Princess Kate was seen on a ski holiday in Switzerland just before her birthday

This is getting increasingly bizarre. Around the Princess of Wales’s “state of Kate” briefings around her 43rd birthday, we were told endlessly that Kate must take it easy, that no one should expect her to go back to work, that everything around Kate and her health is so delicate. Then she made an appearance at the Royal Marsden Hospital last Tuesday, timed specifically to try to steal the Duchess of Sussex’s thunder, given Meghan’s Netflix show was originally planned for release the next day. After Kate said weird things at the hospital, a quick cleanup was ordered and we were once again told that no one should expect anything more from her for a while, that Kate’s “new normal” was little-to-no work for the foreseeable future. As it turns out, the birthday briefings happened while Kate was on vacation in Switzerland, and her visit to the hospital happened soon after she returned from her ski jaunt.

The Princess of Wales has taken another step on her road to recovery from cancer by enjoying a ski holiday over the New Year. The Mail on Sunday can reveal that Kate – along with Prince William and their children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis – enjoyed a quiet break in the Alps just over two weeks ago.

They are said to have slipped away from their home at Anmer on the Sandringham estate shortly after Christmas, and spent several days away, along with members of the Middleton family. The couple and their children were spotted enjoying morning hot drinks at a mountaintop restaurant that is a popular stop-off point for British skiers and has panoramic views of snow-covered peaks. It is believed they returned for a meal at the same restaurant, which was once a shepherd’s hut.

A member of staff revealed: ‘It was lovely to see Kate relaxing and enjoying herself. They looked like a normal English family, and a lot of people didn’t recognise them. It was not the first time we had seen them. They have been coming here for years. I think they love the area. We often see Kate’s sister Pippa as well.’

Although the trip will be viewed as a positive sign in Kate’s ongoing recovery from cancer, Kensington Palace have stressed that the princess’s return to full duties will only be gradual.

Kate – who, after a visit to the hospital where she had chemotherapy, announced last week that she was ‘in remission’ from cancer – spent time with her brother James while on her break, including seeing him at the restaurant.

An onlooker said: ‘James was there with his wife and then Kate arrived with Charlotte and Louis. It seemed like a bit of a Middleton family knees-up. Everyone seemed to be really happy. There were no airs and graces and actually they seemed like any normal family enjoying a ski break. There were lots of laughs and the children were very polite. The only reason you would have known that they were people of importance was because when Kate arrived so did a group of security guards. Kate looked like she was having a lovely time.’

Kate is thought to have returned back to the UK in time to celebrate her 43rd birthday at home on January 9. She then undertook her first solo engagement in more than a year at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, where she was treated for her cancer. Her visit to the hospital was described by royal watchers as part of her ‘carefully calibrated plan to manage her recovery and measured return to official duties’.

[From The Daily Mail]

Did anyone actually see William on the slopes or dining with his wife and children? Or did people only see James Middleton, Kate and the two younger Wales kids? The whole thing is odd. Granted, most of us assumed that Kate and William (together or separately) have slipped away for vacations outside of the UK a lot in recent years. But given all of the attention on Kate, her whereabouts, her birthday and her health, it feels especially notable that Kate and at least two of the kids were able to leave the country and no one heard about it for a couple of weeks. Does KP understand that they’re stepping on their own messaging? Maybe this is the message – Kate is perfectly capable of gearing up for international ski vacations, but you can’t expect her to visit a London charity or attend a diplomatic reception at the palace.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Kensington Palace.

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93 Responses to “Princess Kate was seen on a ski holiday in Switzerland just before her birthday”

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  1. somebody says:

    It does beg the question of why no Will or George spotted. They just decided to dine in or Will takes primary custody of the heir and Kate just gets the spares?

    • Me at home says:

      The DM article says William and Kate were spotted with all three kids. But James Middleton has a similar gormless look to William and I wonder if somebody mistook him for William? Also this line in the Mail article: “They looked like a normal English family, and a lot of people didn’t recognise them.”

    • So nice to be able to ski but not get out and work once a week.

      • Jais says:

        Don’t you know? She’s in remission! How could anyone expect her to work once a week when she says she’s in remission? Anyways, wishing everyone affected by cancer a healthy recovery and the ability to find rest when they can❤️

      • I will say this. When I was done with chemo I had a hard time just going to my upstairs in my home. Probably because I was not very active when going through chemo and I did get some physical therapy after to help get my strength back. They make it sound that she is just finished with chemo and if that were true I doubt she could go skiing. This was just my experience and I wonder if others had similar experiences where they lost some strength and stamina to do more physical things?

  2. Over it says:

    Sounds to me like Kate , her last two and her brother and his family were away together. It also seems to me that if I were British and paying this woman way in life I would be beyond pissed off at this point. Not only is she doing f all for anyone other than herself because you know cancer. How dare you expect her to work? How many times must she tell you that she will only do things that bring her joy and work Ain’t one of them obviously. However the part that would really piss mw off if I were British is that she is using tax funded security to enjoy her ski holiday. If you don’t work for the public, then you should not enjoy its perks . Isn’t this why they won’t give Harry security?

    • BeanieBean says:

      That’s what it sounds like to me, too, Kate & the two younger kids took a Middleton ski break. Skiing is a pretty vigorous sport, so this should be a smack in the face to all British citizens–she can do this but not her ‘job’ (whatever that is)?? Guess she got up that morning & thought, yep, I’m feeling good, think I’ll get some hot chocolate with the fam & then hit the slopes.

  3. ML says:

    WanK and kids were spotted getting morning hot drinks, so their time there overlapped at the very least.

    More interesting is why WanK have been unable to show up for work, but are A-OK going on a foreign ski vacation. And that like in times of yore, the Middletons accompanied them.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Certainly not getting your money’s worth for lazy and uninspiring Royals, Britain should be demanding a refund.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        I get wanting to spend time with your family after going through cancer treatment, but this isn’t a luxury that all families have. Why isn’t she using her experience that way and asking that this be extended to all people? Instead it’s a message of “Only important people get to take time off. Keep at it, peasant!” I think with the rise of oligarchies, the underlings are eventually going to say enough.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      The Middletons LOVE skiing and often go on a holiday at this time of year – the fact that its been reported in the press, on top of all the blather of her ‘we shouldn’t expect her to work’ and ‘she’s too delicate to work’ is very telling. The public aren’t buying the sh!t the media continue to push about her and stories like this are media snark aimed at feeding that – she’s too ill and fragile to work but she’s a-k to go skiing which you have to have a certain level of fitness/energy levels to do, its quite physical.

  4. Me at home says:

    Guessing the press knew about this at the time or soon after but is only releasing it now—why? Did Carole and Michael Middleton join them? Anyway, the reaction in the DM comments was overwhelmingly negative, which says something given their readership.

    • BeanieBean says:

      The DM does troll instagram & twitter for story ideas (🙄), and James M does post a fair amount, so they could have seen his ski vacay posts & invented the rest, I wouldn’t put it past them. But it’s so believable, right? What’s that say about Waity Katey, huh?

  5. SarahCS says:

    So poor deliKate can go on a physically demanding holiday but will wilt and collapse if she has to do any work that isn’t motivated by spite and one-upmanship? Got it.

    Interesting that this story is being discussed at all though as typically they take all the trips and the press just stay quiet. What’s the angle? Who benefits?

    • M&gan says:

      I’m wondering if the Daily Mail are noticing the tide turning a bit on Kate and are testing it out to see people’s reaction to her lack of work and endless sick leave. It’s optically an interesting choice for her to start the year with KP telling everyone that Kate will not be doing anything, and then for her to have been spotted on a skiing holiday. The press will turn on members of the Royal Family when they can see which way the wind is blowing… I think this is a test of that.

      • Me at home says:

        The Fail may also be goading WanK into giving them more real content by actually, you know, getting out there and working. Apparently the British press turns on people who don’t give them articles and photo ops. It could be all of this plus turning on Kate when the tide changes.

    • Cathy says:


      DeliKate! 👏

      Brilliant 👏 👏 👏

  6. M says:

    One ski trip a day keeps the cancer away! Also, what on Earth is a “normal British family”??

    • Sasha says:

      My opinion : that’s how we know the quote is fake. The so-called ‘quotes’ are almost identical every time.

    • Cj says:

      The “British Normal family” as propaganda = white, middle class*, 2.5kids, house in the home counties

      *actually wealthy but cosplaying as middle class. A trip to the alps can run into the thousands – actual middle class families are not easily affording that even without a cost of living crisis

      • First comment says:

        That’s exactly my thoughts! A trip to the Alps costs definitely thousands, especially in the hotels they stay. And I kind of wonder, who paid for James and his family? Do they make enough money for a trip to the Alps? I doubt it! And you can bet that Carole was there, as well..(members of the Middleton family? ). It wasn’t only James!

      • sunnyside up says:

        They would rather spend the earnings from the Duchy of Cornwall on a holiday than start bringing DOC houses up to the legal standards required for renting.

  7. Ginger says:

    Well enough to ski (which is a very physical activity) but not well enough to work. Typical Kate.

    • Becks1 says:

      Well well well. So this article makes clear that she was skiing, not just there keeping watch or something.

      It says the couple was there but the actual quote is only about Kate and the younger kids being there with James. It made sure to remind us that she travels with a team of taxpayer funded security (but I thought those were for working royals only and Kate definitely is not that.)

      The DM definitely knew about this a week, two weeks ago. This feels deliberately timed to detract from the Royal Marsden visit. Some leash tugging from the DM?

      • First comment says:

        This is why I’m pretty sure that whatever ails Kate is not only physical. It’s mostly mental. That’s why she would do only what she likes.

      • Jais says:

        The rota has got to be losing patience. So they’re letting everyone know she’s been skiing which is interesting. Clearly she is physically able to do more events. So she wants to stay home with the kids more even if they’re technically in school for a good part of the day. I mean if the tax payers are good with it….we’ll see how long the tabs are good with it before more chains are pulled. I do foresee a possible bafta appearance though to feed the beasts.

  8. Caitlin says:

    Curious about something – how do rags like the Fail corroborate claims of sightings without photographs? “An onlooker said” or “A staff member saw” wouldn’t cut it in the world of real journalism.

    • Amy Bee says:

      I suspect they have photos but they just can’t publish them because of the deal they have with KP.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I do wonder why we’ve got no social media photos, though. All those people at what seems to be a popular ski resort & restaurant, and nobody had their phones out? Or security was snatching phones out of people’s hands? James M made some posts about the trip, though nothing w/Kate and the kids.

  9. Tessa says:

    I don’t think William was there at all. Kate is now able to go on vacations but no work

    • Me at home says:

      Was wondering about William’s presence too. James Middleton is a similar height and hair color to William and this line in the Fail article is suggestive: “They looked like a normal English family, and a lot of people didn’t recognise them.”

      • Becks1 says:

        Maybe that’s why William grew out a beard – so James can be his double in settings like this lol (I mean, I”m kidding, but for this story it kind of fits, right?)

  10. M&gan says:

    The Daily Fail usually write articles like this to goad their own comment section, and they have achieved this here, even though bizarrely they are usually pro-Kate. They are writing about it because they know that people’s reaction will be ‘So you can’t work but you can go skiing?’ and it’s especially galling because skiing is a sporty vacation, not a relaxing one. The comments section has delivered – people are questioning why KP have told everyone in the last week that Kate can do absolutely nothing from now on, all while she is on a skiing holiday.

  11. Tessa says:

    Taxpayers help pay for kates holidays. If she doesn’t work she should not het holidays paid for by taxpayers. Did she hit the slopes and actually ski.

  12. Penny says:

    Mustique next week then (for Ma’s birthday).

  13. Amy Bee says:

    So Kate can go on vacation but she can’t work?

  14. Laura D says:

    *Dons Tin Foil Tiara*
    The tabloids are VERY worried and these recent pieces over the past two days are warning shots!

    1. Numerous photos of KCIII boarding his helicopter after visiting a food bank.
    2. The Sunday Times re-visited their expose on William’s finances and reminded their readers (and those on X) that the taxpayer is paying the Duchy of Cornwall £1.5m annually for an empty rat infested prison.
    3. The Mail now telling us about Kate’s family holiday when we’ve all been under the impression that she’s been “recuperating.”

    IMHO these grifters were told (in no uncertain terms) to “shut up Harry” and they have failed. The Court cases are still going ahead and Harry will be testifying. I believe that when Harry starts to give evidence in court, the tabloids are going to start spilling secrets of their own.

    • M&gan says:

      They are always testing people’s mood around the Royals. They will turn on people if it suits them. Kate has been popular with the tabloids for a while now, but the debacle of last year and then starting off this year with more of the ‘she won’t be working’ narrative, isn’t helping to keep the general public on side.

    • Monika says:

      Lady D: this is a very interesting observation.
      IMO this are warning shots. I am with M&gan that the tabloids can quickly turn on anybody. IMO there are some people in the BM who are p…. o.. that the royal family is not keeping their part of the deal by giving access and providing content to the media. Willi and Kate are increasingly publishing announcement and photos on their social media sites, sidelining the British MSM especially the RR who are now scrambling in turning anything into “exclusives”. I think this makes a lot of people unhappy. Watch the space!

      “They looked like a normal English family.” People start to realise how privileged Willi, Kate and their children are. Any other employee ( IMO Kate and Willi are employed and paid for by the government and tax payers ) could get sacked if they go on a holiday while still on sick leave.

    • Me at home says:

      Warning shots, yes, but it’s because the tabloids need to run something besides endless articles about “Kate’s touching tribute to Diana,” which are getting fewer and fewer comments as the weeks roll on. I’ve read that one reason they hated M and H from the jump was that the couple never gave them exclusive interviews or offered good angles to photographers (maybe I saw that in the recent BBC show about H, M and the press). Articles inviting their hateful readership to trash Meghan and Harry get lots of clicks, but pushback against that is also intensifying. Coincidentally, the tabloids and the public both need actual work from William and Kate.

      • ABritGuest says:

        No one of the few nice things royal reporters said about Meghan in 2018 before the smear campaign went into overdrive was that she would acknowledge & give photographers good shots on her solo events, acknowledging they were professionals & had a job to do. Richard Palmer said it was unlike Harry, Kate & William who wouldn’t really acknowledge the rota on events

        The rota were upset that Harry didn’t introduce them to Meghan behind closed doors & they weren’t invited to Frogmore for tea.

        Anyway if Kate can ski she can damn well work. I better see her ribbon cutting soon

  15. Lady Digby says:

    What sort of arrangement do W and K have: do they spend family holidays together for the sake of the kids and supply resulting happy snaps to the media?

  16. Interested Gawker says:

    If this woman can ski she can work.

    William is going to have to decide what the hell he wants. If they are trying to pretend they are still a married couple then he is going to have to start acting like it and both of them need to start earning their keep as the Prince and Princess of Wales. Gatecrashing the Notre Dame reopening to be photographed with an American president-elect but being absent for a former American president’s funeral is genuinely ridiculous and this fraud they are perpetuating over the state of this woman’s health has been a disgrace ever since it started last year. William needs to treat Catherine publicly as the wife and helpmeet and mother of his children she’s supposed to be. If he can’t stand being around her then he needs to make a clean break with Kate out in the open.

    • Alicky says:

      Completely agree! And Kate needs to decide whether she’s “recovered” or not. I just can’t with these two. I really hope the shit hits the fan and it all comes tumbling down around them.

    • Nic919 says:

      If they were both busy doing engagements even if done separately there would be far fewer scrutiny or discussion about their marriage. But they aren’t doing the part or royal duty like all the other senior members and the media is very tired of covering for their lies. William and Kate have been pushing their limits for a while now. Eventually the dam will break.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      I agree completely. I’d add that KC also needs to put hos foot down, because this mess is taking central stage of his reign. And I also think that Camilla snitched on them about the ski trip to retaliate for the last round of abdication articles.

  17. Beverley says:

    So, KKKhate is robust enough to ski, but not well enough to work?

  18. Lady Digby says:

    The nub of the problem is both W and K love holidays but NOT doing any work just Wimbledon and football matches. Kate is going to stretch out a phased return to just consist of the 10 big RF events per year forever. W is going to be King with a constitional role but is already throwing out the line that as a modernizer he’ll be doing impactful work. This will translate into his team posting platitudes and family snaps online plus Willy appearing at the same 10 big RF events.

    • ohwell says:

      Bill will do his constitutional duties and Kate will show up on his arm when necessary. Both will do high profile events that give them attention. royalty with a small r.

      This is all a scam, but the majority don’t care.

      • Lady Digby says:

        @Ohwell before 2024 I also thought FK would eventually become King and then carry out his constitional duties plus a smattering of charity events. Since his woeful performance last year and swerving the Carter funeral and cancelling RAF events now it doesn’t look promising for the stamina required for regular, sustained effort and appearances.

  19. Tessa says:

    Yet the lazy pair have no expose about the idleness and getting taxpayer money. She can go skiing but could not be bothered to do more brief appearances. Imagine the outrage if the sussexes went on a ski trip.

  20. tamsin says:

    It looked like a “Middleton family knees-up.” Is this sentence a give-away? A Middleton family “knees-up, and not two families getting together- like the Wales and the Middletons? They just somewhow managed to find an English on-looker? How more British than a “knees-up”. It would be reasonable to conclude that Kate, Charlotte, and Louis went on holidays with James and his wife. Where was George? Off skiing with Dad somewhere else? Will we see more of Kate with just the younger children- the spares without the heir, to use their terminology?

    • sparrow1 says:

      W doesn’t look at all well these days. He’s lost a whole heap of weight. My hunch is there’s so much more going on between the two of them than the stress of her health. Can you imagine the pressure from the Middletons to make pretend.

  21. Monlette says:

    I would be a little surprised if the entire family was allowed to be there. Wasn’t Charles nearly buried in an avalanche in his younger days?

  22. QuiteContrary says:

    I’m sure the tenants of William’s mold-ridden rental properties are delighted to read that this “normal family” enjoyed a skiing holiday with taxpayer-funded security.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Yes, exactly. Someone under the DM article said a lot of the original posts under the ski story had been removed, and the whole story taken down and re posted at one point today, because of the backlash. People are fed up. And, like you say qc, those tenants are no doubt fed up more than most.

  23. Miss Scarlett says:

    This sounds like a sneaky way for the tabloids to leak that William wasn’t really there because it was just Kate, two of the kids, and James and his wife. Where was William? Where was George?

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Miss Scarlet I wonder what their custody arrangements are. Do they spend family holidays together but live separately? Does Will have more access to George as his heir?

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        It’s fascinating, isn’t it? Kate always reported to be out with the younger two, and William pictured with George. Who lives with whom and when?

    • CherryBerry says:

      Is that why the children look sad? Because they’ve been separated? Makes you wonder.

      • Interested Gawker says:

        Is that why Charlotte cried when she first saw her father’s beard, a strange annd intriguing anecdote of William’s?

  24. Joy says:

    How are there no pictures? Diana never went skiing without an avalanche of photos every single time. And here in 2025, everyone has a video camera in their hands. This didn’t happen, it’s not even possible there isn’t a single photo.

  25. Anne Maria says:

    Fawning coverage from a paper that regularly sends the message that people on sickness or disability benefit are a bunch of lazy skivers who are perfectly capable of working but prefer draining taxpayers. Seems that if the money that’s being drained is in the millions, that’s totally fine by the Mail.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Agreed @ Anne-Marie also current Labour Government wants to” encourage” disabled and long term sick to come off benefits and secure employment to reduce the burden on the state. Republican movement have publicly asked the Government to reduce the burden on tax payer by taking over both duchies and running them on the nation’s behalf. KC and junior would be paid a salary and a city and country house provided plus security which is the same deal PM and deputy PM enjoy in return for responsibility.

      • HuffnPuff says:

        The government controlling the duchies sounds like a plan. I suppose that would mean that all other royals currently enjoying arrangements would have to pay their own way as well. Bring it on! It’s 2025. Why are you guys propping up these lazy bums? To be fair, we do it in the States too by giving too many subsidies/tax breaks to billionaires.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Excellent point.

  26. Henny Penny says:

    I think it’s time to accept that Kate’s only “job” was having the heir and a spare, and propping up William by making him look relatively normal and somewhat likeable. She’s completed Job #1, and staying on top of Job #2 is likely beyond anyone’s abilities (look how long Harry did it).

    Honestly, Kate is so obviously terrible at connecting with the public that maybe it is in everyone’s best interests that she just quit trying. Children appear uncomfortable around her which isn’t a great look considering children are supposed to be her bailiwick.

    • Lady Digby says:

      The difficulty is that neither wanted to work. Kate maybe can get away with being a SAHM from now on but Will as constitional King can’t just WFH. Okay he’ll try but even the Fail is not going to be happy with them both on permanent holiday. I can remember Fergie getting pilloried in the press for being greedy with freebies and always on holiday.

    • ohwell says:

      I have been saying this for awhile. Kate’s only “job” is too provide a stable image for the monarchy. Stay with Bill, provide kids and look the part. She is a low level person. No more than arm candy, and a kept wife.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate is enabling William
      She is lazy so is he. And both are spiteful when it comes to the sussexes.

    • Jais says:

      So then I guess it would depend on the public and tax-payers and whether they’re good with Kate not working much. And honestly, some of them might be fine with it, especially if the press spun it a certain way. But the press probably wouldn’t spin that for them in the long run. That’s the issue with this article right now. They could’ve chosen to not tell us Kate was skiing. But they did and they did right after KP went to Becky English of the DM and Kate Mansey of the Times to reiterate that Kate is not coming back to work despite her recent hospital visit. Kate/KP was clear about the fact that people shouldn’t expect her to just jump back into anything. Well except one-upping Meghan. She can jump into some skiing but anything else? No. And this is the tabloids answering back imo. They want her back at the job whatever it may be. So they’re at a slight impasse.

  27. TN Democrat says:

    The rota are laying the groundwork to turn on the left behinds. Harry must have them running scared. If keener can travel to go on a 🎿 vacation and fan around in the cold in crowds, she can do an event daily while the kids are in school.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      Remember though – Kate never said she couldn’t do anything. She just said she would do what brings her joy. Skiing brings joy, work does not 🤪🤪

    • sparrow1 says:

      She should but we know she won’t. Never known such a lazy woman. How this workshy, bland, never done a day’s real work, pleasant looking yet prematurely aged, never ever a real beauty, woman has been elevated to the status she has is utterly bewildering.

  28. sparrow1 says:

    The DM has reported on the ski holiday today, three weeks or so after the event. Many are saying the recent free-for-all nasty re Meghan and Harry during the fires, plus the VF article, meant the press could do as told by the BRF and keep this K&W story to one side for as long as possible . The BRF truly are cynical ====ers; they know exactly how shabby this looks. Not been able to post much recently, but the element of the VF story that caught my eye was about Kate having spent 11/12 years on her early years! Her complete lack of energy fits so well with that family; any other employer would’ve thrown her out. Has anyone else seen the long list of Meghan’s ed/n, work and voluntary projects pre marriage v Kate’s art history degree. Meghan is probably an exacting person to work for. But, as my mum said, don’t work for self employed people/managers unless you’re prepared to work as hard as they do. By contrast. Does anyone remember getting paired up at school for homework projects w/ other classmates who had bugger all talent, who were happy to do nothing, had no ideas, just “duh…”. Totally Kate. And please w/ ANY of them working hard. “Hard worker” Princess Anne for eg. She turns up at places, walks around and leaves, and that’s an engagement done and dusted for her. We know people who’ve had Anne visit their places of work and the she’s spent bugger all time w/ them. The BRF puts huge effort into doing nothing. Meghan puts their efforts to shame. Rant over!

  29. Lady Digby says:

    Link to Republican Movement proposals for duchies and just paying KC a salary comparable with PM

  30. Gabby says:

    My sympathies to the UK taxpayer. You are being played for fools by a family of inbred morons.

    I realize the irony of my saying this on the day the fascist clown jackboots his way back into the oval office, but our national nightmare will be over in 4 years, possibly 2 if the 2026 congressional elections go well. Your national nightmare, however, is much more firmly entrenched.

    PS – I don’t think Peg went on this trip with her.

    • sparrow1 says:

      Thank you! The monarchy went w/ the queen. Proof: the anger about the channel 4 doc. The UK’s seeing the BRF differently these days, and not in a good way. Her hol’s just another slap in the face for us.

  31. Kat says:

    Our Cath is not capable of ding anything but looking beautiful, wearing expensive clothes,having her hair done and plastering her face with make up
    Oh I forgot- only doing things that bring her joy, are impactful and what interests her.
    She certainly knows how to spend the tax payer’s money, she must be the biggest benefit scrounger in this country.
    Next week Ma Middleton’s birthday jaunt

  32. Kreama says:

    The optics are bad. Even if she went but didn’t ski, it would have been helpful for KP to say something directly about it rather than pretending there’s nothing to see here. Ie “after seeking medical advice, Kate went with her family on a ski trip. Although she wasn’t able to ski, the family could enjoy some time together and the children got to experience blah blah blah”. Don’t just expect everyone to give her the benefit of the doubt after wasting so much media space telling us how she can’t and won’t work.

  33. wolfmamma says:

    Yeah I am done. She is a worthless lying grifter. Nothing to offer and just soaking up the millions in her ugly clothes. Ah well. Her karma will ripen