Jennifer Aniston appears on the cover of the March issue of Architectural Digest. She shows off her undoubtedly enviable newly remodeled Beverly Hills home inside. I love looking at interior design photos and videos, particularly bathrooms and kitchens, and will be sure to pick up this issue once it hits stands. People Magazine has this news, and is making a big deal out of the fact that Ansiton redesigned the bathroom to replace a his and her rub set with a large spa-quality tub. It sounds pretty awesome and I would probably replace two smaller tubs with a big jet tub even with a partner living with me. There’s nothing “single” about a nice tub that probably fits two. Here’s People’s description:
In the March issue of Architectural Digest – which features photos of the house by Scott Frances, following its 2½-year overhaul – the magazine notes that the master suite is no longer guy-friendly.
“[The house] originally had his-and-hers baths, but Aniston has turned the ‘his’ into a spa bath with a soaking tub,” the magazine reports. Her master bedroom features a wool-and-silk shag carpet, and a platform bed with a TV at the foot.
And Aniston, 40, even describes the Zen-influenced home – whose palette was drawn from Brazilian cumaru (teak) – in an affectionate way. “It’s like a big hug,” she says in the issue, on sale Feb. 9.
Built on a hillside in 1970 with sweeping views of the city, Aniston calls the house “Ohana,” a reference to the Hawaiian idea of extended family. She says the single-level home “vibrates with the love that created it.” Among those who worked with Aniston was designer Stephen Shadley, who also has collaborated with Diane Keaton and Woody Allen.
The house features Aniston’s fruitwood Sauter piano from the 1960s, a dining room that seats 24, and a 1920s Thai gong to summon diners to the long walnut table.
“I entertain for a living, and I entertain,” she says. “The house has a rather glamorous, old-fashioned Hollywood quality. I can just imagine the Rat Pack stopping by; someone is playing the piano, and people are laughing in the next room.”
[From People]
If there’s anything to read into in this brief recap of the interview, it’s the fact that Aniston name-dropped the Rat Pack. Her ex, Brad Pitt, is considered part of the modern Rat Pack along with George Clooney and I guess anyone else that starred in those hard to follow Oceans movies. She probably didn’t mean anything deeper than a reference to old Hollywood, and I personally wouldn’t jump to conclusions. The tabloids are analyzing Angelina’s handwriting and Brad’s beard so you know that they’re going to say Aniston is pining for her ex and is showing off her home in an attempt to invite him in. Pitt has also appeared on the cover of Architectural Digest several times and has shown off his home. Of course there will be the inevitable comparisons.
In related news, Aniston is hosting a Haiti benefit for the organization Americares. The charity event will feature a screening for the film The Last Station and is scheduled for later this month. She also volunteered for George Clooney’s telethon and personally donated $500,000 to various causes benefiting Haiti.
i got nothing
I don’t know if I could go through 2 1/2 year rennovation, but I’m sure its spectacular!
Those legs and figure are cute.
Just an observation but for people like me who love reading about home design and decor, why can’t I read this article without the two Lovebirds being brought up? If people actually think she is somehow sending out a secret message about Brad Pitt talking about old Hollywood, than they are delusional. And I could give or take take any of these three -so I’m on no team.
nothing screams “i’m a humanitarian just like angelina” like a spread in architectural digest. nice try tho.
man, i wish i had her money.
5….4…3…2… AND THERE IT IS. Accusations of trying to “be like” Angelina. The girl can’t do anything for charity, remodel an old home or even buy a dress without being accused of wanting to be Angelina. Ridiculous! She is probably so tired of that nonsense.
By specifying “Old Hollywood” Rat Pack can only mean Frank & the boys.
She looks lovely & healthy as always. Why people always complain she’s overly tan I’ll never understand. I’m not seeing the damaged skin or orange hue many insist she exhibits. In fact she’s hardly dark especially considering she’s half greek.
Love the painting behind her!
Thanks @guesty, for making this about Aniston trying to be like Angelina. Sheesh.
Hey CB, when u buy the magazine, please post the pics on the website. I’m intrigued to see her taste.
Can’t wait to buy the magazine! I am interested to see what Jen created. I’m sure it has a laid back CA vibe. No more hard and uncomfortable modern furniture for this gal!!
I just like that her home is all about extended family. no husband, no BF, no kids, and a feud with her mom. sounds warm and fuzzy and family-like indeed.
A celeb like Anniston allows her house to be publicized as part of an ongoing media strategy engineered to portray her in a certain light.
To me, she’s making a statement that she’s a single woman and she’s remodeled her home to work for her and her alone.
Brad’s known for strong opinions about houses, etc. They remodeled their former home and JA later made comments about how uncomfortable it was.
To me, this is her showing that’s she’s now in control.
Yeah, waiting for accusations of, “hey, architecture is Brad’s love and charity is Angie’s love, can’t she do ANYTHING on her own besides tan and plastic surgery and do yoga and smoke?”
I don’t think she meant anything by the Rat Pack reference, but then again, everything is so calculated these days, I guess nothing would surprise me.
I’m sure it’s a gorgeous house.
There IS no other “Rat Pack”. The original members are all dead and those shoes can’t be filled.
I actually remember her whining in interviews during the marriage that Pitt’s fussy remodelling was taking forever. I guess it didn’t put her off 2.5 year renovations for life.
I often think part of the reason for the break up was that she was all laid-back and California, especially once she relaxed into the marriage, whereas he likes dominant, strong-personality women (e.g. Juliette Lewis) who’ll also stroke his ego re: his architecture pretensions. Aniston was neither as it turned out.
bros, really? Everyone knows that she gets along with her mom again and has been for like, years now.
For certain people, friends are their family. They don’t have brothers or sisters so their friends become their brothers/sisters. There is nothing shameful or pathetic about it. It shows that she isn’t a hermit and enjoys the company of other people.
Anyway, I am really curious as to what her house looks like. I love seeing the way celebs decorate their homes because more often than not, it’s exactly how you would picture it to be. Like Donatella Versace’s home. Holy hell, that place is a Palace of the Glorious Tacky.
Also, thanks guesty for being the one to say that she’s trying to be like Angelina just because she wants to help. Shouldn’t you say she’s trying to be like George Clooney? He hosted an event for Haiti and she’s hosting an event for Haiti. Angelina hasn’t. So…nice try.
Ok. I do think Jennifer is an attractive woman, but I don’t like her “come-hither-sexy-me” pose on AD’s cover. When she tries to be sexy, she usually doesn’t pull it off. But when she is her natural self, she comes across as sexy. Why does she try to force her hotness? Whyyyyyy?
“I actually remember her whining in interviews during the marriage that Pitt’s fussy remodelling was taking forever. I guess it didn’t put her off 2.5 year renovations for life.”
Seems to me that she’s been working a lot. You know, the movies that people who are firmly Brange call pieces of scum? Some of them earned lots of money, unlike Angie’s last few that tanked.
So she can’t even decorate her new home without it being a plea for Brad to come back? Nice. Sounds like a house you couldn’t pay him to live in. I saw pictures of their place before the divorce and it was a nightmare of all white and metal (though I do think the counters in the kitchen were marble or a darker stone) and bizarre furniture.
Jen’s new place sounds like she’s finally got a home that’s all about her.
I love to look at bedrooms so I think I’ll go to Barnes&Noble, pick up the magazine and go to their little cafe, have some tea and cake, and read this article. I did the same when Brad was on the cover. I refuse to spend the money on it. ArchDigest is way too snobby and precious for my taste.
A few years ago when I was in L.A., I went on a bus tour of the city and the guide pointed out “Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s house” to us. We were on a road and we were looking down on the house. It was enormous and was beautiful but I was more excited to see Aaron Spelling’s enormous mansion. A few months later, the separation was announced.
The woman likes to have parties in her home, that means she must have plenty of friends who enjoy her company. I like her.
Seriously.. bringing in the brange for this? UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!
Geeze Guesty..Stalker much? You do realize you do not know Angie right? I mean, you do realize you don’t know her right?
what angelina lastest movies have tanked, unlike jenny last two bombs, you need to check your figures again… you know like magament and love happens… the last box office hit jenny has was jenny and me
and jenny and is fun and fab at 40, girl power
I’d like to see the pics. I may flip through the magazine when it’s out.
As someone who lives by themselves, I can say that it is a very fun and satisfying thing to decorate and remodel the way YOU and you alone want it, without having to compromise with anyone else’s tastes. I wouldn’t have minded having her budget though!
The endless comparisons and looking for hidden meaning are silly.
Very well said Lucy2, very well said.
Jennifer Aniston always appears so easy-going and relaxed. I’m interested to see her design style too. She just seems like a “girls” girl – with lots of friends, love and laughter….Like she would be a fun person to share a bottle of vino with out on the patio – cool chica. IMO.
Angelina’s last 3 movies released in 2008 grossed over a a Billion dollars worldwide. Kung Fu Panda over 630 million, Wanted over 340 million and Changeling over 110 million . JA ‘s movie Love Happens earned 32 million and Management earned 1.4 million not 14 million but 1.4 million worlwide. So whose movies tanked ,Snowball. Google is a wonderful tool google boxoffice mojo
Kim, you can’t really count Kung Fu Panda. Her character was barely in the film. And the real draw was Jack Black’s insanity. Kung Fu Panda did well because it was animated, had a great story and Jack Black was the star.
Angelina Jolie was not the draw and she wasn’t the star.
I’ll give you Wanted (which, really, was successful because of the action sequences).
The only one of those three which is really an Angelina Jolie film is Changeling. And it’s domestic total was barely 35 million.
Anyway, it’s like saying Marley and Me is a Jennifer Aniston film. People saw that for the puppies.
@ Snowball: you know I couldn’t let that go. You want to talk about tanking movies? “Management” wasn’t just a bomb, that mess was a total thermonuclear meltdown. $1.4 million worldwide, that didn’t even cover the crew members’ salaries. And “Love Happens”, alas, never made its studio a profit. Maybe that’s the reason “Goree Girls” has been put on hiatus and may never get made.
And as Kim pointed out, Angie’s last three movies grossed over 1 billion dollars. That’s billion as in $1,000,000,000.00
Try doing your homework next time and you won’t look like such a nitwit. is a very good resource.
@Sage: You’re right that “Changeling” grossed $35 million domestically; what you conveniently left out is that it grossed $77 million overseas. Total box office gross was $112 million.
A lot of people did joke that in “Marley and Me”, Aniston played third fiddle to Owen Wilson and 22 dogs. In fact, some people called her the 23rd dog.
Foreign markets always do well, especially Japan. Everyone knows that domestic box office is what matters in terms of “success” of a film. Not meaning financial success, but the popularity of a film is always determined by how well a film does domestically.
Anyway, I notice you didn’t say a single thing about how over half of that BILLION dollars you attribute to Angelina Jolie was for a kids movie that she barely had 15 minutes screen time in…
really, then why doesn’t jenny sell in foreign markets, i thought she was an international movie star… really only domestic bof office counts, tell that to the studio heads
Did I mention anything about Jennifer Aniston selling well? Anywhere?
Sage: Everyone knows that domestic box office is what matters in terms of “success” of a film. Not meaning financial success, but the popularity of a film is always determined by how well a film does domestically.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! OMFG, dear Sage, thanks for the laughs. The bottom line for the studios is their bottom line. And what the studios know, even if you don’t, is that the overseas market is where all the money is. And not Japan, either, but China and India. ANGIE’S MOVIES SELL TICKETS. Which is what Aniston’s movies have NOT been doing lately. One million dollars worldwide is a major disaster. As Bite Me asked you, if Aniston is an international movie star, why don’t her movies do well overseas? Why didn’t her fans in the U.S. turn out to support her films? I can think of two possibilities: 1) maybe she doesn’t have as many fans as you think she does, and/or 2) maybe she makes lousy films. Believe this: if “Bounty” bombs — and the advance word on the trailer is it’s a stinker — she’d better head back to TV. Maybe they can find her a part in a sitcom playing somebody’s mother.
I have to say that she is trying very hard to be sexy in that picture on the cover of that magazine. You either have it or you don’t and she don’t. JMO
Is it time for a new movie right? I can’t wait to see what kind of PR stunts she will pull this time around. Maybe present at the OSCARS or may sure that Spittle stay inline with the fauxromance, or do an interview saying she met the twins and they are all going on a vacation together; or more tabs stories about her wanting Brad back etc lol the possibilities are endless
I’m begging! You guys can’t see me on the floor but I’m begging PLEASE!!!! Can you crazies, for once, put down the weapons and quit comparing the two women? They’re two COMPLETELY different individuals! One always falls back on comedy! One always falls back on action! Both are mediocre actors with a few hits. Except for the fact that they both have always favored somewhat boring black ensembles, they’re NOTHING ALIKE. Let it DIE. Normal people everywhere will applaud you!
some of us are just bored at work and need something to bitch about…it makes the work day go by faster
Now that I got that out of my system, I’d LOVE to pick up this magazine. I’ve always liked Jen’s taste in renovation projects and art. And like her, I really love to entertain people (when I’ve got the money!) and cook. Best stuff in the world. And I’m going to have to agree with the person who said friends are like family to some people. I have a friend who I’ve been close to for nearly 15 years. She’s been like a sister to me in ways that my sisters haven’t.
Bek, both are mediocre actors. Yeah one is an Oscar winner who earns 20 million a film +percentages. The other earns under 10 million a film, made $8 million for Marley and Me. You mentioned You always loved Jen’s taste in renovation projects.Can you tell what magazine featured her renovation projects I would like to see them. Thanks in advance and have a good day.
Chey Chey: Still have nothing to say about Kung Fu Panda then? Right.
By the way, this is what I said: ‘Everyone knows that domestic box office is what matters in terms of “success” of a film. Not meaning financial success, but the popularity of a film is always determined by how well a film does domestically.’
I.e. I know that the financial success in foreign markets is what matters to the studios. What I was saying is that popularity is generally determined by domestic gross. You never hear about how well a movie does internationally. Generally box office lists in magazines/blogs and such, stick to domestic gross only.
EDIT: I think the only thing Bite me and I can agree on is that I’m bored at work as well. It’s fun to come here and have silly debates about sh*t that doesn’t matter.
SECOND EDIT: Kim, Angelina Jolie won an Oscar literally 10 years ago. And I agree with Bek, actually. The two women are completely different and you really can’t compare the two. Jennifer Aniston occupies a particular genre of movies and Angelina Jolie occupies another.
“why don’t her movies do well overseas?”
actually, a few of them have done quite well overseas. not all, but a few. I think a movie’s success overseas depends on the subject matter.
if I wanted to be as rude as SOMEONE has been, I’d say “Try doing your homework next time and you won’t look like such a nitwit.” but that’s just not me.
How come when people post negative opinions about Angelina and/or Brad, they are called haters, bitter, angry, etc, but it’s OK to post negative opinions about Jennifer Aniston? Maybe it’s time to just agree to have differing opinions, about people none of us know anyway?
Back on topic, her house sounds nice. I’m sure there will be online photos when the magazine comes out.
Hey SageAdvice, shouldn’t you be out finding your future husband? And yes keep him away from me and from all other women as well, cause we might just “stole” him away from you lol
anyhoo back to work enough time wasting on silliness especially on people who don’t know we are alive lol
Sagie, dear, I have this to say about KFP:
It was a G-rated movie that featured an ensemble cast (Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman, Lucy Liu and a few others) that made a shitload of money both in this country and overseas. What more do you want me to say? It was an enormously successful film. Why do you keep going on and on about it? What do you want me to say about Marley and Me? It was a dog movie featuring Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston and 22 dogs and it also made a lot of money.
At the risk of sounding impatient, what is your point in going over and over this? The bottom line is Angelina makes more money than Aniston, her movies are more successful than Aniston’s, and if awards count for anything, she’s a better actress than Aniston. Now go read Lyin’ Ian’s book for the twenty-fifth time and puh-leeze get off this topic; you’re wearing it to death.
What I’m kind of sick of is all the comments about how tired the angelina/jen thing is, who cares about them, why are people still talking about them etc. This is a celebrity gossip site, if you don’t want to read the gossip about angelina/jennifer then don’t read the comments! For some people it is entertaining.
Ok, I can’t stand angelina, but I think jennifer is looking as pathetic as usual. She’s on architechural digest?!! When everyone knows and talks about what a huge architecture fan Brad is? She mentions the rat pack coming over when as the writer pointed that usually includes Brad? Who else does that? How many other famous actresses show their home in magazines? How many others reference the rat pack – when on top of it she’s barely a hollywood a-list actress. That on top of high slit dress clearly influenced by angelina – yes I know other actresses have worn similar dresses. But the last high-profile one to wear it was angelina. And she knows she is constantly compared to her anyway. It all seems to be a cry for attention from Brad. Whom she clearly has not moved on from, probably because if she did, she wouldn’t be as famous anymore. It’s her last and only link to the hollywood a-list. And because she doesn’t have the acting talent to be there, she hangs on to her link to Brad. I find her completely pathetic.
Can’t stand this famewhore who Hollywood keeps shoving down our throats. There are SO MANY more talented women out there. Women who don’t need to advertise their charity efforts b/c they have a film coming out. To me, class + talent=Kate Winslett, Cate Blanchett, etc. No talent + trashy PR tactics=Jen Aniston. Wonder if she’ll show her big honker @ the Academy Awards again? Reconcile with John Mayer/Gerald Butler, etc and coo about how in love she is to the press? How wonderful! Can hardly wait.
@dk88: I’ve been subscribing to AD for years and every year or two they do a cover story on some celebrity’s home. The only two that stand out in my memory are Sylvester Stallone’s mansion, whose decor is so godawful it looks like Vintage Cathouse, and John Travolta’s, because he has a full-size jet plane — which he is licensed to fly — sitting on the driveway (or rather, the runway) right outside his front door.
Bek, it’s never going to happen. At least not until some of these nuts get their meds adjusted.
Chey: I bring it up because all of you Brangeloonies seem to attribute it’s success to Angelina Jolie when she not only wasn’t the star of the movie, but she has such an indistinct voice that my sisters (who don’t care either way about the triangle) didn’t even know which character she was until the end of the film.
The point is, you cannot call it an “Angelina Jolie film”. The point is, you all like to say her films made over a BILLION dollars when over half of that was from a film that she didn’t star in. It was not, as you say, an ensemble cast. Jack Black (aka the Panda of Kung Fu Panda) was the star. Clearly. And he was also the main draw. Along with the story and kiddie appeal.
I’m wearing it to death because Brangeloonies wear the success of that movie like a badge of honor when really, Angelina had nothing to do with how successful it was at all.
And, it should really go without saying but I feel I should say it anyway, I have never, and will never, read Ian Halperin’s book. And sorry, winning an Oscar ten years ago for playing your own crazy self isn’t exactly a credential for how good of an actor you are.
She probably got the big tub to hose down Brad’s skanky ass after he comes back home after his and Angelina’s breakup.
dk88: Lots and lots of celebrities show the insides of their homes. InStyle Magazine has a photo essay and interview every month with a different celebrity and the inside of their home.
And Jennifer Aniston can appear in Architectural Digest if she wants to. Magazines ask people to be on their covers or to share their homes or whatever. They asked and she agreed.
Kaiser, you planted a bad seed when you mentioned that Brad is a part of the “Rat Pack” of today. Now you’ve got people actually believing that crap when she was clearly talking about the only Rat Pack-the one from the 60s.
“It all seems to be a cry for attention from Brad. Whom she clearly has not moved on from, probably because if she did, she wouldn’t be as famous anymore. It’s her last and only link to the hollywood a-list.”-What?
Why would she not be famous anymore if she had moved on from Brad? That makes zero sense. She’s an actress. That’s her job. She’s trained for it and it’s probably all she knows how to do.
If you got a divorce from a lawyer, and you were a lawyer, would you just go and get another job? No, you’d keep up doing what you love and doing what you’re trained for. I don’t understand the reasoning behind her not being famous (I’m guessing you’d want her to quit acting) just because she would have moved on.
dk88: I’d have to say that you are kinda pathetic for not realizing that the Rat Pack consisted of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin, Joey Bishop and Peter Lawford.
Whatever nonsense Brad Pitt and his group of friends like to call themselves, they are NOT the Rat Pack.
@bonbiz. I agree the sexy pose for Architectural Digest is a bit much. I doubt AD fans really care. But, she’s done a lot of nude covers–wearing nothing but a tie for a men’s magazine to promote that doggy movie–comes to mind. “Look at my body!” “I’m hot!”– it’s kind of her thing. I have to admire actresses who don’t do the obvious tits and ass schtick.
Okay Sagie, fair enough. You can’t say KFP was a Jolie film any more than you can say Marley and Me was an Aniston film. KFP was an ensemble film and M&M was a mutt movie. Now can you PUH-LEEEZE let this go? Jeez Louise, you’re worse than a dog with a Ken’l Ration biscuit.
wow SageAdvice, pretty harsh calling me pathetic. It’s one thing to talk about celebrities, who are not going to read this stuff, it’s another to make it a personal attack. How do you know I don’t know who the original Rat pack is? Really? If you followed current media at all, you would know that George clooney, brad pitt, and others especially from Oceans 11 are called the modern Rat pack – by the media. Why? Mainly because oceans 11 is a remake of the original movie starring members of the original rat pack. No, jennifer aniston would not be any more famous than of the other cast members of Friends, if it wasn’t for her link to Brad pitt. Why else is she on the cover of magazine after magazine? For her awesome movies and amazing acting talent? As others have pointed out her movies have mostly been bombs. And btw I am not an angelina fan. I used to like jennifer until I got sick of how increasingly pathetic she started to look when she would keep referencing her long over marriage and brad, and worse calling his kids by name, and when she dated john mayer and kept going back to him. She’s nothing but a desperate, attention -seeking famewhore.
Just one thing I’d like to say to posters going on about Angelina Jolie winning her Oscar years ago. Well she’s won one so that makes up for never having even been nominated for one now doesn’t it? Its still an Oscar award no matter what the haters say. If you’re a working actor in Hollwood it is generally considered the highest acting achievement that you can get. She’ll always be called an Oscar winning actress whether people like it or not. No one can take that way from her.
And playing her ‘crazy self’? How do you know that is even what she is like in r/l? What, because some tabloids say so? Give me a break.
Totally Agree to above poster.
How this extremely average looking bird whose “talent” is described as mediocre at best made squillions of dollars defies belief.
I see more talented and better looking people everyday. Just doesn’t seem right or fair.
February 3rd, 2010 at 5:24 pm Okay Sagie, fair enough. You can’t say KFP was a Jolie film any more than you can say Marley and Me was an Aniston film. KFP was an ensemble film and M&M was a mutt movie. Now can you PUH-LEEEZE let this go? Jeez Louise, you’re worse than a dog with a Ken’l Ration biscuit.
LMAO. Love the last part Cheyenne lol
LOL!!! I wonder how much money sageadvice is making for defending Aniston and bashing Angelina. The chick is whack
Why does she need to put every aspect of her life on display? If the paps were stalking you every time you leave your home, wouldn’t you want your home to be your personal safe space? She complains about the intrusiveness of the press and how they focus on her private life and not on her work. Well you are making it easy by opening up your PRIVATE home to the press to sell a film. I would understand her releasing shots if she remodeled her office at her production studio as that is work related. But why show your private home if you want people to take you seriously and focus on the work. Sorry forgot – her talent is limited and her films lacking substance and depth and the only way to keep relevance in the public eye is to sell yourself and your private life, not the films.
Wasn’t there a blind about her and her getting in the way of the interior decorators floating around about a year ago??
I agree #59. There are so many interviews of her complaining about fame and the invasion of her privacy. Yet, we have pics inside her home? If you were a private celeb, you wouldn’t be displaying your home for all to see. That’s something you don’t see private celebs doing, like Johnny Depp, etc. I just don’t get her.
Regardless of what team you are on Anniston or Brangelina. Remember Brad was married when he hooked up with Angelina and Angelina reciprocated with a married man after she whined her father ruined her childhood by chating on her mom. That said Jennifer has more morals than Brangelina put together. Im not a huge Jenn fan but i do think she took the high road and deserves happiness in life for having to go thru a very public and embarrassing divorce – all thanks to Brad. He is the villian here for sure.
Ugh. Aniston ought to make up her mind about her privacy or lack thereof. To constantly complain about it, yet invite the public to see photos of the inside of her home seems disingenuous.
No need to buy the magazine. Just go to They have downloaded the entire article and pictures. Now I won’t have to go to Barnes&Noble to look at it.
None of the decoration is my taste at all. It’s all very “California meets Bali” kind of indoor-outdoor with teak and bamboo. It’s actually really dark with wood paneling in the living room. Some commenters said it was “very 70s” but I don’t think so. I especially dislike the bedroom where the bed is very low on a platform and the rug is shag!! The one thing I do LOVE is the view!! Staggering!! With a view like that, I could live in a completely empty house and still be happy.
While I agree that showing one’s home in a magazine conflicts with wanting total privacy, I have to say…so does publishing private family photos, including one of your partner breastfeeding one of your newborn twins, in W magazine.
So I guess Brad and Angelina should make up their minds too.
“Can’t stand this famewhore who Hollywood keeps shoving down our throats. ”
I agree 100%. Her movies stink as much as her love life, yet they keep trying to shove her down our throats.
Don’t you guys know it’s all about REVENGE?!?!?! Muahahaha. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.
My husband and I would probably do the same with the his and hers crap for a big spa tub. There’s nothing like taking a bath together with champagne and strawberries!!! mmmmhmmmm.
Even if it is not the case, posing on the cover a magazine and participating in a how ever many page layout in your ex husband’s favourite magazine that he reads religiously no matter where he is in the world, could look a bit desperate to the everyday outsider. She has never done a home photo shoot before. Why she is doing it now and in this particular magazine instead of one of the women’s magazines opens her up to things being read into it.
Well people that’s the point. That’s why Huave gets the big bucks. People have to keep talking about her and her private life. Because the films she chooses to make are so bad and generic that without her private life as the hook, not many people who be all that interested in her.
Chey Chey: I beat you to it in terms of saying that Marley and Me wasn’t a Jennifer Aniston film so…nice try. And I was right. Yay.
Alex: I wish I was getting paid to defend her. I wouldn’t have to sit all day staring at library patrons who can’t figure out how to find books but don’t ask for help.
Camille: Angelina Jolie won her Oscar when she was acting crazy. Kissing her brother and talking about sex, knives and all that ALL the time. Most people at the time said that the role was perfect for her because she was like that anyway.
“There are so many interviews of her complaining about fame and the invasion of her privacy.”
Really?! Quotes please, because she’s always come across as quite level-headed and understanding of her position in the fame-game. Occasionally frustrated at how the “triangle” and her “loneliness” is continually brought up in articles, yes; complaining about fame, not so much….
LOL she put her home in Architectural Digest BECAUSE BRAD reads it! It is the ONLY WAY she can show her new home to BRAD!!! LOL
This is the most human and endearing I’ve seen Aniston. Her home sounds beautiful. She should give her PR people a bonus because she gets kudos for what she’s done recently, since it’s working.
68.SageAdvice: Chey Chey: I beat you to it in terms of saying that Marley and Me wasn’t a Jennifer Aniston film so…nice try. And I was right. Yay.
Jesus Christ, how old are you? Fourteen and a half? For the last time, let it go. Nobody but you gives a damn. Now go read your stack of tabloids or something. Sheesh.
Management made $1.4 million worlwide Period
@cedar falls. This is only one of many articles I remember her complaining about the media. She even called them “mother–ers” for not leaving her alone, complained on Oprah that she felt naked and that “they need to turn the page.” I could go on and on.
Yeah good argument there lol.
@Cheyenne- I agree with you, some people just need to let stuff go. lol
Good grief. lol
Chey chey, the Jan pay check for defending the Brand must have been doubled. I guess with all the split stories, you need a pay rise.
@Camille: LOL, wouldn’t you know it, here comes Ursula to pick up where Sagie left off. I call those two Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber. Rx a good dose of Kaopectate to clean out all that poop between their ears.
Chey: You “don’t care” because you were wrong. Trust, everyone does a little happy dance in their heads when they win a debate, no matter how meaningless.
@Sage: They do? It depends on how important the debate is to you. If winning a debate about trivia — which is essentially what a gossip blog is all about — is a matter of life and death to you, then go to it. Personally, I think you’d be better off reading a good book, or at least something beside your stack of moldy tabloids. But that’s just me.
(And don’t forget the Kaopectate.)
“For the last time, let it go.”
from someone who argues just as vehemently and thoroughly as those being admonished. like a junkyard dog with a bone.
some people need to take their own advice.
I’ll tell you now that I like Ange more than Jen. I’m not going to say why, because I know that no one cares.
Honestly, I used to love these arguments but I’m getting a bit tired now. Can’t anyone see that there is no way to convert someone to the other side? There’s no point preaching. Sheesh.
BUT, even though I side with Ange every time, I will still pick up this magazine and look at this article because I like interior design and decoration.
Well-written , Go on like this!
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