Don Trump Jr. dumped Kimberly Guilfoyle, the next ambassador to Greece

Since the election, cable news viewership has cratered, and print media has seen their readership crash and burn. There’s been a lot of talk about “you can’t just ignore the Trump family for four years!” Watch me. Actually, I will pay some attention to what’s happening, but the whole shambolic Trump soap opera will be incredibly painful to watch the second time around. At least Ivanka Trump won’t be preening and sashaying in the White House this time around, but we can assume that the Trump sons are going to be more involved. Speaking of, Don Trump Jr. has been with Kimberly Guilfoyle since 2018. They got engaged in 2020, and they often appear to be united by their love of drugs and plastic surgery. But there’s trouble in crackhead paradise, because Don Jr. has seemingly dumped Kimberly and now he’s seeing a Florida socialite.

Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle have broken up, sources tell Page Six. Insiders add that Trump Jr. has moved on with Palm Beach socialite Bettina Anderson. There have been rumors for months that Don Jr. and Guilfoyle’s relationship has been on the rocks: Multiple sources have told us recently that the political power couple had split, or were on shaky ground.

“Don and Kimberly haven’t been getting along over the past year,” said one source. “They get argumentative at Mar-a-Lago in front of people. Nothing crazy, but you know when a couple is fighting. They bicker in public.”

Another source told us the relationship was “rocky,” while two other sources said they’d split. Adding to the rumors, Don Jr. has been photographed multiple times with Anderson. A source told Page Six on Tuesday: “Bettina and Don have been together for a few months, and are super cute and happy together. It’s just a natural fit — everyone is happy for them!”

On Tuesday, the Daily Mail published images of Don Jr. and Anderson holding hands in public after an allegedly romantic meal at Buccan to celebrate her 38th birthday. A source also told Page Six that they saw Don. Jr. and Anderson at Buccan in a corner booth together — looking cozy and holding hands.

[From Page Six]

This is typical Trump-family melodrama and I do not care one iota unless it leads to criminal charges. So what if Don is having some kind of midlife crisis and he traded in his nutjob ex-Fox News fiancee for a younger model? But here’s the kicker, here’s what makes it interesting. On the heels of Don Jr. being spotted out with his new girlfriend, Donald Trump Sr. appointed Kimberly Guilfoyle his new ambassador to Greece. Facelifts in Mykonos for everybody!

It was an announcement made amid a swirl of tabloid speculation: Kimberly Guilfoyle, a loyalist of President-elect Donald J. Trump and — more pointedly — the fiancée of his son Donald Jr. had been named ambassador to Greece. The timing of the move — early Tuesday evening — would have been unremarkable except for what preceded it: rumors that the president-elect’s eldest son was dating a socialite, Bettina Anderson.

The new relationship was seemingly documented in a series of photos published earlier on Tuesday by the British tabloid The Daily Mail, which described them as “incontrovertible proof the soon-to-be First Son has moved on” with a “stunning ‘it girl.’”

Andrew Surabian, a spokesman for Mr. Trump, 46, did not return a request for comment on his relationship with Ms. Anderson, or on his engagement with Ms. Guilfoyle, to whom he has been betrothed since late 2020. Ms. Anderson, 38, also did not return requests for comment.

In his announcement of her posting to Greece, the president-elect called Ms. Guilfoyle “a close friend and ally,” but made no mention of her relationship with his son.

“Her extensive experience and leadership in law, media, and politics along with her sharp intellect make her supremely qualified to represent the United States,” the elder Mr. Trump wrote, in a post on Truth Social.

[From The NY Times]

This is a special kind of “failing up” – six years banging Don Jr, and your reward is an ambassadorship to a European country. It’s breathtaking, honestly – usually, the Trumps don’t reward their wives/girlfriends/exes this way. This reminds me that Donald Trump actually really liked Guilfoyle and thought she was a good choice for Don Jr. This is her reward for sucking up to the Trumps.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Avalon Red.

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76 Responses to “Don Trump Jr. dumped Kimberly Guilfoyle, the next ambassador to Greece”

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  1. ThatGirlThere says:

    Wasn’t she on the payroll for the last 8-9 years? Were they really together? Anyway. We’re screwed America.

    • Lightpurpleo is says:

      Yes. Very large monthly sums paid out of his campaign funds

    • Lawrenceville says:

      Or maybe the ambassadorship is reward for her having been Don Sr. side piece too, who knows with these folks?

    • Christine says:

      They kept her on the payroll long enough to keep Gavin Newsom from making any attempt to run for president against Trump. God, I fucking hate this family.

    • Lynne says:

      They weren’t together imo but had he been arrested for anything (jan6 Or drugs) a wife can’t be made to testify against her husband. When Trump was re-elected he didn’t need her since his father can now pardon him at any time. She was being paid and made a bonus for playing it well.

  2. WaterDragon says:

    What did Greece do to deserve THAT!!

    • NoHope says:

      As the young people would say, be mid.

      Half way but not top shelf Western European country, cultural heritage a huge plus. It’s not Africa. Not a mission critical Asian country. It’s not an impoverished backwater, but not a place where world shaping events will unfold.

      Hopefully the Greek people will put on Retsina goggles at state functions with low lighting and find her overdone look amusing. It would be nice if they felt some warmth of the POTUS sending an almost-family member to them. My sense is that this is a dump and ignore strategy, but with the right gloss everyone will save faces, injected and non.

  3. ML says:

    “On the heels of Don Jr. being spotted out with his new girlfriend, Donald Trump Sr. appointed Kimberly Guilfoyle his new ambassador to Greece.”

    I notice Agent Orange praised her and sent her far, far away.
    Question: Do you think she’d “edit” her relationship with DT Jr and emphasize shr dated Newsom?

  4. Miranda says:

    Her face is just INSANE, isn’t it? Her mouth, in particular. The corners are pulled back so tight that it looks like a Chelsea smile. That’s not even getting into the coked-up-to-her-eyeballs teeth grinding.

    • BQM says:

      And she was gorgeous. She’s a horrible person but it’s still sad when women have such dysmorphia that they think *this* is attractive or better than aging naturally. Society can really suck.

  5. Jackie says:

    She’s so gross. But I mean isn’t ambassadorship just where you put your friend? Caroline Kennedy Schlossbwrg?? Shirley temple was one..I mean…

    • Tessa says:

      She should have dumped junior ages ago.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Ambassadorships are often awards for loyalty and the diplomatic corps does all or most of the work.

      In this case, Trump probably also wants her gone so there’s no drama with Junior.

      Caroline Kennedy has served as ambassador under 2 presidents (Obama, Biden), takes her posts seriously, and is well-respected in the role. Her grandfather and aunt Jean also served as ambassadors (FDR, Clinton) and Ted’s widow Victoria is currently ambassador to Austria and RFK’s grandson Joe is currently special envoy to Northern Ireland

      • Tessa says:

        Shirley Temple was not just a child star. As an adult, She as a delegate to the U.N. and served several ambassadorships during terms of 4 presidents.. She was popular and in her roles. She was a bright, articulate woman. She received Kennedy Center honors.

      • seaflower says:

        Caroline is well liked in Australia where she’s really adopted many Aussie-isms and participated in so many cultural and non official events. People are sad to see her go, and not just because it means we will get a Trump nut job to replace her.

    • Truthiness says:

      Caroline Kennedy’s first post was in Japan and they LOVED her. She really took the job seriously and the Japenese were proud to have her serve there. My former boss is Japanese and he called her Sweet Caroline, like the song.

  6. LadyE says:

    Donald Trump also seems to have preferred Jr’s ex, Vanessa, or didn’t seem to hold anything against her post-divorce. I dunno maybe he doesn’t approve of Jr’s constant messy end of relationship behavior, which would be quite the kettle/pot situation given Trump’s own history. But, the man is quite consistent in denouncing behavior that he actually is the worst offender of…

  7. Amy Bee says:

    She gave up 8 years of her life for Don Jr. Ambassador to Greece is a settlement deal.

  8. Tessa says:

    Living well is the best revenge. The ambassadorship should be a lot more fun than being with don junior. I wonder how long his new relationship will last

  9. Brassy Rebel says:

    Guilfoyle has always been a train wreck. But she does have an interesting history. She started her legal career as an assistant DA in San Francisco where she found herself consistently upstaged as a trial attorney by another assistant DA named Kamala Harris. Guilfoyle developed a lasting hatred for her more talented colleague when she was assigned to do pr work for the office since she wasn’t much of a trial attorney (unlike the object of her jealousy). This led to a job on Court TV which brought her national notoriety and marriage to future mayor and California governor, Gavin Newsome. Then it was on to Fox News and even more notoriety before landing in the Trump family orbit. Now she’s being exiled to Greece as a consolation prize after losing Don Jr. She’s been on a long and winding road leading to nowhere of much importance. The sad tale of Kimberly Guilfoyle.

    • Tessa says:

      She was not smart to linger in that relationship. She should have dumped him. I don’t think don junior is a loss. I feel sorry for the new girlfriend. Kimberly has no self respect.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      Oh! I knew the Newsome bit, but did not know she worked with Harris in the DA’s office and was jealous. That explains so much, actually.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        There was a good article in the NYT a couple of months back about all the drama Guilfoyle was trying to stir up about Kamala back in the day. Kamala just ignored the pettiness of it all. Wish I had saved the link.

  10. TOM says:

    The ambassadorship will stop her for a few years from doing a tell-all.

  11. Kateeee says:

    I’m choosing to read this story as DT hates DTJr so much that he decided to make Kimberly the ambassador to Greece, thinking they would go together. DTJr sensed his exile and sabotaged the plan by being seen canoodling with another woman.

    I wonder how much DTJr hates Elon, DT’s favored son of the moment?

    • Meredith says:

      Ooh, I hadn’t thought about the Donnie Jr – Elon jealousy, but for sure that’s making Jr miserable. Love it.

    • Sandra says:

      This was where my mind went, too. Kompromat may be one explanation but she has been “in” the family long enough that the T family feels she is ACTUALLY loyal, bc they obviously have a lot of dirt/leverage as well.

    • Dutch says:

      She’s also been a better soldier than either of the older sons. Not surprising she’s getting a reward and send out to pasture in one fell swoop.

  12. Stephanie says:

    “Trouble in crackhead paradise.” Lmao. Thanks for the laugh today, Kaiser. I can’t stand this family and hadn’t kept up with them prior to the election so I thought they had gotten married.

  13. Youmustbejoking says:

    Hilarious and absolutely poetic.
    She aged out and junior opted for a newer model. Like father , like son. Women are disposable and have an expiration date. Gross.

  14. Meredith says:

    Not surprised to hear that Junior is the type of man who makes sure the next woman is in place before kicking out the one he’s made a commitment too. Man Baby.

  15. Sandy C. says:

    I see two possibilities. One, Kimberly blackmailed the Donald. I’ll keep my mouth shut about Don Jr. and his (allegedly drug problems) if you give me an ambassadorship. Or two, they decided on Greece for the distance. Was Australia not available?

    • Libra says:

      I don’t think it was either one. Best case scenario: go quietly Kim, don’t make a fuss and you will be rewarded with a golden parachute.

    • Snoozer says:

      Australia is part of Five Eyes and one of the US’ closest allies globally. We might be small population-wise but we tend to get pretty good ambassadors.

  16. Sue says:

    Do you think when she goes on her first ambassador trip to Greece she’ll scream like a lunatic on cocaine “THE BEST! IS YET! *GASP* TO COMMMMMME!”

  17. Lucy says:

    I thought this stuff broke a few months ago? Like over the summer I thought DJ was seen with the new lady. Good for Guilofoyl? I guess? It’s a real job, not just “coked up opener at rallies.”

    Also I saw it posted elsewhere that Jr is on the new girls insta and she makes jokes about getting older (38?) and being close to “expiration.” Yuck.

  18. FYI says:

    If you are ready to be terrified …

    There has been talk of Trump Jr being the next Republican candidate for president. JD will have something to say about that of course.

  19. SciLies says:

    I’m old enough to remember when Republicans kept talking about Kamala and how women shouldn’t sleep their way to leadership positions.

    Girl, has the TEA. She got her choice of postings. She could write a tell-all or get a posting to a Mediterranean country.

    • FYI says:

      No shade to Greece, but that would not be the prime choice for me. It’d be France, England, Italy, Germany, in that order. Spain would be better than Greece. Portugal too.
      I mean … if we’re talking extortion, I’d lay a lot of other conditions on the table.

  20. BeanieBean says:

    I saw that headline & thought, nah, Kaiser is screwing with us. But it’s TRUE???

  21. Real Housewife of Kailua says:

    Feel sorry and nervous for Greece. Not only are they still emerging from an arguably Germany-caused financial crisis, which almost led to the breakup of the EU, Greece is a “front door” country from the perspective of refugees crossing the Mediterranean. There are a lot of critical issues specific to that country and region and clearly the Trump regime only cares about cronyism…

  22. Dilettante says:

    Ivanka won’t be sashaying around the White House, she’ll be swanning around Paris where her father in law will be ambassador. Don’t tell me she didn’t know this when she was asked if she’d go back to DC after her father got elected.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Leaving aside the rampant corruption and nepotism, foisting this collection of bozos and bimbos on significant allies shows the contempt trump has for them. If he had a pet he’d be making it an ambassador.

  24. HeatherC says:

    I hope she kept the engagement ring. After her side tanks the economy and the dollar means nothing, she can barter with that rock for her next plastic surgery

  25. GloriaGLORIA says:

    She’s too old for MAGAmen. Melania’s next to go.

    • Libra says:

      Whether she likes it or not? She will not go quietly. It will be messy and expensive.

      • Flamingo says:

        That’s why Trump gave her a Nepo-Ambassador appointment. To keep her quiet and out of the country for as long as possible. I bet that girl got some secrets to keep.

  26. QuiteContrary says:

    “There’s been a lot of talk about ‘you can’t just ignore the Trump family for four years!’ Watch me.”

    I’m right there with you, Kaiser. This insane story just confirms the rightness of our decision.

  27. Deeanna says:

    I think Kimberly is the winner here.

  28. bisynaptic says:

    She knows things.

  29. martha says:

    She’ll find a rich shipping tycoon or oligarch. Somebody with real money.

    We can just go to hell.