Times: The Sussexes ‘are understood to have dismissed allegations against them’

Remember when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Oprah interview was about to air on a specific date, and the Windsors organized a full smear campaign to drop in the days just before the interview? It was as obvious as it was stupid. Well, something similar is happening right now, only now I think the Windsors were just better at hiding their fingerprints, or maybe the Windsors are not the main ones behind this current thing. Harry will be in London for his long-awaited trial against News Group Newspapers. So a very special Vanity Fair cover story was organized, full of new variations on all of those years-old Windsor/royalist media talking points. The timing suggests yet another major piece of advance work to distract from whatever will come out in the NGN trial, just as they hoped to kneecap Meghan before the Oprah interview aired. To make matters even more bizarre, The Times of London ran a story about the Vanity Fair fallout. The Times is owned by NGN/the Murdochs.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are understood to have dismissed allegations against them reported in a Vanity Fair article that sources close to the couple described as distressing. In a cover article published on Friday and titled “American Hustle”, the magazine set out what life was like ­“Inside Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Big Business Ambitions, 5 Years After Their Royal Exit”.

The claims included comments from their neighbours in Montecito, California, who said that the duke and duchess had ruined the quiet and neighbourliness of the area by “bringing more attention” to the wealthy town, despite it already being home to other celebrities. However, friends of the Sussexes point to recent comments made by another neighbour, the actress Sharon Stone, who said that ­Meghan and Harry waved to people in the street.

Stone told Hello! magazine: “They’re a part of our community, they’ve become a giving, caring, participating part of our community. They’re not here to be like ‘Would you like to kiss my butt?’”

The latest article by ­Vanity Fair has proved to be difficult reading for the Sussexes. It speculated on rumours about the couple’s marriage and whether Meghan had been approached to write a “post-divorce” book. It also adds, however, that divorce was not on the horizon, quoting sources saying that “their love is real” and “they are hot for each other”. Yet the jibes about their work may prove the hardest to shake off.

Sources close to the Sussexes said that previous employees had gone on record in the past to dispute the claims made in the article.

The Sussexes declined to be interviewed for the Vanity Fair article and did not respond to a request to comment when approached by The Times.

[From The Times]

“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are understood to have dismissed allegations against them” and then use that “dismissal” as an excuse to reprint some of the accusations. As I said in my coverage of the VF story, I think some of the Spotify-specific stories were partially accurate, but it was a choice to put the Spotify issue under such a microscope. The angle of the VF piece was to lean into all of the tabloid reports/agendas of the British tabloids and newspapers, some of which are owned by the Murdochs. I also think that much like the smears advanced ahead of the Oprah interview, the point of the timing is to distract from the bigger thing (in this case, the NGN trial) but also put Harry and Meghan in a position where they can’t defend themselves immediately because they’re focused on the bigger thing. A “dismissal” today doesn’t mean they’ll always be so dismissive, at least that’s what I hope.

Photos courtesy of Instar, Avalon Red.

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28 Responses to “Times: The Sussexes ‘are understood to have dismissed allegations against them’”

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  1. You are right in talking about them dismissing what was said in the VF article they rehashed it all over again. As I said before in a different comment section there will always be nasty stories about the Sussexes because they refused to stay and be scapegoats.

  2. swaz says:

    Harry and Meghan silly articles 150 comments, Elon nazi salute at inauguration 20 comments 😳 that’s where we’re at people, we’re all in this together 😳

    • 809Matriarch says:

      Elon Musk did a Nazi salute?

    • slippers4life says:

      This! Wonder in this world where social media, Rupert Murdoch, and billionaires are turning the media into a big “please don’t have a revolution” propaganda machine, will ethical journalists forced to go against their ethics for corporate interests to afford groceries and keep the lights on, create an anonymous media where we can trust the information? These things happen during times like this. Are there any sources anyone knows of that does this? I’m so sick of just how many media outlets have been bought to punish the Sussexes and not asking questions about 2 fucking disgusting fucked nazi salutes a the fucking presidential inauguration!!! Like FFS!!!!…,but wait! A Spotify contract went sour! Everybody look over here!

      • IdlesAtCranky says:

        She’s a historian, not a journalist, but check out Professor Heather Cox Richardson.

        She has been writing a series of short essays nightly for some years now, called Letters from an American.

        She documents and comments on current events, and relates them to the relevant historical context. She also does video chats in which she answers questions and discusses topics people request or that she considers valuable.

        I’ve learned so much following her, and during the really bad times she’s often the only news source I check daily.

        She posts on Facebook, and publishes each letter on Substack, available absolutely free, though she does accept paid subscriptions if people choose to support her work that way. She’s also on Bluesky, having left the bird site for cleaner pastures.

        Here’s a link to her Substack:


  3. Amy Bee says:

    How would the Times now this if they got no response from their spokesperson? Are they just making assumptions? Anyway as I said yesterday I don’t think the VF story got the traction they were hoping for because it was a rethead of the WSJ Spotify story, just repeated narratives made up by the British press and it got downed out by the Tiktok ban and the inauguration. I do believe that it was put out there because of the NGN trial was starting this week.

    • Jais says:

      It was such a retread. More unnamed sources saying ish mostly about Meghan. And? What else is new? Despite being from an American publication, it read and sounded like the same old British articles and I wonder if that why it didn’t land that hard. It just sounded like more noise. Probably bc a lot of the unnamed sources were possibly British. And the topics were ones exhaustedly covered already.

  4. Nanea says:

    I really hope for the Sussexes to s̶u̶e̶ burn all these mags and papers to the ground, after Harry has hopefully won his cases against NGN and ANL. Next year.

    Until then, we will get many more of these unhinged screeds, sadly mostly aimed at Meghan — because they all know how to *really* hurt Harry the most effective way.

  5. Sarahbee31 says:

    So embarrassed that VF printed what is essentially a rehash of old rumors with some new quotes added. I assume the only reason VF did it was to maintain their access to the Windsors. Glad M&H are staying focused on the Murdoch trial and finally forcing Murdoch to face some accountability.

    • Laura D says:

      No shade intended @Sarahbee31 but, what access? We keep hearing about all the access these “journalists” are given to the Windsors but, we don’t see what that actually means. If they truly had access they would have known about Kate’s holiday, or where William (and Kate) were over Christmas. They only seem to get notice of what they’re doing AFTER the event and usually from an onlooker who happened to be where they were at the time.

      As far as I can tell their only access is to listen to their rants about Harry.

      • Shoegirl77 says:

        @laura d, that is their access. They know all of the shit but choose not to report, which is why they use H and M for headlines, regardless of how long since they last wrote the same shite with different words. The rota’s main brief is to report negatively about H and M to distract from the lazy, pale stale, left behind small r royals.

  6. Dee(2) says:

    It’s obvious that all of this is part of a larger agenda because there’s no real impetus for the British media to cover them in the manner that they do. Yes, the tabloids will cover them because they cover gossip and salaciousness. But what rational reason does a paper like the Times or the Telegraph have to cover the business dealings of two people who yes, hold British titles, but don’t live in the country, and don’t use any taxpayer money? Articles about their financial security, business practices at an American business, media deals with an American company do not require or need investigation by British newspapers. Even trying to make a tenuous connection about it reflecting poorly on the royal family doesn’t make any sense when they go on and on about how neither of them have any relationship with the larger family any longer. If this was accurate and true it would stand to reason that their decisions don’t reflect on the family at all. These newspapers are scared of whatever can be exposed and are going all out to get it to go away.

  7. Lady Digby says:

    VF article is tired old BS trying to discredit Harry on the eve of THAT which is obvious to all and sundry.

  8. Chantale says:

    No one is above reproach! However if something is not balance you are dead to me. VF dead to me -. Hollywood Reporter dead to me most british newspapers as they are all tabloids dead to me. I used to follow that fashion site and podcasts by T&L, dead to me. I think they are being paid to not like H&M but pretend they are balance. They say a lot of dumb things anyway. 2025 resolutions are good for me as I am filtering things I want to read. I have NOT clicked on the rat tabloids from over there since 2019. I am fine with celebitchy summary.

    • Kingston says:

      Ditto to everything you said. Mags like people and vf hv been dead to me for a lng tme now…..i think the last time I read a vf was when M was on the cover I think back in 2016 when she and H met.

      These days Im very discriminating about my media consumption. I have such contempt for what passes for journalists and journalism these day. Pfffttt!

  9. Lady Digby says:

    It is very laughable of RF to sanction BS about Meghan bullying staff when KC, W and A have documented incidents of losing it. KC got tetchy on camera with a malfunctioning pen and shirty with the page boy at the Changing of the Big Hat ceremony. Kate lunged at Meghan in public and behaved nastily in church on several occasions. Andrew wearing just underwear bellowed for a servant because he couldn’t find a sock. W shouts at staff , not whisper shouts, but shouts at them but that’s okay because he apologises afterwards!

    • QuiteContrary says:

      But none of those ill-behaved royals are Black. That’s Meghan’s greatest sin. The double standards are appalling and racist.

      • Kingston says:

        Its not “double standards” when the disparity in the treatment of 2 subjects about the same matter is diametrically opposed. In the case of Meghan and the kancer-fraud and in fact all the other females in the british royal family v M, its plain old-fashioned racism..

        Lets call a thing a thing.

      • sunnyside up says:

        And even worse as far as the DM is concerned, two mixed race heirs to the British throne. Hence all those stories that they weren’t really Harry and Meghan’s biological children.

  10. L4Frimaire says:

    They are right to dismiss this trifling article because they have bigger fish to fry and there is nothing to this article beyond rumors, gripes and another Spotify autopsy. What is happening at the courts in London is way more important than them wasting their time on fiction.

  11. Over it says:

    I feel like i should say this daily, Harry still has lots of unpublished material for book 2. Sparing your vile asses to the wall

  12. Over it says:

    I could be remembering wrong, but didn’t Harry say that it was the men in grey that arranged the vf cover story Meghan did with them when they were dating? As in the palace gave the green light for her to do it ? So if I am remembering correctly, maybe the palace choose VF because they have a relationship with them so it’s not a stretch to think that they reached out to them again for this hit piece. Of course I am sure that RM and his peeps are definitely behind this, I think it’s fair to say that Harry blood relatives must also be shitting their pants about what will come out so I think they tag team to take Harry and especially Meghan down, because hurting Meghan, hurts Harry because he loves the dirt she walks on .

  13. Lau says:

    If they say anything the tabloids would just call them liars and continue to bully them. They lose whatever they do or don’t do.