Prince William went to Birmingham for his first day of work this year & stopped at a pub

Prince William stepped out in Birmingham for his first day of work this year, and his first public appearance since Christmas Day. Yes, he was missing for twenty days, one day longer than his wife, who did a photo-op at a London hospital on Tuesday. William’s event in Birmingham was sort of a snooze – he was named the new patron for the College of Paramedics, and he gave a speech at the inaugural Emergency and Critical Care Conference. I won’t really criticize him for that – the bar is in hell, but hey, we’re always saying that he should do these kinds of no-drama events. Unfortunately, William couldn’t get through a few hours of “work” without drinking and football. Apparently, he organized a pub-gathering for Aston Villa fans in Birmingham and they watched a match and drank after his event.

Prince William joined fellow Aston Villa fans for a surprise pub meetup, raising a glass after wrapping up his royal engagement. On Jan. 15, the Prince of Wales was announced as the new patron of the College of Paramedics and stepped out in Birmingham, England, for its inaugural Emergency and Critical Care Conference. It marked his first royal duty of the year, and came the day after his wife Kate Middleton announced that she is in remission from cancer.

Following the stop at the conference, where William met with paramedics, sat in on learning sessions and gave a speech about his commitment to supporting first responders in his new role, he made a pit stop at a local pub. The Prince of Wales, 42, organized a meetup of Aston Villa fans to coincide with his time in Birmingham (the Premier League team’s home city) and bought them a round of drinks at Wetherspoons before the soccer team’s game later that day.

Wetherspoon’s is a U.K. chain with several outposts in Birmingham, and the meetup happened at the Birmingham New Street train station location.

“Prince William surprised pub-goers when he popped into a Wetherspoons at the train station in Birmingham today. He arranged a meet-up with a group of @AVFCOfficial regulars while he was in the city to speak at the College of Paramedics conference and bought them a round,” Rebecca English of the Daily Mail wrote on X.

“You’ve got to be British, I think, to understand the cultural significance of a future king in the ‘spoons!” she added in another message.

The Daily Mail reported that Prince William had a pint of Bulmers cider at the pub before taking the train back to London, and he seemed to be at ease in the company of his fellow Aston Villa fans in a video that English shared to X, where he posed for photos and even smiled for a selfie.

[From People]

When I was in my late teens and early 20s, my social life was well-lubricated by alcohol and [redacted]. I think that’s probably true of a lot of young people, and god knows, the whole “wine mom” and “wine book club” things exist to help people in their 30s and 40s socialize-while-lubricated. But I still say that it feels odd that William’s events so often involve alcohol, or worse yet, his events don’t involve alcohol and yet he looks and acts plastered. I wonder if he slept it off on the train? Or maybe he just kept drinking on the train.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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79 Responses to “Prince William went to Birmingham for his first day of work this year & stopped at a pub”

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  1. Lady Esther says:

    Hahaha I called it, I KNEW his first “work” event in 2025 would involve a pub pull. William is like Kate, they have to be bribed with the things they love best to show up for appearances….with Kate it’s new clothes and/or jewelry, with William it’s booze

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      These 2 idiots tried to high jack meg’s thunder, teaming up to pull the light over to them 2 days in a row. Another missed shot, failure. lol

      • sunnyside up says:

        They will have to do more work during Invictus and again in March during the showing of Meghan’s program. They will be exhausted.

    • I wonder if they have to bribe him to do the events with going to a bar and watching football after the event?

      • Becks1 says:

        He didnt even stay to watch the game! He bought them a round BEFORE the game!

      • Ok but it still begs the question does he need to be bribed with things he likes to do the events he doesn’t like.

      • Becks1 says:

        oh I agree completely! My point is more that I find it even weirder that he didn’t stay for the game. Staying for the game with supporters would still have seemed like a bribe of sorts to get him to go to Birmingham, but at least then he would have been doing something, you know? There would have been a purpose to the pub visit, however “fun.”

        But as it is…..he just went to the pub for a drink. I just checked the CC and its not listed yet but you know its going to be.

      • So my next question is does Peg have a drinking problem? We have seen him act at events very unsteady on his feet and blinking like a mad man. Is being able to go to the pub after an event why he goes? He seems more than happy to go to events where there are celebrities and alcohol. Or is he just lazy and they have to offer fun things to get him out there? We know that if Harry is seen then Peg will suddenly have an event but they can’t count on Harry always being out there doing something in public.

      • jemm says:

        One suspects that there is more to the Birmingham visit
        Could it be that PW appearing without any protection when juxtaposed with what is being reported by the BM that PH will have armed protection during his next visit to the UK & would be safe when in reality that could possibly be further from the truth given the escalated threat level.? We all know that the NGN trial is next week so this “performance” by PW could be a deflection to what is being planned.

        These are dangerous times. Praying for the safety of The Sussexx’s especially Harry during the coming weeks

  2. Emma says:

    I may get in trouble with other UK Celebitches for this; however, Wetherspoons pubs are THE WORST, plus the man who runs the chain is a Brexit supporting knobhead.

    Also, there is a special place in hell for people who refer to them as ‘spoons’, Becky…

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Sounds like William’s kind of place though.

    • Ellie says:

      @EMMA 😭😭😭 the kids up north talk about going to ‘spoons! Lemme go pray for their souls.

      Also you’re right – the food is execrable.

    • Nanea says:

      Didn’t see your post before starting to write mine further down, but I agree, Tim Martin is an awful person, and the pubs are reportedly not very clean usually, and everything goes so well with the Slumlord Willionaire.

    • TQ says:

      Yep, 100% agree @Emma. Weatherspoons are the worst. And the owner is a big Brexit guy. I try to avoid them at all costs, although have been to that one once outside in the summer as is right at New Street Station.

    • Dot Gingell says:

      Can confirm.

    • SarahCS says:

      You’re absolutely right, between the pub experience and the awful guy who runs them this is a whole lot of choice by William/his team.

      It’s not the ‘man of the people’ look they think it is and/or should be aiming for if that’s their goal.

    • abritdebbie says:

      @Emma this uk resident agrees with you. Spoons is always the dodgyiest pub in the highstreet. When I was growing up it was where you could get cheap alcohol underage. Unfortunately you had to put up with all the dodgy old men that came for the cheap beer and perving over all the girls.

    • Anne Maria says:

      Spot on Emma. He could at least have bought a round in a decent pub.

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      @emma – thanks – the minute i saw the name something flagged in my mind about it being shady….

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Emma – You are absolutely correct in saying that Wetherspoons pubs are the absolute pits. I wouldn’t be seen dead in one! I’m British by the way. 😁

  3. Inge says:

    So they ply Kare with new clothes and William with alcohol?

    Its dry januari as well…

  4. Brassy Rebel says:

    I mean, what’s the point if work doesn’t involve drinking? 🍻

  5. Afken says:

    He’s just soooooo relatable!!!

  6. Tessa says:

    The beard looks awful

    • Beverley says:

      So bad. So sparse and scraggly. Impossible to believe that no one has dared to tell him. He’s been wearing it long enough that if it were ever to fill out, it would’ve already done so.

  7. Nanea says:

    Wetherspoons? How fitting.

    The owner and CEO is a notorious Brexiter, major funder of Vote Leave and the Tories.

    I wonder if the prince of Ales has ever considered drinking something non-alcoholic.

    Great to see what counts as work these days!

    Also good to see *Willnot* bought the round, I thought royals notoriously don’t carry money. If they only started to fund (cancer) charities as enthusiastically as spending a minuscule portion of their millions on day-drinking.

  8. aquarius64 says:

    So William has to run a bar tab for his “mates” to look relatable? SMH.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Right? And invited random people to a pub at the train station to watch his favourite team play? Does he have any friends???

    • Jay says:

      The fact that Becky English mentioned *twice* that William “bought a round” for his fellow Aston supporters has me thinking otherwise! Will is a notorious cheapskate, except of course for when it comes to ordering special velvet airplane slippers.

      The fact that the pub’s name was featured so prominently in the article and on social media makes me think that the drinks (all 10 of them, going by the photo) were probably comped by the bar.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    William going to a pub to watch football basically overshadowed his attendance and speech at the paramedics conference. He’s not a serious person. And going to Wetherspoons is really a choice. Plus were his plans to visit Birmingham made after Meghan announced when her show was coming out?

    • Jais says:

      Hmm. That’s true. We sure didn’t find out much about the org or college that’s he’s patron of. He could’ve done that on two separate days but they do like to pack everything in.

  10. Carmen says:

    The unshaven look doesn’t suit him. He looks like he’s falling off a barstool.

    • Lynwall says:

      He doesn’t look well to me.
      This whole time he has looked as though he is the one who is ill.

      • sunnyside up says:

        I have wondered that, Kate does seem to be a bit ill-informed for a university graduate with cancer. Perhaps they didn’t want to admit that the heir had cancer. We know now that it runs in his family.

  11. Moniquep says:

    So how did this benefit the taxpayers that are funding this so called “work” event??

  12. heygingersnaps says:

    There are so many better pubs than wetherspoons not just because of their horrible owner but the poor quality of their food and drinks and the regulars who tend to congregate there.
    Whenever I need to go on the train I try to make sure that I get back at around 5pm, as when it gets late there are most likely noisy drunks on it.

    • dawnchild says:

      I don’t live in the UK but I’ve heard how awful this chain is too! The sort of place people are puking outside of… basic bros and bachelorette party types…

      Also, did he pull out a wallet? Put a tip on the counter… photos, or it didn’t happen…

      • Bedazzled says:

        Can anyone who’s familiar with both the UK and US name a comparable US chain? I thought of the 99 or Applebee’s, but the ones in my area have pretty decent food and I’ve never seen them get too rowdy (though I’m never there at closing time).

      • Lady Esther says:

        @Bedazzled I’d say it’s Denny’s with beer lol

      • TQ says:

        @bedazzled @lade esther — Weatherspoons is like a super sleazy, run down Dennys. I used to frequent Denny’s and IHOP as a teen and it hit the spot, so no shade on them. But Weatherspoons is often raucous, lots of fights, lots of drunks, often run down etc. So like Greyhound bus station Denny’s with beer?

      • MonicaQ says:

        So a pub waffle house!

  13. Monika says:

    Note: Willi took the train back to London, not the helicopter. The DF had to get that in. LOL

    • Jais says:

      Yeah they did. But that just means he either slept at KP or then took a helicopter from London to wherever he lives, which he says is Adelaide cottage.

      • Becks1 says:

        yeah I thought the part about London was notable. I find it hard to believe that he took a train to london and then took the helicopter back to Windsor. he just could have taken a helicopter and the press wouldn’t have reported on it, English was there, she would have kept her mouth shut like the good little lackey she is. but she did mention London, not Windsor, didn’t she?

        (I’m assuming the train from Birmingham does not go to Windsor so it had be London, but again, why not use the helicopter?)

      • Monika says:

        London: I did not think about that part. I was laughing about taking the train part. The whole thing looks like they want Willy to look “normal” as everybody else, having a pint in a pub, watching a football match with supposedly “mates” and taking the train home (wherever home is). It is a so obvious PR strategy and so ridiculous.

    • VilleRose says:

      I mean he did the engagement literally in the train station. If he had left the train station to take a helicopter, that would have been hilarious and super awkward. It was also probably just most convenient too.

  14. Becks1 says:

    Yesterday, I said I howled when I saw the headline about how not to mistake Kate’s one hospital visit for any kind of sign that she’s going to work more.

    Today, I howled when I saw this headline. OF COURSE HE WENT TO A PUB AND HAD A DRINK. Of course he did.

    This really reeks of “if I have to work we’re going to need a pub visit in there.” And now the focus of his visit is the pub and AVFC, not the paramedics.

    Look, I drink. (well its dry january but generally speaking, lol.) I like pubs, bars, I like EPL games, I like going to watch EPL games in bars, all of that. But its becoming a pattern with William where he ties so many of his outings to pubs – especially if its his first outing in a while. Its starting to feel like they have to bribe him with a pub visit. Here, he didn’t even stay to watch the game! he went home! He didnt even tie the pub visit into any kind of charity or anything! Just met with a bunch of AV supporters and had a drink and then left!

    No, he doesn’t ALWAYS go to pubs every time he works. But its happening enough that its starting to stand out – pubs or something where he can have a beer.

    If this was Charles, he would have highlighted a pub that is using renewable energy or something, or tried a local beer that is made sustainably, or Camilla would have had a glass or two of wine (lol) and asked about the sourcing or whatever.

    There are ways for royals to have a drink while working without it seeming like they are being bribed with booze to work.

    • Jay says:

      You are so right about Charles and Camilla finding ways to make a simple pub visit more engaging – I also think that Charles, proper as he is, is at his best when he’s chatting. He would have found a historic pub and let the owner talk his ear off about heirloom hops varieties or some such.

      Will looks like an awkward teen whose parents bribed some classmates to come to his birthday party. These should be his people – they support his team, they were likely handpicked, and they are willing to be photographed with a royal in a brexit-associated pub! And yet, as you say, it seems like William didn’t stay to cheer on his team or chat. He apparently bought a single round of drinks for his table, smiled awkwardly for this photo and then GTFO. Even with the low, low bar, this is mediocre.

  15. seaflower says:

    Won’t looks like his hair has been dyed to look thicker.

    • jan90067 says:

      Looks like it was given a reddish tint, though that may be lighting. But it sure looks like he’s trying to BE Harry here!

  16. Chaine says:

    How does such a short beard still manage to look so frazzled

  17. Lady Digby says:

    Is this part of relaunching Will as down to earth and relatable as in he loves male bonding over footie and a pint?

  18. Tessa says:

    DId he make it back before the School Run.

    • Chaine says:

      lol staggering along the pickup line reeking of cider and leaning into the hot moms’ car windows to slur greetings to them

  19. Colleen says:

    “I’m not a regular prince, I’m a *cool* prince” – William, probably

  20. Jay says:

    Oh, TOB. He is trying so darn hard to compete with Harry’s natural charisma and down-to-earth way of connecting with people, but he just doesn’t have it.

    There’s something a little pathetic about that photo where he’s perching stiffly on his chair. No photos of him chatting with his fellow fans or cheering on their beloved team. It’s not even clear if he stayed to watch the game after supposedly “organizing” this little outing!

    He is in the most optimal setting he could possibly be – handpicked fans of his own team who are probably royalists ( seeing as how they agreed to meet him) and who even got a free drink out of it if they agreed to be in a photo with the future king. And still he looks like he is awkwardly chaperoning a senior trip or something. I almost pity him.

  21. Lady Digby says:
    Apparently Will asked Aston Villa Club to round up season ticket holders for this photo op. Does anybody know how Will’s events are chosen and co ordinated ? Is it like a checklist: military cosplay ✓ seated in cockpit or going vrum vrum on a bike✓ sexy waders✓alcohol✓✓ celebs ✓✓Trump patting one’s head✓✓✓ Kate benched so unable to pat ass ✓✓✓✓

    • Becks1 says:

      Are those the only ones who said yes?!!?

      Look, if he’s going to insist on having a pint as part of his workday, he should at least try to act like its charity-related. Maybe ask people to attend who are the biggest donors to the AV charitable foundation (I’m assuming they have one) or the biggest donors to the paramedic club that he was just made patron of. Anything besides “find me some people so I can look like I have friends.”

      • Lady Digby says:

        @Becks apparently 8 said yes , maybe just to a free pint and because they felt sorry for Willy No Mates?
        Steve said: ‘We were contacted by the club saying Prince William wanted to meet a delegation of Villa fans as he was in Birmingham as he wanted to keep in the loop with everything going on at Villa.
        This quote is from the Fail which I have NO intention of providing a link to for obvious reasons!

      • Christine says:

        A delegation!! Awww, look at the big boy global statesman!

  22. Thatgirltothere says:

    Willy is stubbornly resistant to doing anything he doesn’t want to do. He only married Katie because of pressure, and although he initially may have liked her, his feelings have curdled into hatred. Willy’s resentment stems partly from his brother Harry’s freedom to marry for love, a luxury Willy probably feels was denied to him. Adding to his anguish, Harry’s success and happiness away from Shutter Island have only intensified Willy’s bitterness. If his anger and self-destructive tendencies continue, his liver likely won’t last him past 70.

    • Tessa says:

      Carole waged a campaign. And lectured William on how Kate “waited” for him and “loved him” so he should do the “honorable thing.” Plus William found no aristo that would want him so he caved in.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Agreed Willy looks dreadful and is poisoning himself with alcohol, anger and bitterness. Resentment and ranting must be exhausting for himself and others to be around. His mum’s personal unhappiness in her marriage was balanced by finding balm helping others in her charity work. She received therapy to overcome an ED and was caring and compassionate towards other people’s suffering. She made a positive difference to people’s lives. Will is wrapped up tightly in his own misery and venting his anger and ruining his health with alcohol is making things worse. Intensive therapy for himself and stop lashing out and hurting others should have been a New Year’s Resolution.

  23. Unblinkered says:

    News Update. William cancelled at short notice today an engagement Thursday 16th with the UK Army Air Corps and their families in Eastern England. Claimed bad weather.

  24. Square2 says:

    In a very multicultural city, Birmingham, he & his team “managed” to gather only white football fans for a drink & watch party. Amazing! /S

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Square2 – Those are the only type of fans who frequent Wetherspoons pubs. They attract the Brexiteer, racist types.

  25. VilleRose says:

    I just find this so random. What does this visit have to do with the College of Paramedics? Why did he want to meet them? Apart from his love of football and pubs, what cause was this for? And he supposedly didn’t even stay to watch the game? If anything, I feel like this is just to portray him as a “regular bloke.” He saw Harry and Meghan empathizing with commoners who survived the LA fires and how people seemed to really appreciate their time and their compassion. And he thought, what, I’ll go hang out with some Aston Villa bros in a train station pub?

  26. Lau says:

    It really looks like he’s hoping that he’s going to wake-up one morning and his head his going to be magically covered with hair again.

    • Chrissy says:

      LOL! I wonder if he’s ever thought of going the transplant route, if it bothers him so much. But then, he’s been bald so long, seeing him with more hair would be too obvious I guess.

  27. The real queen says:

    Bending an elbow is hard work!