On November 13th, Donald Trump nominated Matt Gaetz to be his Attorney General. Gaetz resigned from Congress that same day. As it turned out, Gaetz resigned just a few days before the House Ethics Committee was due to release their years-long investigation into Gaetz’s sleazy indecency. The committee heard testimony from some of the women Gaetz paid for sex, and testimony about just how many teenage girls Gaetz abused, solicited, raped and trafficked. On Wednesday, the New York Times released a detailed accounting of just how many women and girls were paid to have sex with Gaetz. Throughout the whole eight-day saga, the Ethics Committee repeatedly refused to release their full report. But all of the detailed reporting on Gaetz’s years of degeneracy began to take its toll – even Republican senators, weeks away from the majority, told Gaetz that his nomination was DOA. So on Thursday, Gaetz formally withdrew.
Matt Gaetz, who faced a torrent of scrutiny over allegations of sex trafficking and drug use, abruptly withdrew his bid to become attorney general on Thursday in the first major political setback for President-elect Donald J. Trump since his election this month.
Mr. Gaetz has consistently denied the allegations, but his prospective nomination ran into trouble in the Senate, where Republicans were deeply reluctant to confirm someone to run the same Justice Department that once investigated him on suspicion of sex trafficking an underage girl, even though no charges were brought.
In announcing his withdrawal a day after visiting the Senate, Mr. Gaetz insisted that he had strong support among fellow Republicans. But two people with direct knowledge of Mr. Gaetz’s thinking said he had made the decision to pull out after concluding that he would not have the votes in the Senate for confirmation. The people asked for anonymity to discuss his private decision-making.
“While the momentum was strong, it is clear that my confirmation was unfairly becoming a distraction to the critical work of the Trump/Vance Transition,” Mr. Gaetz wrote on social media. “There is no time to waste on a needlessly protracted Washington scuffle, thus I’ll be withdrawing my name from consideration to serve as Attorney General. Trump’s DOJ must be in place and ready on Day 1.”
He added, “I remain fully committed to see that Donald J. Trump is the most successful President in history. I will forever be honored that President Trump nominated me to lead the Department of Justice and I’m certain he will Save America.”
I’ve seen the names of at least five Republican senators who confirmed off-the-record that they would not vote for Gaetz as AG. That would be enough – the incoming Republican majority is 53-47. I’m seeing a lot of gross jokes about how dangerous Gaetz is now… dangerous for the high school girls in Florida. Dangerous at all of the quinceanera parties. But I prefer the jokes about how Gaetz’s nomination didn’t even last a full Scaramucci. What a train wreck. Who will be Trump’s next AG candidate? The late, great Hannibal Lector? Ah, that joke isn’t even relevant anymore – Trump has already nominated Pam Bondi as his new pick for AG. She was one of his impeachment attorneys.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- United States Representative Matt Gaetz (Republican of Florida) questions United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III during a House Committee on Armed Services hearing “A review of Defense Secretary Austin’s unannounced absence” in the Rayburn House Office Building. Featuring: Matt Gaetz Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 29 Feb 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- United States Representative Matt Gaetz (Republican of Florida) questions Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Director Steven Dettelbach appears before a House Committee on the Judiciary hearing “Oversight of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives” in the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC Featuring: Matt Gaetz Where: Washington, District of Columbia, United States When: 23 May 2024 Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
- United States Representative Matt Gaetz (Republican of Florida) speaks to press at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the Fiserv Forum Featuring: United States Representative Matt Gaetz (Republican of Florida) Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States Credit: CNP/INSTARimages
I’ve been trying to figure out of Gaetz was played or one of the players here. On the one hand, the GOP hates him and getting him to resign from Congress with the carrot of the Justice job was probably a popular idea. On the other hand, Gaetz may have been totally in on that play, so one of the players. He didn’t want that report to come out. Now, he can go to Florida and run for Governor. In the end, I think he was part of the play.
That’s what I think as well. And now he is a ‘victim’ of the deep state or whatever. Trump hasn’t even taken office and I’m so tired.
I don’t think Gaetz is smart enough for that kind of chess. I think he knew resigning from congress was in his best interests because of the ethics report, and I think he saw the AG job as a way to get out of congress without looking like he was resigning because of the report. Plus, he probably views AG as a lot more prestigious than being a member of the House.
I also think the GOP loathes him like you said and while someone like McConnell might have seen this as a way to get rid of him, I dont think Gaetz thought he would go out like this.
But he will of course twist it so he looks like this victim and like this was all part of a master plan. But I dont think it was on his part.
it’s entirely possible he will show up in January to get sworn in for another term, given that he did win reelection. and possibly the ethics report will stay buried.
Or he might get an offer for a White House job that doesn’t require confirmation. Or he’ll end up on Fox News, another talking head (cue the Max Headroom references).
There was a line in the reporting of his meetings with senators that stayed with me, though, that Gaetz “did not seem to understand the breadth and scope of the position of AG”. kind of emblematic of the whole enterprise.
@maisie he turned in an official resignation and said he would not be sworn in for the next Congress. He can’t just show up and say “I changed my mind,” he’d have to be appointed by DeSantis and, if that happens, he’d face the ethics charges he was trying to dodge. Rumor has it Lara Trump wants DeSantis to appoint her
DeSantis can’t appoint anyone to that seat. The special election is in April.
A bunch of us were texting about this last night and we were happy and relieved about it. One down, everybody else (wishful thinking) to go!
The this morning I read something one of my friends sent while I was asleep: only a handful of Republiscum senators (enough this time) thought Gaetz was too toxic to confirm; that’s cutting it close. And beyond that, Gaetz will probably return to Congress, which I thought he was not going to do.
So in all, good news that’s a bit more mixed than I thought it would be.
If he returns to Congress, he increases the risk that the ethics report will be released or leaked.
The ethics committee report must be released. Republicans cannot be allowed to continue this cover up. Democrats should be jumping up and down about the Republican cover up of sex trafficking and statutory rape by a former member of their caucus. Get on this, Democrats. Shout it out every damn day.
The ethics report is leaking at the moment, Bisynaptic. I think most of it will come out if it hasn’t already.
Trump wasn’t out there calling him a total loser–nothing he’s done has written him off for Agent Orange. It’s just that Gaetz isn’t the hill he wants to die on now. As far as TFG is concerned, Gaetz is potentially still viable at a later date.
And, I’m sorry if this sounds incredibly pessamistic, but I’m afraid this upcoming Congress will be better able to control the negative information surrounding Gaetz.
Not a lawyer, not a politician, but I listen to podcasts! Anyway, per the Daily Beans’ Allison Gill, that ethics report is tied to THIS session of Congress. If the report is not released now, they would have to open a new investigation with a new ethics committee with the next session of Congress (that’s if Gaetz takes up his seat again). Which, unfortunately, is not likely to happen.
supposedly, he withdrew right after CNN contacted him about a second 17yo girl, who was not part of the ethics investigation, coming forward. My guess is that what we actually know about his “sexual misconduct” is only the tip of the iceberg
I don’t think it was only a handful. I think its only a handful that were willing to even go off the record and say it. But my guess is that once he lost that handful there were a lot of others that were like “yeah I’m not voting for you either.” No Republican senator wants to be “the one” that tanks one of Trump’s nominations. But they’ll be part of a larger group that tanks it for someone like Gaetz.
The only way he can return to Congress is by winning the special election to fill his seat.
I am so sad for his victims. Imagine being such a scumbag even the Republicans can’t abide you.I truly wish I could leave the US. I am heartsick.
K, Wishing you lots of strength. Nobody knows how far Trump 2.0 can go yet, and it looks really scary–I completely understand that and having grown up in the States, my loved ones there, like you, will feel the direct impact.
As an immigrant, I would like to say that life outside the US is not always better. The NLs has a far right coalition in power at the moment. Immigrants are second class citizens for a portion of the population no matter where you come from. Keep in mind that it can be expensive. You will always have to file US taxes as an American. You need to adjust to another culture, landscape, values, language. The US is a large, powerful country: People will have strong opinions about that in ways they don’t for other places. It’s easier if you’re not just fleeing from (negative), but also going to something you really like.
@ML thanks for your kindness and information. I am quite aware that every country has its struggles and ugliness. After all, that’s part of humanity. However, as a woman I have never felt less safe than now. Not to mention also with LGBTQ+ fam/ friends whose health and lives are in danger somewhere like Denmark or Portugal is looking great.
@K, thanks for bringing up this important aspect of this whole debacle. There are young people launching in life who have been greatly harmed by this man. If anyone reading this is in that number, we are enraged and aggrieved on your behalf.
The survivor testimony has placed a warning beacon around him. Leave any room he is in.
I hope those who spoke about their experience take heart knowing that they have prevented others suffering an attack from this sick predator.
By the time tRump finishes destroying the reputation of the USA, American citizens will be ostracized everywhere on Earth. Even wealth won’t totally buffer Americans from the consequences of what is to come.
He’s a predator and for over a year many knew the contents of that investigation and nothing was done. We are living in a society consumed by white supremacy, rape culture, misogyny and abuse. And the Antichrist is moving into Pennsylvania Avenue. What horrifying time.
DING, DONG! One down, the rest, to go. Keep up the pressure!
I’ve been reading that it’s a complicated issue but he may be able to return in January because he was reelected and that’s when that term begins. If he does return, the report is then back in play and can be released. Obviously this is all new and there is no precedence because we’ve suddenly become a nation that wants sexual predators and felons running our country. It’s so sad to see all this happening.
No, as the report is from the 118th session of Congress; it does not apply for the 119th. They’d have to start all over again & it’s doubtful they’d bother.
Someone just needs to leak it and deal with the consequences later. The repugs are lawless; dems need to start playing the same game.
So was Gaetz just the sacrificial lamb to sneak through the other creeps and traitors? Now do Pete Hegseth. And RFK. And Tulsi Gabbard.
I think it may end up playing out like that. I think this is very convenient for the Rs because they hate him and this gets rid of him, even temporarily, and I think that was the big impetus here. we know the House Rs were going to try to bury the report after he resigned.
But now the Rs get to pretend they have morals and standards and so the rest will get through.
Yup. There’s no reason to think standing up to Trump will be trending soon in the Republican party among the elected officials or the base. On social media, many who voted for Trump are critiquing these horrendous picks quite articulately. But then they go right back to heaping praise on Dear Leader who is responsible for the whole sh*t show they claim to abhor. It’s definitely a cult.
This could be a whole setup to (1) give Gaetz cover to resign from the House, to escape the Ethics review; (2) give the Senate cover to confirm the other nominees; and (3) let DeSantis appoint Gaetz to Rubio’s Senate seat vacated by his cabinet appointment.
Probably all behind the scenes engineered by the Ancient Turtle.
The Gaetz to Rubio’s seat is probably the play. He gets more power. *sob*
Call Me Al, Gaetz is HATED by the GOP house, and the Senate GOP wants no part of him. He doesn’t cooperate within the GOP caucus.
Gaetz wanted total immunity from any investigation of his misdeeds and Speaker McCarthy wouldn’t give it. So Gaetz threw a tantrum then allied with the Dems to oust McCarthy. The GOP House hates that they were held hostage to his petulant antics and Trump knew Gaetz’s odds were less than 50%. Incoming Senate Majority Leader Thune is deft and lethal, I doubt he’d allow Gaetz in.
Truthiness, these are good points. Nobody wants him. I guess we will have to see who ends up with him. All Dems and GOPs hate him. I hope he ends up with no job, but the way this Fall is going, I hate to get my hopes up.
Yep, dulls our sensibilities to the horrors that are Gabbard, McMahon, Oz, Kennedy, etc. And, there’s Rubio’s Senate seat for DeSantis to fill (with this creep?)…. This is just the beginning. We’re getting played…
MAGA = Make America Gross Again
Do you guys remember Madison Cawthorn who talked about getting invited to orgies and being offered drugs in Washington parties? How fast the Republicans kicked him out instead of asking him the names. They don’t want to release the report on Matt Gaetz, because there are more republicans out there who did the same things. Matt was stupid enough to get caught because of his accomplice, who is in jail right now for the same crime. At least, he won’t be AG, but I am sure Trump has a similar leverage on the new nominee. He wants his AG to do everything he asks of them, regardless of what law says.
He doesn’t need a job. His daddy is rich. He’ll probably just wind up with a show on Fox. Scumbag.
We were listening to the news last night on the radio on our way somewhere, and whoever was being interviewed is a Democrat who was appointed by Pam Bondi to help crack down on pill mills in Florida. He said that though she is a Trump loyalist and he disagrees with her on a LOT of issues, she does believe in the rule of law. It sounds like she’s a damned sight better than Goetz. Now, that is the lowest of low bars, but I was a little heartened to hear someone who has actually worked with her say she has a compass of sorts. Hopefully she at least won’t spent whatever amount of time she lasts in a retribution tour.
He won’t just fade away, he likes the perks and spotlight too much.
I was expecting to see A.G. Alina Habba or A. G. Jeanine Pirro. God forbid.
Four more years if this and you just might! The only constant I think we can count on is that people that decide to become part of Agent Orange’s cabinet don’t last very long. This is just his first draft cabinet.
Trump will find him a comfortable, well-paid niche somewhere that isn’t as much in the public eye. He rewards the worst possible perverts, white supremacists and miscreants as long as they’re loyal. One only has to look at the pervert Linda McMahon, co-founder of World Wrestling Entertainment, running the Education Department, an agency they will run into the ground. How about Mike Davis who said about Letitia James…. “I dare you to continue your lawfare against President Trump in his second term. Because listen here sweetheart, we’re not messing around this time. And we will put your fat ass in prison for conspiracy against rights.” He also said he wants to “drag Democrats’ dead political bodies through the streets and burn them”.
Oh, good gad. I was going to ask, who is this Mike Davis person, but I don’t want to know. I’m still turtling (pulling into my shell) right now. And maybe for the next four years. Not helpful, I know, but there ya go.
You have my utmost sympathy BeanieBean!
He could try, but he can’t touch Tish. Unless she has her hands in some cookie jar somewhere, she is insulated as AG of NY. It’s not a federal position and I’m pretty sure she has absolute immunity for prosecutions.
Pam Bondi is more viable but still nightmarish. As FL Atty General she coordinated with ~18 other state AG’s to try and repeal ObamaCare. Accepted $25K from Trump that seemed to stop litigation against Trump University.
In 2014 Bondi persuaded Gov Rick Scott to delay an execution so that it didn’t coincide with the kick off event for her re-election.
Honest question: why aren’t they releasing the ethics investigation? Is it because Republicans on the committee are blocking it? Frankly, our tax dollars paid for this investigation and I think we have a right to know the results, no matter what.
Yes, the Republicans are in control and do not want to release it, rightfully fearing the backlash. Sex with high schoolers, drugs, and money. There were witnesses.