Adrian Lipscombe clapped back on Eater for mocking Duchess Meghan’s show

I’m really happy about the Duchess of Sussex’s Netflix cooking/entertaining show, With Love, Meghan. The trailer was released last week and it already has millions of views on YouTube and social media. It remains to be seen if Meghan will actually do some press to promote the show, or if she’ll just let word-of-mouth do its thing. Once again, I will say this… I would enjoy seeing Meghan do some interviews and some media around the show. The lack of any promotion around Polo was disappointing and it played into the worst and most toxic narratives. Granted, those toxic narratives are going to happen anyway… which is why Meghan and Harry should be proactive. As for that toxicity… a lot of outlets in the UK and even some in America have published pieces mocking Meghan and the idea of Meghan doing a cooking show. Eater was one of those sites rolling their eyes at Meghan. But something interesting happened – Texas chef Adrian Lipscombe posted a fascinating clapback:

So this has been going around for a minute, and I have to say, @eater—what are y’all thinking? I get it—sensationalism gets clicks, but shame on you. I’m really trying to be nicer in 2025, but this? This isn’t it.

How are you going to criticize someone or judge a TV show before it has even aired? @eater, there was a time we looked to you for thoughtful reporting, a pulse on food trends, and some real insight into the food world. But now? This feels like a step down.

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting @meghan over food, and let me tell you, she and her well-known significant other are some of the most down-to-earth people I’ve ever met. We talked about our families (mostly about our daughters being in their princess phase and the movies they love) and, of course, about food. She didn’t rush the conversation, even though I was taking up her time. She was gracious, engaged, and kind.

What frustrates me most about this piece is how easily it falls in line with the tabloid noise surrounding her. Instead of offering a professional critique, interviewing her, or asking thoughtful questions, you’ve chosen to sensationalize for clicks. That’s not the journalism or standard many of us want from you.

And let’s talk about the bigger picture here—where are the Black female-led shows and roles in the food world? Representation is already so scarce, and now, a show that has the potential to spotlight food, culture, and storytelling is being torn apart before it even has a chance. This isn’t just about Meghan Markle. It’s about a systemic issue in media and entertainment that continues to dismiss or belittle efforts by women, especially women of color, to create something meaningful.

I really hope you’ll consider retracting this piece and, more importantly, taking a moment to reflect on the impact of this type of writing. Take the time to get to know the people you’re covering, their intentions, and the context behind their projects. The food world deserves better. Meghan deserves better. And frankly, we all do.

[From Adrian Lipscombe’s IG]

This clapback actually inspired me to find the Eater post being discussed. It’s just as nasty as Lipscombe suggests – and it was written by a white woman, Amy McCarthy. It’s a tantrum about a minute-long trailer in which McCarthy spews venom at the idea that anyone would want to watch Meghan cook, bake or entertain when they could just watch a white woman like Martha Stewart or Ina Garten. “This isn’t just about Meghan Markle. It’s about a systemic issue in media and entertainment that continues to dismiss or belittle efforts by women, especially women of color, to create something meaningful.” Exactly. There was a feeding frenzy of negativity as soon as the trailer dropped, with people tripping over themselves to denigrate Meghan for… cooking and making a light lifestyle show.

Photos courtesy of Netflix.

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109 Responses to “Adrian Lipscombe clapped back on Eater for mocking Duchess Meghan’s show”

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  1. Acha says:

    This is an excellent response to that exceedingly poorly thought out article. Respect to Lipscombe for noticing that the trolls are both specific and endemic, and for demanding that Eater retract.

    • seaflower says:

      A great response from Adrian.

      • Carrie says:

        Agree. A great response.
        Absolutely sick of the bullying Meghan receives.

      • Megan says:

        Great response. Also, many people enjoy cooking shows and Meghan’s appears to be an undated format where the audience isn’t just watching someone standing in a kitchen. Frankly, the TV food industry should welcome these kinds of risks because if they work, it expands the market for everyone.

    • NICP says:

      Agreed! Great response. Also if you look at the comments in the Instagram post, a lot of food industry people are pushing back including Tom Colicchio and Kristen Kish.

    • Debbie says:

      I completely agree with you about Lipscombe’s response. It touches on so many things too, such as the fact that this Eater (which, sorry, I’ve never heard of) holds itself out as an authority on food and cooking, but here it is, judging a show BEFORE it’s even aired. Go figure. Then, Lipscombe takes a larger view beyond just Meghan to the food industry which focuses on the tastes, the interests, and the palates of white men and women mostly. So, for Eater to take on this attitude and TRY to diminish Meghan’s voice at the outset diminishes their own “journalistic” standing, if they ever had any. It’s also just grade school mean girl self-indulgence on the part of the Eater article writer. Lipscombe, the cook, had to suggest to a writer “Hey, before writing about her or her show, maybe you should try interviewing her, at the very least.” All I can say is Go Meghan!

  2. Anna says:

    Nice. Wishbone the food instagram lady also defended her

  3. AMTC says:

    Thank you Adrian and thank you as always Kaiser. The pile on has been predictable and dispiriting.

    • Debbie says:

      Don’t be dispirited. Instead, just look at how she fights, perseveres and keeps living her life when it would be so easy to just give up.

      • Totally agree. But the Duchess’s grit and determination is what angers other, less talented people so much. The “how dare she rise above” is often stated in so many racist ways. I’ll be watching the Duchess’s show and buying whatever books she chooses to publish.

  4. Maxine Branch says:

    You expect a certain segment of the white women population to reach for the lowest common denominator when reporting on Black women. This is not new to us, we expect it and come prepared. Unfortunately for them their voices all sound alike with the same message, this space is reserved for us. We see this daily. Meghan’s show will be a resounding success because she is Meghan and she comes prepared. I too wish she would go on a few shows to promote her show, just because I would like to see her out doing so, not because she will need to.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I struggle greatly with Kaiser’s continued push for MORE from them. Promotional or PR clapping back.

      I’ve been in an abusive narcissistic family system in which I was the scapegoat. The only way to survive is to grey rock. And for a long time, that also means grey rocking what you are doing or presenting to the world and the way in which you respond to things.

      The British Royal Family and the UK media are abusive narcissistic institutional systems. And the only way you can keep your peace is to step back and let the narcissists reveal themselves. Which they are doing and more and more people are seeing.

      But to that end – you need to starve them of new fuel for their hatred. They need to only have the same old talking points. The same slights. Because narcissists show up with the same level of rage on day 1 as they do on year 10. The only thing that changes is that the people around them start to look at these people – frothing at the mouth with rage – over something that happened so long ago, with nothing new to report. They can’t be the victim still when nothing new has occurred or been done to them.

      Harry and Meghan are very likely being advised by some incredibly intelligent people who are also incredibly well versed in narcissistic systems. They are playing the long game. I mean… they aren’t playing and it’s not a game. But they are following a strategy that is the ONLY thing that truly works against narcissists. It’s not immediate. And you will suffer in the meantime. But it’s the only way to really get free.

      You go no contact. And you inform any and all people you are in contact with to grey rock when it comes to you. You grey rock with them on any necessary interactions. And you lock your shit DOWN.

      The narcissists will destroy themselves. You just have to make sure you aren’t collateral damage on their way out.

      They are doing the right thing 100000%. Especially for their long term safety. Which I think people forget is what’s at stake.

      It’s not just about not doing promotional work. It’s about grey rocking an institution that wants them dead and is salivating for any information from or about them
      In any form to incite more rage in people who intend them harm.

      • Meh says:

        Thank you for this. As a fellow survivor of narcissistic abuse, I wish all these “armchair PR experts” understood all that you have shared, and just how dangerous and traumatic it really is. It’s unfathomable the global abuse M&H endure on a daily basis.

      • Becks1 says:

        So while I understand what you’re saying here, I think the counterpoint is that they are NOT full on grey-rocking. they do clap back sometimes. They are putting out public projects. Harry is suing the newspapers. Harry flew to London to meet with his father when his cancer was announced. etc.

        I think overall H&M’s strategy has been to just let living well be the best revenge for their haters and I think its working well.

        And they have done promotional work over the years – or tried to – remember Meghan was scheduled to go on Jimmy Fallon, and Harry went on Colbert to promote Spare, etc.

        I think the “living well” is what is creating the huge wave of pushback right now. people see a couple that is happy and healthy and living lives that aren’t hurting anyone so what’s the issue?

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        @Friendly Crow, full agreement there. As an artist and a survivor of narcissistic family members, I’ve had to do what they’re doing before… pulling back on certain promotions b/c I was tired of the sh-t-stirring and backlash which family would start up. Moving two states away from the abusers did nothing to quell their enthusiasm for attacking me or my work, trying to destroy me by destroying my career which they knew I loved.

        And I’m not even “famous”… certainly not on the level of H&M.

        It’s different than clapping back on outright lies – those one deals with on a case-by-case basis, depending on how egregious the slander is and how much energy one has to deal with it. And it’s different than Harry suing the newspapers, because that’s fighting the institutional level violence. He knows that doesn’t just help the Sussex family; he’s not just doing it for his family, he’s doing it for everyone. He’s also doing it in service to the memory of the mother he couldn’t protect.

        IMO she IS promoting. She did 1 instagram mini vid, and Netflix released a trailer. And the world went =nuts= for it. She doesn’t have to do the interview circuit if she doesn’t want to – and part of the reason she doesn’t have to is because her haters are continually giving her promotion for free. By keeping her name in their mouths, those curious to find out the real story will tune in.

      • Nerd says:

        Becks I think that they are in fact “grey rocking” intentionally or unintentionally even with all that you listed. The things you listed aren’t things directly associated with the royal family. Harry returning one time to see an ailing parent isn’t him allowing them and their lies and vitriol back into his life. He flew in and flew out to continue with his life. Going there was just as much for him as a son as it was for Charles. His court cases are ongoing from before they left. That isn’t by his choice or option. He can’t just end the court case because it is just as much about his, his mother’s and other people’s closure as it is about the principle.

      • vpd4 says:

        @ Friendly Crow.


      • Vinnie says:

        THNAK YOU FRIENDLY CROW for an intersting, insightful and educational response. I have also struggled with Kaiser’s continual call for more from the Sussexes without knowing exactly why. Thank you for crystallizing my thoughts on the matter. It’s not about short-term gain, it’s about their long-term safety and ability to thrive in peace.

  5. Lady Digby says:

    The nasty and destructive trashing of Meghan for everything she says and does has been going for far too long and needs to be publicly called out and stopped. This is a cooking show so not controversial at all but the pile on demonstrates again the hate campaign against Meghan.Thank you to Adrian Lipscombe as a chef respecting Meghan ‘s genuine interest in cooking and pointing out the crappy “reporting” around the show. Bullying and racism should be challenged and called out.

    • Libra says:

      I agree the hate and smears need to be publicly called out and stopped, and it could be with one phone call; Charles and William could easily say “enough, back off”. Any chance that could happen? Not until Harry drops his lawsuits.

      • Square2 says:

        I think, even if the lawsuits didn’t exist, The Father & The Other Brother would still NOT defend Meghan & Harry. Meghan is black and Harry has been designated as scapegoat in the BRF. QE2 did not protect the Sussex when she was alive, and she appreciated hard working people, but still let KP & CH did all those things to Meghan. Don’t expect those two men & their wives suddenly grow a moral compass.

      • Lady D says:

        What happens after the lawsuit is decided either way? All is forgiven, come home my darling boy? Doubtful. What can they possibly use against them next?

  6. Dee(2) says:

    This show seems to be exposing some discomfort for some people even those who would consider themselves progressive. They see black women in a certain role or space and what Meghan is doing isn’t it. It’s clearly not about her capabilities, because even a cursory glance at the Tig would have told you this is her wheelhouse, and it’s not like the British media hasn’t mined that website for articles for years. If this show was less wide open spaces at a large home, fresh produce grown in a large garden, gathering honey from your beehive and was her cooking southern food ( this is not a knock on anyone on FN or other spaces that do), or other ” acceptable” cuisines and spaces for a minority, it wouldn’t be this much pushback. I don’t remember any pushback like this about Down home with the Neely’s is all I’m saying.

    • SIde Eye says:

      You are so spot on Dee(2). It’s the undertone of how dare she organic how dare she beehive and cook in a fancy kitchen. They are so triggered and not stopping to ask why am I triggered? There’s zero self reflection.

      Society as done WW no favors propping them up as some ideal and the best looking the smartest the most desirable the most beehive and way more organic than those other communities or whatever. When Black women enter what they perceive to be a space in their exclusive preserve and do it all better than they ever could all the while looking drop dead gorgeous and they cannot handle it. It’s a epidemic of Karens contorting their Walmart faces having meltdowns all over the internet. I find it all very pathetic and sad.

      I’ll be binge watching Meghan’s show. I can’t wait. I love to cook I love fresh flowers and good wine. I love to bake and my kitchen is my fabulous happy space. This show is right up my alley and it’s Meghan, her infectious joy is a ray of sunshine and I want it to seep out of the television airways and permeate my own home.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        Agree so hard.

        WW really need to look at themselves.

        The reaction to Meghan’s show is entirely rooted in racism and the outrage over the idea that a black woman can have nice things. Can have an amazing life. Can entertain and not “be the entertainment”. That she can be poised and accomplished and articulate. And that she can marry a prince.

        WW need to check themselves. Look at why they are so angry.

        I mean – ffs. How many of these white women had to google “food desert” after Megan McCain went after Meghan for enjoying cooking and creating lovely memories with her friends and family?

      • 809Matriarch says:

        It puts me in mind of that black woman who had a country House in England and was on Instagram just showing her luxurious life. It turned into a cesspool of hatred for that woman just showing her lovely life.

      • SIde Eye says:

        Thank you Friendly Cow! And I love your name! I agree 809 Matriarch it really is sad.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Yuuup… when Black women who are successful start occupying spaces normally occupied by the likes of Ina Garten and Martha Stewart, a certain type of WW gets completely heada$$ about it.

      Those WW need some therapy.

  7. Jan says:

    There is this woman in hospital getting chemo, and she is going off on Meghan, she is sick in body and mind.
    The British Media over played their hand, and people are just sick of them.
    “ My Father” is blocking like crazy, guess she tired of people reminding her that she only 244 books, even after posing by his grave.

  8. Woah Nelly says:

    She can’t do something meaningful, visit sick children in hospital, talk to families after senseless gun tragedy, feed the hungry, because she’s attention seeking. She can’t do light fluff, lifestyle brand, cooking show, because she seeking attention. But glob forbid she doesn’t show up for a red carpet or sit down for an interview she knows will get picked apart by the media and everyone is like “WHeRe IS MEghN?!?!? WHatS SHe HiDING?!?!?” F em. I’d rather she not do a single interview and just continue pushing out content and doing good work. We don’t need an explanation, it isn’t owed to anyone. Eyeroll emoji isn’t big enough for this sh*t.

    • Christine says:

      Uvalde was the moment I realized the derangers are actually mentally ill and dangerous. I watched in real time on Twitter as they attacked a family member of a dead child for defending Meghan. They called him a liar when he said she was still in touch with them, and then when he posted video of the mother of a murdered child on the phone with Meghan (on speaker) to prove she was still in contact with them, they immediately started shrieking at him that he was “sick” for taking video of the phone call. It was unbelievable.

      Once you are attacking the families of murdered children, you have completely lost your humanity. That is who these people are.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    These white women are tiring. But it’s good to see people defend Meghan.

    • Ginger says:

      That is once thing that has been nice to see. The amount of people defending and supporting Meghan outweighs the hate.

  10. Jais says:

    Good to see Lipscombe’s clapback. I’ve seen the eater headline but didn’t read the article bc I don’t want to get ragey. What is wrong with some people? There’s this smug dismissiveness of Megan from some people and it’s really gross and off-putting. Even some people who claim they’re going to wait and see how it is, but it’s said in such a smirky way that you almost know they’re rooting for it to not do well or just already assuming it’s gonna be bad. All I know is that when I get a certain vibe from a person’s writing or something they’re saying aloud, I just click away and right away. Even people that claim to be coming from good faith, you can tell when they’ve been reading too much anti-Meghan ish online. I don’t mess with that or anyone who does. It’s bad vibes and I got no patience for it.

  11. Anna says:

    Pretty shitty of Eater as a whole, but especially because Meghan did a recurring segment for/with them called Power Lunch or something to that effect. Like even if Meghan was coming into this as someone without the history of her food blogging days, people like Selena Gomez have cooking shows and no one threw tantrums to this level.

    • Anna M says:

      @Anna, Eater is just doing what I call “rage selling” to get them trending and have some of that Meghan’s shine through an algorithm mention, just like we’re doing here. It’s all about clicks and the dollar, rage sells!

  12. Beech says:

    Eater, is it Instagram? Never heard of it. They sound clever, oh so clever.

    • Lemons says:

      Eater is a well-known publication among foodies and restaurant enthusiasts. So, it’s a big deal when they publish a rage-bait article like this w/o having even seen the show or providing any inside scoop.

      I think people are really tired of seeing the most innocuous publications shift to the right and a Meghan/Sussex-bashing article is like a gateway drug. They start there and things quickly go off the rails afterwards.

  13. somebody says:

    Since “toxic narratives are gonna happen anyway”, how can you be proactive?

  14. Meme says:

    Sorry, I’m stuck on their daughter being in her “princess mode”? Like – I know he probably means Disney but it’s so funny to think of the actual daughter of a prince being into playing princesses!

  15. Eurydice says:

    Salon had a similar article asking where are Black women represented in the food world. It’s worth reading. I’m glad to see people publicly stepping up to challenge all the hate.

    • Lemons says:

      I learned recently that the last two EIC of Bon Appetit are Black women: Dawn Davis and Jamila Robinson. I love how they’ve evolved Bon Appetit from the days of Adam Rappoport and the scandal that ended his time there.

      I think Dawn is the reason I even have a annual digital subscription now.

      • Mag2 says:

        They might be black editors but they’re not really able to do much, they still don’t have the power.

    • Debbie says:

      Back when the act when cooking was viewed as being more blue collar and was associated with serving, in those days I think the “food world” was overpopulated with images of Black men and women, the implication was that these people were doing the cooking. Think Uncle Ben’s rice, Aunt Jamima syrup, the figure of a Black male in the chef hat on the hot cereal box, etc. Sure, when cooking was viewed as a low paying job in the service industry, then they glutted the media with images of Black people, both real and mythical who had nothing to do with the products. Now that cooking creates celebrities who earn millions, it’s a different story.

  16. ThatGirlThere says:

    After trashing Meghan, Amy McCarthy then tried a weak-ass walk back “…those of us who want to see her succeed…” You can’t title the thing “I’m already bored color the readers view and then send fake platitudes.

    Whoever Amy is she sucks and I hope she gets hangnails all winter long.

    • Jais says:

      Ideally she’d lose writing opportunities but there seems to always be people happy to hate for no reason than the obvious reason. And yes, Eater is owned by Penske media as just about everything is now. And Penske is likely fine with it. Either way, I hope she has some colleagues who are side-eying the hell out of her for this insipidity.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        “Eater is owned by Penske media”

        Welp, there you have it.
        I hope this is the beginning of exposing the Sussex hate media machine in which ALL roads lead back to BM/BRF malfeasance.

      • kirk says:

        AFAICT Eater is owned by Vox Media LLC. Penske reportedly invested $100M in Vox in February 2023 giving it 20% share. Comcast has the largest share ownership.

    • OriginalMich says:

      Lol! The delulu hubris of her saying “those of us who want her to succeed.” On what planet has Meghan not already succeeded beyond most people wildest dreams? And you obviously don’t want her to succeed if you pen poisonous screeds based on a one-minute promo.

      • Debbie says:

        Silly girl, she should have just gone with the old standby of “I like Meghan but.” Geez, Meghan’s “but” has gotten more love over years than any other royal.

    • eos says:

      Amy also selects a quote from a Vox article on racist detractors but her flex is being one! Craziness!

  17. sevenblue says:

    A lot of white women just create an excuse to hate on her. This is happening since she married Harry. They are so hateful towards her and since she isn’t doing anything to support their hate, they are just finding bizarre reasons for it. Everybody is doing podcast, cooking shows. People may be bored with it, but no one is writing hate pieces against Stanley Tucci, Selena Gomez or hundred examples of famous podcasters. She literally became an acceptable target for hate. While she was in UK, people were ignoring this campaign since she is a Duchess, supported by taxpayers, she doesn’t need your protection. Now, I hope more people comment on this. It is inhumane how they are trying to destroy her emotionally.

    • Gail Hirst says:

      They are targeting Meghan because hurting her hurts H. This is all in an effort to get H to drop his lawsuit. This is evil, right here, right out in the open. To accept is to agree. Bless all who clap back. Be it on the streets, in the salon, in the grocery store line, or on-line, we must not accept hate as the norm. Canada has become infected, too, and it’s because our news is owned by the same hateful people as those who own the media in the states and in the UK.
      Ignoring it is no longer an option. We must fight back as best we can, wherever we can.

      • sevenblue says:

        I don’t buy it is only because of the lawsuits. A lot of women were making nasty comments about her publicly since the very first day of her marriage. Katy Perry talked sh*t about her wedding dress in an interview, who does that? A lot of famous white women including Jennifer Aniston, Sophie Turner were following and liking that Gary guy who was making memes slut-shaming, insulting Meghan. These were all before the lawsuits. It is open season on her since the wedding and the white women enjoyed destroying her publicly.

      • Nic919 says:

        I’m going to be a bit pedantic and say that Canadian media is not owned by Murdoch. That said, Postmedia group is run by a U.S. hedge fund and they are right wing and own most of the newspapers in Canada. National post, Toronto Sun, basically any paper with Sun in it in Canada, is a part of this network.

        In terms of television, one of the reasons why PP wants to dismantle the CBC is because it is a crown corporation and not owned by a right wing billionaire. While the cbc executives are out of touch idiots, the cbc journalists are doing the work with endless cuts and working in remote locations.

  18. alexc says:

    Even The Guardian titled a piece ‘I watched the video so you don’t have to.’ Really? I expected better from them but the pile on must be lucrative I guess.

    • Noor says:

      A very nasty piece from the Guardian. It is written by an US freelance writer but Guardian seriously errs in publishing it.

    • Noor says:

      A very nasty piece from the Guardian. It is written by an US freelance writer but the Guardian is responsible for publishing it.

    • AOC says:

      I used to buy the Grauniad and was contemplating buying it again online ( I am no longer able to get out on a daily basis) but when I saw this nasty headline, I thought ‘nah’. Only way to deal with these rags, hit them in their pocket books.

      • Julia says:

        Yeah, I’m done with the Guardian and all British newspapers. Not giving them clicks anymore. My Mum has stopped watching BBC news completely because they ran a negative piece about Meghan’s show on the 10 o’clock news. With everything going on in the world they had time to trash Meghan and Harry on the main evening news because of a cooking show. Pathetic!

    • Becks1 says:

      I would be less bothered by these negative articles if the show had actually aired. Like, you don’t like her show when it airs, fine – I’m sure for many it still comes from a place of bias and racism and just anti-Meghan sentiment in general – but at least you have seen the show to form an opinion. But you’re making a sweeping opinion about how bad the show is based on a one minute trailer???

      Wait two weeks and watch the show and THEN Write your hate filled piece ffs.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, I’m fully expecting to see even more critical articles once it comes out😂. Some may be in good-faith but a lot will not. But all this after a one-minute trailer is just telling on themselves.

    • Spartan says:

      The guardian has always been like this. I stopped reading it 5 yrs ago because of the hate pieces about H and M.

    • Debbie says:

      Wouldn’t The Guardian’s article be more accurate to state, “I watched the video because I couldn’t help myself”? Because I’m obsessed. Because it’s Meghan, and I’ll be watching every episode it airs, and I still hope it fails? I mean, it’s happening on another continent because she had had enough of The Guardian and their ilk. Meghan has long since left them, so there is really no earthly reason why they should involve themselves in her pursuits, if they’re so reluctant. But we know better.

    • heygingersnaps says:

      I didn’t see your comment when I wrote mine. I didn’t click on that guardian article as I know that’s what they want. They’re never going to get any money from me and the rare times I clicked on their website I had my ad blocker on so they don’t get any ad revenue. I shall continue to avoid them. They’re just all part of the same cesspit pool.

  19. Sam says:

    Thank you for this @kaiser

  20. aquarius64 says:

    A lot of people are coming out swinging for Meghan because people are getting tired of the bullying. These weak, mostly white women, are walking back their mess, or closing their comment sections, are realizing they are damaging their brands and income. Too late. They put their jealousy and racism out there for all too see. The internet is forever.

  21. WingKingdom says:

    Would it be possible to paste some quotes from the Eater article into the post? I really really don’t want to click on the link because it gives Eater attention for being horrible to Meghan.

    • kirk says:

      It’s available through Apple News. Seems a bit out of Eater’s lane which tends to focus more on restaurant reviews and news. Since it’s a review of a home-based food & lifestyle show from a subscription service that hasn’t even aired it yet, it’s obvious the author is hoping to garner some clicks for herself by linking her name to someone way more famous. That she’s a TX based white woman choosing to denigrate Meghan’s show she hasn’t even seen also outs her as a racist southerner imho. Round-cheeked white woman Amy McCarthy profile and pix on Muck Rack and Vox indicates she’s enjoyed plenty of the chicken wings, bbq joints and Tex-Mex she’s written about recently. Looks like Amy’s picked up tricks from brittabs by attributing something to Meghan she’s never expressed herself, i.e. brittabs claim Meghan wants “privacy” whereas Amy McCarthy claims Meghan wants “relatability.” When has Meghan ever expressed a desire for “relatability?” Anyhow, Amy McCarthy’s reporting of a show not seen is very much in the vein of, “I love Meghan, BUT…” Amy McCarthy counts herself among those “who want to see Meghan succeed but have cringed at her missteps to reach her audience.” Sure Amy. And just because you can link to another Vox story about UK media racist coverage of Meghan doesn’t mean you’re not racist.

  22. Hypocrisy says:

    All this nastiness for a show that hasn’t even aired yet is sickening and just makes me want to stream it for a few weeks straight.

  23. First comment says:

    Unfortunately, everything related to Meghan “sells ” . That’s why people with try to coattail her success.

  24. Becks1 says:

    I love his response.

    Honestly, while there has been the expected negative backlash to this trailer (expected bc some people will always bash her and what she does), the pushback to that has been delightful to see, as I’m sure all of us who have been along for this nightmare of a ride will agree. People are calling out these haters en masse and there is so much pushback to even a tweet that says “I dont want to watch this show.”

    My favorite responses are the ones that are like – “I don’t have anything against M but wasn’t planning on watching this show, just not something I usually like, but now I will watch it 24/7 just to drive up the ratings.” Like the haters are turning the people who were sort of ambivalent about Meghan into supporters because their hate is so over the top and ridiculous.

  25. Becks1 says:

    oh, and I’ll add (I was going to edit my comment but didn’t get there in time lol) – I was one of the ones saying they need to do “some” promo for Polo. But this is exactly the kind of promo I was talking about. Would I love to see M on Today or GMA cooking something from the show or something? Yes of course I would.

    But a simple post on her IG with the trailer from Netflix has brought her more PR than I feel like any morning show etc appearance could. So not like my opinion matters one iota to Meghan, LOL, but i think she’s promoted the show just fine and then some. I’m sure Netflix is extremely extremely happy lol.

    • Beverley says:

      I agree. Netflix has to be over the moon! No other cooking show has generated so much buzz. People will tune in to 1) see what all the hoopla is about, 2) support Meghan, or 3) trash her per usual. All that matters to Netflix is the engagement, the number of viewers.

      • Dee(2) says:

        Yep. Netflix has to be doing backflips. If only half the people who watched the trailer watches the show it’s a hit. There’s a scene in the movie that I always think about whenever people take the time to comment about how they ” won’t be watching”, or watch just to take pot shots. In Straight Outta Compton they showed people smashing the records and CDs of NWA in protest, and Easy E shrugged and said they still bought that s***. Your motivation for watching doesn’t concern them. Indifference matters more than hate in these cases.

  26. Anna M says:

    For some people, the criticism is not just about her cooking show, but it’s the fact that Meghan as a black woman, in their eyes, not only the audacity to Marry a real life Prince but also be kind, beautiful, creative, giving, excellent in whatever she does, a go getter who has good friends, a loving husband and family who adore and support her. Some of these people, especially white women who probably had a quiet crush on Harry hoping to marry him, can’t stand Meghan for taking their white Prince who loves her to pieces away from them, but won’t admit it, so they show it by being passive aggressive.

  27. B says:

    Good for Adrian for standing up and stating the obvious which is that people really feel comfortable denigrating Black women who exist in public spaces and how that doesn’t help their little corner of the world.

    The left behind royals were insanely jealous of Meghan’s popularity. They used the british media to launch a global smear campaign that was initially successful because misogynoir exists and people were quick to believe every negative narrative about Meghan. Times have changed and people are calling out the systemic issues that exist that allow Black women working in public spaces to get abused.

    It boost critical thinking skills and reduces the power of these toxic narratives when people realize that the media is doing and saying the same things about every Black woman that exists in a public space. Think about how different the life and careers of Beyonce, Meghan DOS, Michelle Obama, Megan the Stallion, Kamala Harris are and yet they are hit with the exact same toxic narratives.

  28. Lala11_7 says:

    Adrian…like Meghan…ATE…and left NO CRUMBS❣️🤪

  29. Over it says:

    I won’t cry but I am so emotional. I can’t understand how people can live with themselves and their constant hourly bullying of a woman they don’t know. If it bothers me so much, what does it do to Meghan, Harry, Doria and people that love her . I often think about when her children grow up and come across these articles about their mom and dad and how horrible they were treated. What will they think. Thank you to Adrian for having Meghan back and reminding people to don’t shit on this woman just because she is black. I hope Meghan show is so successful that it makes her a billionaire sooner rather than later. She deserves it for the constant shit she has to endure. These white folks need to get over their salty selves. Harry was never ever going to want any of you as his wife and mother of his children so f all the way off .

  30. DeeSea says:

    Lipscombe’s response was pitch-perfect and much more substantive, persuasive, and effective than my rage-unsubscribe from the Eater IG account at the time. I couldn’t hit that unfollow button fast enough. Eater can eat *me* for publishing that garbage. I should have added a comment before leaving, and next time I will. In the meantime, Lipscombe’s IG gets the space in my IG feed that used to be occupied by Eater.

  31. Chaine says:

    Eater just underwent layoffs and is restructuring so that the local foodie editors have been eliminated in favor of a regional model that IMO will likely center bland advertorials written by bots. This author’s insincere ragey clickbait is emblematic of the death throes of the site as a meaningful outlet.

  32. QuiteContrary says:

    Adrian Lipscombe is a Black woman. She’s a chef and culinary historian.

    The work she does is incredible.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      So her righteous anger over this disgusting Eater column comes from experience, I’m guessing.

      • Beverley says:

        That’s why her logical and sound reasoning will be rejected by many. And the British media will come for her. We’ve seen this time and time again. Any high-profile ally or defender of Meghan is treated abhorrently.

        But undoubtedly Adrian Lispcombe is ready for the onslaught.

  33. Elizabeth K. Mahon says:

    Elaine Liu of LaineyGossip is another woman who seems to dislike Meghan for some reason, although she tries to pretend otherwise. She claims that Meghan’s podcast was not a hit even though it was #1 in several countries and won several awards. She complains that, unlike other Food Network personalities, Meghan has no background as a chef. Neither did Gwyneth Paltrow, but she released a cookbook, nor did Chrissy Teigen.

    • Elizabeth K. Mahon says:

      Sorry, that post wasn’t written by Elaine Liu. It was posted by Maria, another white woman, who thinks that Meghan shouldn’t have a lifestyle show.

      • nattylite says:

        I was surprised by the tone in Maria’s article!! Also, yesterday Lainey posted a link to an Eater article written by Amy McCarthy (about quarter sheet pans) in her Social Media roundup which seems like an endorsement of Amy right when she wrote that mean-spirited article about the With Love, Meghan trailer!!!

      • Spartan says:

        That’s very typical Lainey gossip. They go out of their way to disparage her. There was so much snark in that post – and blatant twisting of all facts.

        BTW they loved Kate’s cancer free vid but M writing 2025 in the sand is a tampax commercial? Get real. Or as Maria put it: BE HONEST!

    • Kyle O says:

      Elaine Liu’s obvious bias against Meghan is the reason I stopped going to her site, or clicking on a link that would take me to her site even if the posting seemed interesting

      • nattylite says:

        Ugh! That makes me so sad because I’ve generally loved LaineyGossip website. 🙁 The part that Spartan referenced above about the tampax commercial and also the “BE HONEST” lines were real gut punches to read…maybe I’ve had rose colored glasses on and need to pay closer attention. Though…Maria’s article is so blatant I guess I already have my answer.

      • Christine says:

        Same. She was similar to Kaiser in her Meghan reporting for a while, and by that I mean she was fair, but something (or more likely $$$$) changed, and I don’t give that site clicks anymore.

    • slippers4life says:

      Ugh! I just read the same article. The author calls it a Tampax commercial at the hop which, are you trying to use periods and period products to insult a Black woman? Or do you just think you’re hilarious and this blog is too tone deaf to see what they did there? Then she does this whole thing about 10% hate her, 10% adore her, and 80% don’t care about these two and those are who you need for Netflix success. So, why are you writing an article about it if only 20% of people care either way? Oh, right, it’s because you want a Black woman to fail, but in a sorority racist way. “We like you Meghan, but you’re just not a Kappa” way. She goes on to embiggen Guy Fieri’s work in a kitchen to justify hosting a cooking show and diminishes and downplays Meghan’s experience running the lifestyle blog “The Tig” as work experience enough to justify her hosting a lifestyle show. Long story short, what that article was trying to say is “yeah Meghan was a working actress, which is good, and she had a successful blog The Tig, which was good, but if you think it made any noise you’re ‘delulu’, and that’s all a super nice accomplishment. But this world is the upper echelons and she doesn’t have enough ‘experience’ the other white people we embiggen in this article to be at that level, but we’ll see and we’re not racist!” Please! They are racist over at Lainey Gossip and I’m tired of people defending her because she apologized for her past racism and did a whole special and article against Jessica Mulroney….she only did it all temporarily and in a performative way. Deep down, she just approved using a period product as an insult to a Black woman’s content. Sorry if this offends the Elaine Lui defenders. Just BEING HONEST!

    • therese says:

      Well, have I been asleep at the wheel. I had no idea Lainey Gossip was not pro-Sussex. I haven’t been reading Lainey Gossip as much, but because it just isn’t as interesting as it used to be, and because my time is limited lately. I’m stunned, frankly. I always read lainey and her crew as sussex protective, fair and approving. I’ll wait and see. No way she is pro Royals.

      I just didn’t comment about McCain yesterday, I am exhausted. I had comments. I guess the world is really basically just a giant playground. But something, maybe Meghan herself, has become a litmus test for stupidity, childish following the leader, cupidity, lack of backbone and character. I can’t believe McCain would turn on Meghan. That is just stupid. At any rate, can’t these idiots just pick a lane and stay in it? Some are driving on both sides of the road. Which, really, I guess is ok. I want people to be called out.

      At any rate, Meghan can’t do anything right for some people. Just let her cook and do her thing for pete’s sake. This all comes from refusing to be Charle’s and William’s doormat, refusing to be abused, being thrown away without security or means, and having to make a living. Part of that was being signed by Netflix, and they have to come up with content. I frankly am sick of Guy Fiere. Give me variety, for fuck sake. Show some old Julia Child videos. But I digress. I don’t think Meghan is perfect, just like me and everyone else. But she is being victimized in a criminal way, and trying to make her way through this world. For fuck sake leave her alone and let her get on with it.

      • Spartan says:

        @therese she’s generally pro Kate, tho I haven’t been on there much because I don’t like supporting her. I agree with the poster above $$$$ changed hands. From memory she loved Kate’s soap opera cancer vid.

        Ironically, in this piece, Maria didn’t mention all the great cooks with no formal training eg Nigella (who has people do the recipes) 🙄🙄. She also twisted everything about M out of recognition, and started off being defensive about supporters giving her a hard time for her articles – that must tell you something about fairness.

    • tamsin says:

      I used to check Lainey’s website, and I found her take on some things sharp and interesting. However, I’ve found also her takes on some things racist and mean-spirited. She, a woman who apparently has decided to forego children, criticized Meghan touching her bump numerous times. It was just so bitchy and petty. Somewhere along the line, she seem to switch from being even-handed in her reporting of the royals and became a member of the let’s belittle Meghan brigade. Needless to say, I no longer check out Lainey’s gossip sight.

  34. Square2 says:

    One has only to check out the weekend lineups on PBS to see — so many WW & WM’s cooking and traveling/lifestyle shows. I don’t remember if anyone has complained about those shows. On Food Network (US & UK), shows with WOC are few, and some “not so nice” white men can have multiple shows for years on Food Network.

  35. Mag2 says:

    I’m uncomfortable for the constant pressure for Meghan to do promotions, none of us know how much damage the abuse she’s received has done to her psyche. We will never know because no one else has been subjected to a whole country’s targeted harassment like she has. I refuse to make any judgement or criticize her actions because I don’t know what it has taken for her to survive, how many of us can really survive what she’s been through? I give her every grace to live her life whichever way deems safe for her.

    • Cassie says:

      Yes she doesn’t need to promote her work the deranged do it for her and nothing has improved in the years since they left Britain .

      I sometimes wonder when things are really bad she reflects on how her life has completely changed since marrying Harry . She was never seen in a bad light before .

      They must have a very powerful bond to survive the horrific ordeal they have been going through , orchestrated by Harry’s own family and witnessed unchecked by the world .

    • Anonymous says:

      Beautifully stated MAG2.

  36. slippers4life says:

    You know what I just thought of? What if Joe Rogan was starting a lifestyle show on Netflix about BBQ ing for his buddies and watching boxing, etc. Would there be these articles picking apart and trying to destroy the show before it even aired? I guarantee you there’d be a handful of sideeyes from left leaning spaces, but the vast majority would be curious to learn more at least. There’s no way there would be this much hatred and vitriol.

  37. Sasha says:

    I hope the numbers will speak for themselves when the time comes. I for one will definitely be watching!

  38. heygingersnaps says:

    Even the guardian had a similar headline. It’s funny (not really) that they keep putting out that they don’t want any money from billionaires or oil companies but they have no qualms engaging in hate clicks. So no, they don’t get any money from me and the rare times I went to their website, I have an ad blocker on which I got a pop up saying they can’t get any revenue, well they can go fornicate themselves.