Kieran Culkin: Astrology ‘doesn’t matter, there’s no such thing as signs’

I’ve watched Kieran Culkin’s appearances on actors’ round-table discussions and actors-on-actors one-on-ones before this. He’s actually a “good guest” in that he always makes news and he’s popular with other actors. Personally, I loved his one-on-one with Claire Danes last year, they had so much chemistry and he listened to her intensely (it was sexy). This year, Variety paired Kieran with Colman Domingo for the Actors on Actors series. Both men are likely to be Oscar-nominated next year – Colman for Sing Sing, Kieran for A Real Pain. While the conversation was mostly funny and charming, I feel like Kieran came across as sort of disrespectful to Colman at times, talking over Colman and even sort of making fun of Colman a couple of times. They got into it early in the conversation when they talked about astrology.

Colman Domingo and Kieran Culkin had a hilarious chat about the relevance of horoscopes during their first Actors on Actors sit-down. Early in the conversation, the Emmy winners were discussing age. After Culkin revealed that he was 42, Domingo inquired about his zodiac sign (it’s Libra).

“Because it doesn’t matter; there’s no such thing as signs,” Culkin told The Madness star. “You believe in this hocus pocus stuff?”

“You just called me out for being a Sagittarius,” Domingo replied, and the Succession star said it’s a “funny word.”

“If I said ‘Aries,’ it’s just not going to hit the same,” Culkin said.

Domingo was jokingly offended by Culkin when he said “nobody likes” Sagittarians, then brought up the late Anna Nicole Smith, who was of the same star sign.

“She wasn’t,” Culkin said. “She was a person who had a birthday.”

When Culkin guessed whether Domingo reads strangers’ signs on a serious level, the Euphoria actor denied it but said that astrology is “specific when it comes to attributes.”

[From Yahoo]

While it’s all “friendly banter,” I do think Kieran takes his “fast-talking wise-ass” persona too far. He wasn’t trying to offend Colman, but jeez. Colman is right that signs are specific when it comes to attributes. While there are some aspects of astrology which are bullsh-t, there are other aspects which are very real. I’m also surprised Colman didn’t mention his Sagittarius sister, Taylor Swift. Anyway, now people are debating astrology just because Kieran and Colman were talking about their ages. There was another moment when Colman revealed his age and that he’s Black, so obviously he moisturizes.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Variety and Cover Images.

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31 Responses to “Kieran Culkin: Astrology ‘doesn’t matter, there’s no such thing as signs’”

  1. meredith says:

    Astrology is only real to me when it’s for fun or if I want to insult someone. “Virgo man” with the right denigrating tone is suited exactly to a particular coworker of mine.

  2. TikiChica says:

    I agree with him. Astrology was invented at a time when people thought the sun rotated around the earth. It’s absolute quackery.

  3. OzJennifer says:

    A long time ago I used to write the astrology column for a local newspaper. I just made up any old thing that sounded suitably vague. Flaming balls of gas millions of light years away didn’t care about the readers’ lives and neither did I.

    • Kitten says:


    • Nanea says:

      It’s not just “Flaming balls of gas millions of light years away” but only a dozen formations randomly chosen out of the gazillions of stars that exist.

      And these formations and their imaginary “influence” on our lives are what gives us certain character traits, emotions and weaknesses?

      Yeah, no.

      It’s fun though, but as a scientist it stops to be fun for me when esoteric quacks get to have a say in how people live their lives or refuse to do things just because it’s in the stars.

      • Arpeggi says:

        Exactly. And as actual science and facts are being threatened daily, pretending that this quackery holds some truth seems pretty dangerous to me right now.

  4. Kitten says:

    Finally someone said it.

    I think most of it is harmless fun and like religion, a way for people to assign purpose to things that feel random and out of their control. But the conviction of folks who fervently believe in astrology can be a bit alarming at times. Like, I don’t think people should be making relationship decisions based on the position of stars or whatever.

    • Tiffany:) says:

      I agree, Kitten.

      It’s fun as long as people don’t take it so seriously that they start basing major life decisions on it, or use it to discriminate against other people. I’ve seen it used as a way to assume the worst about people without cause.

  5. Drea says:

    I’ve had people actively dislike me because of my sign. I was like “cool, I don’t want to be friends with crazy anyway. “

  6. ThatGirlThere says:

    I don’t have any problem with folks who don’t believe in signs. But you can still be respectful of others. And let’s be real, Culkin is kind of a douche. Not a horrible person, but there is an air of bro douchery. So does Macaulay, mayb it’s in the genes. Coleman is so handsome and lovely.

  7. Lucía says:

    It’s funny, I got the complete opposite impression. It was a chat between two adults who have different POVs regarding certain things and still managed to have a nice time and a good talk.

  8. BeyondTheFringe says:

    I love Kieran and truly enjoyed this talk for the most part (Colman Domingo is the best!) but I agree he sometimes takes his fast talking, wise ass persona a bit far. And I know because I am that same person and have had to learn there is a time and a place the hard way.

    Otherwise you can really end up looking like an ass when you accidentally hit soft spots in people. Especially those who have such a lovely and low-key vibe like Domingo.

  9. Grant says:

    I think astrology is fun in a harmless way, but I do think it’s quackery. In my experience, the people who lean heavily into star signs and astrology and what house your rising sun is in, etc. tend to be the same people who are skeptical of vaccines and drink raw milk (I know there’s a crossover here with the fundie/trad wife movement too).

    …but, like, cool down, Kieran! He seems like a lot.

  10. Marie says:

    I’m actually an astrologer and I do get why people think it’s not a science however it is and it’s very complex and involves much more than sun sign. It takes years and years to master and be able to read a persons natal chart. And one never really stops learning about it. I have friends that think it’s made up and that’s ok… not here to convince anyone. But I bet if any of you had a reading done by a legit astrologer you’d be amazed! All love!

  11. Sassy says:

    All the people I know who are heavily into astrology are not jobs.

  12. Astra says:

    I’m an astronomer. Astrology is bunk.

  13. Lala11_7 says:

    Yea…I don’t make light of folk’s belief systems no matter what they are.

  14. NG_76 says:

    Yes someone finally said it! I find the belief in Astrology so odd and I immediately question a person’s intelligence who makes their whole life about it.

  15. AM says:

    Astrology IS complete nonsense. People really think that every baby born all over the world on a certain day (let alone range of weeks!) has the same personality…
    If you are a credulous person I’m sure it seems very real due to things like confirmation bias. But that doesn’t make it real, because it isn’t.

  16. bisynaptic says:

    I despair at the scientific illiteracy and superstitiousness of the general public. Astrology is bunk.

  17. Dreamchild says:

    I had my chart done when I was young and it was amazingly on point. I was born in Taurus but totally a Gemini which I secretly suspected based on the stuff I read about Taurus. Now religion, that’s junk science 🙄

  18. Polly says:

    There are no aspects of astrology that are real. None.

  19. Silent Star says:

    Ooh, I am team Culkin on this. Now I love him even more!

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