Naomi Watts writes down her dreams first thing when she wakes up

For the past few years, Naomi Watts has been doing what she can to bring attention to menopause. Naomi, who is now 56, started perimenopause at 36. Since that is still fairly young, Naomi struggled through it alone. At the time, she was trying to have children and was not a candidate for IVF, which added a whole other level of stress. But, she got through it and has been doing her best to raise as much awareness as she can. She even started Stripes, a line of supplemental products for menopausal people.

Naomi’s latest push to normalize conversations about menopause is a book called Dare I Say It: Everything I Wish I’d Known About Menopause, which came out last week. In the book, she talks about her experience with early menopause. She also shares other personal stories, like this one about how her husband Billy Crudup made her feel less self-conscious about wearing a hormone patch by telling her that he has gray hair where the sun don’t shine. To promote the book, Naomi shared her daily routine with People for their latest wellness series. Turns out, she’s a morning person and a competitive Wordle player who drinks her coffee black and keeps a dream journal. From Naomi:

I usually wake up five minutes before my alarm. On a regular day to get the kids out and on their way, my alarm is set to 6:55. I take a lot of time winding down at night but I go straight into my day. I get up on my feet very quickly and start the day with energy.

I’m a natural early bird. My husband Billy [Crudup] is a night person. Usually, I’m up before him and let him sleep.

When I first open my eyes, I might think about a dream I’ve had and write it down. I think what goes on in the night in the unconscious can give you clues, messages that might be helpful for my day’s work. That sounds a bit woo-woo, but I often analyze dreams.

The first thing I attend to is getting my dog Izzy out which often happens earlier than I would like. We’re in New York, in an apartment, and sometimes I’ve been grateful there’s not a paparazzi out there because I am still in my pajamas under a coat and my hair’s everywhere.

Next I try to wake up the kids [Sasha, 17, and Kai, 16]. They definitely take time. I am lucky if I can shove some toast down their throats before they leave. It always feels a bit chaotic in the mornings with teenagers.

I drink black coffee. I used to be a cappuccino girl, but I went straight to black coffee once I moved to America. I have one of those percolator machines and I use Peet’s coffee.

I do a Wordle every morning. I play on a Wordle chain. I’m very competitive with games and we have seven or eight people on our chain. Whoever won the day before gets to choose the word. I like to get that done before 10 a.m.

Exercise sets the day for me. Most of the exercise I do now is strength training. I still like yoga, but mostly I lift weights. Sometimes I go to a gym and sometimes I do it on my own with a video. Keith Anthony is a guy that I met at a class a long time ago. He now has a website and he has recordings, so I just do his videos.

After I exercise, I’ll have boiled eggs or with avocado and tomato, or yogurt with berries and granola. I like to not eat before I exercise.

In the shower I use Hårklinikken Stabilizing Scalp Shampoo. This is a Danish company at the forefront of haircare that a friend recommended to me. My hair is thinning and Hårklinikken’s products create stronger, healthier hair growth. I’ve seen great results and have been using these products for a couple of years.

My post-shower routine tends to be simple. I just put moisturizer on. I love The Power Move by Stripes [Watts’s skincare and beauty company]. It’s really good for sensitive and dry skin.

[From People]

Naomi’s life and routine is basically my yearly New Years’ resolution, lol. I’m not a morning person, but every night, I set my coffee pot to go off at an early time because I resolve to start my day as soon as I wake up to use the restroom instead of crawling back into bed and trying to squeeze in another 30-45 minutes of sleep. I love that she’s disciplined enough to write down her dreams, too. I don’t think that’s “woo-woo” at all. I’ve tried it a couple of times, but it’s never stuck. I did buy one of those “dream dictionary” books a long time ago, though, because I do believe that your dreams are trying to tell you something. I’ve just never been good at figuring out what!

Oh, and I suppose I do have one thing in common with Naomi. I do coffee and Wordle first thing in the morning too (and Connections and Strands and, if I’m in the mood to feel frustrated, The Mini). I’m not that competitive, though. I just do it for the self-satisfaction I get when I guess the right word. Also, I think it’s funny how many celebrities are in competitive Wordle groups. Celebrities, they’re just like us.

Photos credit: JosiahW/Backgrid, IMAGO/RW/Avalon, Roger Wong/INSTARimages

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10 Responses to “Naomi Watts writes down her dreams first thing when she wakes up”

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  1. Sasha says:

    Lol. Awake most of the night (10 years post meno). I do wordle at midnight still on a 378 game streak since I changed phones). I do connections but it’s VERY American so for non Americans it’s far more challenging (we don’t have your products, know your sports, your gov etc). So my longest connections streak isn’t impressive but I have a 79% success rate. I have a plumbed espresso machine that’s on a timer for 8am. Because I’m retired that’s fine.

    • Hannah says:

      Holy smokes. You write you’re 10 years post menopause and still awake most of the night. I’ so sorry. That sounds absolutely hellish

      I thought that was the whole point of going through menopause? Once you’re post menopausal, you get some semblance of normality back …. Like a decent night’s sleep? At the very least. Like your *reward* for making it through kinda thing (sorry, I’m being flippant. I know nothing)

      • Sasha says:

        You don’t technically ‘go through’ menopause (from my understanding) From last period count 12 months, then you’re ‘post meno’. I think the going through bit is really peri. I’m 62 and actually 11 years post meno. I take bio identicals which help but I’m awake often till 5am. I’m wide awake now at midnight. But I was excruciatingly tired all day. Sleep is something I have not worked out. 5 hrs broken sleep is average. Plus I wake up with crazy nightmares often. I know heaps of people with no symptoms tho. I’ve only had awful crazy health issues that I’ve never had before and zero benefits other than not bleeding. I still want to murder people.. Instead of 2 days a month it’s 24/7. Happy days.

      • Sasha says:

        Plus no memory, and a 20kg weight gain and my gp won’t prescribe a semaglutide because (hallelujah 🙄🙄) I don’t have t2 diabetes. Life for me is 20 x worse. The insane health issues which are over a dozen individual things. I’m ready to top myself. Sleep would change my life

  2. Normades says:

    I checked out the hair growth brand she recommended but it’s way out of my price range. Any suggestions for more affordable products/supplements?

    • I too checked it out and would be willing to try the less expensive shampoos and conditioners , but I bet you really need the whole system to get the best results and that’s like a car payment so ….anyone with suggestions for affordable hair growth shampoos-fill me in 😉

    • Celebitchy says:

      I use Surface Awaken. It’s also really expensive, but regular-people expensive. I paid $130 for the whole system and it should last a while. (Update here is the link. It’s an affiliate one but we stopped running Amazon posts because fascism.) My hairdresser recommended it. I just started last week because I didn’t start losing my hair until after my recent hysterectomy. I’ve noticed less hair falling out. Also I’m on an estradiol prescription patch and that helps with the hot flashes so much but it’s hard to get the dosage right.

    • Jan90067 says:

      My nephew’s gf suggested “Prose” shampoo and conditioner and it’s *amazing* (and NOT expensive, considering!). You take a “quiz” so it formulates the product for your needs. I’ve also just started Nutrafol, and took “before” pics, so I’ll let you know. So many people I know have recommended it. Still on the prowl for a *really* good hydrating moisturizer for aging, thinning skin (facial/body), and especially under eye. Having lost a lot of weight, I’m noticing the dryness more.

      I’m also post meno, and getting good sleep and thinning hair are my scourges. Lately, I’m waking up around 4/4:30 (after having trouble going to sleep; I start getting ready for bed around 8:30- leftover from when I had to be up early to take care of my dad). I’ve also started having “sleep paralysis” where you start to wake in your dream, but cannot open your eyes! Scary as sh*t! My research shows it can be caused by stress and anxiety, which I have a lot of right now (going through a very expensive reno).

      Rosie, you might want to try “Letter Box” as well. It’s a lot of fun. My day starts with getting out my iPad, putting up the coffee, then playing solitaire, followed by (in this order, don’t ask me why! lol) Letter Box, Strands, Connections, The Mini, Spelling Bee, and finishing with Wordle. I tried Contexto, but that is just too damned random!

      THEN, I can start my day! lol

  3. Hannah says:

    My g-d, perimenopause at 36 😰 same age I am currently AND then she (Naomi) still endured another 20 years of it 😔 I’m so glad more women are speaking up about perimenopause, menopause and post menopause because I am scared asf

    My mum turns 60 this year and I’ve watched her go through (silent) hell the past 9 or so years. I know she’s battling but I don’t even know where to start to help her