There’s a right-wing/tabloid rumor about Jennifer Aniston & Barack Obama

This is definitely one of the craziest rumors of the week. To be fair, the rumor started last year, but it’s gotten new life because of some recent wrinkles. Last year, In Touch Weekly published a story called “The Truth About Jen & Barack.” According to In Touch, Jennifer Aniston and Barack Obama were having some kind of torrid affair? Then Aniston appeared on an episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live last October, and Kimmel got her to debunk the story on-air. Aniston called In Touch a “cheesy tabloid” – so uncool! – and stated that she was not mad about the report but “that is absolutely untrue.” She also said that she’s only met Barack Obama once and “I know Michelle more than him.”

Well, all of that happened before Michelle Obama skipped Jimmy Carter’s funeral and the inauguration, and Michelle’s husband attended both of those state events solo. This month, there’s been a lot of chatter about the state of the Obama marriage, and rumors are apparently flying around DC that a divorce might really happen. Then, this week, some rando on Twitter claimed that she heard something from one of Aniston’s friends that the Aniston-Obama “affair” rumor is true.

The divorce rumors of a romantic relationship between actor Jennifer Aniston and former President, Barack Obama, took a wild turn on Thursday when a user on X claimed that a leaked message, allegedly from a friend of Aniston confirming her relationship with Obama, had gone viral. Despite Aniston’s representatives denying it, the rumours have continued to swirl alongside speculations of a divorce between Obama and his wife, former First Lady Michelle Obama.

In the alleged message, the friend claims that Aniston admitted the relationship in a casual conversation with friends. “He’s with Jennifer Aniston. My old manager, now a friend, is connected to her inner circle,” the alleged message read. “At a gathering with Jennifer’s friends, the affair came up casually—Jennifer herself admitted it. They were sitting with a psychic, which makes it sound surreal, but it’s definitely not a secret among her closest friends.”

Jennifer Aniston has addressed these allegations, firmly denying any romantic involvement with Barack Obama. She stated that she has only met him once and is more acquainted with Michelle Obama. Aniston’s representative also clarified that she does not maintain any personal friendship with Barack Obama, though she is a fan.

[From MSN]

Yeah… I think this is all bullsh-t. Whoever is pushing it nowadays has made an effort to give it the whiff of believability, because Aniston absolutely would tell her goddess circle about something like this, and she absolutely would consult a psychic (and her therapist). I just don’t think there’s any affair between Aniston and Obama specifically though. It’s also curious to me that this rumor is being pushed so heavily by right-wing media figures. Is it projection about the state of the Trump marriage?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Instagram.

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63 Responses to “There’s a right-wing/tabloid rumor about Jennifer Aniston & Barack Obama”

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  1. SarahLee says:

    I somehow don’t think W would be as happy to see Jen as he always is to see Michelle.

  2. seaflower says:

    She is so not his type.

  3. Amy G says:

    Absolutely not. This is the right wing trying to tear down one of the highest profile Black marriages in the world. I know several people close to the Obamas and their marriage is not perfect but this is not true.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t think it has anything to do with projection about Trump’s marriage. I think that they just want some sort of scandal about the Obama’s. Have to remember his nickname was no drama Obama. They hate that. With a passion. They need to bring him down and her too. They’ve been in the public sphere too long without any whiff of scandal and well these people are racist. It has to be SOMETHING.

    • Veronica S. says:

      If the Obamas ever divorce, it’ll be precisely because the racism of this county tore them apart, not through any real fault of their own. It’s not hard to see how the last eight years could’ve driven a wedge between them. I hope for their sake they’ve had the support behind the scenes to keep that from happening.

      • Veronica says:

        I don’t know if the Obamas will get divorced or not, but suggesting the only reason why they might ever do so is because racism tore them apart has got to be one of the silliest things I’ve heard. Every couple married for that long, regardless of ethnicity, weathers countless struggles. Surely the public scrutiny is an added challenge. And the public really doesn’t (and shouldn’t) have any insight into such a private matter. For any stranger to declare the sole reason would be racisim actually undermines any legitimate commentary about racisim in the U.S.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Most ethnically non-white couples don’t have one partner run for the worlds most powerful political office and have to deal with more than a decade of ongoing harassment from the right wing and the knee jerk, spiteful election of a white supremacist fascist in reaction to it. I don’t think the Obamas are perfect people and probably have their own flaws and marital issues, but we are kidding ourselves if we don’t think that could wear people down emotionally. There are plenty of couples who aren’t in the public eye who fell apart in the last eight years because of the political and economic situation here.

        This isn’t a commentary of “black people don’t know how to deal with racism.” This is a human understanding of how the unimaginable stress of spending eight years of being ripped apart in the media for the crime of being black and successful, followed by a fascist regime that literally grew out of a narcissists anger over a roast, could impact two people who love each other otherwise.

  5. Miranda says:

    Huh? This reads like fucking Mad Libs.

  6. Krista says:

    I saw from a blind item online (I know, I know) that there was a sports podcaster that couldn’t keep her mouth shut that he was cheating with.

    I hope it’s not true. I like the Obama’s (from what I can see of them) and would be sad for them if they split.

  7. Karen says:

    I wouldn’t blame her, I would in a heartbeat, no question. I think I could negotiate a free pass with my husband. But hopefully Obama has higher standards than all of us.

  8. sevenblue says:

    OMG, Jennifer is still dealing with the weird tabloid rumors?? I don’t understand why they are so pressed about her. She mostly minds her own business. The most I see her, she makes “please vote” posts during election. Obama tried some things during this election, maybe Michelle didn’t agree with him or is angry he is still playing Washington games? I don’t believe Barack would cheat.

  9. Brassy Rebel says:

    The right wing is desperately trying to break up three marriages on the left, all of which have at least one member of the couple being Black. The Sussexes, the Obamas, and Harris-Emhoff. The point of doing this is unknown but it’s definitely a project. Don’t believe any of it. They win if you give it oxygen.

  10. Kitten says:

    So obviously fake. The world is on fire why do we need fake stories like this?

    • Robert Phillips says:

      To keep you from paying attention to what they are actually doing to the country.

      • Golly Gee says:

        Also Elmump are finding out their big DOGE takeover isn’t The cakewalk they thought it was going to be, so better to focus the public’s attention away from the fact that they aren’t as smart or as powerful as they thought they were. They both have enormous egos and a thirst for power, so public perception is important to them. There’s a really good podcast from Tortois Media called Elon‘s spies. He is terrifying.

  11. OS says:

    Are there morons who believe this dreck? Why are you reverberating dreck?

  12. Pret says:

    Why is this rumor being given any attention? Repeating it only extends the life of this kind of nonsense. Ignore it and move on.

  13. Leah says:

    Jen wouldn’t touch that relationship with a 100 foot pole. She’s still floating on the good girl veneer from the Brad/Angie relationship and that would torpedo it so fast. If Jen is anything she’s definitely running her image properly.

  14. Chaine says:

    I don’t understand the logistics of how it would even happen. She lives in Los Angeles…. The Obamas don’t even have a residence in California, do they? And between him and Jennifer Aniston, well, he has to travel everywhere with secret service which is pretty noticeable, while she is still one of the most recognized and papparazi’d women on planet earth. Surely there would be legit evidence of something like this other than “an anonymous person’s friend says their friend says Jennifer Aniston told a psychic.”

  15. SIde Eye says:

    I believe Elon’s nazi salute was a partly a hoods coming off in broad daylight moment, but also a test to see which media would report what – who would toe the line. We saw almost all of our media fail in real time. Don’t trust what you see with your eyes. You didn’t see what you just saw. Many called it a “gesture” as I gestured my middle finger at them and turned them off for good. They will never win me back. This site was one of a handful of brave writers to call it exactly what it was – a celebrity gossip site had more balls than seasoned, Pulitzer Prize winning journalists.

    I think you will hear a lot of salacious rumors – all have as their objective distracting the public from hundreds of Executive Orders (EO) all having the purpose of dismantling democracy, the Constitution, and Civil Rights. Project 25 literally criminalizes being Gay or Trans. They are going to need prison labor to replace the migrants. This is why stocks for private prisons soared a few days before the election. It’s like everyone knew the fix was in but the voters. We are headed to brown shirts in the streets. ICE is already showing up to workplaces, and some of the people they are looking for are citizens. We are headed to debtors prisons. People have no clue how fucked they are. BTW the price of eggs went up.

    I hope it’s not true. But the timing of the rumor is so suspect to me. It can’t possibly be that Black women have had it with mommy-ing this Nation. I don’t intend to speak for all Black women, but honestly, when I see MAGA my only thought is get wrecked. We tried to save you. And now we’re done. Nothing says I’m done with you assholes more than not showing up. My guess is that Mrs. Obama is all out of fucks to give. Can we really blame her? She was one of the best First Ladies we ever had – maybe the best. She got kids to exercise and planted gardens. She was enthusiastic and funny and engaging and she loved this country – Halloween, Christmas, concerts – she was all in! And she got nothing but abuse in return. People really thought Black women would be around to comfort them and kiss their boo boos in this shitshow, hence the where’s Kamala posts which are ridiculous. VP Harris is in California dealing with one of the worst disasters this country has seen. They are trying to draw out the Black people to save them (or blame the Black people) Stop counting on Black women to save you from yourselves. We’ve had it. Seriously grow the fuck up America.

    • salmonpuff says:


    • Sasha says:

      Your comment is glorious. Thank you!

    • Yup, Me says:


      ding ding ding!


    • SIde Eye says:

      Thank you for entertaining my rant. It’s the only thing giving me the energy to start packing up my condo – just knowing that the suffering they wished on other communities is about to hit them and HARD! The price of our insulin just skyrocketed. The Supreme Court just criminalized homelessness during a housing crisis as rents skyrocket. They’re about to gut social security and disability. Doing away with government jobs that affect the health and well being of this country. Tariffs about to hit and everything will be more expenses as wages forget going up they are disappearing! Did they think this would only affect POC?

      Find out season is here for real. Wait till their kids get polio they’ve already stopped the flow of information on bird flu. I am only sorry good people who didn’t vote for this have to suffer with them. But like seriously the way they are baiting Black people to come out and engage – come save us from ourselves! Where are you? I never thought I would have a single solitary thing in common with Karen Pence (aka Mother) but yeah I got Mother at the funeral energy right now – I ain’t even getting up from my damn chair and have zero fucks to give and not one second to acknowledge you much less engage in pleasantries. And did I say get wrecked? Cause yeah, get fucking wrecked. Once again for the people in the back: get wrecked.

    • MaisiesMom says:

      Amazing. Thank you. I’m not a black woman but I am fed up and have zero sympathy for anyone who voted for that bastard or didn’t bother to vote. I can only imagine how you and women like Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama feel.

    • Lala11_7 says:

      @Side Eye: You…speak for ME TOO!🤬

    • bisynaptic says:

      The failure of the press 🎯

    • QuiteContrary says:

      I wish I could like your comment a thousand times, Side Eye. This white woman is applauding you from her desk!

    • swirlmamad says:

      Your comment has given me so much life this morning.

    • mmmkay says:


      My only note would be is that MO was ABSOLUTELY the best FLOTUS. (no shade to Dr. Jill, who was also magnificent)

  16. Tuesday says:

    I know that I don’t know any of these people personally, but this one being true would sting. Jen Aniston is not a kind woman.

  17. Stacy Q says:

    It’s true you guys and now she’s pregnant with his triplets🤣trying to distract from all the bullsh*t Donnie’s saying and doing.

  18. Thinking says:

    I’ve never seen the two photographed together. That’s what makes the rumour even weirder. He has a type, but I think she does too. Maybe if they had picked Katie Holmes for the rumour, it might be plausible (sort of? Not really, but Aniston is a choice for this storyline that really makes no sense).

  19. Flamingo says:

    This is all so gross. The only ‘sin’ Michelle committed was doing the right thing. And not showing up when the Clown Show was there. Trump’s fee fees probably got hurt she wouldn’t sit next to him.

    So this is the right-wing propaganda machine punishment for it. That Barrack is having an affair with the most vanilla white woman in the world.

    This is why I am doing my best to stick my head in the sand for the next 4 years. It’s insulting to the Obamas and Aniston.

  20. Jegede says:

    I hope Aniston mocks this BS and show up on SNL singing like Marilyn Monroe.😆😆

    • Lala11_7 says:

      JA WOULD NEVA…because she KNOWS that she would be dragged to THE NTH LEVEL OF HELL!🤬

      She ain’t dumb.

  21. MaisiesMom says:

    What a bizarre rumor. I’m sure the Obamas marriage is not perfect. None are, especially those that have been under tremendous stress and strain for years like the former first couple has. I can’t imagine that he would cheat, but if he did, Jennifer Aniston would not be on my bingo card as the “other woman.” It does not compute for me.

    If I were Michelle Obama, no way would I have gone to those events with Orange Julius. She has no obligation to show up and be polite around him, or have her facial expressions scrutinized. To Hell with that, to Hell with pretending everything is normal. She’s not the former POTUS, her husband is.

  22. Phyllis says:

    Also…The Obama’s were in Carmel celebrating Michelle’s birthday the weekend before the inauguration.

  23. Nina says:

    Right wingers are pissed that Michelle refuses to validate their god-king president and so are now trying to humiliate her by saying that Barack is cheating on her with a Hollywood celebrity.

    That’s literally it.

    • SolarBeanbag says:

      This is it in a nutshell. 👏🏼👏🏼

    • Tuni says:

      I think your binoculars found it. Looks like Rump was feeling humiliated and swung it back to who he thinks humilated him.

      I don’t think Michelle glorious Obama did it to humiliate, I don’t think she gives rump that much thought. She went, rump is stinky, its not my job, not gonna be part of my day.

      Michelle said no, with more than her whole chest. Maybe Michelle glorious Obama actually embarrassed everyone who showed up – who wasn’t government work obligated -to be there?

    • Keaton says:

      That’s exactly what this is about.
      Michelle refused to sit by him at Jimmy Carter’s funeral and she refused to attend the inauguration.
      It’s revenge.
      Right wingers have been trying to find a scandal or moral failing to hurt Obama for years now. I guess now that we’re in the Age of Lies (Trump Era) where anything goes? They’re just letting it rip.
      (In the past at least they’d take something factual and distort it. Now they just straight up make up crap out of whole cloth)

  24. Wls198 says:

    They are just angry that Michelle Obama was trending more during the inauguration more that the trumps. Live with it trump you will never be as popular as either Obama especially Michelle.

  25. MsIam says:

    The right-wingers are some petty @ssholes for sur

  26. Lurker M says:

    What is wrong with these people. Has anyone thought that maybe she’s still grieving the loss of her mother. And so are all the Robinson-Obama’s. Barack is grieving too.

    She said No and that’s a complete sentence, the End! Why should she sit next to or be around the orange 🤡.

    Leave her alone.

    • Chrissy says:

      This is probably it. I can currently relate to the loss of a parent, and having to be anywhere near that evil freak would be far too much to take. I totally feel for Michelle.

  27. Truthiness says:

    The right would do *anything* to besmirch Obama. Trump cheated on all his wives and girlfriends and the right desperately wants it to be true of Obama. And it’s all to distract from the sh*tshow happening in DC.

  28. NikkiK says:

    I really don’t see this, especially not with someone like Jennifer Aniston. You don’t go from Michelle to someone like Jen. You just don’t and that’s not a knock against Jen; we are just talking about two very different people.

    Not only that but for those of us that make it our business to stay up on both celebrity and political gossip, this is the first we’re hearing about it. Not buying it.

  29. Thinking says:

    Jennifer Aniston kind of seems like she’s over men at this point. She’s had her fair share of love affairs, as most actresses have, and can now chill with her margaritas by the beach. But even if she did want to date someone, she’s not going to wreck her career for it. She’s not a lawyer, but I’ve never thought of her as stupid.

    If you told me that Jennifer Aniston was working on producing a reality show with Michelle Obama, I would believe that more.

  30. Carmen says:

    If there is any truth to this at all, the black community will destroy him.

    We like Obama. We love Michelle.

  31. Athena says:

    Of course they would run a rumor that he’s leaving Michelle for a white woman. Not any white woman at that but Rachel, the whitest of white woman.

  32. Lau says:

    Given that Melanie can’t write properly and she makes it sounds like Jennifer Aniston is the one divorcing Michelle Obama, I don’t think we can rely on her words.