Robert Pattinson: My baby ‘smells incredible, she doesn’t smell like other babies’

A few weeks ago, there was a rumor floating around that Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse had secretly married at some point, possibly over the holidays? I don’t know if it’s true, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Suki and Rob have actually worked out something about how they present themselves in public as a couple. They’ve walked some red carpets and done some events together, they obviously have a baby together, but they withhold enough about their lives where there’s still some mystery and it never feels like we actually know what they’re up to. Anyway, Rob recently chatted with Vogue about his decade-long Dior contract, and he ended up talking about his baby girl and how amazing she smells. He’s so charming. Some highlights:

Working with Dior as the face of Dior Homme Parfum: “We have been together for longer than a decade. This was before everybody was working with a fragrance.” Pattinson says the changed Homme “feels like more of an aura than spraying some perfume on.”

Dior asked him to get on a motorcycle for the latest ad: “I learned how to ride a motorcycle for Batman, so when Dior asked if I could ride, I said yeah. Well, I could sort of ride a motorcycle-ish. But even trying to even start a motorcycle in wet sand is literally impossible. I just thought, ‘I’m going to die on this.’” Add the girl in his arms (literally) and Pattison just has to laugh. “If the Dior man can do this easily, well it’s very impressive.”

He’s not great at driving or stunt work: “I’m very anxiety-prone, I don’t like driving fast in real life at all. I can’t even parallel park! I need it to be valet-only like in Clueless. But there’s something about my pride that comes out when I’m being filmed. All of a sudden, I’m like ‘yeah, I can drive 120 miles an hour through this tiny little gap.’”

His baby’s smell: “I remember people used to be like ‘oh, don’t you like the smell of babies, but I thought they were just smelling the baby powder. But then I had a baby, and I was like ‘my baby smells incredible.’ There’s something there, I can identify her. She doesn’t smell like other babies.”

[From Vogue]

There’s a scientific explanation for why babies smell so good to their parents – it’s basically an evolutionary thing, to help parents bond with their babies. I just find it sweet that Rob is so enamored with his daughter though – from Suki’s interviews, I’ve gotten the feeling that Rob was the one who wanted to take a long family leave to spend time with the baby, and that he’s just so pleased with fatherhood. As for the rest of it… I’m not a great parallel parker but I can do it (I just need a minute). I always love how charmingly neurotic Rob sounds.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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4 Responses to “Robert Pattinson: My baby ‘smells incredible, she doesn’t smell like other babies’”

  1. Nanea says:

    RPattz has grown on me. I’d never watched those sparkly vampires, so I only knew him from those movies that I watched before we all found out what a despicable person the author of those boarding school books is.

    But I like how he admits he’s not like that superhuman actor who does all of his stunts himself — without needing to draw a comparison to those people.

    Bit quirky in a likeable way to me, without me knowing much about him.

  2. Sue says:

    Adorable Dad Rob Pattinson is the balm I needed today in the face of the horror show going on in the US. Thank you for covering this.

  3. midnightatthemuseum says:

    He’s always so modest. It’s a British thing I think. Chris Nolan got the stunt drivers to give him a test before he filmed Tenet to see if he could do any of the on-screen driving, and they said he was excellent.

  4. Amy says:

    I’m into this older, mellower, less serious version of RPatz. He’s definitely growing on me as he’s aging. Also, name checking Clueless is the way to this Xennial’s heart <3

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