Princess Kate apparently refused to invite Prince Andrew to her Xmas concert

This is just a funny little story from the Daily Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle column. You know how the Princess of Wales hosted her “Together at Christmas” event one week ago at Westminster Abbey? Kate makes a point of inviting the extended Windsor clan and the Middletons to the event. King Charles and Camilla skipped, likely because they do not give a sh-t. Apparently, Buckingham Palace did try to convince Kate to invite Prince Andrew though? And she refused.

The King has done his best to bring Andrew back into the family fold and insists he is given due status. But William and Kate aren’t sharing the love. A mole whispers that for the second year running, suggestions that Andrew be invited to Kate’s annual carol service, possibly seated behind a pillar, were rejected.

Although very much a family affair, with 22 members of the extended tribe present, there was no space for Uncle Andy. Last year, the King tried to get W&K to bury the hatchet during a gathering at Balmoral, where he cajoled them into giving Andrew a lift to church so the trio could be photographed together. The initiative failed.

[From The Daily Mail]

“Possibly seated behind a pillar” is taking me out. “Will you invite this credibly accused rapist and friend-of-Epstein? You can put him behind a pillar?” I’ll mock and disparage most things related to William and Kate, but I actually think they’re doing the right thing by refusing to allow Andrew at public events (in which they have any kind of control). I would assume that William once again shut down the possibility of Andrew attending the Order of the Garter service earlier this year as well. It also feels like… maybe Charles is trying to jam up Will & Kate? Like, Charles was trying to create some bad headlines for them by asking them to invite Andrew.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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18 Responses to “Princess Kate apparently refused to invite Prince Andrew to her Xmas concert”

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  1. Visa Diva says:

    Assuming this is true, I not mad about it.

  2. somebody says:

    Just PR from KP to make it seem like W&K are holding the hard line and Chuck isn’t. All this to disclaim riding to church with Andrew, because Chuck made us? I doubt that Andrew is interested in this carol service anymore than C&C seem to be.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    Hmm…the fact they were seen in the same car with Andrew driving to church last summer and that William allowed him to travel on the jet to Balmoral and not Harry after the Queen died deems this “refusal” performative to me. Kate like the rest of the family doesn’t view Andrew the way the public does.

    • Harla says:

      WandK’s moral outrage over any subject is performative and lacking in any real substance because they’ve shown time and again that they are moral cowards, who refuse to stand on the right side of any issue.

    • Becks1 says:

      Agreed 100%. William may realize how bad a look andrew is for the royal family, but he doesn’t actually care about Andrew’s actions in themselves.

  4. Wow even Can’t doesn’t want the pedo at her event😂😂😂.

  5. Afken says:

    Yeah that makes sense. NOT. Couldn’t be “cajoled” into inviting him to carol service, but gave him a lift to a private church service. Okay. They’re all the same. If the thing is private, he will be there. They have forgotten that in 2012, Carole and Mike Middleton invited prince Andrew to a shooting weekend at their new mansion (that William helped pay for) despite the news about Andrew and epsteins friendship, and Andrew organising the loan from Epstein for Fergie, already having come out in 2011! They’re just pretending to care for optics.

  6. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    Two thoughts (whether this is true or not).
    – “seated behind the pillar” was actually kind of funny
    – referring to themselves as a “tribe” is more tone-deaf colonial racism from these clowns

  7. ThatGirlThere says:

    They’ve spent time together on the way to see the Queen or church or something. This is just some pr bull she’s trying. I don’t know why though, didn’t they do one of their polls talking about how salt islanders approved more of Andy than Harry and Meghan?

  8. Jais says:

    Hmm. Wouldn’t this be William’s call more than Kate’s? Just saying if William insisted that Andrew go to the Carole service then he would be invited. Although I’m sure Kate is more than happy to not have Andrew at her holiday event.

  9. QuiteContrary says:

    Again, if this is true (always a question), then good on Kate and William.

    There’s no pillar in the world large enough to hide the disgusting Andrew.

    And yet again, here’s a story that says that Charles — shamefully — is trying to bring his pedo brother back into the fold. Not a good look, Chaz.

    • Nic919 says:

      This story is to make W and K look good. They were fine sharing a car ride to Balmoral with him. So no they never said this. Andrew has no interest in Kate’s Carol event. That’s why he didn’t go.

      It reminds me of the ones who tried to pretend Kate said recollections may vary. She didn’t.

  10. aquarius64 says:

    What’s William going to do with Andrew when he becomes king? He’ll be responsible for Andrew’s upkeep and Andrew knows it. Andrew probably knows where the bodies are buried, especially anything involving the Sussexes.

  11. Gremlynn says:

    Good for her. They have a little girl to protect from a predatory uncle.

  12. SamuelWhiskers says:

    Okay good, but I 100% don’t believe Kate had anything to do with this decision.

    • Libra says:

      You’d be 100% correct. If Charles and or William had wanted Andrew there he would have been there. End of story.

  13. JFerber says:

    Andrew was probably not interested in attending. I can’t imagine anyone really wanting to attend, besides suck-up motives.

  14. Lilly says:

    I think this is true. I think she probably only tolerated him before. He’s a pretty big snob. Didn’t he have an issue with his daughters having to curtsy to her? And he made a big stink over ‘blood’ princesses over married-ins?

    So, now she doesn’t have to put up with him. None of them have to pretend with him, especially married-ins, like Kate.

    Say whatever you will about her but this is not wrong or unfair, good on her. And William too.