Tominey: Prince Harry didn’t come to London last week because of Trump!

Those British/royalist C-U-Next-Tuesdays have been absolutely fuming about News Group Newspapers settlement with Prince Harry since the very moment it was announced. To be fair, they were fuming even before NGN’s settlement – they could not believe that Prince Harry didn’t fly into London for the start of the trial. Given the reaction to his absence alone, I strongly suspect that the royalist media and the Windsors had organized a giant melodrama – featuring Prince William and King Charles “snubbing” Harry, no doubt – and the storyline could not be launched because Harry stayed in Montecito. But of course it goes further than that. You can actually tell the size of Harry’s win by just how forcefully these people are trying to convince everyone that he lost. Speaking of, that horrid woman Camilla Tominey decided to piss out this piece in the Telegraph: “Why did Prince Harry back down? Did he fear Trump would ban him from the US?”

Could Donald Trump be the real reason Prince Harry suddenly settled with Rupert Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers (NGN)? Much has been written about why the erstwhile Royal caved in – having described himself as a “dragon slayer”, who would make waging lawfare against the tabloids “his life’s work”.

And then, on Wednesday, he unexpectedly settled the case. Sure, the rumoured £10 million payout must have been persuasive, along with the “full and unequivocal” apology for “serious intrusion” by The Sun newspaper between 1996 and 2011. But there was no admission of phone hacking, surveillance or misuse of private information at the newspaper; just the News of the World, which closed more than a decade ago.

The other mystery is why Prince Harry didn’t travel to the UK to either give evidence, as was anticipated – or to perform a victory lap around the High Court in the event of a settlement. It could be because he is currently appealing a High Court ruling dismissing his challenge to the level of police protection he receives in the UK. But could it also be that he fears not being allowed back into America?

The Duke, 40, has had the threat of deportation hanging over him since the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, called for the publication of his immigration records, suggesting he may have lied about the illegal drugs use he admitted to in his autobiography, Spare, when he emigrated from the UK in 2020. Visa or green card applicants must disclose their history of drug use and can face removal if they are misleading, but a federal judge ruled against any disclosure of the prince’s application papers last year.

Trump, who once admitted he “wasn’t a fan” of Prince Harry’s wife Meghan, has said: “If they know something about the drugs, and if he lied, they’ll have to take appropriate action.”

Can it be coincidence that Prince Harry settled within hours of the newly re-elected president signing executive orders to deport thousands of illegal immigrants? If he can release the JFK files, could he not perhaps release Prince Harry’s? For once, the publicity hungry Sussexes may be wise to keep a very low profile.

[From The Telegraph]

First off, the way all of these ghastly people have just decided, out of thin air, that NGN’s settlement was on the lowest end of eight-figures should be studied. Absolutely no one has confirmed anything about the money, and I think NGN’s silence on the matter means that it was probably a lot bigger than what’s being reported. Secondly, HARRY did not “settle.” NGN settled, and Harry accepted their offer because they had to admit some of their crimes. NGN’s public admission altered Harry’s case against NGN – it’s likely that if Harry still wanted to pursue a civil case against NGN, they all would have to start over, given NGN’s admissions. As for the Trump stuff – that’s Tominey and all of those Heritage Foundation lunatics launching a pressure campaign on the Trump administration to do their bidding. I honestly don’t know what will happen there, but you have to remember that Camilla Tominey is super-salty – they all are – because Harry once again won and he didn’t even have to fly in to see their salty hatchet-faces.

Photos courtesy of WellChild videos, GB News screencap and Cover Images.

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75 Responses to “Tominey: Prince Harry didn’t come to London last week because of Trump!”

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  1. Barbara says:

    I hope she loses her eyelashes like Icky Arbiter.

    • PEARL GREY says:

      They are all parroting each other with these nonsensical takes, knowing that their wilfully ignorant followers will buy anything they say even if it makes zero sense. “Oh, Harry didn’t leave the US to come to the UK for the trial because he’s terrified Trump won’t let him back in!” What will they say when Harry leaves the US to go to Canada for the Invictus Games next month?

  2. Maxine Branch says:

    I would love to see those gutter rats faces when they find out that Harry is in the US in the proper manner. They are so very mad the Sussexes are living and thriving without them. Every utterance from their fellow gutter sites gets blown up for them to use to sling nonsense this couples way. Tominey is a know Heritage supporter/member and equality know as a racist.

    • Tina says:

      I mean at this point just release his visa application. I mean it should be private but there are no norms left. It will be the most boring bureaucratic read. A bunch of “yes” or “no” to a series of boring questions and then his signature. This is getting so old.

      • Kingston says:

        The world is full of 2 types of people: those who would give up their rights and security to fight for justice and peace for all; and those who are so cowardly, they would lie down when they see even the barest hint of the oppressor approaching, in their yellow-bellied cowardice.

        That type deserves neither justice nor peace.

      • bisynaptic says:

        “I mean at this point just release his visa application.”
        — LOL, No.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        @Bisynaptic, right? Can you believe these people write that nonsense and post them with straight faces? These folks are shameless.

      • Deering24 says:

        Tina—no way. Obama released his birth certif. and the right wing continues to rank on that to this day.

      • GMH says:

        There is a reason H&M left salty Island… they ignore the British tabs and trolls. That means they do not respond to CT’s attempt to provoke them on H’s visa. Note should we be paying attention to her trolling or any other that comes from over there.

      • Josie says:

        Too late. The judge permanently sealed Harry’s immigration file in 2024. Tominey pretending to ‘misunderstand’ pretty much everything significant about Harry’s case doesn’t wash. Her bitterness at Harry’s win is her feeble attempt to save face. She’s made a complete fool of herself because of her hatred of Harry since he married Meghan, that interloping black woman who sullied the sacred caucasian royal line by giving birth to Harry’s children. The British media’s racist agenda is simple; GET HARRY for his ethnic ‘treachery’. The question is, will Tominey’s hack-pack ever find peace by letting go of their gang hatred of Harry and Meghan?

      • sammi says:

        Yes and open the door for Melania’s Einstein qualifications for Her Visa!

  3. Izzy says:

    What all these losers STILL don’t get is that even if Trump is dumb enough to go after Harry, he’s is NOT going back to the UK. He and his family have other options when it comes to living somewhere else. Better options. Safer options.

    • Ginger says:

      Agree. They are both well connected and can live anywhere. The rota DESPERATELY needs Harry back because the other royals are boring af.

    • Athena says:

      Harry has multiple law suits going, Harry just won a big settlement . Harry is a WINNER. From the perspective of DT, Harry is he’s kind of guy. So no Donald Trump is not going after Harry.

    • Kim says:

      What I can’t understand is the obsession by British media and sycophants like Nile Gardiner for Prince Harry to return to England. Forcing PH to return? These people act as if they own Prince Harry.

      • Josie says:

        That’s the problem with the royal family accepting public funding. They really are compromised, owned in every possible way by the public that expects to extract payment in return. Harry was smart to get out and become self-supporting because it means he owes them nothing. Those desperate reporters see their gravy train losing steam by the day as interest in the royal family is eroded, mainly because of the repetitive ‘hit’ articles on the Sussexes that those same reporters continue to publish. Desperate? You bet.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      What these people fail to understand is that there ARE Republicans, even in the WH and in Maga/Trump camp, that truly like and respect Prince Harry and his work and are involved with IG. Just like not everyone on the opposite side likes and respects Prince Harry, same thing; not every Magat hates and disrespects him either.
      Personally, my belief is that Prince Harry is already got his GC. There’s no way he’s in this country for over four years, freely going in and out of the country, as an illegal alien. He is a spouse of a US citizen, father of 2 USA children, owns property in the US, lives, works and pays taxes in the US and still an illegal alien? C’mon now!!

      • BeanieBean says:

        They’re saying he’s illegal because he ‘lied’ on his visa application. You know, the way Elon Musk did (said he was a student at Stanford, never went).

  4. Cathy says:

    Cameltoe must have forgotten that Invictus is coming up very soon in Canada? Harry will be preparing for that.

    Oh and Cammie… Vancouver is in Canada.

    • windyriver says:

      Speaking of Invictus, I’m curious to see if KC will shift his arse this time to wish the UK Invictus team good luck. They’re sponsored by the RBL – of which Charles is now the Royal Patron.

      • sunnyside up says:

        That will be interesting, as head of the armed forces it would be very bad if he didn’t.

      • sammi says:

        Invictus is coming to UK Birmingham in 2026 ……..oh dear…full security for Harry and family by then.

        Who will cry chicken first this time! UK needs the publicity and money that Invictus brings so the Government will be telling the Royals what to do whether they like it or not.
        I hope that Meghan and Harry steer clear of any Trump White House Royal visit invitations as it will contaminate their image world wide except in the eyes of extremist and warped people.
        Dreading another Trump Visit here but looking forward to the Nappy Baby balloon of Trumpy which was hilarious in London!
        Princess Ann is the ‘Patron’ of the RBL womens section and the Queen was the head overall. She sent a message to Harry when it was in Holland and that was publicised on The One Show BBC 1 which was well received here. The One Show was then not allowed to cover Germany. Has Charlie been put on the Legion’s web page because it was not there for a long time when I looked?

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    Tominey is a Heritage Foundation member and extreme liar. I wouldn’t trust a word she writes or says.

    • Nanea says:

      It was so good to see #CamillaTomineyIsALiar trending all over Twitter again.

      And so many Squaddies were asking her whether she had ever reported the “death threat” to her family that she insisted came from the Squad (that was proven to have been manufactured by her) to the Metropolitan Police.

      • Josie says:

        ‘Wasting police time’ is a criminal offence in the UK. Tominey wouldn’t have dared make false claims to the Met police over non-existent ‘death threats. The claim was click-bait to make sure her published lies were read. I almost feel sorry for her pathetic attempts to blame Harry and Meghan for whatever personal unhappiness is driving her.

  6. Dee(2) says:

    I can’t imagine being a type of person that wakes up in the morning and my most fervent dream is that a family is separated. Truly despicable. They also keep banking on the fact that Harry must have lied on his application. The argument isn’t even that he should be kicked out because he definitely lied anymore, it’s been reduced now to he should never have been allowed to come in the first place. So all of this is just because he had the audacity to succeed when you think he deserved to fail. An international temper tantrum because he wouldn’t stay in the bumbling Spare role that you demand of him. How sad their lives must be that this is what gives them Joy.

  7. Fastgran50 says:

    What worries me is that if Trump meets Charles they will hatch an evil plot against Harry. Can’t say I trust Trump or Charles or William for that matter.

    • PEARL GREY says:

      Trump would be an idiot (he is) if he were to try to interfere with Harry’s stay in the US after preaching that he is in support of immigration as long as it is done legally. If Harry has entered and is staying in the US legally, what can Trump and the king do?

    • sevenblue says:

      I don’t think Charles is that stupid. But, I believe Will is.

      • Tessa says:

        I doubt even Trump would listen to huevo

      • Tina says:

        William is that stupid but Trump would totally blab to everyone that William asked him to do it. So it would look terrible for William. And then that rota rats would try to cover for William and say that Trump is lying. Then Trump will get mad at them. Oh wait…..this could actually work out for us lol.

      • FC says:

        Yep, Wills will keep pushing for deportation. I actually believe that Harry and Meghan are legit worried about Trump. We know Trump loves smoke and mirrors and headline-driven political stunts. Whether he succeeds or not, he’ll 100% namecheck Harry during these deportation raids, or worse (god forbid he comes after Archie for being born in the UK). I think there are few reasons Harry would settle with NewsCorp, and protecting his family from Will/Trump is one of them.

      • sevenblue says:

        @FC, Archie has an American mother, he isn’t the target of the change Trump is proposing. Harry settled with an admission of guilt. After they got that, there was no reason to proceed where they had to prove that Murdoch is guilty? He already admitted it. H&M may be worried about Trump, but their actions don’t show that currently. They even criticized Zuckerberg’s removal of fact-checkers. If they feared any repercussions from Trump, they would just stay silent.

      • Tessa says:

        William has no power to deport harry. I don’t think William is as popular as he thinks he is. Spiteful kings historically have not been popular.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles moans about wanting to see the Sussex children. I think Charles has enough brain power to realize how hypocritical he would look if he let this happen. Not everyone is a fan of the senior royals.

    • Debbie says:

      Didn’t the Sussexes return to live in the U.S. while trump was in office the 1st g*ddamned time?

      /any hostility detected in this comment is aimed at You-all-know-who, and please don’t make me type his name twice.

      • Babz says:

        I alternate between calling him the orange felon and felon47. I refuse to capitalize his name, also – because I’m just that petty.

  8. Amy Bee says:

    NGN admitted to wrongdoing and offered to pay damages so the case couldn’t go any further. I think Camilla and her colleagues are just pissed that they were robbed of the opportunity to write ten weeks of articles and to get pictures of Harry going to court. As far as I’m aware Harry will be going to Vancouver so Camilla’s theory that Harry was afraid to leave the country is going to be disapproved in 2 weeks.

  9. Eurydice says:

    It’s so funny to see them making up stories for why they were wrong. Who was anticipating Harry to show up on the first day? Not the court or his attorneys, but the BM.

    • PEARL GREY says:

      They already knew the likelihood of him showing up, especially on the first day, was pretty much slim to none, but they make money off of stories generating a frenzy and anticipation and then even more money churning out dumb conspiracies about why he didn’t come. Covering all bases. In truth, they obviously would have preferred he did come so they could finally have some “royal” news and pictures worth writing about. KKKate’s quarterly “cancer-free/in remission” announcement stories aren’t hitting, Bully’s dry events when he’s not busy cancelling and jet setting to watch football games is not hitting, and Charles playing dress up in kilts to try to win over the Scots is not hitting. Harry is keeping their lights on.

      • Eurydice says:

        I know, if the H&M situation weren’t so toxic, this would be truly hilarious. No matter what they try – Poor Sick Skiing Mom Fashion Icon Kate, Bro Dude Manly Global Sexy Single Dad Loving Husband William, and I’m Not Dead Yet Charles – none of this is landing. Maybe if they used that energy to do some actually good for others…just a thought…

  10. sevenblue says:

    If Harry’s legal wanted him there, he would be there. Probably the negotiations were still ongoing and they weren’t sure there would be a hearing. Also, Harry being there wouldn’t be necessary since he wasn’t scheduled to give his testimony. It was the british media that expected him to go to UK, there was no info from Harry’s team except refuting some claims.

  11. Tessa says:

    I doubt Trump will go there. T o m I n e y is a fanatic. Trump has to think about his wife’s situation and won’t want to stir things up.

  12. Tessa says:

    These fanatical writers never talk about Andrew and how the f b i wants to talk to him

  13. s808 says:

    They planned to eat off that trial for weeks if not months and not only does Harry not fly over, NGN folds and he wins. Nightmare scenario for an already starving RR who have no other alternatives for headlines. Starvation continues!

  14. Tessa says:

    Even Trump would realize imo if he had let’s deport harry bill he would look super ridiculous . And he would be asked about melani a getting in. And a demand to see her application

  15. ThatGirlThere says:

    Harry’s current home state has been dealing with devastating wildfires for two weeks now. Him staying home is not a surprise. He one his lawyers would deal with it and he won. Those losers on Shutter Island really thought he would lose and he would be humiliated. The only loser is their bald, lazy halfwitted prince with the scraggly beard.

    • Chrissy says:

      This! And btw, we haven’t seen the Bearded Wonder in a while. He can’t be working! Has he flown in off to see another football game again?

  16. Noor says:

    We are tired of opinion writers who spout nonsense.

  17. Talie says:

    My question regarding Heritage is what’s the ultimate play here? There is no way in hell Charles or William want Harry & Meghan bouncing around London stepping on their news cycle every day. So…if you’re a royalist, why are you trying to piss off the royals?

    • sevenblue says:

      There was a british news report where so-called independent news anchor was saying how awful H&M went to USA because they can now shape the media narrative since American media is global. They wanted them gone from UK, but they also don’t want them to live in USA where they can build powerful connections. The royals agree with that. It isn’t coincidence Will suddenly started visiting USA and organized events the minute H&M started their life there.

    • FC says:

      William and Charles aren’t thinking that far ahead, though. They just want to be cruel and embarrass the Sussexes. Same way Sussexit went down.

    • Eurydice says:

      An idea that was bounced around here a while ago is that Heritage wanted to set a precedent for opening up other immigrants’ files.

  18. Shanta says:

    I could be wrong…. But isn’t Tominey on the board of the Heritage foundation? Isn’t she working with them to get Harry deported?….for the Palace of course.

  19. MariaMoniz says:

    Well, Conxa Rodríguez from spanish paper Público got it all right. (sorry it’s in spanish)

  20. sunnyside up says:

    As I understand it, Harry taking drugs isn’t a problem because he went into rehab. so that’s OK according to American immigration rules. As for Tominey, not only does she probably know this, she needs to accept that Harry won, NGN admitted the law breaking and apologised to Harry and his mum. No longer a case to answer, Also as I understand it the £10 million is to cover his legal costs, the actually settlement is something else.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Harry took drugs recreationally but was never engaged in the selling or distribution of drugs. While drug usage is illegal in many countries, admitting to past drug usage is not. Nor is it grounds for a refusal to enter or reside in the USA. Also, Harry’s visa was reviewed by a judge. The judge ruled that Harry’s visa application was truthful and valid as was his residence in the USA.

      Harry never went to rehab. That was a story concocted by his family to make themselves look good while keeping him down. He addresses that in spare.

      We have a ton of UK celebrities who did and do live here that were an enormous part of drug culture. Especially drug culture before it became as blasé as drug use is today.

      Anyone remember John Lennon for Christ’s sake? Or any of The Rolling Stones. They basically are concentrated drugs at this point. And those are just the more egregious examples off the top of my “I really need coffee” head.

      • Bings says:

        This is what the British people do not understand. They keep harping on this drug use as if it is a smoking gun. And as if Harry does not have substantial US interests. His wife, his children, his companies. They are so childish and tiresome.

      • Eurydice says:

        The point Heritage is trying to make is that Harry may have lied on his visa application by saying he never did any drugs.

      • Bings says:


        Yes, I am fully aware of what they are trying to say, it still does not make him automatically inadmissible as they would like it to be. They would need to exclude a lot of people from the United States and this is not going to happen. So this is not a winning point.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Eurydice: But is that the question that’s even asked on a visa app, have you ever done drugs? Or is it have you ever been arrested & convicted for dealing drugs? Or arrested & convicted for using? I really don’t know.

  21. Jais says:

    Camilla Tominey has an obvious axe to grind with the Sussexes so it just makes all her writing about them unhinged and unserious. It’s just an eye roll. Tominey says….snarky and deliberately misleading words. Just another day that ends in Y.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Jais Toenail has a grudge because in Spare Harry referred to her scrawls as being so ludicrous as to being pure science fiction!!

      • Pebbles says:

        This is true because just the other day on her telegraph YouTube show she derailed from his obvious trial victory into a major rant about H&M and privacy and how she feels so attacked by their supporters bc of her reporting lies and she even pulls out his book at one point where she has tabbed the reference to herself! lol 😂 she is looney toons

      • Jais says:

        A weird grudge is correct. It’s not Meghan’s fault that Kate and her mom used her to plant the crying story in the Telegraph and got outed years later during Oprah. And even before Spare, Tominey had a whole spread about her truth with the Sussexes and created a disturbing image of her starring Meghan down while Harry’s gaze is just past her. It’s looney tunes and boiling bunnies territory. She is not a serious person or writer. She is disturbing. A lot of these people are. So Harry has her number and called her out for what she is in his best selling book for all to read🤷‍♀️

  22. Dora says:

    If I didn’t know that the RF were a group and the courtiers and UK press were businesses I’d swear they were abusive ex spouses. They lie, bully, smear and under mine Harry at every term. They talk about what an awful dumb person he is and how awful his biracial is Wife is, no matter what he does it’s not good enough or worthy of praise. If he wins an award he didn’t deserve it, if he does good it’s for ulterior motives. If he wins his loses and his success or that of his wife don’t mean what we all think it means. Typical abusive spouse behavior. I wonder if they realize how bad they look to the rest of the world, with the exception of a few publications here or there the general consensus is they, the RF, commentators, couriers, presenters are pathetic racist and just plain sick. It feels personal Their goose that laid the golden eggs has escaped They’d rather see it dead than alive living on another farm

    • Lady Digby says:

      Exactly @Dora the irony of them bullying Harry and Meghan for years for leaving them behind and yet they have the gall to bash Meg for being a bully?

  23. anotherlily says:

    One reason why Harry wanted to see the texts emails etc from the private investigators was to identify the Palace sources who were giving information to NGN. This was a major reason for pushing this case to the court door. He now has this information. Harry has personal knowledge of these people and had the case gone to trial he could have named them in court. This was an added element to NGN’s desperation to settle out of court with the unprecedented inclusion of public apologies and admissions.

    Harry now has proof of Palace complicity in what was criminal activity.

  24. Over it says:

    I use to think that I had the same level of dislike for all these gutter rats British media and the ones in the America who also do their bidding. However I was wrong. I reserved a special spot just for Camel toe the liar and Rebecca English and Richard Eden and piss Morgan . Oh and Hatey what’s her face Nicholas and that other lunatic the American one kingsley who is always on British television on talk tv.seems I was wrong . I despise them all equally. My bad 😃

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    I am going to choose to laugh at their obvious frustration that Harry didn’t come over to pump up their newspaper sales … rather than to give in to my rage over the continuing harassment of H&M by Tominey and company.

    The saltiness is hilarious.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      QuiteContrary, it seems that I read that Harry wasn’t supposed to testify until later in February. I know it’s out there somewhere. It made sense to me because he has Invictus coming up. I suspect the other claimant was scheduled to testify first.

  26. TN Democrat says:

    Good lort. Too bad the emails coordinating Keener’s (weird af) optical shop photo op and Willy’s recent day drinking events with whatever smears the Windsors were planning to plant can’t be hacked. It is going to be a bad look when the left behinds snub Invictus and continue with bs as usual when Harry visits next month. Harry wins by a mile and they keep on punching down.

  27. phlyfiremama says:

    And Harry was stealing ALLLLL of the news headlines away from him, without even trying. 🤣🤣🤣

  28. sammi says:

    Just Checked and Charile is now confirmed RBL Patron. Help for Heroes was the small charity that supported Invictus and did it with donations and no help from RBL or the Royals. As soon as it became famous the RBL took it over. The Poppy factory is in Richmond and they have other big donors. Take a look a the below from 2020 and the money has grown since they sold a beautiful building on Richmond Hill which is now million dollar properties for sale and transferred all the sick and retired vetrans out of their home in this area to a “more suitable” read “cheaper area” out of borough. It was a fantastic venue overlooking the Thames and we attended fund raisers there. Let’s hope they treatt he Invictus participants well this time although I am sure it will be Charlie and Cammiknickers front and centre on the TV and papers.

    How much is the Royal British Legion worth?
    The RBL is the wealthiest of Britain’s ten biggest military charities. Between them, these ten have combined assets of £1.4 billion, plus reserves of £277 million, prompting increasingly angry accusations of ‘cash hoarding’.22 Jan 2020