Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death

I swear, I need a chart to keep track of all the latest things “experts” tell us about coffee drinking. Typically the bulletins feel very coffee negative, with warnings to reduce, delay, or eliminate consumption altogether. But now at last, praise the percolator, a study published this week in the European Heart Journal is finally serving us pro-coffee news! The study focused on the time of day people were drinking coffee, and after poring over results taken from 40,000 adults between 1999 to 2018, researchers say that drinking your cup of joe in the morning can lower your risk of premature death by 16% and lower your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 31%. That’s enough to keep me on a steady drip!

All in the timing: The study shows consuming coffee only in the morning was linked to a 16% lower risk of premature death and a 31% reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to non-coffee drinkers. “This is the first study testing coffee drinking timing patterns and health outcomes,” lead study author Dr. Lu Qi, a professor of public health at Tulane University, said in a news release. “We don’t typically give advice about timing in our dietary guidance, but perhaps we should be thinking about this in the future.”

Study notes: Researchers analyzed data from over 40,000 adults aged 18 and up using dietary records collected between 1999 and 2018. Coffee consumption was divided into three timeframes: morning (from 4 a.m. to 11:59 a.m.), afternoon (from noon to 4:59 p.m.), and evening (from 5 p.m. to 3:59 a.m.) Results show that those who drank coffee exclusively in the morning benefited the most in terms of longevity and heart health. Meanwhile, folks who drank coffee throughout the day saw no significant reduction in risk. The findings held true regardless of whether participants drank caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, and the amount consumed — whether they drank less than one cup or more than three — didn’t impact the benefits.

Some theories on why time of day matters: Experts agree that the timing of coffee intake may influence your circadian rhythm and hormone levels. Drinking coffee later in the day, even if we feel like we need it, may disrupt melatonin production, a hormone that regulates sleep and influences heart health. According to study authors, some inflammatory markers in the blood have their own clocks. And the anti-inflammatory effects of coffee may be more effective when consumed in the morning, when these markers peak.

A disclaimer: However, the study was observational and cannot prove causation, noted Vanessa King, a registered dietitian nutritionist and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics who wasn’t involved in the study, told CNN.

[From HealthDay News via Yahoo]

Ok, what’s this business about “no significant reduction in risk” if you drink coffee throughout the day? For instance, say you start your coffee in the morning, and have the bulk of it then, but are still sipping some in the early to mid afternoon — do the afternoon sips completely wash out the benefits of having started imbibing in the morning? If I finish my last half a cup around 1pm, have I completely blown my 16% risk reduction, or can I still claim 10%? Furthermore, how are the time frames — 4am to 12pm morning, 12 to 5pm afternoon, 5pm to 4am evening — relative to a person’s typical operating hours? I’m thinking of us night owls! Like Kristin Chenoweth, who prefers getting up at 11am at the earliest. Could Kristin’s morning be a few hours later, and still effective for reducing risk of premature death? And finally, did the study keep track of what kinds of coffee people were drinking? I know it said there was no difference between caffeine and decaf, but there are a lot more variables when it comes to coffee these days! How much do the percentages change between latte and macchiato, almond or whole milk, sugar or sweetener, Dunkin’ or Starbucks? I hate to pour a wet filter on these promising results, but lives are at stake! Or at least risk of ending prematurely.

photos credit: Angela Lo on Unsplash, Jack Sparrow and Matilda Wormwood on Pexels

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11 Responses to “Drinking coffee in the morning may lower your chance of premature death”

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  1. Mia4s says:

    I don’t know if it lowers my chances of premature death, but I know with certainty me drinking my morning coffee lowers the chances of premature death for everyone around me. 😏

    • GunnSof says:


      And I just want to say how I appreciate your writing style Kismet. Also picking fun topics, it’s always nice to read these in between all the celebrity gossip!

    • mellie says:

      That is the absolute truth around here as well!

    • ML says:

      Mia4S, Lol, me too!!

      I’ve mentioned this before, but one of the reasons oncologists believe a driend of mine beat grim odds with GI cancer was his coffee habit. They noticed a correlation over a decade ago between people who regularly drank 3-4 cups vs those who didn’t. They advised him to continue.

    • Mightymolly says:

      LMFAO! Came here to say exactly this. Coffee reduces my chances of premature homicide. There’s a reason it’s a widespread addiction.

    • MaisiesMom says:

      LOL I was going to say something similar. My morning coffee lowers my risk of lethargy and crankiness, that’s for sure. I have Asthma and while it is under control without meds now, I used to sometimes rely on coffee to help me breath better, too.

  2. Gabby says:

    I wouldn’t dare go out and drive the car without coffee in my system. It’s preventing premature death for more than just me.

  3. GrnieWnie says:

    31% reduction is QUITE the claim. Needs more support.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I think it was Dr Fuhrman (nutritarian) who said most people in the USA get a huge percentage of their daily antioxidant intake from coffee – because they don’t get enough produce / fruit and veg.

    I drink 2 – 4 weakish cups per day. Weekends I might skip it.

    Also drink green tea. Coles, a major supermarket in Australia, used to sell its own label organic fair trade instant coffee for $4 per 100grams. Now it’s gone up to $6!

  5. Ann says:

    That scene in Elf when buddy drinks the syrup. That’s me with coffee in the morning.

  6. LeChatInTheChat says:

    Well. I can tell you coffee in the morning definitely prevents the premature death of those around me.

    That’s a pretty significant disclaimer, though.