Billy Ray Cyrus also had to sing a cappella at Trump’s inauguration ball

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I was driving with my mother in the wilds of New Jersey over the holidays (and by that I mean Bergen County), when we saw a bumper sticker of Trump with a rainbow clown wig on, and the caption read, “Elect a clown, expect a circus.” I laughed at the time, though now I’m feeling like it’s disrespectful to well-run circuses. But I suppose, “Elect a dumb con man, expect a low production value sh-tshow in which nothing is rehearsed or checked for quality and none of the bills get paid,” is a bit unwieldy for a bumper sticker. My point is, if you think even a fraction of Trump’s tech bro-funded inaugural committee millions went to ensuring technical difficulties were resolved for the inaugural balls, especially after Carrie Underwood’s performance earlier in the day, you’d be as mistaken as an acrobat missing their partner’s hands. For when it came time for Billy Ray Cyrus to don his finest cowboy hat and hit the stage at Monday night’s Liberty Ball, the only thing Billy Ray had liberty from was any form of accompaniment.

Few people are singing the praises of Billy Ray Cyrus’ performance at the Liberty Ball celebrating Donald Trump’s inauguration — and the singer has blamed the bizarre set on technical issues.

On Tuesday, Cyrus told People that he “wouldn’t have missed the honor of playing this event whether my microphone, guitar and monitors worked or not.”

“I was there because President Donald J. Trump invited me,” he said.

During his Monday night performance, the 63-year-old Cyrus strummed his guitar and gravelly sang the lyrics to “Old Town Road,” his 2019 collaboration with Lil Nas X, while the song’s music video was shown behind him.

After the video ended, he continued playing “Old Town Road” on his guitar while whistling before attempting to sing the song a cappella.

“If you encourage me, I’ll keep going,” Cyrus said to the audience. “They told me to kill as much time as possible.”

Then, his guitar cut out as he tried to go into his 1992 hit, “Achy Breaky Heart.”

“Is my guitar still on? I think they cut me off. Is my guitar on, guys?” he called out to the tech crew.

“Is anybody awake?” he continued. “Where’s everybody at? Is anybody back there? Can somebody turn my guitar back on?”

Shortly after, two people from the tech crew came onstage to help Cyrus with his guitar, but nothing worked. After a few more minutes, he resorted to performing a monotone, a cappella version of “Achy Breaky Heart” before finally exiting the stage.

As you might expect, Cyrus’ performance was mocked by some on social media, with one person even describing it as “the perfect metaphor for the next 4 years.”

Still, Cyrus said that he had “a ball at the Liberty Ball” in his interview with People.

“I’ve learned through all these years when the producer says, ‘You’re on,’ you go entertain the folks even if the equipment goes to hell,” he told the outlet. “I was there for the people and we had a blast. That’s called rock ‘n’ roll!”

[From HuffPost]

“They told me to kill as much time as possible.” Well, something certainly died. Friends, deplorables, countrymen, there is nothing quite like hearing Billy Ray Cyrus perform “Achy Breaky Heart” a cappella. May the next and only time it ever happens again be for an audience solely of those just pardoned for Jan. 6, if you catch my meaning. Still, I encourage you to watch the clip as everything goes wrong. The electric guitar crapping out was an especially nice touch, as if the instrument itself was saying, “I’m out! I didn’t sign up for this!” Anyone remember the classic Daffy Duck cartoon Duck Amuck, where the unseen animator messes with Daffy through the whole episode? And there’s the sequence where Daffy has to beg for his sound to be restored? Well, he happens to be playing a guitar at that moment (with a cowboy hat on!), and lord love a duck, if Billy Ray wasn’t the spittin’ image of Daffy strumming the guitar with nary a sound emitting forth. Whatever embarrassment you may have suffered, Mr. Cyrus, please know the gaffe made the day of this Looney Tunes lover’s heart. My achy breaky heart (achin’ and breakin’ over the new regime).

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photos credit: Getty and Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/Avalon

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26 Responses to “Billy Ray Cyrus also had to sing a cappella at Trump’s inauguration ball”

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  1. Alicky says:

    Love this for him. And yes, Duck Amuck is a classic!

    • BeanieBean says:

      One of my all-time favorites of Daffy! That one and the one where he & Bugs take a ‘wrong turn at Albuquerque’ and end up in Aladdin’s cave. There’s nothing funnier than Daffy losing his sh*t!

      As for Billy Ray–just for grins, I clicked on the link to his ‘performance’. 🤪🤭 That’s was so wonderously awful! I guess we know all those 💵 paid by the billionaires for the inauguration didn’t go to crew. (OK, I always knew it went straight to donald’s pocket.)

      • Kismet says:

        Ali Baba Bunny!!!

        One of the greatest lines ever: “Since when is Pismo Beach inside a cave?!”

  2. heygingersnaps says:

    Surely he must have some money to have his hair properly washed, conditioned and styled?! He looks dirty and also looks like he must smell bad. Yuck.

    • DaveW says:

      I thought the same, and add Kid Rock, who also needs a shower and shampoo, the dressing rooms post inauguration must need to be fumigated.

    • Harla says:

      He’s reminding me of Rob Zombie.

      • HeatherC says:

        Except Rob Zombie’s look is purposeful. Billy Ray and Kid Rock probably think they look sexy and cool. (I’ll also put in that Rob Zombie has more talent in many areas in his pinky toe than those two have in their entire bodies)

    • BeanieBean says:

      My thought, too. He looks like he’d smell like someone who’s been living under a house for a while. Eau de Johnny Depp.

  3. Wilma says:

    It annoys me to no end that he ‘performed’ Lil Nas X’s song for these f***wits.

    • SarahCS says:

      Given that Lil Nas X represents so many things that these people hate it’s quite a choice but other than that and Achy Breaky Heart was has he got that non-fans will recognise?

      Although I’m not 100% sure that’s even him at this point, they could have pulled a guy out of an alleyway and scarfed him up.

    • Ponchorella says:

      Interesting that all these racist, anti-gay crusaders want to party to the Village People and Lil Nas X. 🌈 😂😂😂

  4. somebody says:

    Who can blame the guitar? I’d cut out on that song also. It is one of the dumbest ever written.

  5. KeKe Swan says:

    Well, he looked the part… I guess that’s the only thing you can say ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  6. Meredith says:

    The Instagram post that Trace put up about Billy Ray really puts a whole sad top on this whole business. Not a good time for anyone in that family in the past 12 months.

  7. wendy says:

    what in the Temu Johnny Depp hell was this? I read that his son posted a plea for him to get help after this trainwreck ‘performance.’

  8. Serena says:

    Well, I’m not surprised he was happy to perform for Trump lol he looks the part.

  9. Donna says:

    Precursor to the shit storm about to come. Billy Ray needs to take a shower.

  10. Harla says:

    Country music’s Rob Zombie.

  11. Sandaroo says:

    The sound issue was likely because no one will work with Trump or his team without up front payment. That’s why all the campaign stops started going outdoors – he left a trail of unpaid debts at all the venues and no one would work with him unless they got cash up front.

    They clearly had to hire a c-list company and probably stiffed them, or if they did pay upfront they went with the cheapest vendor they could find.

  12. bisynaptic says:

    They performed a Lil Nas X song (in addition to the Village People) at Trump‘s inauguration? On the one hand: did Lil Nas X approve of this? On the other hand: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah 😂😂😂

  13. phlyfiremama says:

    *thank you for this gift, tech guys!! Chef’s kiss!!

  14. QuiteContrary says:

    Usually my secondhand embarrassment keeps me from enjoying car crashes like this, but this one is completely enjoyable!

    The local VFW probably has better tech equipment than this.

  15. JFerber says:

    I’m glad so many of those asses had no music to accompany them. That’s part of what a trump presidency is–incompetent. Glad those suck-ups got the wind knocked out of them. Good for them for choosing the trump train wreck.