NYT: The British public doesn’t ‘appreciate’ Prince Harry’s huge victory over NGN

The New York Times published a surprisingly balanced and fair assessment the day after News Group Newspapers settled with Prince Harry in their years-long legal battle. The NYT piece was written by Mark Landler, the paper’s London Bureau chief, not some wannabe royalist. It’s called “What Prince Harry’s Settlement Means for Him and for Britain’s Royal Family,” but really, it’s about how the Windsors and their symbiotic partner, the British press, are grumpy and fuming about Harry’s astounding victory. The biggest tell is the flat refusal by all parties to acknowledge that the Murdochs had to admit partial liability to save themselves from getting reamed in the trial. The British press is trying and failing to make the story into “Harry didn’t want to fight” rather than “The Murdochs blinked and backed down to save their own asses.” Some excerpts from this NYT piece:

How the British press covered Harry’s victory: Prince Harry’s last-minute settlement of a long-running suit with Rupert Murdoch’s tabloids was on the front page of a handful of London papers on Thursday, though conspicuously, not on any owned by Mr. Murdoch. The Sun, which admitted illegal activity by private investigators it hired more than a decade ago to dig up personal information on Harry, didn’t get to the story until Page 6. The Times of London, Mr. Murdoch’s broadsheet, covered it at the bottom of Page 12, next to a report about the failing eyesight of the actress Judi Dench. The Daily Mail, whose publisher, Associated Newspapers, is also being sued by Harry for hacking his cellphone and invading his privacy, reported the news on an inside page, as did The Daily Mirror, whose publisher, Mirror Group Newspapers, lost a phone hacking lawsuit to Harry in 2023.

Dismissive of Harry’s win: Even papers that are not in litigation with Harry, like the right-wing Daily Telegraph, treated the deal dismissively. The Telegraph, in a front-page article, said “Harry climbs down after eight-figure payout,” adding, “His quest to bring down part of the Murdoch empire has ended in a fizzle rather than a bang.” Critics of the press coverage said it played down the significance of what Harry had extracted. Crucially, that included the first admission by News Group Newspapers that unlawful activity had occurred, not just at The News of the World, a tabloid Mr. Murdoch shut down in 2011, but also at The Sun, his flagship British tabloid.

What Harry actually achieved: “If you’re interested in an accountable media, Harry’s was actually an act done in the public interest, at considerable cost to himself,” said Peter Hunt, a former royal correspondent at the BBC. “He’s gotten them to accept something they’ve refused to accept for years. The dispiriting thing for him is that the public don’t appreciate that,” Mr. Hunt added. “A lot of their understanding of what Harry’s up to is through the lens of a media that is implacably hostile to him.”

The years-long smear campaign on the Sussexes: “The blackening of Prince Harry’s name and his wife by large chunks of Fleet Street has been really awful to watch,” Alan Rusbridger, a former editor of The Guardian, said to Channel 4 on Wednesday, referring to London’s traditional thoroughfare for newspaper publishing. “It seems like an almost deliberate tactic to destroy the credibility of somebody who is a threat to them.”

The settlement money: Harry has not said what he plans to do with the money. His legal bills will be formidable, though Daniel Taylor, a media lawyer, said these are usually covered by the party offering the settlement in a separate payment. He has not commented beyond a statement that was read out for him by Mr. Sherborne.

Will the settlement ease Windsor tensions? In one respect, however, Harry’s decision to settle could ease tensions with his family. He said last year that his campaign against the tabloids was a central cause of the rift with his brother, William, and his father, King Charles III. Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace, where William has his office, declined to comment on the settlement. By joining his brother in taking a deal, Harry will avoid another embarrassing spectacle for the royal family. But Mr. Hunt and other royal watchers cautioned against concluding that this alone will heal a rift that includes painful issues like the family’s treatment of Meghan and the airing of dirty laundry in his memoir, “Spare.” “The damage runs so deep that one court case is not going to be enough to resolve it,” Mr. Hunt said. “The fissures run wide.”

[From The NY Times]

I’m constantly irritated by the framing of Spare as “Harry airing out the Windsors’ dirty laundry” or “Harry telling his family’s secrets.” Spare was his own story, a memoir of profound grief, sadness, neglect and redemption. These people are not just dismissive of Harry’s legal victories, they’re dismissive of one of the bestselling memoirs of all time. As for the reaction of the Windsors and the British press… the NYT is right to suggest, in a way, that the reactions are connected. I’m not sure if I believe that the Windsors have ordered the press to frame Harry’s victory in this sullen, butthurt way, because I think that reaction is completely organic – they’re mad that the Prince Who Got Away is the one who stood up to them and got one of the most powerful press barons to capitulate. That just happens to scare the sh-t out of the Windsors too. Anyway, the Windsors’ silence is deafening…and hilarious.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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103 Responses to “NYT: The British public doesn’t ‘appreciate’ Prince Harry’s huge victory over NGN”

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  1. Lady Esther says:

    They keep repeating that Harry settled “for 10 million pounds” even though that is untrue:

    –The BBC reported that NGN agreed to pay both sides’ legal costs, which were estimated to be around 10 million pounds. But that is separate from the actual damages to be paid to Harry (and to Watson)

    –Hugh Grant settled for around 10 million pounds; there is no way, given Harry’s willingness to go to trial for all aspects of Murdoch’s current and past media business actions, and knowledge far greater than Grant’s, that Harry settled for a similar amount

    I’m sticking to my estimate of “north of 50 million” because Harry really had Murdoch over a barrel and had proven his resolve to see the course. Truth will out eventually

    • Dee(2) says:

      They did the same thing with Meghan and her Daily Mail victory, only reporting on the nominal $1 she requested. They do that to minimize the win and make it seem like it wasn’t worth it to go after the press. That is as intentional as everything else they do. Also, I wish they would stop framing Spare as if he spent the entire book talking about William’s personal hygiene habits or Kate’s grades during secondary school. He was writing his memoir if you were part of his life you were going to get mentioned. He didn’t focus on anything private and personal about them that didn’t also directly have to do with him. If you’re terrified that any mention of you is going to be a negative one, that says more about your character than the fact that someone is writing a book.

      • Lover says:

        I concur re: Spare. The BM and BRF act as if Harry had no right to write a memoir, to tell his story from his own perspective, to tell the truth as he sees it. It is HIS LIFE and he doesn’t have to run it by them for approval. I’m sure there are things the senior royals would like to keep secret, but Harry never signed on to keeping those secrets, nor should they have that expectation when it comes to their treatment of HIM and HIS WIFE. Further, how was it not dirty laundry when the BRF/BM said that Meghan made Kate cry, but it is dirty laundry for H&M to correct the lie? The BRF’s selective secretness (and equally selective leaking) is not about maintaining the dignity of the monarchy but about how the monarchy avoids accountability. They hate Spare because finally someone held them to account for their own tawdry shenanigans.

    • Magdalena says:

      I find it hilarious that the British media are all of a sudden claiming that the total amount of both sides’ legal costs will be merely £10 million, when even just weeks ago they were claiming far and wide that “even IF Harry were to win” he could be on the hook for said costs which they inflated to between £20 million and £40 million, depending on which publication was doing the speculation/fearmongering. And gloating about how “misguided” and foolhardy he was to persist with the case as a result. Yet now that there’s a settlement they are still pissed.

      They REALLY don’t want to admit that Prince Harry cost Murdoch a pretty penny in both legal costs and damages.

      • Robert Phillips says:

        I read somewhere this week. That Harry didn’t have to sign an NDA either. So does that mean that if this doesn’t die down in the papers. That he can do an interview talking about it. If he wants to? And wouldn’t that also mean that he can use the evidence they got for the trial in a book or a series of articles by someone not owned by Murdoch. I know this hasn’t soaked into the tabloids head yet.

      • Nikki says:

        @Robert Phillips

        I suspect that the NDA was a non negotiable and I’m hopefull that the issue of these lawsuits, the lawsuits themselves and the conclusion of the lawsuits will be the subject of Harry’s next book and/or documentary.

    • Brit says:

      Whatever it was, it will be enough to stop the foolishness about their money drying up and how can they afford to pay for their lifestyle crap.

      • sunnyside up says:

        For me the best thing was NGN having to admit that they had broken the law and done damage, the second best is the apologies. I’m glad that Harry won’t be out of pocket but it is not his job to sort out the British press, that is up to the government and the police.

    • Swaz says:

      As soon as they kept repeating 10 million I knew it was false. I’m sooo proud of Harry ❤️ That family has had about 100 books written about them, why are they so stuck on Spare?

      • Khaki says:

        The maddening thing about their meanness over the “unforgivable” reveals in Spare, is that Charles cooperated fully on an authorized biography in which he painted a bullying picture of Prince Philip, complained that Queen Elizabeth was a remote figure who let his father handle family matters, and portrayed Diana as immature, vindictive, and bored by her husband. When asked about the pain he may have caused, Prince Charles issued a statement saying he had “no regrets” about it. That, and he rules as though the whole country doesn’t know he’d like to come back in a next life as Camila’s tampon…PLEASE! Be happy and never look back, Harry.

    • Steph says:

      Are British payouts different from American payouts? I’m having a hard time reconciling the huge payout headlines and then then saying 8 figures. Huge to me is $100m or more. Dominion got a huge payout for defamation. I would think admitting to criminal activity would get you about the same.

      • Swaz says:

        They are stuck on 10 because 10 is the lowest 8 figure but 8 figure can go up to 99 million. Their goal is to diminish the win. It will work on the haters but not on me TEAM SUSSEX😍

  2. Eurydice says:

    Well, well, well.

  3. Smarty-pants says:

    Fleet Street won’t stop until Harry and preferably Meghan are destroyed. Even if it costs them every penny that they’ve got.

    • Tessa says:

      It seems they are using bots. I noticed in the dm the some negative comments are upvoted a million times. There is some computer churning up negative votes.

      • Pebbles says:

        It is definitely bots. This is a pattern in all YouTube videos centered on Harry and Meghan. Her in particular.

        For instance I have observed how weekly when The Sun uploads its Royal talk show thing with Matt Wilkinson within 15-20 mins of upload there might be 20 or so comments (mostly hate) and they will already have over 200 likes on the hate comments. That is definitely bot activity. I’m sure a similar operation is employed on all the other hate channels. Definitely on the daily mail’s palace confidential as well. On their channel when they bother to discuss H&M they make sure to start with one of the nasty comments about them before they begin a 15 min bitch fest on them after behaving like sycophants for the royals. They make a point of only discussing negative comments on H&M.

    • Tessa says:

      I think this will backfire imo and these actions would take down the monarchy

      • Josie says:

        I agree. Whenever the British media and its trolls and bots go after Harry it always flacks back on the royal family because it’s sneaky influence is always involved and stirring the pot. Serves them right. It’s inevitable the Murdocks and those other royal troll stalker-writers will sulk about Murdock’s capitulation, a major defeat forced by fear of yet more details of wrongdoing becoming public. They had no other choice but to force an end to the court case by settling and in the process, giving Harry everything he was asking the judge for. He got the lot. The money is a bonus. The public is now fully aware of the depth of the illegal conspiracy by the Murdock media. The apology to the late princess Diana was more important to Harry than anything else. He slayed the dragon.

  4. aquarius64 says:

    The BRF, especially Charles and William, look like poodles on diamond encrusted leashes owned by British press barons. It’s a bad look for them on the US for going after a US citizen, Meghan, to stop a lawsuit.

    • Roo says:

      Aquarius, that is a hilarious and spot-on way to describe the RF. Meanwhile, Harry is the beautiful German Shepherd or Tibetan Mastiff, protecting his own family and slaying the dragons one by one. 😂

    • Formal Gumby says:

      @aquarius64: Brilliant! The visuals this gave me have sent me to orbit…

  5. Jane says:

    no one I know has mentioned it, and everyone knows my feelings on the RF, because it hasn’t really been reported over here. It was on failonline for a couple of hours then disappeared, the sun said nothing and I couldn’t bear to look anywhere else. However, threads is now my SM of choice and the support Harry and Meghan are getting there is a joyous thing, from people around the world, us Brits included.

    • Nikki says:


      Delete Threads, that’s a Zuckerburg/META platform. If you want a true independent and non influences social media platform move over to BLUESKY.

      • Rlc says:

        agreed. people are leaving Meta/facebook/threads in droves and moving to bluesky, which is so great!

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Jane – The Guardian and The Independent newspapers reported favourably on the settlement. I think they were the only two British newspapers to do so though.

    • ABritGuest says:

      Peter Hunt should know that on SM so many viral tweets etc was people celebrating Harry getting a win over Murdoch who is actually universally disliked & people know what damage he’s caused globally via his media outlets. Charles Spencer IG & Twitter post got thousands of likes & people like Maria Shriver saying well done Harry. And broadcast & radio shows like Jeremy Vine & LBC that have call ins have been very positive about Harry’s win & have shown people were aware the nasty press was because of the court cases. So this is another example where the press isn’t reflecting the public opinion. Although a lot of media commentators have been surprisingly positive too- Vanessa feltz & others on this morning, Jeremy vine on his show, an evening standard columnist etc

      The Windsors & their staff were the ones who aired dirty laundry. A bbc reporter said in princes & the press that he was getting briefings from the palace within days of the 2018 wedding. Stories about a senior royal gossiping about Meghan being a degree wife & about Meghan making Kate cry etc came in winter of 2018, 3 years before the Oprah interview. A Times editor said William was bitching about Harry to him in 2019 & a lot of reporters said negativity to the couple was coming from the palace. So it’s very misleading to suggest spare was catalyst of rift & a commentator like Peter Hunt should discuss the palace briefing before H&M left the uk. It’s very deliberate that people don’t

  6. Jais says:

    Harry proved his dad wrong about trying to take on the press and made his brother look like a fool. A penny for Charles’ thoughts actually. William’s, we already know will be something ragey. But hey, they’ll always have the yougov surveys telling them that a section of the tabloid-brainwashed public loves them and hates Harry and especially Meghan. Hollow comfort imo.

    • SURE says:

      I haven’t seen any UK media acknowledging that H proved his father wrong. I guess when you’re chosen by God the media knows not to point out when you get it spectacularly wrong.

      • Jais says:

        Lol yes and they’d have to reference spare and they like to pretend it was a tawdry tell all when it wasn’t.

  7. Chrissy says:

    The Royal Family’s silence confirms their complicity with the ROTA and, as such, confirms once and for all, that the BRF is nothing but a publicly-funded Mafia-like organization. So proud of Harry, who has the guts and gravitas to try and slay that dragon. And vindicate his beloved late mother, Diana.

  8. Hypocrisy says:

    Prince Harry got Murdoch to bend a knee.. something his family, especially his father will never be able to do because Murdoch and the tabloid press own Chuck and Peggy.

  9. Brit says:

    I really wonder what the invisible contract is will be like going forward because nothing was worked. Harry and Meghan will never return to England or as working royals. The press are clearly bored of the others and the family has nothing to give to the press in terms of a scapegoat. They still try with Harry and Meghan but it’s not working. These lawsuits have been successful and the Sussexes are rich. The silence is deafening because they’re trying to figure out their next move. I think that family will be walking on eggshells, more so than before due to this settlement. I believe the press is pissed beyond belief. Harry and Meghan are a force to be reckoned with and they really don’t know what do about it.

    • sunnyside up says:

      If only the late Queen and the King had condemned the racial abuse of Meghan and Archie probably none of this would have happened.

      • Noor says:

        Yes, I totally agree with your comments. The late Queen lost the opportunity to school the media. For eg the moment Sarah Vine wrote disparagingly about Meghan’s engagement dress which Meghan herself paid for, the Queen should have laid down the law to stop the media from abusing her granddaughter in law. Another lost opportunity was when a BBC guy show a picture of a monkey leaving the hospital when Archie was born

    • Beverley says:

      Yes, that’s a mystery to me. Why didn’t QE2 speak out against the relentless media attacks on Harry and Meghan? Why did she allow the racial abuse of Meghan and Archie? Could it be that she believed in and staunchly upheld white supremacy?

      • Lady D says:

        Or their ‘protect the heir at all costs’ mentality? I think she was racist. There is no other explanation for her disgusting lack of action.

      • Josie says:

        I agree. Queen Elizabeth was a powerful and highly respected monarch whose word would have been taken very seriously by everyone. She chose to stay quiet, thereby demonstrating her approval of the blatant racism that endlessly spewed forth from the British media. She endorsed it by her silence.

      • Jes says:

        I feel like the netflix series showed pretty clearly her(qe2) default mode is non confrontational and ignoring everything head in sand.

      • Unblinkered says:

        Or could it be because, by then, QEII was a figurehead only and Charles & the UK Prime Minister were jointly running the show? A de facto regency because of The Queen’s age and health?
        Might explain it, though not excuse it, as the UK PM was the worst in modern times Teresa May and the Palace advisors the weakest in modern times.

  10. Miranda says:

    I, too, hate the “airing dirty laundry” narrative. Especially because on those occasions when Harry chooses to say nothing publicly about his family (for example, when he didn’t mention his father or sister-in-law’s health battles while being interviewed about Invictus or something completely unrelated), they throw a tantrum about that, too.

    Anyway, the Salt Lick’s choice to trivialize Harry’s win is just one more reason to be glad that he got the hell out and now lives in a country that, by and large, respects him and acknowledges his accomplishments.

    • Jais says:

      It’s like when someone escapes a cult and tells their story, most people outside the cult applaud them for their bravery. Think of the book Educated. There’s nothing different about Harry. He escaped a cult-like family and shared his story. The narrative that he’s airing the dirty laundry is directly coming from the cult and their many tentacles and invisible contracts within the BM. And then picked up by a lazy American media hungry for clicks and beset by layoffs.

    • Tis True Tis True says:

      I’m actually OK with the BRF being angry with Harry for writing the memoir. There really has been a long expectation that you don’t ever tell about what the actual experience of being a royal is. He broke with that tradition with full expectations that he would pay the consequences. I’d be pretty pissed at my brother if he wrote a memoir about all the shitty things I did when younger. I’d recognize his right to do so, but I can’t pretend it wouldn’t affect our relationship.

      What isn’t OK is everyone else pretending that this intra family feud is something where we have to take Charles and William’s side. The lies and bootlicking are heinous. That there is genuine pain on both sides should be acknowledged while recognizing where the truth lies and that Harry is genuinely trying to break free of a system that no longer works for anyone involved.

      • Jais says:

        So I can imagine the RF being angry about harry sharing. But I think it’s the fact that Charles and William were leaking and planting details about Harry well before the memoir. So it feels very much like well what did they think was going to happen? That Harry would stay silent and never correct the lies? He said no more. Years of Charles and Camilla and eventually William airing Harry’s dirty laundry through “sources” had a consequence. which was that Harry answered back to correct the lies and attached his name to it.

  11. Lili says:

    As a british person i appreciate What Harry has done, and i’m sure the 1300 people also appreciate What Harry has done his got them to admit their guilt, which the others never managed to do. I have my suspicions that the emails would have shed light on Royal shenanigans that no one want out in the open, which is what the uproar about the oprah interview, Harry’s book Spare is all about. He has pulled back the Curtain which exposes their bad behaviour, how ever it should be noted Their treatment of him which instigating their exit and the follow on treatment shows us the tip of the iceberg and many suspect there is much worse we dont know about. They should take their ball home and count their blessings it didn’t come out in court. But Harry Knows and so does Meghan, so i suspect the rift will never be healed, despite Wiglets best efforts.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Wiglets probably doesn’t want reconciliation, she just wants it to look as if she does.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Lili, I believe that there was too much evidence that proved MANY at the newspaper were doing illegal things to get stories. AND, there was too much evidence that proved that the brf was very involved in the stories. NGN did not want all of the evidence in the public view and the brf didn’t want all of the evidence from the palaces to be in the public view. NGN was sweating bullets hoping to get a settlement. They admitted the illegality (by the PIs) and that people at the paper knew it. And apologized. They know just how damaging the evidence was. I believe the settlement for both parties was well over 10,000,000 dollars or pounds.

      I don’t know if there can be a reconciliation. Time will tell, but it would probably be far into the future before it’s even a possibility.

  12. Fastgran50 says:

    They just cannot seem to acknowledge that Harry done a monumental thing. The royal family have never praised Harry for anything even though he achieved more than the heir. Thank goodness Harry has Meghan as they encourage each other in all the endeavours. As for the BM a bunch of lemon suckers.

  13. SueBarbri33 says:

    I took a quick glance into Deranger-land yesterday, and they were fighting for their lives by trying anything they could to spin this against Harry in just this way. Then, when somebody finally jumped in with something very similar to the above from NYT, the inarguable logic and legal realities forced them all into angry silence. It was really something to see.

  14. Noor says:

    Lets hope that more people wake up to the reality that The Telegraph and some other broadsheets are just like tabloids and cannot be trusted to be accurate or tell the truth in their reporting.

    • sunnyside up says:

      During the referendum campaign the press regulators had the Telegraph down as the second worse paper for lying about the EU, after the Mail, and worse than the Sun or the Express. That really did surprise me.

  15. chill says:

    Harry and Meghan are playing the long game. They know that they are right and the Windsors are a bunch of losers. They keep their lives to themselves and they go on with their projects. They are the winners.

  16. Lili says:

    It’s called Damages, that they inflicted since 1996 When he was Just 10ys old Why should he give the money to Charity?

    • Lady Digby says:

      Exactly Lili how can anyone justify spying on a school boy of 12? Did they want proof that he cheated at conkers???

    • swaz says:

      Isn’t Charles charging his Charities a million pounds in rentals every year 😳😳 The UK have their own money problems with the Windsors.

  17. Harla says:

    Why does Harry have to donate any part of his settlement? True, he didn’t do this for the money but his day-to-day living costs are high, he has 2 kids that I’m sure he wants to build a legacy for and seriously, why is it our business what he does with his money?

  18. Noor says:

    I think Prince Harry should receive an award for his fight to bring the media to account . Peter Hunt said that, “Harry’s was actually an act done in the public interest, at considerable cost to himself.,”

  19. Zut Alors says:

    Those coronation pics will never cease to amuse me. KC wore a fur coat over a Lakers purple and gold jersey 🤣🤣🤣

  20. Walking the Walk says:

    Good for him and also for the NYT for pointing out the messiness of the press (yes Vanity Fair too) for going after Meghan all the time to have a way to go at Harry. Honestly, even the VF article made it seem like she is controlling with him and her work and that all Harry wants to do is “philanthropy”. That whole thing was so messy and ugly. I noted that Lainey didn’t talk about it on Monday like she said she would though initially she acted like Meghan was once again terrible based on rumors.

    • Eurydice says:

      Lainey did talk about it – it’s under Intro for Jan 22. It was surprisingly positive.

      • Walking the Walk says:

        Lainey did not talk about it postively…

        She said

        “Vanity Fair’s new cover story is about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, reported by Anna Peele. This story was likely timed to the release of With Love, Meghan that was supposed to premiere this week but has now been pushed back to March because of the LA wildfires. H&M did not participate in the story, they actually use a stock photo for the cover. And … well… there is going to be a reaction to it, as there always is where the Sussexes are concerned. So get ready for days and days of discourse. I’ll talk about it more on Monday. Full disclosure: I am quoted a few times in this piece. (Vanity Fair)”

        When he settlement came out, she obviously didn’t print what she was going to.

    • Jais says:

      Another writer at Lainey talked about how good it was to read about Meghan from a trustworthy source like VF. So I will comment about this every time it comes up. The royal editor at VF has allegedly committed the criminal acts of phone hacking against both prince Harry and Hugh grant. Here are byline articles about her writing in regards to both Harry and Hugh.



      For Lainey’s site to call VF trustworthy, at least in regards to harry and Megan, when their royal
      Editor has been accused of blagging, is bad journalism and misleading. While Lainey acknowledges the smear campaign about Meghan, it’s not enough when this glaring conflict of interest is not addressed. Simultaneously, Lainey is talking about the smear campaign about Blake Lively, but how is the site a credible source on smear campaigns on anybody if they can’t be honest and acknowledge why VF might not be trustworthy in this instance. After this past election, I have no patience for misleading bs and people playing in my face. I’m aware KN is not the writer for this article but she is the royal
      Editor at the publication.

    • Eurydice says:

      @Walkingthe walk – I’m referring to Lainey’s comments on the NGN settlement, not the VF article.

  21. Amy Bee says:

    The reason why the press attack Spare is because it’s the only book that they had no input in or control of the narrative. Harry cleared up the misconceptions and lies that were pushed by the press.

  22. B says:

    The windsors are toxic losers that seek to destroy anyone better or happier than them. They partner with the other toxic losers who work in brit media. Its not surprising that neither group is happy to lose and be reminded once again that they are toxic losers.

  23. M13 says:

    Bravo Kasier, great article.

  24. Lady Digby says:

    I was attending a conference on Liverpool when the settlement was announced and we were all thrilled. The Scum lied about Hillsborough and their sales have never recovered here. They are every bit as horrible as the Fail.

  25. Lady Digby says:

    Link to BBc article on Hugh Grant call for police to investigate given NGN admissions
    Many people here in UK do care about how our press operates and what methods they use to obtain stories. Baffled by Pisspoor Morgan’s belief that if you are in the public eye then you have no entitlement to privacy ? Why is someone has appeared on a talk show to promote their latest film/ TV show/ album does that give anyone the right to employ private eyes to snoop on them?

  26. QuiteContrary says:

    Piers Morgan’s reaction was hilariously mad. “Will he now be issuing a ‘full and unequivocal’ apology to the Royal Family for his own serious intrusion into their lives for personal financial gain? Or is royal intrusion absolutely fine when HE does it?”

    LOLOLOLOL. Harry is going to give Piers an aneurysm.

    Harry wrote about his family, moron. Piers and the rota always conveniently forget how Charles trashed his parents, particularly his absent and “aloof” mother. Harry showed his father much more compassion than Charles showed his own parents.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      QuiteContrary, P!ss Morgan really is not one for critical thinking. How many books have been written by the rr about members of the royal family? Is he saying that each of them should issue apologizies to each of the brf members they wrote about? Idiot. (Sorry, saying that a lot but they are idiots.)

    • Tessa says:

      Did piers apologize to Charles and Kate for being the one who said on tv they were racists.

      • kirk says:

        Did piers apologize for running fake pictures of British army officers abusing Iraqi prisoners during Iraq War? Even after UK government told him the pix were mock-ups taken NW of England? Nooooo. Poooor, poooor faultless baby.

        Did piers apologize for directing his team to hack into Alistair Campbell’s bank accounts, or using illegal means to destabilize that administration?

        Did piers ever apologize for phone hacking or directing others to hack, or even acknowledge he knew about hacking? Even after sharing information with others in social settings about exactly how phone hacking was achieved.

        We should all be circumspect about anyone who gives piers any credence. NYT or no.

    • PJ says:

      Exactly. I listened to Spare again this past week and was struck again by how much affection Harry shows his brother, father and sister-in-law. The chapter that covered him and Will living in Shropshire while they were training was poignant right up to the part where they gave an interview and Will made all those “jokes” about Harry being a slob, Harry snores, etc. Harry played along but wondered WHY Will would say those things? Especially since there were stone walls and their bedrooms weren’t next to one another and Harry said he made a point to pick up after himself. The military had taught him that.
      His brother had sold him out then but he didn’t know it yet. Plus the whole “Harry wasn’t suppose to be the best man at Will’s wedding” but the palace made them because of all the press that had said so in advance.

      Every time one of the deranged BM says he trashed his family in Spare, I think “you didn’t read that book” because he told his story and his family has to figure into that. Out side of the falling out once Will assaulted him after he married Meghan, both Willy and Pa come off with so much affection from Harry. They should thank their lucky stars that he didn’t publish those emails NGN had to turn over.

  27. MaisiesMom says:

    That is a balanced and sensible piece by the NYT. Mark Landler’s wife is an attorney (my husband and I were at law school with her), though I don’t think she is still practicing. I would think he knows that Harry’s legal fees will likely be covered, but doesn’t have enough information right now to say that on the record.

    Harry really did do the British people a service. It’s disgraceful what the press has done to figures like Hugh Grant and Harry, and even to people who are not well known, like the woman he dated whom they tracked. I just hope they appreciate it more one day than they do right now. I’m sure many do, but the hateful rags have had an unfortunate impact on public perception and opinion. Harry is such a warrior for others.

  28. Mads says:

    The majority of the UK press are deliberately muddying the waters in their reporting about the settlement: once the Defendant offers an apology, the Plaintiff has to accept as their case then loses its foundation.

    So, the settlement offers from NGN in the past have been solely monetary without any apology and/or acknowledgment of unlawful conduct, whereas this time they HAD to acknowledge the intrusion into Harry’s life through “blagging” to halt the trial. NGN blinked, it’s as simple as that and the real negotiation was over the wording and compensatory damages above the legal costs.

    I suspect Harry was awarded £25 million on top of having his legal fees paid and he could have probably got £50 million or more but held firm on the unlawful activity admission and the apology to his mother.

    • Magdalena says:

      But it is still possible that he got £50 million or more plus his legal fees paid despite holding firm on the unlawful activity admission and the apology to his mother though. He had plenty of leverage after all that discovery material and NGN was clearly desperate to stop the trial from proceeding after spending 5 long years delaying and throwing the kitchen sink at H+M.

      I personally believe that he received no less than £30 million PLUS his legal fees and costs paid. Had it been far less you’d best believe that NGN would have had their minions leaking how relieved they are that they didn’t have to pay “much”. His lawyer emphasised the fact that NGN’s reporting over the last 5 years had been vengeful and aggressive and increased security concerns for him and his family. I seriously doubt he was going to accept a lower sum in place of an apology when he had the upper hand and could easily get BOTH.

      • Mads says:

        @Magdalena Oh, I agree it could be substantially more than £25 million.

        I guesstimate that the legal bill for all parties is around £25-30 million and getting this stopped before trial would be easily worth £100 million, so there’s a high possibility that Harry received £45-50 million 🤷‍♀️ – especially when you consider they’ve already paid out £1.2 billion to the other 1300 claimants.

        I used the £25 million figure in trying not to get carried away yet, after more thought, I suspect it’s much more

    • Jais says:

      NGN blinked. It’s as simple as that. 💯

      • kirk says:

        NGN did more than blink. They fought tooth and nail to keep their coverup and destruction of evidence out of court. Recall their statement: “It is also acknowledged, without any admission of illegality, that NGN’s response to the 2006 arrests and subsequent actions were regrettable.” They’re not telling you any more about their “response” and “subsequent actions” than you already know. Some of it has already leaked before trial, and smart people have been connecting dots, so they’re spinning.

  29. Jaded says:

    The gutter press drove Harry’s girlfriend Caroline Flack to suicide she couldn’t take the incessant lies and ugly stories spread by them. “Years later, as Harry and Meghan, 41, dealt with the aftermath of their royal exit announcement, Harry received “the horrible news” in February 2020 that Flack had died by suicide. “She couldn’t stand it anymore, apparently,” he wrote. “The relentless abuse at the hands of the press, year after year, had finally broken her.”

  30. JFerber says:

    Why is Vanity Fair waging a vendetta against our American Prince and Princess? Are they owned by Murdoch, too?

  31. blunt talker says:

    I hope Harry and Meghan keep good records of the tabloids writing info that is wrong and damaging to the them going forward-they need to have someone catalog these articles from all sources in case they need to show proof of smearing and lying-keeping a record of hateful talk is another thing to show the dangers presented by others on to their family-I pray and hope the Sussex family will be safe and thriving.

  32. phlyfiremama says:

    Oh, I bet lots & lots of people are VERY interested in this outcome 🤣🤣

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      ABritGuest, thank you for posting that link. It’s very clear and details how Harry and Watson won and Murdoch lost.

    • Agreatreckoning says:

      Thank you @ABritGuest for sharing that intelligent, well laid out and legalese explanation link.

      IMO, a large portion of the British public DO appreciate Harry’s victory. It’s the BM, BRF and royalists that don’t. Just like I don’t believe a number of the paid for popularity polls.

      Harry did not ‘join’ his brother with a settlement. TOB settled secretly. Harry’s was public. And for good reason. The author of this article is not neutral is he says that. Landers has been snide with the Sussexes before in his passive-aggressive way.imo Funky a$$ journalism.

  33. Maja says:

    This country has an almost synchronised right-wing press, the population knows nothing else. That comes from the playbook of the German National Socialists. If you have the press, you have the country. In Germany there were “Volksempfänger” – radio sets that were sold cheaply at the behest of the propaganda minister. The praise for the Schnauzer and his “movement” resounded from these people’s receivers all day long. There was no other press, it was removed by persecuting, mobbing and deporting supposedly left-wing journalists. The population believed what came out of the Volksempfänger to be true.


  34. Noheredity says:

    https://x.com/dbrown99944/status/1882411213751300523?s=61 Excellent link about “Once they’ve admitted what he called for , then it’ them (NGN) settling, not Prince Harry – He has conceded nothing”

  35. Noheredity says:

    So a top lawyer says ‘you can only sue in this country against something that’s denied or not admitted . So once someone has conceded this – you have no further course of action, once they have admitted this , they have settled. It’s not you settling , it is them

  36. MichaelaCat says:

    Most of the British public doesn’t care. Their evil media just acts like they do because they want to feel supported

    For the ones who do: lol, cry about it.