just disgusting. There are real soldiers being honoured at this concert who were truly brave. Kate showing up after confirming she is cancer free and dancing in a video is not an act of bravery. It is pure narcissism to allow that media narrative especially for Remembrance Day events. Besides she already shows her face back for Trooping months ago.
What was interesting is that a video of them pulling up to the event had barriers but no one waiting to see them. Even the news of Kate being there doesn’t bring a crowd. This is a bigger issue than they realize.
It is so awful kate preening for cameras and being called brave. Kate does not have to struggle negotiating with insurance companies that will help pay for needed medicine and medical care.
The whole thing has become bizarre. That’s the only word.
Not all that long ago, The Festival of Remembrance at the RAH would have drawn masses of cheering crowds on the Saturday evening as The Queen & Phillip, the Queen Mother & Princess Margaret, Charles & co alighted outside. Those glory days, sadly, are gone forever.
Her brave?
I am going to vomit
She’s being hailed as “brave” for attending a concert?? Get me off this planet now please
@Lorelei, LOL. I guess she was “brave” too going maskless during Covid at all sorts of events.
I had some precancerous cells zapped off my cervix three years back. Then I went to a hard rock festival for 4 days, including moshing. When I got home, I returned to work. Where was my parade? lol
PS I don’t pretend for one moment I “overcame cervical cancer” either
First of all, why would you even want a parade for something that you obviously don’t think is parade worthy? Like girl… calm down. I had the same procedure and it wasn’t fun, but it was a walk in the park compared to chemo. Listen, you don’t know what is going on with this woman, so put your knives away and chill.
I honestly don’t think any of you are real. There is no way this many people are so awful. I want to believe you are all bots.
Ummm… I am a combat war veteran and I think battling cancer is pretty freaking brave. I mean… you are literally at war with your own body. I’m glad she’s doing better.
Precancerous does not mean cancer. It means it was found before it became cancer. Not the same thing and doesnot require 8 months of treatment and a years worth of pity parties. Someone is lying here
You guys can’t be real people. There is no way. I refuse to believe that any one person, especially many people, can be this hypocritical and so trapped in group think.
The concert was for the dead soldiers who were brave. Kate has already made public appearances and she made a video announcing she was cancer free so at this point it is ridiculous to trot out brave especially for this particular concert.
It seems you are the one who is new here. Please catch up by reading all prior BRF posts to bring you up to speed. No one has asked Kate to divulge her medical records, but it is not brave to be in her position and “fight” cancer that the public can’t even confirm or deny the existence of. She hasn’t shared what type of cancer, her treatement, her journey. She hasn’t thanked her doctors or caregivers. She hasn’t even asked others to donate to a specific cancer charity. She is getting the best care courtesy of the UK tax payer and will only come out to work if she is given praise and a standing ovation.
That being said, thank you for your service. Trust me: You have done more in being brave than Kate has ever done. Before this bout of illness, she claimed that the hardest thing she ever had to do was a car ride and walkabout with Meghan after the Queen’s death. Perspective.
Holy shit Lemons, you just proved my point. You hit all of the talking points. Nice. Let’s see… tax payer, blah, cancer or no cancer, blah, thanking drs, blah, not donating to cancer charity, blah, not working, blah, and of course… Meghan! I guess job well done 👍 like you literally went through it all like you are chat gpt.
This picture does look like Kate had work done; or it was photo shopped. If there is another picture that is her true image please provide a link. If there’s one appearance Kate won’t be able to get out of is when Trump comes to the UK for a state visit. William is now heir apparent and he & Kate are going to be expected to be front line for the meet and greet and official photos. The Tangerine Tyrant will see it as an insult if they bow out; and he is petty enough to make the UK pay for it. Trump’s tarrifs are purported to be 60% increase of Chinese imports and 10% for other countries. The UK is one of them and British businesses are already taking steps. A bigger increase in tarrifs for the UK is not beyond the realm of
I think peg is a UK m a g a. All the talk of harry s visa and so on.
Are you OK? Dude, you are so not convincing. This is so over the top. Tone it down a bit if you want people to bite. LOL!
The un photoshopped photos are on the front page of the fail – she is looking as rough as always. They are back to trolling her by not editing the sh!t out of her to make her look better – the pettiness from the UK media over frankenphoto gate is still going on.
I don’t think she’s had any work done or has had any recent fillers or botox but am sure she will be back to that at some point.
I found the untouched picture of Kate. Wow.
Goodness! That’s a night and day difference!
The many faces of Kate. How do they expect people to take her seriously when she has elventy faces and won’t work.
There was some weirdness with the touch up above her left eye at the concert photos but today she has a small veil over that area.
I’m tired of Kate. I have lost all interest in her.
And I think William has the beard in an effort to cover how much weight he has lost.
I still say he should let the beard thicken and grow out more.
I find it hard to understand how wearing stuff that was once worn by a deceased person is newsworthy and they pay you millions of pounds to do it.
I actually think even this photo is a little smoothed out and retouched but very subtly bc it’s in daylight. There was zero retouching on the photos from that outdoor Wales discussion she did with William. But here I’d say there still some light retouching.
Yeah I agree that there has been some subtle retouching her – he is after all their go go paps who is married to her stylist/PA.
It also looks like she’s had her lips done – there is something off looking around that area. But maybe thats the retouching.
Here’s a link to photos that aren’t from Chris Jackson. They’re from another photographer and seem to be legit. Honestly, sometimes online, people show photos that make someone look worse and are altered to look worse. But bc these have the photographer’s name, I think they’re legit? And they’re very different than the ones I’m seeing on page 6 or other coverage that uses Jackson’s photos. And honestly, I get it. I’m vain and I’d want my close-ups retouched too. But unfortunately, it’s still a form of propaganda. And it creates a weird situation in which she looks so different from one event to another.
Those Chris Jackson photos give me The Woman in Black vibes.
I’ve seen candids from her outdoor talk event not to long ago with Peggy she actually looks good in the photo you linked in your post compared to those photos, Especially her neck (which Botox will do wonders on). I truthfully don’t care about who gets Botox or filler I certainly have and probably will again in the future. I always find it hilarious when they try to lie to a people who have knowledge and have used the products themselves and know what to look for.
@aquarius64 – Wow! Scroll down on that thread and you will see a couple of photos of Kate grinning at something. Highly inappropriate for such a solemn occasion as the Remembrance Sunday service.
She looks confused like she doesn’t know how to respond to whatever the gentleman is telling her.
Thanks for that link! Jesus those are bad
That’s a Chris Jackson photo. You better believe that’s photoshopped. That’s the best he can do while dealing with a veil.
But Chris Jackson, who usually Photoshops her to death, posted that photo— he must have done at least *some* retouching, right?
I do think there’s some definite retouching in the Chris Jackson photo. If you look at the link I gave from another photographer from the same event, there’s a difference. Idk, it’s just a weird situation in which photos from the same event just look so very different. Honestly, there are stars who walk down the red carpet with one of those big lighting things behind them as they get photographed. Just out of sight of the photo but still there. It’s just they make fun of Hollywood and act like the royals would never! When that’s just not true. They want their good angles and their lighting and their retouched faces just as much if not more than any Hollywood actress out there. They’re just not honest about it while disparaging others. But dishonesty is the true royal way. Especially the Wales way.
Too much makeup and she enjoys being center of attention. The media is trying to make sure they promote will and Kate as still together.
William looks awful with the beard. And he does not look too happy being there with Kate
No work done. Photos today show her real face.
She is looking very scary!
What I love is there was absolutely no crowd, just a lot of crowd barriers that someone had to assemble and remove for no one. At the rate these people are destroying the Monarchy they won’t even need crowd barriers for their funerals or coronation unless it’s for the protesters and morbidly curious.
I truthfully expected Waity to play the disappearing engagement ring speculation narrative long before now, it was all the rota and her husband focused on for months, but she just looks foolish at this point. Maybe she should take another year off, come up some sort of personality that doesn’t involve copying Meghan.
I missed the controversy surrounding Kate’s health and the photoshopped kids debacle. Kate and William appear older, resembling Harry’s aunt and uncle or Sophie and Edward’s age group. William’s beard looks unflattering, especially since he seems to have lost weight. Hatred really does age a person huh?
Well she got old quite fast – yeah? Looks as awful as William …. If they are trying to outshine Harry and Meghan – it’s not working
There was an unedited photo of her at last year’s Remembrance Day event and she looked about the same. The main issue is that she’s being photoshopped much less, well except for some of these concert photos. So in the unedited photos she looks much different. If you look at the unedited photos from her trip in Denmark she looked roughly the same there too.
The media did her no favours by putting the filters of blast for so long. The question I guess is why they stopped recently.
The press will be the end of them. Too much with the ‘brave Kate’ narrative.
This is probably me being picky but it bugs me that Kate has paired the Collingwood pearl earrings which are quality with the cheaper Monica Vinader pearl necklace. Considering the price point of the necklace is probably means the pearl is faux or a lower grade quality. Wouldn’t you match like with like? Or does she not see the difference in the different grades of pearls? The Queen (QE2) always knew how to wear her jewellery and matched her pieces beautifully.
Mixing “costume” jewelry with genuine pieces is definitely a fashion thing, that said she does have some pretty In2Design drop pearl earrings that probably would have matched the necklace better. Nevertheless I don’t think they’re quite dressy enough for the setting/venue and I can understand various reasons why she went with Diana’s.
I just think she thought “Pearls, pearls match ’cause they’re pearls” without any idea there are stark differences in quality. Kate doesn’t have heirloom family jewellery to lean on as a true aristo would do, and Cam keeps her well away from the vault. We were lamenting her need for guidance and a functional wardrobe of quality jewellery before she went missing.
I also think the coat would be better with the closer fitting ‘wasp waist’ shape her nipple tassel one had.
I’ve always felt she wears Diana’s jewellery in the – hopeless – belief that some of Diana’s effortless glamour and confidence will attach to her.
And probably hatched up, like the gift of the engagement ring 15 years ago, by Carol.
Ye gads, the fillers look like she got cheek implants.
I honestly just burst out laughing. YouTube shows a video of their arrival last night, and there are countless metal barricades to keep back the “peasants.” Hardly anyone is there! I needed that laugh.
Now if that were Harry and Meghan …
I’m thinking maybe the deliberately kept the peasants away. There are barricades, yes, but I’m thinking even if there were people wanting to line up and see them (doubtful), maybe they were headed off a few streets away. These two don’t really like their adoring public.
Horrible makeup applied with a trowel. Blend girl. Blend.
She or whoever applied it was very heavy handed.. especially with that 80’s style blush 😳
She seems to be wearing that engagement ring as if it were a dress ring. Strange.
The blush applied with a shovel is so intense
And what’s with that strange brown streak at her temple/hairline?
That brown mark/smudge looks like she just dyed her hair and didn’t get all of the dye off her skin.
I think that’s part of the airbrushing of the photo.
Is it the poorly blended eyeshadow or is that scar under her right eyebrow more visible?
Isn’t this an event to honor those who died in the military service of their country?
Like Veterans Day in US, no?
She looks a bit like Boy George with all that makeup troweled on.
Goodness, less and blend it better.
I do wish they would stop calling her brave and all that.
Plenty of ppl must get thru cancer treatment, it can be brutal.
Just send her out to do the photo opp and get on with it.
QEII had bone cancer at her elderly age, fgs.
Charles is 2x Kates age and still going thru treatment.
Either do your job, with some quiet dignity or stay at home.
Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago, Kate met with the 16 y/o girl with terminal cancer, tried making the focus on Kate? Low Class!
Diana was Superior in Every.Single.Way. Kate is not classy enough to ever hold Dianas coat.
She is completely shameless. Whatever the event it is always all about her.She must be having a couple of her “good days”
Kate never worked full time so how can shevreturn to something she never did.