Duchess Sophie posed for new birthday portraits & spoke to the Telegraph

Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, turned 60 years old on January 20th. To mark the “big birthday,” Buckingham Palace released some new portraits of Sophie, taken at her estate, Bagshot Park. These were taken by Christina Ebenezer, a Black female photographer, and Sophie noted that she “wanted to support a rising female photographer.” As always, Meghan was the blueprint and they’re going to spend the rest of their lives copying everything Meghan did while simultaneously mocking and denigrating everything she does and is. To mark her birthday, Sophie gave an interview to the Telegraph and allowed the newspaper’s Hannah Furness to accompany her on some charity visits. I’ll admit that while I’m no fan or supporter of Sophie, I was moved by the section where she shows a lot of patience and kindness to several people with learning disabilities. Some highlights:

On her birthday: “I’m 21!” she protests, laughing, before being reminded that it is her 60th. “Ooh that’s so mean, you shouldn’t say things like that! It’s a very large number.” She is joking, mostly, but seems to be telling the truth when she adds: “I don’t know how I got there.”

Almost an empty-nester: As her own children become increasingly independent (“I really miss that little limpet feel,” she tells one young mother cradling her sleeping toddler. “Enjoy it because they get really big!”), she is on the lookout for what else she can do to help.

She’s been doing more work with people with learning disabilities: “It’s been educating for me,” she says of her working life, particularly in the disability sector. “It’s been mostly utterly joyous. I never know what to expect, I never know who I’m going to meet, and I never know what I’m going to learn. And the old adage ‘Every day’s a school day’ is absolutely true.”

At a learning-disability center, she was asked how many castles she has: “I personally don’t have any castles sadly. But there are a few castles. They don’t really belong to the family, they belong to everybody really – they belong to the nation.” Upstairs, she seems delighted when Amy Catton, 33, gently takes her hand to compare rings (Sophie’s diamond is quite a bit bigger), and admires the contents of her sparkly bag: a collection of lipsticks they go through patiently one-by-one.

Why she’s been doing so much in the disability sector: “It goes back to when I first started to get involved with taking on patronages and engagements. I was trying to find, not a unique thing for myself, but a direction of travel I suppose. And, of course, inevitably every time I went down a route, I found a member of the family working very hard doing something and I retreated a bit and thought, ‘No not there, treading on toes.’ And I suddenly thought, ‘What have I been doing up until this point and could shape what potentially could be the next move?’ Because I’d been involved in public relations and communications all of my working life, I thought, ‘Well, so much of that is to do with people.’” The concept of how people interact differently, and the problem of how to raise their profile, drew her to organisations concentrating on disability, she says. “We’re all different, but just because we’re different doesn’t mean that we don’t bring something to the party.”

When all of QEII’s grandchildren stood guard around her coffin: It was, she says, “incredibly moving”, leaving her “just so proud of them” – “all of the cousins” – for the way they listened to instructions. “I suppose there was a part of me initially that thought, ‘Would it be appropriate for James, perhaps, to do it?’ because he was younger than the others, but he was really keen to do it. And I think it was really important for him to do it, and obviously for Louise as well. But they did it so well, each and every one of them. I was slightly holding my breath, wanting them to feel that they’d done it well more than anything else. I wasn’t worried about anything happening; it was more that I wanted them to feel that they’d done their bit for their grandmother. It was incredibly moving, and lovely to see her surrounded by them.”

[From The Telegraph]

The part about going through the lipsticks patiently was lovely, as was the part where she was answering whatever questions people had at her event. Maybe she’s a piece of work most of the time, but I’ll give her credit for doing some good work in an often-ignored sector. The Telegraph also lays it on thick about how hard-working she is and how “King William” will be counting on her to pick up even more slack during his reign. Sigh.

Photos courtesy of Christina Ebenezer for Buckingham Palace.

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32 Responses to “Duchess Sophie posed for new birthday portraits & spoke to the Telegraph”

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  1. Carrie says:


  2. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    The pictures aren’t terrible – damned by faint praise I guess. However, I’ll never understand this trend the royal family has of people posing with their mouth open mid laugh. It looks ridiculous. Sophie is doing it in the top photo & many of the photos that Kate posts of the kids they’ve all got their mouths open like mid maniacal laugh. It’s weird.

    • Lady Esther says:

      For aging ladies like Kate and Sophie, the open mouth smile/laugh is an instant facelift, it’s as simple as that. For the kids I think it’s just natural horsing around…

      As for poor Sophie, the Ford Fiesta of the BRF I’ll never forget the unnamed royal rota member that said “I may as well put my mum on the cover for all the press attention she’ll get.” Sophie would have to run naked through the streets and reveal she’s been bearding for years for Edward for anyone to pay any attention to her, no matter what “good works” she does and how much she begs at William’s feet for scraps….

    • sparrow1 says:

      Agree. Was thinking this the other day; Kate will be remembered for gurning. My thoughts are they’ve photoshopped her pretty well here. She and her husband really have carved out the best BRF life for themselves: wonderful house; nice, and very easy, money; under the radar without much scrutiny. She’s made herself the ‘royal good egg’ role. And her husband does bugger all.

    • Kristen from MA says:

      Ford Fiesta! 😀

  3. sevenblue says:

    I mean, Anne won’t be living forever. W&K need other people to do the work for them. If Sophie wants to do all the work without making them jealous, good for her. As long as nobody cares, she is gonna be alright.

    • Dee(2) says:

      And given how finances are set up in that family if they aren’t leaving to earn their own money I can’t blame her. At least she seems to have backed off shading Harry and Meghan just to focus her time on sucking up to William and Kate. As long as it stays that way, and she is satisfied spending her Twilight years doing that, I don’t have anything to say.

      • Tessa says:

        Huevo may yet give the Edinburgh title to Louis. Nothing was guaranteed that james would inherit

  4. ThatGirlThere says:

    Happy Birthday I suppose. I just remember that video of Sophie actively avoiding Meghan and Harry and making a point of talking to the Wailers. Shitty behavior like that I don’t forget.

    • Nanea says:

      … plus Sofiesta pretending not to know who Oprah was when she was asked about the interview — when she had been shown around at a school founded by Oprah in South Africa… The hypocrite.

  5. Smart&Messy says:

    She was kind and patient now, unlike the time she mocked an aging artist at the royal variety event. Maybe she’s learnt. I love both outfits

  6. Andy Dufresne says:


  7. Tessa says:

    I still don’t like her. Is she paid much attention to

  8. Tessa says:

    The. All the cousins talk is so cliche

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yeah, the silliness of her bringing that vigil of the cousins at the funeral thing back around again–but of course, that kind of thing is a huge deal to these people.

    • Murphy says:

      Its giving Sarah Ferguson vibes. (constantly name dropping/reminding everyone she gave birth to two blood royal princesses)

  9. Original penguin says:

    The photographs are nicely framed. Christina Ebenezer has done a good job. The story about the lipsticks is good- the writer has found some lovely talking points

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    Very unnatural pose. But I do give her credit for doing a believable impersonation of a regular human and acknowledging publicly that the castles belong to the nation.

  11. Becks1 says:

    I actually like the photos – and I like that she is highlighting a Black photographer. Contrast that with Kate who only uses well known photographers or camilla who used…..Kate….for that magazine cover once, lol.

    I think Sophie has been a mean girl towards Meghan since they left but I wonder how much of that is because she hates Meghan or how much of that is trying to stay in W&K’s good graces. Maybe a combination of the two?

    I do think her work in general has been more interesting than other royals, including Anne – she travels relatively frequently by herself to countries that Kate would never even think of visiting but the press and public don’t really care so 🤷‍♀️and we don’t hear about it that much. but I guess that’s just what happens when you’re the wife of the king’s youngest brother (a brother most forget even exists.)

    The ford fiesta analogy was funny because it was so dead on for her lol.

    • sevenblue says:

      Sophie was nasty to Diana too. She was trying to copy Diana in the past because of the jealousy. I don’t think, it is just to suck up to W&K. She is as jealous as other family members.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    Meghan is really the blue print. It’s interesting that this piece focuses on her work with people with disabilities because the Palace statement on her birthday only spoke her commitment to gender equality, an issue she only took up when Meghan left.

  13. bisynaptic says:

    “But there are a few castles. They don’t really belong to the family, they belong to everybody really – they belong to the nation.”
    — They’re going to have to clean this up, when people start clamoring for Balmoral and Sandringham, etc. 😆

    • Lau says:

      Weird how “everybody” and the “nation” don’t get any access to any of the castles. Oh, well.

  14. Beverley says:

    Keep trying, Sophiesta. I don’t care how old you are. Nothing, no landmark birthday will make me forget how you treated Duchess Meghan. You are a racist, a poser, and a disgusting brown-noser. Piss off! Bigots get no recognition or respect from me.

    • Gail Hirst says:

      @ Beverley ~ “You are a racist, a poser, and a disgusting brown-noser.” Great rhyming LOL! Did you realize you did this?

  15. Jais says:

    Nice pictures. It’s always good when the people at the visit enjoy themselves. If only she hadn’t soooo obviously been a mean girl to Meghan in a church. And made the disparaging Oprah who comment after having visited one of Oprah’s schools.

  16. JFerber says:

    I guarantee you the informal laughing face is indebted to Meghan’s chic California style.

  17. T says:

    They always try to copy Meghan’s style and recreate the photography. They need to watch the old episodes of America Top Model and learn how to smile with their eyes. They copy Meghan’s posing style but their eyes are dead. Meghan’s eyes have a way of drawing you in like a hug.

    • Gail Hirst says:

      Awww, where’s the ‘like’ button? Cause that’s a lovely analogy, her eyes draw you in like a hug.