“Happy 29th birthday to Capricorn king Timothee Chalamet” links

Happy 29th birthday to Capricorn king Timothee Chalamet. [Hollywood Life]
Jay-Z’s accuser will remain unidentified publicly. [JustJared]
Young Ralph Fiennes! [GFY]
Matt Gaetz’s insane texts. [Jezebel]
A rave review of Babygirl. [Pajiba]
Woman asks if she’s overreacting to her fiance creeping on another woman. [Buzzfeed]
Amanda Bynes made a rare public appearance. [Socialite Life]
Jeopardy had a “cinematic vampires” category. [Seriously OMG]
Jared Leto was cast as Skeletor?? [OMG Blog]

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7 Responses to ““Happy 29th birthday to Capricorn king Timothee Chalamet” links”

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  1. Lucía says:

    Happy birthday, Timmy! May you audition for any and all roles Jared Leto goes for so that you beat him every single time and we never have to see him again!

  2. ThatGirlThere says:

    Look at superstar Timme knocking on 30’s door. I may go see Babygirl this weekend. That Buzzfeed story is ridiculous…that man does not respect his girlfriend and she should Move. ON from the relationship. Matt Graetz is a predator and needs to be pay for his crimes. Amanda looks good and seems to have a loving support system around her now.

  3. Normades says:

    Matt Gaetz is an evil predator beyond unethical and gross. And stop hiring Jered Leto. Urgh.

  4. Sass says:

    He’s my husband’s birthday buddy! That’s hilarious. Happay birthday Timmay

  5. CJW says:

    How is Jarod Leto still being allowed to ruin beloved childhood characters, even if they are villains? Skeletor is one of the MOST ICONIC cartoon figures of my childhood. This makes me mad!!!😡

  6. TaurusSag says:

    Timothy is a Virgo Rising. I love Virgo Risings (as friends). I have a male colleague who is Virgo Rising and Sun in Leo. Very affable people, with lots of stories to tell, who appeal to my Taurus Moon and Rising and Sag Sun (mercurial and mutable). Friendly and honest and grounded.

  7. MaisiesMom says:

    I saw a little red carpet interview with Timothee and his mother and the way she was publicly kvelling over him was classic and precious. Happy birthday to TC.

    Remind me why people can’t stand Jared Leto? I have no opinion.