Angelina Jolie claims ‘I’ve got better work as I’ve got older,’ true or false?

Angelina Jolie has been doing interviews and press junkets for Pablo Larrain’s Maria for months now. I know all of the talking points because Jolie has barely deviated from them, nor has she given in to anyone’s attempts to get her to talk about Brad Pitt and their neverending divorce and litigation. I wonder if that’s why Angelina hasn’t done any major American magazine cover interview too – there would be an expectation that she talk about her personal life, and Jolie is letting her lawyers do all the talking on that front. Anyway, Angelina spoke to the Times of London as part of a recent junket and I have to give it to the Times, they really teased a full profile out of what was probably less than ten minutes in a room with Jolie and Larrain. Some highlights:

She cried in her first singing lesson. “It was the therapy I didn’t realise I needed. Singing opera requires you to be as emotionally open as you possibly can be — it’s not like singing in the car. It’s cathartic. I’ve never pushed myself or opened myself up in that way, that was daunting.”

She’s not chronically lonely like Maria Callas. “I don’t feel that because I have family. Maria didn’t have a family, so her work was everything. My work is not everything. Being a parent is everything.”

Jolie feels like the work has gotten better as she’s aged: “I’ve got better work as I’ve got older. I don’t think about it in terms of roles offered but in terms of life experience you contribute. It’s easier for actors than singers or dancers because your body doesn’t change.”

Divas on divas: What Jolie did relate to was Callas’s “commitment to her work”. Callas was called a diva and Jolie wants to reclaim the word from having negative connotations, especially when used towards women. “I’m a hard worker. And a deeply feeling person. Maria is vulnerable because she feels and isn’t sometimes able to protect herself from the loneliness or emotional pain. Because it’s part of her life and work to be extremely human and live that way. You live through your communication with the audience. For Maria and for me that has always been extremely important.”

Method acting: “As a young actor you say yes to everything. Can you ride horses? Can you speak this language? Then you have to learn.” For Maria she spent seven months doing intense singing lessons, as well as taking Italian classes. The score mixes her voice with Callas’s to impressive effect.

What if Larrain made a bio-pic of Jolie: So what would a Larraín biopic about Jolie be like? That’s when I get full scorn. “That gets the most insane question award,” Jolie says and she and Larraín laugh for slightly too long. “When you’re a public person and you’re playing her, you’re conscious of how you would hate for somebody to interpret your life or think they understand your life, so we tried to be thoughtful. Let’s hope there isn’t one about my life.”

[From The Times]

The Times journalist was expressly forbidden from asking personal questions or questions about Brad, but even if the journo had managed it, Angelina would have just given a withering look and stayed silent. It keeps the focus on Maria, which Angelina is obviously very proud of. I’m curious about this statement: “I’ve got better work as I’ve got older.” Eh. That’s not really true. Yes, I don’t know what scripts and projects Angelina has been offered, but we know what she’s said “yes” to and there’s a reason why people forget almost everything she’s acted in for the past decade. There’s a reason why Maria keeps being described as a “comeback” for Jolie, you know? I think Jolie legitimately wanted to work less, stay closer to home and focus on her family in the past eight years. But I also think the roles and the scripts were not there, as they’re not there for many actresses in their 40s.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Netflix.

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40 Responses to “Angelina Jolie claims ‘I’ve got better work as I’ve got older,’ true or false?”

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  1. Eliza says:

    Saw the movie. She was superb.

  2. Alwyn says:

    The Tourist was in 2010 and she’s only made a few films since then. Not sure what she means by better work but By The Sea and Those Who Wish Me Dead certainly weren’t good roles. Hopefully her next projects are well written and directed. I mean, Nicole Kidman can’t make every movie.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      By the seawas far from my favourite BUT the costumes in there changed the way I dress/wanna dress at home.

    • MsIam says:

      She certainly couldn’t have meant that Marvel movie, that thing was awful.

    • Josephine says:

      She said that she did not mean in it terms of the roles that were offered but in terms of what she could contribute to a role because of life experience.

  3. TurbanMa says:

    I enjoyed Maria so much. It’s one of those movies I will easily rewatch several times before I feel I’ve really seen it, maybe that’s just my adhd. Oppenheimer is the last one I felt that way about, like immediately watching several times.

  4. Lens says:

    It’s very few women have acting roles get better as they get older. If they are character actors maybe but Angelina is not that. Offhand I think of Helen
    Mirren since I only became really aware of her once she did prime suspect and she was close to 50 when she did that.

  5. Abbie says:

    Absolutely false, who is she trying to delude, us or herself?
    The only people who can make that claim are Meryl Streep, Hellen Mirren and Nicole Kidman (although Kidman has had equally great roles before too). Jolie wishes she was one of these people. She’s mostly stayed relevant in the past decade due to her personal drama, let’s be honest.
    And claiming that actresses have it easy because their body doesn’t change is crazy BS. What in the world? Of course your body changes after a few decades. All the cosmetic procedures she’s had to maintain her younger looking face (the irony) have gone to her brain.

    • Joanne says:

      Just say you don’t like her and be done. Angelina is a stunningly beautiful woman and a talented actress. You have no idea what she’s been offered and turned down when it didn’t suit her schedule and lifestyle with her children. She has always put the welfare of her children first. You have no knowledge or information about what if any cosmetic procedures she has had. Maybe she has and maybe she hasn’t but regardless the camera loves her and her natural beauty. Don’t be so bitter about a woman you don’t know. Angelina does a lot of good works and is a good mother.

    • Ennie says:

      Wow. Bitter much? I bet she’d prefer anything than to be relevant for her personal issues🤦🏽🤦🏽

      • Michelle says:

        Can nobody read? She explains what she meant in that she can contribute more life experience to roles…not about being offered more or better parts. She fell out of love for acting and i think working with Pablo on Maria made her enjoy it again, minus the celebrity side of the industry.

    • lanne says:

      yikes. I hope you aren’t this nasty to the women in your real life

    • Jais says:

      Lordy. None of your points are landing not just bc they’re wrong but bc you sound bitter bitter bitter. She sounded like she was saying she felt more comfortable in the roles and the work as she got older. And arguably a prima ballerina has a lot more wear and tear on the body than most actors. Brad Pitt is that you?

    • bubblegum dreams says:

      It always knocks me back when I hear or see a woman being that hateful and nasty towards another woman. You don’t like her, fine but vitriol like that? Jeez, get grip, I bet you are really fun at parties.

      • Jonah says:

        @bubblegum dreams. have you never read the comments about Kate Middleton?

      • Jais says:

        Huh? Kate Middleton who had concerns about the skin tone of an unborn baby? Kate Middleton who spread the lie that Meghan made her cry, setting up an angry black woman trope while elevating herself as the innocent white rose? That Kate Middleton? Listen, commenters can react to a person’s actual actions with disgust if that person’s actual actions are disgusting and racist. The comments are about witnessing strait-up meanness coming from Kate in real time.

      • Jonah says:

        The comments about her weight, style of dress, appearance, marriage, ED, laziness, phoniness. Remember any of those?

      • Jais says:

        I maintain that comments about someone’s actions being mean and racist, again as Kate absolutely was, are absolutely fair for comment and that shouldn’t be silenced. Style of dress? As in fashion critique? There’s websites like TLo and the fug girls dedicated to that. If her actions actually are lazy, again, fair game. Negative comments about weight and appearance, yes, I’ll agree those aren’t cool.

    • CLOVE says:

      @Abbie, we see that you are not a fan of every time you comment. You could move on, but you sound bitter to someone you don’t know! Your comment is disingenuous and so far from the truth. Also, she’s had no plastic surgery. You must be talking about Brad Pitt. Just don’t comment!

      • txgirl says:

        no plastic surgery? lol

      • Joanne says:

        TXGirl, tell us what plastic surgery she has had and where you got your information from. Angelina Jolie’s face has never changed. Did you talk to her doctors to have this information. If you are talking about her breast reconstruction, she was very open about why she had it and the process of it. If you just don’t like her, say so but don’t make up lies.

      • txgirl says:

        Joanne, the ears are always a tell if someone had a facelift, which she most definitely has. I can’t link photo’s otherwise I would point it out. During the recent press take a look at how her face connects to her ears THEN look at them about 5 years prior. Also, definitely had a nose job when she was younger.

      • Jais says:

        I have no idea if she’s had a facelift. So what if she has? And? So what. There’s a lot of people out there who’ve had facelifts that still don’t look as otherworldly beautiful as she does. She’s a woman aging in the public eye so I’d be surprised if she hadn’t had one. And I say that just bc I assume most people with money do. As I assume most actresses have had a subtle nod job at some point. Please, if I had the money I’d be having a lower face lift in a heartbeat. And a full one later down the road. And? So what. Again, I have no idea whether she has had one or not, but If she has, her work looks a lot better than her bloated ex-husband’s face. And yes I realize I’m being petty. Apparently I’m in a mood and had time .

      • txgirl says:

        Jais, I agree. I’m not saying she’s bad for having a facelift. I’m just saying let’s not delude ourselves thinking she hasn’t had any work done. She most definitely has. Still beautiful but still surgery has been done.

      • Jais says:

        I think bc the original comment was in bad faith about AJ having plastic surgery, which wasn’t even having anything to do with the interview but from someone being bitter and calling out AJ as having plastic surgery as a negative thing. So the conversation over whether she’s had plastic surgery or not is tangential and the bigger issue was someone randomly being bitter over a pretty benign interview and then randomly ranting about AJ having plastic surgery. To which i still say, and?😂

    • GrnieWnie says:

      OBVIOUSSSSSSLY she means that if you are a dancer, your body changes after your peak performance era and as you age. Injuries add up. Strength and flexibility deteriorate – that’s true for singing and dancing. Eventually, you can’t do what you used to do.

      That’s not the same for the medium of acting. It’s not physical in that sense. Physical=body. Acting is performative and you use your body, but your body/voice doesn’t age in acting the same way it does in dancing and singing. Your body, as an acting tool, doesn’t get as beat up unless you’ve made a career in action movies.

      How crazy. What a crazy observation. So wild. So outlandish. Shocking.

    • Jaded says:

      @Abbie — Your comments are unfathomable and baseless. Maleficent grossed over $758 million worldwide. She won a golden globe for Gia and an Oscar for Girl Interrupted. She got an Oscar nom for Changeling. Lots of directorial work too. And don’t forget her awesome humanitarian work. I don’t know what makes you have so much hatred for her but it’s totally undeserved.

  6. Mireille says:

    “I don’t think about it in terms of roles offered but in terms of life experience you contribute.”
    I agree. She’s been through a lot. If she’s not being mocked, abused, and torn down by Hollywood media and haters (some of which are on this thread), she had to endure physical and emotional abuse from someone she loved. Going forward, any acting role she takes will be an opportunity for her to pull from past experience and make the moment therapeutic for her. You do what you have to do to heal.

    It is sad to think when she was with Brad, I remember her saying she eventually wanted to wind down her acting career. She wanted to focus on spending time with kids, humanitarian work, and a few directing gigs now and then. Now, she doesn’t have that choice as she is the sole provider for her family. She has to take on more acting gigs as it does pay. I am happy she got the chance to play Maria. Although, not a big payout for her, at least it she got to work her craft and artistic expression to help her heal. Hope she continues on this path.

  7. Kirsten says:

    Eh… her best roles and performances were when she was younger: Gia; Girl, Interrupted; she was a good Lara Croft….

    • Tis True, Tis True says:

      This! Gia was my introduction to Jolie and it looked like she was going to be one of the greats. But she stayed in instinctual mode. When she’s on fire, there’s no one better. She’s like Keanu Reeves that way. Always very watchable, but not someone who reliably transcends bad material.

  8. Anon says:

    you know what? no actor can please all of his fans with his choice of roles. as fans we don’t have to watch all of our idol’s movies. if something doesn’t interest me, I don’t watch it. why complain so much about her role? I’m happy that she’s safe and happy. her Ateliere Jolie gives her more joy than acting in movies anyway.

  9. Grant says:

    I think that Maria is some of the finest work she’s done on film. She was transcendent. So I agree with this sentiment. I’m so looking forward to whatever she decides to do next!

  10. Pat Gaddess says:

    Some of her early work was really quite good but her behavior was so odd and frankly disgusting. Wearing vials of blood around her neck and her antics with Billy Bob Thornton were disgraceful. Her behavior at an awards show with her brother was something I wouldn’t want a child to see. Suddenly she became sainted mother Angelina. People do grow up but those images are burned in my brain.

    • CLOVE says:

      @Pat Gaddess If we held what we did against each other when we were young, no one would like us. You need to move with that crap. People change and mature, and she has! If that is burned in your brain, you have zero growth, but she has. Move on!

      I see this is a bitter day for someone of you all, that never liked her anyway, move the heck on!

      • Lady Rae says:

        I agree with what you’re saying that people do mature they get therapy they change their ways etc but I do understand where @Pat Gaddess is coming from. I feel the same way about Miley Cyrus and her whole bangers era with her twerking and all that nonsense – it’s put me off for life. I know that’s unfortunate because I know there are ways I’ve behaved in the past that if people were to retell would definitely make you an outcast but sometimes that happens with people especially if you haven’t had that guidance or socialisation as a child or young person where you behave in a way that socially acceptable from the outset as a young adult

    • Mireille says:

      First you label her behavior when she was younger as odd and disgusting.
      Then, when she becomes a mother when older, you mock her by calling her “sainted mother Angelina.” It’s damn if you do damn if you don’t. I respect anyone’s right to criticize or give an opinion on Angelina. But I’ll call out dishonest commentators who try to hide their blatant prejudice and hate under just smug, snide comments. I hope Angelina and her family enjoy success and prosperity for years to come just to spite the haters and people like you.

    • Jaded says:

      @Pat Gaddess — You do realize that she came from a broken home with a father who was relentlessly unfaithful and her parents went through an acrimonious divorce as a result. That sh*t sticks with a kid and yes, she acted out as a rebellious teen and twenty-something. Who hasn’t? The death of her mother from breast cancer in 2007 was terribly hard on her which led her to have a preemptive bilateral mastectomy and removal of her ovaries as she was diagnosed with the BRCA2 gene which pretty much guaranteed she’d develop cancer. Why not focus on her humanitarian work instead of sh*tting all over her for youthful mistakes. Oh, I guess it’s because you’re perfect and have never done anything embarrassing or wrong in your sainted life.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      @Pat Gaddess

      Sounds like maybe you have some issues to work through in therapy. Burned in your brain??
      Why devote so much RAM to that?