Prince William went Full Lurch at two events in Liverpool on Thursday

Prince William worked (“worked”) more this week than he had in the previous three months combined. Funny timing, right? I still believe that the Windsors really thought that Prince Harry would be flying into London for the start of his NGN trial. As it is, Harry stayed in Montecito, negotiated a substantial settlement from NGN over the phone and protected his peace. So the Windsors were all dressed up with no one to thunder-steal. They played themselves, so now they just look randomly busy, like they scheduled a bunch of sh-t this week out of nowhere (because it’s genuinely rare for them to be out this much in any given January). Anyway, William was out on Thursday, doing back-to-back events in Liverpool. The photos indicate that William was fully in his Lurch Era in Liverpool.

Prince William visited Liverpool to spotlight community groups in the area working to support young people.

The Prince of Wales, 42, visited the Toxteth area of Liverpool on Thursday, Jan. 23, stopping by Cycle of Life, a nonprofit cycling organization that helps young people from diverse backgrounds improve their physical and mental health and boost their employment opportunities. The organization, which launched in 2020, was originally founded to provide equal access to cycling and has expanded its reach to help improve young people’s confidence, build relationships and improve access to the city as a whole, according to William’s office at Kensington Palace.

Cycle of Life is based in the Kuumba Imani Millennium Center, and William learned more about the multipurpose, multicultural building upon his arrival. He then joined Cycle of Life participants to take part in building and learning about maintaining bikes with them, and learned about how entrepreneurial cargo bikes worked in action.

Later on Jan. 23, the future king visited Tiber, where he met members of the Tiber Young People’s Steering Group to learn how they came together to lead the construction of a lively community hub — which has seen over 200 young people become a part of the project since its creation in 2005.

Upon his arrival, Prince William met members of the Steering Group and heard about their experiences, including the funding applications, design and construction of a new community building. He then met young men and women on the pitch of the adjoining Football Centre, which Kensington Palace said brings together over 1,200 children and young people weekly. He then took part in a walkabout with members of the community.

[From People]

It feels like People Mag just cut-and-pasted this from Kensington Palace’s email. Honestly though, we always say that Huevo should do more of this kind of easy-breezy work, and now he is. He’s 42 years old and finally doing the sh-t everyone expected him to do since his 20s. Now, I still believe that he was only out and about this week because of Harry. I wonder how much sh-t the family scheduled for the next month to “distract” from Sussex headlines? Also: at least this Liverpool trip didn’t come with more headlines about how William is “channeling Diana.” Those were super-convenient this week, right?

These photos are a MESS.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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108 Responses to “Prince William went Full Lurch at two events in Liverpool on Thursday”

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  1. Lady Esther says:

    Those are some glassy eyes fam

  2. Tessa says:

    He looks manic the beard needs to go.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      The scraggly few hairs on the top of his head need to go too.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      The photo where he’s standing behind the cake stand, gurning? Absolute serial killer vibes.

    • Ginger says:

      He is very unfortunate looking.

    • Lorelei says:

      The beard is the WORST. I cringe every time I see it. Some men can pull them off and look great (hi, Harry!), but William is decidedly not one of them. His is a scraggly, embarrassing little mess. You know that the Queen is rolling over in her grave, lol.

  3. Inge says:

    Was there even press there? I dont understand that no-one asked him about Harry’s victory for himself and their mum.

    • Jay says:

      There isn’t a free press when it comes to the royals – the palace gets to dictate which questions will be asked. Otherwise, yes, any reporter worth their salt would have asked about the settlement and particularly the Diana apology. I would love to ask him about his own settlement with Murdoch as well – “So, you were bought off with a pitiful million and have publicly referred to your late mom as “paranoid”. Why do you think that Harry was able to have the courage to stand up for his family?”

    • Jais says:

      Oh I’d bet the rota pack traveling with him for this event were given strict orders not to say a word. Makes you think about all those times a “rogue” reporter has asked a question in the past. Makes it clear those were deliberate set-ups bc the royal wanted it to look they were answering a rogue question when really they wanted that info out there. The only truly rogue question was the one Kate got from American reporter Andrea Mitchell about baby Lili. Kate’s face was priceless. Absolute shock at being asked a question. And internal dread as she realized she was going to have to answer.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Jais, 100% agree. It was the only time they got an actual question from a reporter. You could tell how nervous Kate was, she didn’t know what to say, mumbled somethings. When the royal reporters ask questions, they give a prepared short answer, their team probably wrote down, because they approved the question beforehand.

      • Lorelei says:

        Was that the time that Kate “answered” with some rambling about how nice spring birthdays are and two of her kids have them or something like that? She basically sidestepped any mention of Lilibet. (Or did that mess happen when she was asked about Archie?) In any case, it’s ridiculous that she couldn’t even cobble together a halfway appropriate response to such an easy — and obvious — question. She couldn’t even FAKE a shred of enthusiasm over her new niece. SMH

        Also, I still think it’s so gross that when William was first asked about Archie, he responded by saying he was already an uncle anyway, to Pippa’s kids, so to him it was no big deal, even though they’re obviously completely different situations.

        These two are both shockingly petty AND stupid.

    • Becks1 says:

      The rota aren’t allowed to ask questions usually. That’s why we know the question after the oprah interview about whether the royal family was racist was planned and approved ahead of time.

      • swaz says:

        I’ve always believed the “rogue” reporter was planted 😮 William’s brain is way to empty to fool me 😃

      • Blujfly says:

        And the rota reporter won’t even ask the planted questions. They usually bring in a member of the news desk to ask it.

  4. Alicky says:

    He’s so utterly useless. Photos are priceless, though!

  5. Eurydice says:

    How is his head getting pointier? Never mind. He should be doing this every day, all the time.

  6. Tarte au Citron says:

    What is with the combover fluff?

  7. Carrie says:

    He looks older than Edward.

  8. Tessa says:

    Kate will be out again soon this time with the children during a school run

  9. Tessa says:

    What happened to his crusade to end homelessness

    • Becks1 says:

      he did it, its ended, problem fixed.

      Same thing with racism – he fixed it. And climate change – its fixed. And peace in the middle east. etc.

      • Somebody Nobody says:

        You’re on to something. Maybe he legit thinks he doesn’t need to work more because he’s already solved everything.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I think a dozen or so houses were built on his Duchy land, which I think means he gets the rent payments. Win win. 🙄

  10. Inge says:

    Is he sick? Genuine question. Because he looks absolutely terrible.

    • one of the marys says:

      See I was thinking he’s actually starting to look a teensy bit better, less grey and exhausted

  11. So he did these events because Harry was supposed to be in the UK lol. Plus he seems to have done them and there doesn’t seem to be a pub outing after either of them. So it takes the Sussexes to get him out there or a pub outing afterwards. What a putz!

    • SussexWatcher says:

      The absolutely hilarious part though is that the Leftover Royals really believe that any “work” engagement they do would EVER get more coverage than Harry and Meghan. Especially if Harry really had been there for his court case. Heck, even if Harry had just been there to wave from the window of a skyscraper, that would get more coverage than anything the rest of them do.

      If they were smart (which, we know they’re as dumb as a bag of rocks) they’d actually do nothing during this week or during the upcoming Invictus Games. No one cares about them. They do not sell papers. They do not EVER knock Harry and Meghan off the front pages.

      The only way they’d start getting more coverage than the Sussexes is if the press start reporting on all the Chuckles/Camzilla/Willnot/Keen dirty deeds that they’re sitting on. That’s the only way.

      • Steph says:

        Came here to say the same thing. They wouldn’t have stole any thunder what so ever, especially since Harry’s trial would have had international coverage. I think they scheduled all this stuff as a way to fuel snubbed stories. They are too busy to meet with Harry while he was in London.

      • Loreleii says:

        LOL, they must be so annoyed that they’ll have to do double the amount of “work,” since I’m sure they’ll hurriedly schedule some events for whenever Meghan’s show does actually premiere.

  12. Chaine says:

    The wool (?) overshirt is an interesting fashion choice. I’m not sure it goes with the rest of his seemingly randomly chosen outfit, but it’s different and daring for him? Could work given different styling? The problem is with his scraggly beard and that overgrown combover there’s not much that any clothing can help. If he were my hubs I would be urging him to shave all of it off and go with bald. It’s got to be better than this,

    • Lady D says:

      I had to take a second look at that thing too. I was wondering who picked it out for him.

    • Unblinkered says:

      It looks like loden, German countryside wear. Does he have a close German or Austrian friend? January is the month for wearing one’s Christmas pressies……

    • Magdalena says:

      Prince Harry has an outfit just like that, wore it much better and garnered much fashion praise for it. This is a poor copy. William is wearing it more than once as well, to ensure that it gets noticed, because none of his favourite papers even mentioned it on the first outing.

  13. Jensa says:

    Yesterday was the court date for sentencing of the Southport murderer (the little girls at the Taylor Swift workshop), which was also in Liverpool. That was one of the biggest UK news events of the year, so all the press were there – and not at PW’s little kickabout.
    Not the best planning on his part.

  14. ThatGirlThere says:

    That shot of him extending his arm out at something while talking with the community organizers is hilarious. Absolutely extra, just to seem interested and will probably not visit or help raise funds for this organization.

    I don’t know how they let him get away with doing nothing. Not even the bare minimum. NOTHING.

  15. Mslove says:

    Look at the little hairs on his head standing straight up! Those hairs are working overtime up there trying to cover up his shiny egg head.

  16. Jane says:

    It’s the obvious disinterest in the people around him which I find hilarious and extremely telling. They look like they couldn’t care less.
    Not forgetting, the people of Liverpool HATE the sun newspaper with a fiery passion, I don’t think it’s even sold in Liverpool, so they will be, or should be, firmly in camp Harry.

    • Steph says:

      @jane what’s the background on that? Why do they hate the Sun?

      • Lady Digby says:

        Coverage of the Hillsborough disaster by the British tabloid The Sun led to the newspaper’s decline in Liverpool and the broader Merseyside region, with organised boycotts against it. The disaster occurred at a football match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. There were a total of 97 fatalities and 766 injuries from the disaster due to gross negligence by the South Yorkshire Police and ambulance services. On 19 April 1989, four days after the incident, The Sun published a front-page story with the headline “The Truth”, containing a number of falsehoods alleging that Liverpool supporters were responsible for the incident.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        From the BBC:

        “The boycott of The Sun on Merseyside began after the newspaper published an article on 19 April 1989, which was titled The Truth. The article made false and damaging claims about the behaviour of supporters during and after the disaster, which claimed the lives of 97 Liverpool fans and left hundreds injured.”

        The Hillsborough tragedy was gut-wrenching and The Sun’s sensationalistic coverage was despicable.

      • Blujfly says:

        There is an ESPN documentary about the Hillsborough disaster, the coverup by the police and Thatcher’s government of the incompetence, and the 25 years of fighting for justice those families were put through while being denigrated by the prime minister as trash that brought it on themselves. And the editor of the sun was Kelvin MacKenzie who still REGULARLY comments on Meghan and Harry and the royals. It is a must watch for the background to this media and how they and the government operate in cahoots.

      • Jaded says:

        It was one of the worst coverups in history — just prior to the game, a large crowd formed outside the Leppings Lane turnstiles. Following an urgent request to relieve the pressure, match commander Ch Supt David Duckenfield gave the order to open an exit gate. Two thousand Liverpool fans entered via a tunnel on to already-packed terraces. A severe crush developed in the central pens and people were pulled out in a “human cascade”. Ninety-six men, women and children lost their lives with hundreds more injured. The oldest victim was 67, the youngest just 10 years old. Duckenfield told key people that a gate was “forced” by Liverpool fans, a claim reinforced in briefings to media sources. The went goes around the world, in TV and radio news bulletins. Newspapers took up the story pointing the finger at “drunk and ticketless” supporters. The Sun printed its now infamous front page alleging Liverpool fans had “urinated on police officers” and “picked the pockets of the dead”. Trials are still ongoing.

      • BeanieBean says:

        There’s a great set of three episodes of Cracker about this: To Be a Somebody. I think it’s available on Acorn.

      • ML says:

        I was completely unaware of this, thanks for explaining why Liverpool hates The Sun. Presumably W would know this and be aware of the history so close to his brother’s trial-to-settlement?

        Last year there was a man from Liverpool whose mother was killed in a cycling accident. It made international news, because he gave his inheritance to a few local charities.
        There’s an update:

        It might have been better to highlight this, though given W’s prison grift in Cornwall, maybe also too problematic for him. He should have sent Beckham?

  17. Amy G says:

    After the horrendous week the US has had, those photos were exactly what I needed. I LOVE the outfit of the woman next to him in the “walkabout” photo and the expressions on the faces of the People of Color are exactly how I would react. (BTW — why isn’t it just a “walking tour” or “walk” just because a royal (something) is doing it?) Also, his teeth look like he’s smoking.

    • Miranda says:

      It genuinely seems like, in virtually every photo of William with a POC, the POC cannot hide their annoyance and disdain at having to put up with him.

    • Chrissy says:

      It looks like he made zero effort in terms of his appearance. Slovenly, like he just rolled out of bed. Did he even brush his teeth?

      • Gabby says:

        Well we know he didn’t do the Crest Whitestrips.
        Funny, you’d think a royal racist would want the whitest teeth possible.

    • Jensa says:

      It’s the man in the black puffer jacket that got me. His face!! It speaks for us all.

  18. Roo says:

    Can the RF not afford a tub of Ponds cold cream and a bottle of Vaseline intensive care for the body. That man looks dry as a desert and I’m sure he could afford some drug store moisturizers! Ugh.

    • BeanieBean says:

      🙂. My mom used Pond’s her whole life–cleaned off her makeup with it, moisturized at night. She had great skin!

      • Cassie says:

        Beaniebean, ponds girl here too . Went off the market for a while , it was sad .
        I always buy a big jar now and always cleanse my face every night .
        It’s called pride and looking after your appearance even as we age .

        William looks very unwell and deeply unhappy .

  19. 809Matriarch says:

    He really needs to get rid of those few hairs struggling to cling to the top of his head. He’s channeling Tweety Bird.

  20. Jay says:

    TWO events in the same day for TOB in January? Unheard of! Yes, definitely not trying to overshadow his brother’s visit at all… I wonder if he is resentful that he exerted himself for no reason. The Windsors had best pace themselves, there’s two months of Invictus, Meghan’s show…and they won’t want to set a dangerous precedent of working in January…

  21. Hypocrisy says:

    Does he dress in the dark? Love the facial expression of the others in those photos 🤣 it speaks volumes.

  22. Zut Alors says:

    What do these organizations get in return for his “work” visits? Does the Royal Foundation support them with grants? Do they see a jump in public donations? What do they get out of it other than being Peg’s props?

    • BeanieBean says:

      All we know from the reporting is that William ‘listened’ and he ‘learned’. Yay for William, I guess?

    • Meredith says:

      Attention to the cause— I’ve never seen any evidence that it moves the needle on actual donations or anything. It’s 100% just publicly for the royals and a way to justify them getting public funds. Which is why I personally don’t care if they are work avoidant— their work doesn’t benefit anyone anyway.

  23. Krista says:

    Ugh. Shave the wisps off the top already. They serve no purpose.

    And for the love of little green apples, please look into moisturizer. That’s some dull, dry skin there.

  24. Trix says:

    FFS why doesn’t he just shave the egghead entirely? Those random remaining hairs on his dome are embarrassing.

  25. Moniquep says:

    Wowee, 2 events where he did some “learning “!
    Take that Harold!
    Here I am learning while you are out there slaying media dragons!

    That photo with the black guy, willy looks so “engaged ” and the guy is like, what are you doing here?

  26. ariel says:

    My dad was mostly bald on top, much like william, and and the wisps on top got a little long (he wasn’t doing a comb over) and finally a lady at his office was like- John, i cannot take you seriously when you’re hair is standing straight up.
    The little wisps had a mind of their own.
    So he started using mousse on them.

    Williams needs to deal with his wisps, or as the men of this century do- shave that crap.

  27. Beverley says:

    Well, well, well! Not just one, Slumlord Willy found TWO Black people to be photographed with. Apologies and empathy for those two who had to endure this poser’s performative attention.

  28. Lady Digby says:

    Link to Hillsborough and nasty inaccurate coverage by the Scum
    No one buys the Scum in Liverpool.

  29. Amy Bee says:

    William was probably pissed that he planned all these counterprogramming events only for Harry to not turn up. Plus William needs a moisturizer.

  30. Fastgran50 says:

    I remember were crowds of young women used to fawn over him. He now looks like a homeless alcoholic

    • Tessa says:

      He looks like he wandered into the field uninvited, and that grungy look with the beard does him no favors he looks very worse for wear.

  31. Ana Maria says:

    he looks like one of those neighbours who is polite, well-mannered but nevertheless, you would never ever leave your children alone in his company

    • Tina says:

      Right!!!! He just has such an icky factor about him. All of the Windsors age terribly but this is very bad very fast.

  32. Tessa says:

    What’s with the pockets on that jacket.

  33. Truthiness says:

    The man in the black puffer coat ‘speaks’ for all of us.

  34. Gabby says:

    There is no way this guy has a sidepiece. Just look at him. I don’t think Waity wants him anymore either, and I think she is the one who wants the divorce.

    • Tarte au Citron says:

      I’m amazed he ever managed *any* side action after he lost his looks so drastically.

    • Beverley says:

      He is so unattractive, empty-headed, and clearly an absolute bore. The only thing to recommend him is that he is the future king…if you’re into that sort of thing. I never understood what on earth Rose ever saw in him!

      Twenty years ago, when he looked like Diana, he was good-looking. Now he’s grown into the face he absolutely deserves.

    • sevenblue says:

      I mean we have seen him dad-dancing with other women. Some women like ugly (as long as he is rich) 🫠

  35. kelleybelle says:

    The more he tries to be Harry, the grosser he becomes.

    • Beverley says:

      Can’t and Won’t don’t seem to comprehend that you can’t get “it” by simply copy-keening. Either you have “it”…or you don’t.

      Can’t and Won’t definitely ain’t got it.

    • Tara says:

      I was thinking of that dad dancing too. I do not feel positive about him, but I do think he put some effort in his appearance. Weight loss, fitness, clothing make over, beard. I personally think these were good changes. Is he doing this to one up Harry? Or is he doing this to do something positive for himself? I don’t know. I do think he is petty, based upon his actions, yes. But I also remember Harry mentioning how trapped his brother is, and I also had the theory that he might be bisexual. We do know the press knows things about him, so they also might use it to put pressure on him. F.e. Stating publicly that his mother was crazy. When I remember it right, he was nervous doing so. I mean, just saying. This man was Brain washed into thinking he is superior, gets everything without an effort, whether its good or Bad (f.e. Caroles attention). He also is a Victim that gets used by people taking advantage of him.

      • Tessa says:

        William was spiteful to his mother when she was still alive like deliberately shutting her out of an Eton picnic. William of his own volition called her paranoid. I don’t believe he was pressured or forced. He also censored her Bashir interview. William looks bad with that beard and he needs a wardrobe makeover imo

  36. Isabel says:

    Oh, they must do something about that tuft of hair on the top of his head. It’s lightly flapping in the breeze.

  37. Meredith says:

    I’m not familiar with the lurch reference, but the people around him look very perplexed by whatever he’s saying which suggests his people skills need some work.

    • monlette says:

      From the few times they have provided auto of transcripts of what he is saying, he makes rude, belittling comments that he no doubt thinks are witty, but are just cringe. Back in his teen heartthrob days, it no doubt came off as edgy, so it probably sent the girls into giggles. But now that his inner ugly has made its way out, Kensington Karen is trapped with this.

  38. JFerber says:

    I’d like to see him have a round with Jake Paul. A real round in which Williams lands on his ass with the first punch. That would do him good.

  39. Karen says:

    Lurch is a character on The Munsters”, a TV show from the 1960’s. William resembles Lurch.

  40. Karen says:

    Lurch is a character on “The Munsters”, a TV show from the 1960’s. William resembles Lurch.

  41. phlyfiremama says:

    He’s still feeling the BURN from Charles Spencer’s comment about HARRY being the shining son.

  42. T says:

    Lurch reminds me of the butler from the Addams Family. Now I have a new nickname for the weird, awkward, disrespectful liege of the king.