Brad Pitt thinks Angelina Jolie is ‘stalling’ their divorce so he won’t marry Ines de Ramon

In 2019, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s divorce was bifurcated, meaning that they became legally single/divorced while the divorce negotiations were ongoing with regards to the settlement and child custody. It’s been over five years since the divorce was bifurcated, and they still have not come to any kind of financial settlement or custodial arrangement. While Team Pitt has always been eager to blame this eight-year divorce drama on Angelina, I think there’s more nuance to the situation. While Angelina is, by all appearances, dragging her feet on custodial issues (likely trying to slow-walk proceedings until Knox and Vivienne are 18 years old), I think Pitt has been dragging his feet on the financial situation this whole time. He’s the one who sued her the moment she took her equity out of Chateau Miraval (which Pitt was mismanaging). Angelina had to drag him to court to get child support. He’s spent the past four years bizarrely liquidating his assets, selling Plan B and a sh-tload of real estate. But to hear “sources close to Brad Pitt” describe the situation, Angelina is desperately clinging to the remnants of the marriage because she wants to stop Brad from marrying Ines de Ramon. Lmao.

Brad Pitt believes Angelina Jolie is ‘stalling’ on their divorce being finalized to stop his hopes of a third marriage, according to sources who claim that the actress is using the situation as ‘another tactic’ to control her ex-husband. ‘Brangelina’ became a couple in 2006 and tied the knot in 2014 before their shock split in 2016, which triggered a bitter feud in the courts over child custody and their property. Brad, 60, has since moved on with 31-year-old jewelry executive Ines de Ramon, who has become his live-in girlfriend as their romance continues to flourish.

Now insiders have revealed that the Fight Club star is keen to get ‘married again’ but that his acrimonious legal battle with Angelina is stopping him from being to able to ‘move forward,’ as he wants to be fully divorced before he remarries.

‘Brad does want to be married again but Angie is still standing in the way, and he just wants it to be over,’ an insider close to Brad exclusively told ‘She’s been dragging this out for almost a decade. Now she is stalling on their divorce being finalized.’

The insider claimed that Brad’s estranged relationship with his children could be a key reason for the actress’ actions, as they suggested she is waiting for the twins to turn 18 before finalizing the divorce.

The insider added: ‘She’s using this as another tactic to maintain control over him and Brad knows she is seething that he is happy.’

The insider then explained that Brad is determined to resolve all his legal issues with his ex-wife, and that Ines is ready to support him during the continued battle.

‘This is going on eight years now and although he would like to move forward with Ines, they both know it isn’t possible, and this is infuriating to Brad,’ the insider noted. ‘He is so ready to tackle Miraval. Ines will wait as long as it takes.’

[From The Daily Mail]

It must be Opposite Day: “She’s using this as another tactic to maintain control over him and Brad knows she is seething that he is happy.” More like Brad is still f–ked up over the fact that Angelina left him and their six kids hate him for what he did. Again, Brad is the one who decided to sue Angelina the second she escaped from him financially, the moment he no longer had financial control over her. He’s the one wasting the court’s time and everyone’s money on this ego-trip lawsuit designed to punish Angelina for leaving him. But sure, Angelina just wants “control” over this loser.

Also: it’s important to note that Brad actually could marry Ines de Ramon? As I said, the divorce has been bifurcated, Brad and Angelina are both single in the eyes of the law, regardless of the sorry state of their divorce settlement negotiations. Brad could marry Ines today if he wanted to. I wonder if this is what he’s telling Ines – “we can’t get married yet, my divorce isn’t finalized.” Poor Ines, I guess.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

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59 Responses to “Brad Pitt thinks Angelina Jolie is ‘stalling’ their divorce so he won’t marry Ines de Ramon”

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  1. somebody says:

    He could get visitation with the children without the finalizing of the divorce. He is the one stalling and it has to do with assets, not the children. The money and property mean more to him than Ines or his children do.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      yeah, I don’t even recall even hearing that he’s made any filings to get more visitation or custody so I’m not sure Jolie is slow-rolling the custody situation. His legal filings seem to only be fixated on the sale of the vineyard

  2. BeyondTheFringe says:

    Looks like its relationship contract renegotiation time at Chez Pitt.

    • Mike says:

      I didn’t see any good in Ines aside he is young enough to hurt Angelina Jolie. Someone who even can’t represent being a trophy wife, her face is not pretty at all. A female who has age considered his daughter show what kind Brad Pitt is towards to woman

  3. ThatGirlThere says:

    He’s getting desperate because he’s going to the she’s jealous tactic during awards season no less.

    He’s such a loser.

    • Marie says:

      The twins are actually old enough in the state of CA to be with whoever they want to be with. No doubt they both have cell phones as well. I think they’ve both shown where their alliance is which is why I feel Knox chose to be publicly seen and photographed with his mom and Viv has already done the same . This is all an image ploy

  4. Jan says:

    Angelina is all over the place looking better, than she has in years, the children seem to be thriving.
    So kudos to Angie for taking Brad’s nasty underhand dealings, and getting on with her life, he just can’t seem to let go.
    He is embarrassed that none of the children want him in their lives. I can understand a few of the children, but all of them.
    It had to burn his Arse, when his darling Shiloh filed to drop his name.

    • Christine says:

      Yeah, the fact that it is all six kids is the real indictment on Brad’s character. That is more damning than anything Angelina could do or say.

  5. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Another waity. Ines is gonna wait as long as it takes, ok?

    • Mimi says:

      Yeah, tell Ines to come get her “prize”.

      • AnnaG says:

        I would say that Angie will be very happy if Pitt getts married and becomes someone else’s problem.

    • annyb says:

      I hope not. The universe is giving her a huge gift of time right now to consider her involvement with the Boy King here. I don’t know anything about her but I wouldn’t wish him on anyone.

  6. BlueSky says:

    So what is the status of him having to turn over emails and other correspondence? This is just a diversion. This tells me he’s spiraling. The twins are 17. Aren’t they old enough to let the courts know whether they want to see their dad? AJ would be more than happy if he married dollar store AJ and leave her alone.

  7. ML says:

    Yes, this: “Also: it’s important to note that Brad actually could marry Ines de Ramon?”!!!

    Angelina Jolie has no, absolutely no power to stop Brad Pitt from legally marrying anyone he wants. If Brad Pitt is unable to “move forward” because he wants everything finished and tied with a bow, then that is in his head. Plus, want to bet that Brad Pitt’s very own behavior has led to the divorce not being completely behind him?

  8. Ciotog says:

    Wow, no wonder this guy is in movies, he’s so good at projection.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Whatever, Brad.

  10. Joanne says:

    He is not aging well at all. Angelina looks as stunningly beautiful as ever and Brad looks like an old man. His personality is reflecting on his sagging face.

  11. Walking the Walk says:

    That’s the most revisionist history BS I have ever read. So there’s that.

  12. Dee says:

    He’s really showing his age in those pictures. They really did some photoshopping on him while he was plugging that movie he did with Clooney. And those cheap looking outfits are not doing him any favours. Best he get himself a good stylist.

    • Mimi says:

      There are some great looking and distinguished men his age. He is mutton dressed as lamb right now (if the mutton lived in the 70’s). He desperately needs a stylist to revamp his wardrobe. There’s nothing that can be done about his malignant narcissism, though.

  13. JanetDR says:

    Is he really that stupid or is his PR that bad? Ugh.

    • SIde Eye says:

      Right? This is so bad. Fire your team Brad. His PR is terrible. Here’s what I would advise:

      Drop every lawsuit, pay her attorney fees. Legally capitulate.

      Break up with Ines. Don’t date for 3 years. Work on you. Release a statement while you love her, you have to work on you. Go away for a while. When you return, write, direct.

      Publicly apologize for attacking your ex wife and children on a plane and putting your children’s mother through hell. Say you are heading to rehab to work on yourself. Apologize for being an absent, bad parent. Take ownership and responsibility. Say your door is open but you understand if your children never want to speak to you again. Be genuine and remorseful.

      Make it right with Make it right – yes you will be poorer but it’s the right thing to do. Fix it FFS.

      Go to rehab quite drinking and whatever you’re doing. Sell your half of Miraval.

      The reality is he is still a privileged, good looking, relatively rich White dude. The public is forgiving. He has probably blown it with his children because of how he has behaved AFTER the plane. The plane was bad enough. But if he had gone to rehab afterwards, expressed remorse, and not engaged in this financial abuse, he would have had a chance with his kids. Angelina has been done with him but there was a point where his relationship with his kids was salvageable and he probably blew that now.

  14. Sunshile says:

    Angelina isn’t dragging her feets over the custody because she won, there isn’t any custody battle happening anymore, he tried to appeal and it was rejected and that was the end of the story.

  15. Side Eye says:

    I can’t unsee how much Ines looks like Heidi Fleiss. Someone mentioned it here and I can’t look at her picture without thinking it.

    He is really trying to sabotage her Oscar with these negative stories in the press. Say what you want about Tom Cruise, he was at least pretending to root for Nicole publicly. Maybe someone should remind him she already has 2 Oscars. He can’t stand to see her thriving, smiling again and enjoying life.

    When I see pics of Harry’s brother, I think of him bad dad dancing on that ski trip. And now another thing I can’t unsee – Brad and George dancing for an agonizing amount of time at the film festival while the audience uncomfortably clapped along – the vibe was so strange like seeing someone cement that they are officially uncool. George lost all the cool with The NY Times shenanigans, and Angelina obviously got custody of all the cool in the divorce.

    If I had a friend that treated their wife then ex-wife in this way I would totally distance myself from them and explain why I find it abusive. Instead George went ALL IN. He has Brad adjacent karma now. The Russians, the French, someone is taking Brad down. It’s almost as if George said this year you know what? I’m bored with happy. I’m gonna stir thing sup a little bit and go all in with that friend who attacked his wife and children on a plane!

  16. Serena says:

    ‘she is seething that he is happy’ LMAO who?? He keeps coming off as bitter and pathetic, everybody as seen thru him by now. I bet Angelina would be happy if he married whoever and stopped obsessing over her.

    • Jais says:


    • JustMe says:

      Pretty sure him taking pictures of his married hookup at MIRAVAL (
      with her half naked wearing a big hat that was probably Angie’s AND in what probably was their bed) most likely killed any feelings Angie had left

    • Ivy says:

      Lol right? Tell us your better without telling us your bitter. Angelina ha as t looked this happy in years. Which explains why he’s losing his mind over it

    • Anon says:

      Serena, such an obsession can only be cured by the death of the person who has it. brad will never leave Angelina alone while he is alive.

  17. Mireille says:

    Ahhh the Daily Fail. It wouldn’t be Christmas without another hateful misogynistic hit piece on a woman. Brad can marry Ines, George Clooney, or whoever he wants anytime. They are legally divorced. Angie’s happy, having fun this award season and he can’t stand it. She’s moved on from him. She’s healing from his abuse. She’s doesn’t need him. She doesn’t want him. That must make his ego rage. Never underestimate the lengths of a spiteful, vengeful, and bitter abusive Brad will go to hurt her.

  18. ariel says:

    I think this calls for a: Sure, Jan.

  19. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    You said it. Opposite world.

  20. Lucy2 says:

    Holy projection, Batman.
    Ines, really? You really want to marry that dude? Really?

    He pulls crap like this, blaming Angelina for everything, and then cries that his kids won’t talk to him.

  21. wolfmamma says:

    I am tired of this and both of them. And of all of the reasons on both sides that this carries on.

    • somebody says:

      Brad is the one bringing lawsuits against Angelina on issues. What is it that she has done that you are tired of?

    • Yolanda says:

      He is the one keeps obsessing over her, harassing her through court and media, and yet that’s on both of them?
      when there’s obviously only one side’s problem , the both sides bs won’t make you look smarter.

    • Spartan says:

      Once again you’ve got it wrong and believe the press. Angelina did everything she had to without dragging him at all. He’s the one gaslighting, abusing her and their children. He’s the one bringing law suits. She did nothing but the ultimate crime of leaving him. There’s also no custody issues, he only ever had supervised custody. The twins will be adults soon.

  22. Eleonor says:

    I have no pity for Ines.
    There might be a deal somewhere.
    I am not condoning any possible kind of violence towards her.
    But he has proved over and over who he is so I hope she gets tons of money from this. That’s all I have.

  23. Grant says:

    God, he’s such a vile prick. I re-watched Maria last night. Angelina was so forking incredible and was so vulnerable. I felt like she fully embodied that role with her whole heart and spirit, and it was beautiful to see. Leave her alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Spartan says:

      I watched it yesterday. Omg I was a wreck at the end. It was heartbreaking, and she was fantastic.
      Not sure I could go through it again.

  24. Lady D says:

    LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. She wants Brad the same way she wants an old stinky opossum pelt.

  25. Jaded says:

    What in the name of 1970s leisure suit hell is he wearing?!

    “Sources close to Brad” = Brad.

  26. Ivy says:

    He’s so obsessed. It’s pathological at this point.

    • Clove says:

      First, where all the vile women that were on Angelina’s story yesterday talking about her plastic surgery? He’s had plastic surgery and still looks horrible! Alcohol and drugs will do that to you if you continue to do it all your life.
      Lastly, they are divorced. Is the property that is held up so he can actually marry Heidi I mean whatever her name is. I’m sorry, but he’s a pathetic excuse of a man to think more of property than his kids.

  27. Ladiabla says:

    Didn’t he publicly say that he never wanted to get married again? I want to say he did, and not too long ago either. I highly doubt he wants to marry Ines. I feel like he makes these public digs at his ex-wive(s), and then he’s bewildered as to why his kids don’t want to be around him. I mean, he’s being ugly to their mother when he says things like that. Because indirectly, he’s saying after his experience with THEIR mother, he NEVER would consider marrying again. He always makes himself the victim. He never takes accountability. I’m sure they’re no longer surprised, but man, just shut up.

  28. FIFI says:

    What is wrong with him? He’s been on campaign screaming in a void these past few weeks. First the paranoia about Knox and Angelina, then the “i am missing my kids, christmas won’t be the same!!, then there was story like “brads begging the twins for a visit but it’s not looking good!!!” Other then the minivan facebook crowd, these unhinged stories aren’t working. If anything they make him look worst.

  29. Normades says:

    What a bunch of gaslighting nonsense from team da Pitts.

  30. Jess says:

    He is trash. And I’ll never be able to respect Clooney again either.

  31. Libra says:

    He doesn’t want to get married and is using AJ as an excuse. “I’d love to marry you baby, I really would but she just keeps stalling. My hands are tied. What can I do?”

  32. Anonymous says:

    I presume Ines hears from Brad, what Brad ” wants ” or his “plan” the same way we do. Through articles. I think she is paid to not contest what Brad say publicly when she reads it. or is told right before, if that. Brad does not speak as if he is filtering this toxic though anyone. Esp someone who Sees herself in a relationship with him. when Brad speaks- his focus is never on Ines even when he says her name frequently. We can all hear who he is really trying to poke and get a response from.

    Everyone here, is right. Imo, Now the twins decide their own custody arrangement , Angelina doesn’t have to focus on helping her children through seeing their abuser regularly- and with it, the needed regular other therapy for the children to process the visitation.

    The children are not regularly being asked to be around the abuser and healing can be easier going forward for Angelina and her family. And the healing is showing.

  33. sylindria says:

    Ok, how much of this is that critics seem to like Maria and he wants to stick a spoke in the wheel of an Oscar run ‘don’t vote for her no matter how good the film is she’s mean to me’

  34. Madam Curious says:

    Note to Ines: Please pray Angelina receives her Oscar cause then Brad will marry you for sure 😂