At the end of 2024, various royal commentators tried to take stock of the Windsors’ sh-tshow year. King Charles’s cancer, Princess Kate’s disappearance, a “kill order” on a palace-released frankenphoto, more sleazy Prince Andrew shenanigans, Princess Anne getting kicked in the head by a horse, and on and on. The Daily Mail’s A.N. Wilson did a summary of all of that, but instead of striking a rosy tone about how 2025 could be better for the Windsors, Wilson makes the family sound like they’re on their last leg, especially with “future king” Prince William. What’s also remarkable is that this is a highly critical piece and yet… Wilson did not mention the Sussexes whatsoever. Usually, the conversation is “yes, the Windsors are doing terribly, but we still hate Harry and Meghan!” There’s none of that. Some highlights from “Without their links to the Church and Armed Forces, the Royal Family are just a bunch of celebrities. Sooner or later, that means the end of the monarchy.”
Charles & Camilla in Australia: “In spite of their age and vulnerability, the King and Queen visited Australia in October and put up as robust a defence of the monarchy as they could. It was impossible not to feel sorry for them having to endure that embarrassing week when, despite displays of loyalty by many Australians, the couple almost seemed to be there on sufferance. When an Aboriginal member of Parliament bellowed her nation’s grievances at King Charles, it prompted many to ask themselves: How long before this voice of Republicanism becomes as strong back in the United Kingdom?”
William got heckled: That premonition seemed to come true just weeks later when Prince William was heckled with the chant ‘Free Palestine’ during a visit to Northern Ireland – as if he were to blame for the tragic situation in the Middle East. Such an outburst in the presence of Queen Elizabeth II would have been unthinkable. ‘How long?’, the Republicans must gleefully have wondered – how long?
The Slumlord Windsors: At present, Republicanism is not popular. But there are signs the movement is gathering strength. One of the most damaging arguments against the House of Windsor is its personal wealth and the way it is exercised – which was put under stark scrutiny this autumn. A joint investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches and The Sunday Times revealed some of the ways in which Prince William and his father have accrued truly vast sums of money through the Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster….The huge personal wealth of the Windsors is not a problem while they are popular and continue to believe in the constitution they sustain. But it is undeniably an embarrassment. Even the most fervent monarchist cannot really believe that the vast revenues from the duchies should be regarded as the royals’ private money. It isn’t their money, is it? Not in the way that your wage packet or salary is yours.
The sorry state of modern royalty: Prince William has long strived to prove he is a modern royal. Last year, for example, it was reported that he saw no reason why his son George should – unless he chose – be a member of the Church of England or serve in the Armed Forces. That’s fine. We can all see that William is a very different person from his father. He has described it himself as being royal without a capital R. All of this works perfectly well, so long as the popular members of the Royal Family are in robust health and the monarchy continues to be stable. But when the King, Queen Camilla and Princess Catherine were taken out of the picture through illness this year, we were forced to imagine what the monarchy would look like without them. The vision, certainly, was a bare one. Princess Anne remained the ‘hardest-working royal’ this year despite taking some time off in the summer when she was kicked in the head by a horse. But what of the other royals and younger members of the family? What are they doing to bolster those crucial connections with the country?
What is the point of royalty? To put it another way: What is the point of royalty if it is not spelt with a capital R? If the men and women who are serving this country do not feel a deep sense of kinship with the monarch – a kinship that is meaningless unless he or she can wear a uniform on public occasions – have we not lost one of the essential building blocks of what makes the royals royal? If – as seems increasingly possible – the Church of England is disestablished and the monarch is no longer required to belong to it, another deep link with the past is removed…Sir Keir Starmer’s Government plans to remove the last hereditary peers from the Lords. You can see why. In today’s climate, how can the hereditary principle be defended?
William is not religious & he won’t retain links to the armed forces: But, if you apply that argument to the non-elected members of our Second Chamber, surely it also applies to the monarch? Why should someone be our head of state simply because they have inherited the role? The answer would once have been: Because of the link with the Church. But Charles will surely be the last English monarch who takes that link seriously, and William is not even especially religious. Another answer is – because of the link with the Armed Forces. But, as referenced, William has suggested he does not think even that would continue when George grows up.
The burden on William & Kate: Abolish those two ingredients – church and military – along with the hereditary principle in political life, and the monarchy starts to look vulnerable. It is straying perilously close to being just a group of celebrities, like the Beckhams or Elon Musk. If that is all they are, then the end – sooner or later – will come. The burden of all this is on the shoulders of Prince William and his wife. They are the ones who have to carry the institution forward into new generations, for the sakes of their children and the majority of Britons who wish them all the very best. That burden is particularly heavy on William as the shadow of Catherine’s illness continues to loom. We can only pray she makes a full recovery, for the prospect of her absence from royal engagements – however short-term – heaps further pressure on William’s already mighty task.
In Endgame, Omid Scobie wrote about how Queen Elizabeth’s courtiers always believed that the monarchy would be in safer hands with William than Charles, that the courtiers believed that William would be more popular and a more uniting figure than Charles. But since QEII’s passing, I’ve genuinely gotten the feeling that there’s some panic within the “establishment” that William is a total dud, completely unprepared for the job and utterly unwilling to do much of anything. That’s what 2024 showed us too – that with Charles and Kate largely out of commission, William could not be counted on to pick up any slack.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- (front) King Charles III and Queen Camilla followed by (second row, left to right) the Princess of Wales, Princess Charlotte, the Prince of Wales and Prince George attending the Christmas Day morning church service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Princess Charlotte, Prince George, William Prince of Wales Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Prince Louis, Catherine Princess of Wales, Princess Charlotte Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Catherine Princess of Wales Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: King Charles III Where: Sandringham, Norfolk, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Queen Camilla, King Charles III Where: Sandringham, Norfolk, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend a Christmas service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate Featuring: Prince William, Prince of Wales Where: Sandringham, Norfolk, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of The Royal Family, led by King Charles III and Queen Camilla, attend the morning service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate on Christmas Day. Featuring: Queen Camilla, William Prince of Wales, Catherine Princess of Wales, Prince Louis, Prince George, Princess Charlotte Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: John Rainford/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE UK**
- Members of The Royal Family, led by King Charles III and Queen Camilla, attend the morning service at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate on Christmas Day. Featuring: William Prince of Wales, Prince Louis, Prince George, Catherine Princess of Wales Where: Sandringham, United Kingdom When: 25 Dec 2024 Credit: John Rainford/Cover Images **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION IN THE UK**
“A kinship that is meaningless unless he or she can wear a uniform on public occasions”? Anne wears a uniform and never served. I am missing the point here. Beckham may be a celebrity, but he earned that celebrity through his own talent and hard work. I would be insulted if I were him. Especially about being lumped with Musk.
I imagine it works this way – the king is commander-in-chief and can determine who is in the military. And if Anne is serving the king, then she’s serving the commander-in-chief.
Then he (George) can assign himself a role and be “in the military” without serving. That was the point I was making.
@somebody – my point is that there is no “without serving.” In this system, serving the king is the same as serving in the military because the king is the commander-in-chief.
Sorry, but VERY difficult to think of dressing up in a uniform and pretending to “serve” as the same as actually undergoing training and definitely NOT the same as experiencing combat.
@somebody – Lol, ITA. It’s hard to imagine without a 1,000 years of monarchy to back one’s thinking. Members of the RF have the right to wear a uniform because the God-anointed monarch gives them the right. Unless, of course, one marries woman of color.
They are running off the remnants of the fact that monarchs used to actually acquire and keep their territories through armies and heading them directly. That hasn’t happened in centuries, but usually the monarch would do some surface level training to somewhat justify the uniform with all the unearned awards. While a female monarch can skip the uniform, the male ones have not and George being commander in chief if he never even did the royal basic training just is a reminder of how useless the monarchy happens to be, especially if they aren’t elected to the position. It’s different in France and the states because their heads of state don’t play dress up despite being commander in chief.
“the shadow of Catherine’s illness continues to loom” – yet another hint that (despite the I’m cured frolicking video, or because of it) Kate is being benched.
Yeah what is going on here? How does nobody ask questions on how the King is up and about and working and how Kate is ostensibly “better” by her own admission, and I’m sorry but people the world over have friends and loved ones going through or having gone through cancer treatment – how can anyone look at Kate now and not have questions???
“[T]he prospect of her absence from royal engagements” seems like a pretty safe bet from where I sit.
I think its clear she’s being benched. We’re apparently just supposed to ignore the cancer-free video from September where Kate said she had finished treatments and was cancer free. Even KP tried to walk that back really fast and say that no, the statement that she is “working on remaining cancer free” shouldn’t be taken to mean that she is, in fact, cancer free.
So I think a lot of the insistence that she is still sick and cant work is coming from William, not Kate. I mean sure she doesn’t need an excuse to avoid work but I keep coming back to the two tiara events, events that she normally would have loved to have attended.
I think William wanted to divorce her, and now he can’t, so for him the next best thing is to not have to interact with her publicly. So she’s benched because “cancer” when in reality there is something else going on behind the scenes.
It remains bizarre for the Princess of wales to have skipped state banquets. They are running out of reasons to try and justify this especially when Charles is still taking cancer treatment and attending these things.
It’s bizarre af to me. She did a whole dang video saying she was better. So how is she unable to attend a tiara event then? At the end of the day, I hope she’s healthy and happy for her kids but none of this makes sense. And as ever, I wish she hadn’t been such a vindictive and manipulative person towards Meghan.
I agree. I saw a clip of William looking right at Kate before ushering his kids to leave her behind in the crowd.
Maybe it was heavily edited, who knows, but I can’t imagine a loving father telling his young children to keep walking to make their sick mother rush to catch up with them.
However, if the illness was mostly a cover for some behind the scenes drama, I could see him wanting to remove his children from that situation.
Will doesn’t want to do anything. He’s a spoiled rotten lazy flop. The ONLY thing that motivates him is one upping Harry and he’s failing at that too.
They are doomed and I really don’t think Chuck cares because he finally got to be king. If it all collapses after his death I would not be surprised cause it’s barely surviving now.
I’m sure the new plan is to just hold William together long enough for George to come of age and they can all pin their hopes on him as they did a young William. Rinse and repeat. I predict the commonwealth with shrink but at this point the institution will be okay with it so long as it’s not a mass exodus and the mostly white countries (canada, australia, NZ, etc) stick around.
I don’t have much sympathy for her but Kate becoming the mannequin they wanted Diana to be is sad. I’m sure her only hope to become Queen is for William not to find someone he likes better to replace her. I’m sure he’s bidding his time so the cancer story won’t be so fresh if (when) he gets rid of her.
It’s at least 10 years before George starts picking up the reigns. Can they last that long? The Gloucesters, Anne, PMK have maybe got another 5 years of doing regular engagements in them. Unless they bring the York girls and Lady Louise online, I can’t see how they keep their relevance up.
If Will is a better father than he is brother, husband and uncle then surely he needs to man up and knuckle down NOW to preparing to be the next king rather than lumber his own son at 18 with ruling? The onus is on Will to do his own fair share as heir and prepare his own son to rule in his turn. If Will is a responsible adult and parent who lives his son unselfishly he will not let him down by abdicating.
@seaflower, unless George decides to follow his father’s example and put off royal duties until he’s in his late 30s, early 40s. I mean I could see William pushing George to ignore how he (William) put off royal work for decades but I hope that George will have a bit of a spine (unlikely but still) and tells his dad, “I’m going to live my life exactly how you lived yours, whining and complaining while doing no work”.
I doubt William will ever abdicate he wants to be a statesman
George doesn’t have to work to be the great hope of the monarchy. William has been the great hope since he was a boy, and its only been recently that royalists and the men in grey have realized “oh whoops, maybe not.”
I think we’ll start seeing more stories about George and expectations for him and it will be interesting to see how many of those are being pushed by KP or by someone else.
In a normal family, I would agree with you. William, though, has been catered to his entire life, stamping his feet and threatening to leave unless he got his way. (That was how Harry was as roped into doing all the scut work!) I remember that Diana tried to rein in his sulking temper tantrums and pigheadedness but no one else in that family followed through. He reminds me of David Windsor (Edward VIII) with his endless partying, traveling with his mistresses and spending money like there was no tomorrow. This won’t end well either! I feel bad for George who seems shy and heavily reliant on his outgoing sister.
William needed Harry to humanize him and he pushed him out because his ego couldn’t handle having a charismatic brother who didn’t want his wife to be treated like dirt. Pushing out family as William did is the crack that can’t be healed. How can the firm be a family when you do that to your only sibling, the brother who lost a mother tragically as well. Charles didn’t have the good father reputation once the divorce with Diana happened, but William was seen as the loyal brother. But he wasn’t and that is more damaging to his image than Charles pushing out Harry. Charles didn’t have a pedestal at this point, but William did. And Harry’s book exposed the hypocrisy even more, and it damaged William and Kate in ways they can never recover from.
True true true. Harry’s book connected the dots and exposed William and Kate but it was all self-inflicted. Bc there was a path in which William could have actually been a loyal brother. Instead, William and Kate Macbeth took really nasty measures against Harry and Meghan. They could’ve just not done that…
Dull, adulterous, vacant, cruel, emotionally immature, spineless, profoundly unintestesting.
You forgot pompous, hypocritical and imbecilic.
and inbred.
If you look at the history of the monarchy, there was bound to be a “dud”. Being born first doesn’t guarantee strong leadership skills. William was never suited for the job. I’m certain everyone in the institution knows that and we’re counting on Harry being shadow king. They had no back up plan.
Frankly QEII was a dud as well, she just did what her private secretaries told her to do, she followed the traditions of her father but made no mark of her own. But what QEII had was youth and beauty on her side when she ascended the throne and then longevity and public affection when she passed.
I doubt you will see support in the realms for the proposition that Elizabeth II was a ‘dud’. That is proven by the uphill battle Charles has had to replicate her success. She was an absent mother and was too lenient on Andrew and the heir, William, both of whom did as they pleased, to the monarchy’s peril. But those are private matters.
The sad part (for the Windsors) is that Harry would have done this but never at the expense of his own nuclear family. If the Firm hadn’t been so short-sighted on Meghan they would probably be in a better place right now. I’m in the camp that they all (inadvertently) did the Sussexes a favor and am happy that H&M+A&L are out of that life.
William takes after his great granduncle Edward V111 as far as being a dud — lazy, work-shy, spoiled, temperamental, stubborn, a spendthrift. At least George V1 could be relied upon to take over when his brother dipped. Had he remained King he would have capitulated to the Nazis and the UK and Europe would be very different countries as a result.
Whoops! Sorry, Jaded. I said something similar above: juxtaposing William with David (King Edward VIII) – both spoiled, lazy bullies!
Harry is not going to be shadow king. He has his own family now
The Queen had more than youth and beauty. She had a very strong work ethic, plus the legacy in the country’s mind of her family’s (George’s) stoicism in WWII. William lacks both. Harry never would have been shadow king because William and Kate would never have let him into the limelight.
Harry absolutely when have been the shadow king during William’s reign. Hell, he was the shadow heir for years when he was still a part of the firm. Harry was the one sent on all of those royal tours and meetings while William faffed about with Kate Middleton doing f*ckall for years. Harry was the most popular member of the royal family behind the queen and even surpassed her at times.
Harry being the shadow heir is spot on. And he would have been the shadow king doing the work while getting the most abuse with the press. He might have endured it if it hadn’t been that they abused Meghan, Archie and his whole family. Like are you effing kidding me that the queen or charles or anyone couldn’t have made a statement about the monkey jokes when Archie was born. Like come on.
I hear you about BP and KP failing to make a statement about the monkey jokes and all the other abuse, absolutely. I still don’t believe William would have tolerated Harry’s popularity, and we agree Harry was popular even as he performed shadow heir duties. Maybe if Harry agreed to stay in the background for the rest of his life, and either stayed single or married somebody even less interesting than Kate. But keeping Harry as a hard-working cypher was never in the cards, and eventually William would have felt too threatened and pushed him out for some different reason.
Huh, okay that’s an interesting thought, that William never would’ve tolerated Harry’s popularity even without Meghan. We talk about Harry doing the work in the BG but even that might not have worked bc he was always going to be more charismatic. So then what? He’d already been forced out of the military. An obscure foreign post? Idk, I think they would have kept him around as the single scapegoat, the jester to be lampooned. But yeah, if that didn’t work and th w public still loved him, then what? If William had still felt threatened.
I think they were absolutely expecting Harry to be the shadow king (which by its very name implies that he wouldn’t have been in the limelight.) And by that I mean I think they were expecting him to do the heavy lifting – to do the international tours, the ribbon cuttings, the military events – while William and kate did the bare minimum.
Meghan threw them for a loop IMO because she’s smart, motivated and hardworking – and very charismatic and people responded to that. It was okay for Harry to be popular as the comedic spare, it was not okay for Harry and his wife to be popular because they were better at the royal work than W&K.
Yep. And, like Diana, it messed with their minds that a married-in could be better than a blood royal. And that’s not even getting into a black American woman being better which just made it worse for their minds.
Harry was and is the scapegoat in that family of malignant narcissists and so when he left to protect his wife and children, they could never forgive him because he rejected the role they had assigned him since birth.
And Meghan coming in as accomplished as she was blew away the weak excuses of why Kate remained dull and uninspiring even after almost a decade in the family. Jealousy was coming at all angles here.
Agree completely with both of you.
And the thing with Kate being dull and uninspiring – I’m going to refer to a comment a few above this, where someone called QEII a “dud.” i think her popularity shows that being a “dud” wasn’t a mark against her. She was seen as stoic, unchanging, committed to duty. She worked hard and that was respected over the decades. She and phillip also created the image of a big happy royal family – even with the issues and Andrew and such, people loved seeing the huge family on the balcony or on Christmas etc. She was a mother and grandmother (and great-grandmother) and people related to that.
Kate is dull and uninspiring and the only thing really going for her is that she’s a mother. She’s not stoic and unchanging and committed to duty – she comes across as dull and uncomfortable in her own skin and lazy.
Being dull isn’t a bad thing even for a royal. But the other things are.
I agree Kate is dull as dishwater. But there are apparently many out there who find her exciting, because apparently they love her coat dresses and “fluffy” hair and extreme thinness, and they don’t expect her to work more than a few days a year. Different tastes from you and me for sure, but they’ve found their way to thinking Kate is a style icon and wonderful mother.
Kate is white and Meghan is not. That is the reason some people pretend she is stylish. If Kate wasn’t married to a Prince she would be nobody and certainly not even close to being considered an icon of anything fashionable. What a step down from Diana.
These white women who say they love Kate don’t actually dress like her or do anything to emulate her, as they would have done for Diana. And most of them didn’t exist before 2016 when Meghan arrived. Kate fans are Meghan haters and nothing more. Check out this site in 2015 and you will see how no one was admiring Kate or her style.
The quiet part sounds like it is getting louder. What a spectacular fall from grace this family is having.
Last February Will proved conclusively as the heir he is a dud. He should have proved his worth by calmly stepping up to provide cover for the King who had to withdraw from public facing duties. He refused and went underground for weeks. When he returned he limped through a very light schedule during 2024 only completing 71 engagements. All the tabloids excused this as Will doing his best under difficult circumstances. Yes he had the privilege and luxury to unilaterally decide to opt out of all but the lightest of schedule. We were told that he HAD to do both the school run and then help with his young children ‘s homework afterwards so could not be expected to do anything in between?? The spin was thread bare and pathetic. The tabs want Will to succeed so they can boast he is better than his brother who is suing them.
William did the opposite of his grandmother, as she stepped in for her father as he was getting sicker with cancer and could not do as much. Elizabeth had a very young family at the time this was going on too.
She might have had a young family, but she proved early that the Crown came before being a mother to her heir.
@ Lady Digby – look at other royal and royal-adjacent reported happenings end of last February. I suspect the answer to all you’ve stated about W’s abject failure to step up last year has its roots there.
“the monarchy would be in safer hands with William than Charles, that the courtiers believed that William would be more popular and a more uniting figure than Charles”
It should be noted that this plan always included Harry doing the actual work, flying all over the world meeting the world leaders. That is why they panicked sh*tless when Harry left and tried every trick to bring him back. They are still trying with the Heritage Foundation.
William was touted as the great hope for the monarchy about twenty something years ago. He certainly isn’t anymore imo
Well, they can put them all in uniforms and make them pretend to be super pious by going to church all the time, but it still doesn’t make them special. In other words, no matter how they dress them up, they still are just a group of celebrities. Very boring ones, at that. The day inevitably will come when everyone sees that.
Lipstick on a pig.
Charles and William are already mocked by some segment of the Fail’s comment section for the “chocolate box” medals they wear for attending various family events like the late Queen’s jubilee. “Colonel Kate” doesn’t get much respect either. Sure the die-hard royalists love them no matter what, but the segment of Fail posters who don’t buy it seems to be growing.
The DM actually went there, huh.
Wonder how many things William has incandescently thrown at underlings today as a result of that article?
Yes this is not good for Peg. I’m sure Horsilla is the one who has been putting this out there because she isn’t through dismantling the family. They all will be d list celebrities.
That the church is so intertwined with royalty is truly sickening. Royals are just power and land-grabbers that at one time used force and a deal with the church to attain power. The church made a deal with the devil when they decided to pretend that royals were annointed by God. If there were any real Christians in that “church” they would acknowledge that. In this day it is shocking that people still pretend that any God would want an institution that robs from the poor and creates wealthy, lazy, do-nothings.
Unfortunately this is Henry 8th’s fault. When he made himself head of state of the Church of England and since the English as a rule hate change we’ve just stuck with it. If you look at some of the rationale for the Monarchy it pretty much boils down to ‘we’ve always had one so can’t visualise how it will look without one’.
That’s funny since that’s not only the history of the Anglican Church, but the entirety of The Church. Power and land grabbing is what the Church has always been. They are real Christians. You want them better, the British need to actually accept change and acknowledge fault in how they got here. But claiming they’re not real Christians is just shifting responsibility.
Being anointed with oil goes back to the Middle Ages. It was actually French kings (I want to say Charlemagne, but maybe earlier?) who basically usurped the throne and needed to establish some sort of legitimacy, enter anointing kings with oil just like David was anointed with oil. The Roman Empire was dying or dead, and the church based in Rome, surrounded by invaders, needed a protector and Byzantium had its own struggles and couldn’t help. Henry VIII just kept the annointing-with-oil thing.
Anyway, no, these are not “real” Christians living high on the hog. Just like Trump isn’t a “real” Christian. There are plenty of examples of royal family members, especially women, in the Middle Ages who gave away all their wealth. (I’m in Paris now and have seen at least two cases.)
“Republicanism is not popular,” Wilson says, as he makes the case for Republicanism. And, really, this whole piece is pointed at William. Whether Kate goes back to “work” or not is irrelevant – she’ll never be the king, commander-in-chief and the head of the Church.
The argument has always been that Harry doesn’t respect the institution, when actually it’s William who doesn’t respect it. He’s happy with the wealth, but not the duties that go with it.
This reads like a warning for William and Kate to do more.
Exactly! How long could the monarchy survive with a sick old king, a rather rude old queen consort and a fantom future king? Why should they enjoy their vast wealth and privileges if they don’t pull their weight in appearances and work? I can’t understand how people accept their private wealth from the duchies. Their income should be returned to the people and the royals should be paid according to their work as head of the state and nothing else.
@First comment
– and all of that is playing out in a severe cost of living crisis in the UK, which is the worst kind of time for royals to isolate themselves and withdraw from the public eye
@FC: the Republican Party makes a compelling blueprint for the modern monarchy. I’ve been saying for years that the public funds every inch of their pampered lives. In the 21stC it is obscene. The clap back is always that they cost one pound per person or some such nonsense. Their security alone needs to be reined in. Republic says that the monarch ought to have only two residences guarded. I agree. Our GG has 2 residences. That seems fair. Why should tge monarch have unlimited residences guarded 24/7?
It should be a warning! These two don’t want to do jack and when Charles is gone people are going to see how little they actually do. Maybe then people will wake up.
The BM knows the wrong son of Chatles and Diana is inheriting the throne. The rats have no faith that William is up for the jobs of head of the CoE and CiC of UK’s armed forces; and George will not be remotely prepared. Kate’s “cancer” is code for being benched.
Is Harry up for the job as head of CoE, though? I have no idea whether he’s religious.
Harry is not the heir; William and his children are. At this point, Harry is the 6th in line. Debating whether he is up to the task is very confusing to me, am I missing something here?
I do get Harry’s not the heir, but it sounds like some here are suggesting a thought exercise in which Harry would be a better head of CoE than William. Just taking this for the hypothetical that seems to be posed above, I’m wondering if it’s actually true that Harry would do a better job as CoE head.
Honestly, when in the last several hundred years have they been anything more than “celebrities'”? They don’t “reign” in that their word isn’t the law of the land and it’s been proven that their “patronage” doesn’t benefit their charities one pence.
They were the original celebrities and it’s why we tend to know so much more about royals over time than anyone else.
Having been an off and on DM comments reader for a few years now, the general feeling is that Harry would be welcomed to the throne but not biracial ( insert your own insulting and crude adjectives here) Meghan. “A fate worse than death and the end of the monarchy if that woman ever returns”. The hate continues in the campaign to eliminate Meghan from this planet.
In reply to Aquarius 64
It is sickening dm gets millions of upvotes from bots for the comments that trash meghan
Kate has absolutely no power or influence and won’t when or if she is queen consort. It’s up to George not William if he wants to serve in the military though he’d never be in the frontlines
William not being religious would perhaps find it easier to divorce and remarry
I’m incredulous that the fall of the empire is happening at such a warp speed. We all knew once TQ fell off her perch that the BRF would never achieve the same level of respect and affection that she had from the public and, dare I say, the world. But so fast!? They all seem to be fumbling the ball every way possible, William being the worst fumbler. Kate isn’t even worth commenting on other than she’s achieved her goal — marrying the King-to-be, birthing a few heirs, then retiring from her silly make-work nonsense with some fakakta story of *cancer*…any excuse to cover up what Work-shy Bill did to her. What a vile family.
It really does hinge on William, doesn’t it. Even if Charles hadn’t gotten cancer, he’s still a man in his 70’s and people would naturally look toward his successor. And that look is showing a very weird dude. It’s hard for me to understand William – both arrogant and fearful, alternately puffing himself up and then cowering in the background, declaring what he’ll do as king and then shying away from the things a king will have to do. Like some kind of existential freakout. Maybe it’s what they used to call “trauma of adult transition.”
Agreed @Eurydice Will seems like a husk not a man in his prime and on the verge of becoming king. He vanished once the reality dawned in early 2024 that he should step up as heir and perform convincingly and consistently to stabilise the situation when the king had to withdraw from public duties. Upon his return to a very light schedule he seemed shaky and uncertain, shrunken and defensive. He hides behind a beard and defensive hands clasped together to protect his crotch. Yet all the fee fi fo fum talk of here I come Global Statesman and hot baldy who is too sexy for his tweeds?? His poor service delivery and diminished physical presentation last year caused by the shock of his dad’s cancer and fear of having to step up in any capacity? That was last year’s story: Will knows what the score is now and should focus on preparing himself properly for kingship. After all actions speak louder than words.
@Lady Digby – you’ve absolutely nailed it. Forget about sexy dad and charm offensive and “I f*ckin’ hate Harry” every two seconds. It would be one thing if William was actually charming and sexy and Harry was actually hateful, but none of this is authentic or helpful.
I can’t speak for the UK, but what I’d want from a king is steadiness, reliability, understanding and performance of his duties, and a sense that he actually cares about his realm and the people in it. All of this must be demonstrated through consistent action, not one-off speeches, occasional pop-ups at a soup kitchen and a yearly appearance with a bunch of celebrities.
Question then a comment:
Question – Re: Palestine & the Middle East, wasn’t William supposed to be solving that problem—being the statesman his is? Is it done? I’ve really been off social media and the news, frankly, since the U.S. election back in November. So, I have no idea if he has brokered a peace deal. 😂🤪🤣
Comment – William and Kate are looking for a CEO & plan to bypass the “grey men” based on the posting from the other day. That posting, along with this one, makes me believe that he and Catherine 🙄 plan to “quiet quit” the monarchy end of the business and to retreat privately into the aristocracy like many of his friends. To be clear, what I am suggesting is that the CEO & finance folks will run the “firm” (the business end of the monarchy and the portfolio holdings) while William & Kate make a few celebrity like appearances. They plan to live much as much as they already have—and, that is like private hugely privileged and guarded citizens. After all, Kate has trained the public not to have many or any expectations where she is concerned. Her appearances have been slack for a long time. Probably soon after Charlotte was born. It’s been one excuse after the other. Think about it? Hasn’t it been at least two years since we’ve heard about the Big 5 or The Wonder Years (or whatever her last initiative was called)? She hasn’t had a real and/or knowledgeable handler in place since Charles hired the one woman to assist her. Finally, you got William starting and stopping and announcing but not doing anything of note. What are the results? Hasn’t even Earthshot fallen by the wayside? Anyway, anyway my point is that they’ve already been quiet quitting for sometime. The QEII crowd is dying out but they’d likely give them a pass. The Boomers watch bcuz of Diana. The rest of us are probably just residual watchers even if long-term. However, I doubt if anyone here thinks the sun shots out of their butt or that they anointed with anything special but an extra sprinkling of apathy and laziness. There is no magic left. That’s gone and resides in CA.
Celebrities? I suspect that the whole gang of royal hangers-on only *wish* these people could be celebrities. They are the most boring and unattractive and uncharismatic group of bums in the UK. As William’s kids get older, it looks like they will be a bunch of uncharismatic and uninteresting royals as well. Even if WIllaim and Kate stepped up and did, say, twice as much work, it wouldn’t make any difference. Because who really gives a fuck except a few old-timey royalists?
Even though the Sussexs have been gone for over five years now, the Windsors and the press become ever more hysterical about them, because they know all this to be true. They are nothing in terms of celebrity when they are up against the Sussexes. This latest response to a 15-second video on the beach is more unhinged than anything so far. It beggars belief.
Agreed. It would be difficult to even pretend that the left-behinds are celebrities in any way shape or form. They are wealthy aristocrats with famous names and positions, but nobody is checking for Sophie or Edward or even Kate. Like….remember how Sophie and Edward’s PR team or whatever was making a big deal every few weeks about Edward being made Duke of Edinburgh? And then it happened and…crickets. Have any of you guys ever heard one person mention Sophie or Edward outside of various royal message boards? An entire family of flops.
“Celebrities” without actual skills or even charisma — who chose to put white supremacy over the longevity and stability of their “brand”. If they had only been decent to just two people — Diana and Meghan — the future of the monarchy would likely be in a far different place. Oh well. Now we’re watching a monarchy crumble in real time, while Camilla chuckles. I do wonder how much of this the Queen anticipated?
Will should aim to top the annual royal engagements table from now on. Turn up a lot more , prepared and interested and not empty handed to food banks. He and his missus should donate a large sum to the Liz Hatton cancer fund and also to cancer research.
Sorry I meant to include the link to Liz Hatton’s Just Giving page
Well, I never expected a Daily Mail column would make my day, but that one did (of course it’s a gray day in January, but anyway) …
I nearly cheered when I read this: “Even the most fervent monarchist cannot really believe that the vast revenues from the duchies should be regarded as the royals’ private money. It isn’t their money, is it? Not in the way that your wage packet or salary is yours.”
That is practically summoning people to the barricades, as far as the DM goes. I await the follow-up, corrective piece that assures us that the monarchy is priceless.
Things are really getting interesting when someone like AN Wilson is criticising the royal family. And to be clear, he’s really sticking the boot into William here. He’s saying that, if you take Charles, Camilla and Kate out of the equation, what you’re left with is not enough. And he thinks William needs to do more connect with the people.
I totally agree but, but, but “who’ll do the school run”????
I swear Kate’s whole reason for living is avoiding any work by hiding behind the need to do the SCHOOL RUN!
Yep, they never imagined a life without Harry in it, until their life was without Harry in it. Harry the spare and the work horse that gets whichever job given to him done but never gets credit for anything but rather, all credit is given to his lazy brother because he is the heir. Harry the smart one that constantly is being portrayed to the world as the dumb one while the dumb heir is praised to be the brain behind everything Harry does. Harry the perpetual scapegoat that gets blamed for any and all heir William’s misdeeds and is never allowed to defend himself. Yep, now salt isle are in their moment of reckoning, LOL. Couldn’t have happened to more deserving folks. Next….
They did Harry a favor, though, in the long run. The years of being the point man for whatever work needed to be done gave him the skills he needed to ultimately walk away, and establish a successful, fulfilling life for himself and his family. And in remarkably short order. Meanwhile, by virtue of being MIA whenever there was any work required, William failed to develop even the basic skills he needs for the role being handed to him on a silver platter, much less equip him to carve out any other kind of life.
D-list celebrities
Will carried out 175 royal engagements in 2023 which dipped to 71 last year. Anybody like to guess how he’ll do this year? Will he equal 175, do more or gulp, do less than 71?
What’s interesting to me is how AN Wilson is careful to say the royals have all had “illnesses” this year. Let’s be real. We don’t really know what illness Charles, Kate or Anne has had this year. Like what in the heck happened with that horse. It’s all been opaque for every single one of them although Charles has been much better at messaging. But we don’t really know. Bc they are all liars and AN Wilson is careful to just vaguely say illnesses. Smart writer.
My thought exactly.
Anne’s has been odd from the start, video of her at many royal events this year show her – apparently – talking to herself.
The British RF are in crisis.
Jais: the doctors Charles knighted are his general practioner and a specialist for respiratory medicine. No onkologist. And general practioner is in Scotland and signed the Queens death certificate… Hm.
the kinship nonsense is a backfilled cover story to establish some relationship with the peasants.
How long can Kate be recovering from having had pre-cancerous cells found in her? I think it’s obvious that there are multiple issues here, both physical and mental, and relationship issues that would obviously intersect. When are the courts going to start being a tad more transparent? UK is not exempt from eventually having a debate about what to do with the monarchy- keep it with some changes or abolish it. It surely can’t just limp along indefinitely.