Anna Wintour has offered the Princess of Wales the global covers of Vogue?

Anna Wintour is not only the editor-in-chief of American Vogue, she’s the Global Chief Content Officer for Conde Nast. Various outlets always try to make it sound like Wintour is one bad Vogue cover away from being fired, but if anything, her position within Conde Nast has been massively solidified in the past decade. Vanity Fair is a Conde Nast publication, meaning Wintour arguably signed off on VF’s February cover, a massive hit job on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. So… does that mean that Wintour isn’t interested in doing a Vogue cover with Meghan? And does that mean that Wintour is going all-in on the Windsors? Well, funny that – the Mail claimed this weekend that Wintour has offered the Princess of Wales the “global covers of Vogue.” Hm.

The Princess of Wales has been offered the global covers of Vogue, The Mail on Sunday understands. Anna Wintour, the magazine’s editor-in-chief and the most powerful woman in fashion, is said to have made a personal appeal to her.

The offer – which would allow Kate to choose her own photographer, be in charge of fashion choices and decide whether or not to grant an interview – is said to have been made in the past few days. A source told the Mail on Sunday that Ms Wintour reached out via an intermediary to offer Kate her choice of global Vogue covers, including the US and UK versions.

Kate appeared on the cover of British Vogue in June 2016 to celebrate the magazine’s 100th anniversary. A source said: ‘The princess has come a long way since that first cover. She’s a global fashion icon but she is so much more. Her brave battle against cancer while raising three young children in the public eye makes her a role model to millions. Her story would be an inspiration to so many women going through what she has gone through. She would get to chose which covers she would feature on but the UK and the US would be a given.’

[From The Daily Mail]

That typo was in the original Mail piece – “chose” rather than “choose.” As for the story… eh. I think Wintour has wanted Kate to do Vogue covers before now, just as I believed that there was probably a standing offer for the Duchess of Sussex too. The thing is, I’m pretty sure that most of those cover offers have been contingent on some kind of interview, however basic. Which is probably why Kate has turned them down before. I also think that if Meghan has been offered a Vogue cover and turned it down, that was a mistake on her part. If Kate was smart and this offer is for real, she should totally do it, honestly.

Photos courtesy of Paolo Roversi/Kensington Palace, KP and British Vogue.

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117 Responses to “Anna Wintour has offered the Princess of Wales the global covers of Vogue?”

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  1. Tessa says:

    She dresses like j e c c a on the cover. I honestly don’t want to see keen on ant covers. Enough is enough

    • sevenblue says:

      And I bet if she accepts a new cover, she will dress like Meghan 😭😭 She is single-white-femaling the women she is intimidated by.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        Maybe the Meghan style would suit her better. The Jecca esthetic does her face no favours.

      • Ads says:

        It’s like she isn’t consciously aware of copying the women she is most threatened by. It almost makes me feel sorry for her.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Ads, I don’t think that is true. There was a quote from her team, saying that Meghan is gonna be so jealous of Kate when she attended an event, dressed like Meghan. You don’t unconsciously copy another woman’s style, wardrobe together with their accessories. This white woman is crazy in a very traditional sense. We should stop infantilizing her, saying she doesn’t know what she is doing. She knows, she enjoys it.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      She is encouraged to copy dress because what else is there to say about her? Um, nothing. Now that Meg has her show launch in March, they are scrambling to create some distraction for the right timing. Losers.

      Anyway, I find it so funny that they say “She’s a global fashion icon but she is so much more.” First of all she is no fashion icon except for that wedding dress over a decade ago. Second, she is so much more, but they can put down in writing anything else her almost-there-pre-cancer last year.

      The excerpts of the interview will be funnny: more empty salad of words which will mean fck all. lol joke.

      They are overbanking on cancer it’s going to backlash real fast.

      • Dee says:

        Her wedding dress was a copy, too. Princess Margaret’s dress with embroidery on the skirt and lace sleeves. Even copied the boob darts.

      • Olivia says:

        There are many women out there who battle cancer every day, without benefit of wealth and privilege to get through it.
        I give her credit for going through the ordeal (whatever it was, since they’re not talking about it), but, no, she’s not a “role model” for those who must go through treatment, and also figure out how to keep food on the table, care for children, and run a household on a limited budget. THEY should be a role model for HER.

      • Caitlin says:

        Had to laugh (and gag at the same time!) at the reference to “global fashion icon”. I mean really?

      • earth2 says:

        Her wedding dress was a cheap knockoff of Grace Kelly, and a direct knockoff of Isabella Orsini, who married Prince Edouard de Ligne (Belgium) two years before the W&K wedding.

  2. Smarty-pants says:

    This is a reward for the cancer story?

    • Shanta says:

      Part of the “divorce” contract. She’s now allowed to control her image. Look for her to do more Meghan type of things… being paped buying glasses….next will be flowers…..going to a bakery…. Any thing that Meghan would do. She can’t wait until Meghan’s show airs😩

      • Swaz says:

        I wouldn’t be surprised if she tells Anna Wintour that “WITH LOVE, KATE “ is dropping on March 3rd 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Lady Esther says:


  4. Me at home says:

    If Kate is on the fence, it might be because she wonders if this would go down as well as the rumored BAFTA appearance. She risks more pushback on the branding that she’s a celebrity not someone who takes work seriously, and that she’s still too “frail” to actually work despite that skiing trip. IMO the only way this could work for her is if she demands a significant contribution to a cancer or other charity as her “fee.”

    • sunnyside up says:

      Yes she really needs to be doing more for Cancer now she is in remission, it isn’t as if she has to hold down a job to put food down on the table for her children.

  5. Noor says:

    What a boo boo. Imagine presumptuously announcing your offer for a Vogue cover to a future Queen. If the Palace and Kate has any commonsense, she would turn them down .

    • Ads says:

      If the story is true and was leaked, it will have been leaked by Kate’s people, not by Anna. Anna is not brand new. She wouldn’t be so gauche.

      • Christine says:

        BP probably told her she couldn’t do it, so of course mommy/KP had to run out and leak that it was offered. This is such a bizarre thing to report on, is there gossip for who is going to be on the next cover of Vogue, like, ever? Doesn’t it just come out, like all magazines?

  6. Eurydice says:

    It would be a get because Kate is the future queen, but I can’t imagine that Anna actually thinks she’s a global fashion icon – otherwise, we’d be seeing the world draped in coatdresses. But the interview would be interesting – if Kate is to be an “inspiration to millions” then she can’t get away with the ever-changing Cancer Story. She’ll have to come up with something concrete that makes sense.

    • Gabby says:

      A long-overdue homage to the world of dreary coatdresses in EVERY color.
      If one is good, ten is better and its only taxpayer money anyway.

      • Eurydice says:

        Lol, like Pantone Merkel and her jackets of many colors.

      • Nanea says:

        @Euriydice: at least Pantone Merkel has achived quite a few things in her life, like a doctorate in quantum chemistry and being the elected Chancellor of the most populous country of the EU for 16 years.

        And she always admitted she didn’t do fashion, but preferred something that was comfortable.

        (… and my whole family never voted for her party because it’s well known that the C in ‘Christian Democratic Union’ stands for *corrupt*, even if she wasn’t nearly as bad as the guy now wanting to become chancellor)

      • kirk says:

        Nanea – ITA. Another thing Ms Merkel did, for the world, during a global pandemic was actually explain the logic of a lockdown strategy in terms of infection rate to an unsophisticated public. Who cares about the color of her jacket?

    • Nerd says:

      Yeah, I don’t think Anna sees her as a global icon because if she did we would have heard about her praising her looks years ago. She would have featured her more often and more prominently. Kate’s looks are too drab to be seen as iconic or fashionable. As you said, no one is walking around in coat dresses because coat dresses aren’t fashionable, especially across the globe.

    • BeanieBean says:

      @Eurydice: as to your comment re an interview, as I mentioned further below, that’s why it will never happen. She can’t speak to having a ‘cancer journey’; it was all a lie. Real questions, from real reporters–not rota rats–would totally sink her. She can’t do it, she just can’t.

  7. lanne says:

    I think a Vogue cover is in Meghan’s future, but it’s all about timing. Right now, if Kate does a cover, all the media in the UK will be crowing about…Meghan (ha ha Meghan Kate’s on Vogue!) Which is trashy and just pulls focus from kate anyway.

    Meghan could do a Vogue cover in 2026–my guess is that Wintour will have to give a cover to Ivanka or Melania this time around. Let Kate be caught up with the obligatory “bend the knee” covers. When Meghan does hers eventually, (which will be a best seller), let it be with zero mention of the royal family–don’t even call her Duchess of Sussex–(maybe call her Princess of Nigeria instead!)

    • Jais says:

      The way the Mail understands that Kate was offered a cover, like Kaiser said, it could’ve also been a standing offer for Kate that was issued a while back. But maybe KP recently decided to take them up on it so it’s being framed as the offer was just made. Don’t suppose KP could get a quick turnaround for a March cover…

    • Dee(2) says:

      I agree she should do it as just Meghan. A good time would be after the Netflix series and launch of ARO. That way it can solely be about present and future and they can’t try to sneak in stuff about her time on that Island and that family.

      • CarrieV says:

        The wording I read in the Daily Fail was that Kate had approached Vogue. Not the other way around.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @CarrieV: I swear, that’s what I saw, too. Sometimes I browse the DM just to see what new inanity they’ve come up with. (I love to listen to the Daily Fail podcast, not the least of which is their glee over the DM/DFs pitiful copyediting skills.). And I was pretty sure they said Kate offered, at which I snorted.

    • Annie says:

      Vogue covers usually coincide with an event for celebs, unless you’re a model.
      I honestly expected one what with the release of MWL on Jan 15. I understand the show was postponed but print cover dates are not that easily shifted so if it was in the works it would’ve been out but i suppose the intention was the VF story to coincide with the show.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Melania ain’t getting a cover, nor is Ivanka. Not while Anna Wintour still draws breath.

      • Libra says:

        I wouldn’t be too sure of that. This time around, Trump is bolder, more threatening and in full dictator mode. If he wants Melania on me cover, he will make Anna Wintour an offer she can’t refuse.

  8. Tessa says:

    Kate should get a makeover if she gets this assignment beginning with a new hairstyle and shoulder length. That ultra long hair with wig let’ drags down her appearance.

  9. Jais says:

    She would have freedom to choose her own photographer and be in charge of her fashion choices….lol okay that would be kind of funny. The only reason why she wouldn’t is bc the BM and RF like to pretend the royals are not celebrities and screech about how Meghan is too Hollywood. So after all that, yeah this would be hypocritical but when has that ever stopped them.

    • seaflower says:

      I highly doubt she’d be given those freedoms. AW likes to have control over the quality of the work.

      • Jais says:

        True but do u think AW was super in favor of Kate’s last cover with the hat that didn’t even sell that well? So yeah, there might be more control this time.

      • Nic919 says:

        That was British Vogue and Anna is not directly running that one. And they did let Kate direct too much of it which is why the shoot was boring as hell.

    • BeanieBean says:

      But that’s what happened in 2016–that hat & etc., were Kate’s choices–and it was one of their worst-selling covers, right?

      • Jais says:

        That’s why I’m laughing at the DM saying she’ll have control over the fashion choices. I almost want to see what that would mean. Would it be some Victorian cosplay? QE2 cosplay? Something like princess di’s famous testino shoot? Or a black and white up-close of her face like Meghan did with VF? I agree with others that she should go full evil queen or dynasty as she did at Philips funeral and the coronation. She should just go full-on coat dress and silly hat. Why not?

      • Josie says:

        As long as Kate adds that huge pink bow to everything she wears, I’ll be in heaven. No fashion follower can get enough of it. Is it the same bow, just re-attached each wearing with a safety pin? I have to know!

  10. Advisor2U says:

    Kate has zero understanding of fashion, she is not a fashion icon, her MO is to copy (QE/DM). And her Little House on the Prairie’/stepford wife coat-dress style is not inspirational to today’s/ young women. Those Vogue issues will flop for sure.

    • Deering24 says:

      If Kate’s covers always sell badly, why would Wintour do this?

      • Chrissy says:

        Because she’s a Royalist and an acquaintance of Charles’, shrug?

      • Deering24 says:

        Ah, cost of doing business. Had no idea AW was a royalist…or cared. Though one can argue she has her own unassailable kingdom… 😈😎

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 well no one will buy that issue..I needed a good laugh today.

    • Tessa says:

      The issues would linger on newsstand for a week then discarded with few sold. Kate lacks star power and appeals to those who don’t like meghan.

    • Ginger says:

      When she did VOGUE the last time it didn’t sell well so why offer her another cover? She isn’t a fashion icon at all. No one wants to wear coast dresses. Her style now is all Meghan.

  12. Mslove says:

    She’s a role model to gold diggers. Why would normal people look up to this billionaire? She lives a life of luxury and never worries about paying bills or buying food. She barely works. She mooches off the taxpayers. But sure, let’s put her on a magazine cover. Why not.

    • First comment says:

      Didn’t you know? She’s so brave and courageous after dealing with cancer, precancerous cells, chemo, in her “lonely ” mansion “away from all the peasants. She’s an actual saint according to tabloids…

    • Robert Phillips says:

      They should put her Melania and Ivanka all on the cover at the same time. And then fill the magazine with gold digger stories. That would sell for sure.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    Is this new article another version of Meghan’s going to be an brand ambassador for Dior? That’s the vibe I’m getting. If Kate is offered a Vogue cover she will be expected to give an interview and I don’t think she will agree to that.

    • First comment says:

      Why not? An interview with a friendly reporter and the questions (and the answers) made in advanced? I can see that happen …it’s the only way to control and protect their narrative. God knows Kate can’t cope in a live discussion or interview.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @First comment: Because Kate doesn’t give interviews and I think if she ever does give she will be expected to her first in depth interview to the British press before she gives one to Vogue.

      • sunnyside up says:

        She can talk about how much she talks about early years.

    • Ginger says:

      When she did Vogue last time she didn’t give an interview.

      • First comment says:

        Didn’t she give an interview back in 2019 where she talked about her children and how she felt she owed the people photos of her and the children as soon as she was released from the hospital after their birth? I remember it because it was an obvious dig for Meghan…and I think that a written interview can be controlled, that’s why I find it quite possible.

      • Ginger says:

        She said that for some podcast. Her Vogue cover was done in 2016

    • Advisor2U says:

      A 100% True. She’s a muted woman; not interested, not worldly. What would she be talking about in longer than 5 minutes?

      Compared to other royal heir’s wives/queens (to be), etc. all over the world (e.g. Europe, Middle East, Africa)- who are highly educated and accomplished women, who speaks many languages, who speak at world conferences/the UN, who hold meaningful international ambassadorships – Kate at 43 is a disgrace and an embarrassment to what a woman in her position out to be (doing).

    • Robert Phillips says:

      I don’t think KP or BP will agree to that. I’m sure Kate thinks she could do a great interview.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I really wish she would & that she’d get a real journalist. I need somebody to ask her what she meant when she said the doctors at RM ‘walked quietly alongside her’ or some such nonsense. What does that mean??? Why didn’t one of those cancer patients say, ‘I’m sorry? I don’t quite understand; could you expand on that?’ Or something!

  14. Lala11_7 says:

    If this happens…perhaps it will be Wintour’s “last hurrah”…

    It’s time.

  15. ShazBot says:

    If she does it, I hope she leans into the evil ice queen vibe. The absolute best pictures she has ever taken were at the Queen’s funeral and the coronation when she looked like the mirror just told her Snow White was the fairest of them all.


  16. aquarius64 says:

    This would be a stupid move by Kate and KP. People on SM and content creators will bring the receipts of British Vogue cover Meghan guest edited, which was one of the magazine’s best sellers. Meghan’s philanthropy will bring brought out and compared Kate’s lack of work. I’m also curious about the sales of VF hit piece. Did it make any money, if not, Kate’s mug on the cover will help? She barely gets clicks unless Meghan is in the story. At the end of the day magazine’s are about making money.

    • Tina says:

      That was my thought as well. It just wouldn’t sell that great in the US (unless I’m missing the massive interest in Kate). In this market is Vogue going to just take a loss to gain some access to KP? I mean maybe? But we’ve just had a handful of People and Hello mag covers which essentially all say the same thing and I don’t get the sense that people are that interested. She has been out in public since Trooping in June.

    • Nic919 says:

      The fact that the Vogue UK cover with Kate was the 100th anniversary special and still sold less than the September issue shows Kate doesn’t garner much interest. And that was before Meghan arrived when Kate’s popularity was probably at its highest.

      Globally most people don’t care about Kate. The missing story caught interest because it was weird, but beyond that no one follows what she does in the same way Meghan is followed. And this is despite the fact that the British media acts as her PR.

      The only way that she would make that issue a best seller would be if there was a divorce and she did a post divorce interview. But at this point she is British Melania, turning a blind eye to everything to keep access to money.

      • Jais says:

        So technically a cover with vogue alluding to the missing princess rumors might sell decent? Maybe idk. And then once inside the propaganda could begin if KP could get their message strait. They could scold the public more for wondering what in the heck was happening with the frankenphoto mess last year. I could see why Kate or KP would want that.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Jais: Kate’s not capable of maintaining that deceit throughout an interview. There’d be more of that post-interview cleanup we’ve been seeing after the infusion room visit.

      • Jais says:

        True. But sometimes an interview is just Vogue sending questions and a pr person at KP sending back answers. That said, KP rarely seems like some kind of brain trust but they could accomplish that. Not saying they could do it well, but they could do it easily.

  17. MY3CENTS says:

    So when is Meghan’s show coming g out? March? I guess we can expect a cover then.

  18. Lightpurplekk says:

    This is Anna Wintour trolling the Trump women

  19. Well she isn’t smart and she wouldn’t give an honest or coherent interview. If she is allowed to pick what she wants to wear then that’s a whole other disaster.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Besides the fact that she mumbles and overdoes all the filler words, even if she projected her voice a little, that would be an improvement. I struggle to understand her.

  20. Magdalena says:

    I get the feeling that someone has heard that Meghan may be about to be on the cover of a Vogue issue and this is the Middleton team’s pre-emptive public request that Khate gets (another) one too – she is still desperate for “global” recognition/praise, or them setting the stage to claim that M is tawdry for accepting the offer whereas “queenly Khate” turned it down.

    But it is just as likely that this “cover” was part of the plan to “overshadow” the launch of M’s Netflix series – Plan B as it were. If true, I’ll also view it as part of a plan to overshadow Invictus, because they are always seeking a way to do that. It won’t work, but they will certainly keep trying.

    • Ginger says:

      I was thinking the same thing that Meghan may be on a cover for Vogue and they are trying to make it seem like they really wanted Kate but she turned them down and Meghan is second choice.

  21. Cathy says:

    Considering it’s known that magazines with Kate’s face on the cover don’t sell I doubt Anna is offering Kate the cover on either Vogue US or Vogue UK.

    Does this story belong in the file called ‘Stuff DM makes up?”

  22. Kittenmom says:

    Global fashion icon 😹🤣😹🤣😹🤣

    Ok boomer

    • QuiteContrary says:


    • BeanieBean says:

      Ok, here’s the obligatory pushback from a Boomer. I’d never even heard of this thing called a coat dress until I read about the Ladies Who Lunch by—Capote? Colacello? Dominick Duane?–in Vanity Fair or Vogue 20-ish years ago. The article had lots of B/W photos. That particular ‘fashion’ item I immediately categorized as belonging to older women–i.e., older than myself, so women my mother’s age, born during the Depression. Not Boomer. We’re the bell bottoms, peasant shirt, and long straight hair contingent.

      • Yvette says:

        @BeanieBean … I knew about coat dresses because First Lady Jackie Kennedy wore them with those ‘pill hats’ she made famous.

        I just Googled and was surprised to learn that Conde Nast owns these popular publications: Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, GQ, and Wired. I am equally surprised that poorly researched Vanity Fair hit piece on Meghan was allowed. Just like the poorly hit piece by the Hollywood Reporter. I just don’t get it.

  23. Lady Digby says:

    This could be part of their strategy to relaunch FQ is she is indeed returning to public life. Both W and K aren’t keen on getting out there amongst the unwashed but glossy magazine covers, home videos and twitter platitudes do seem their preferred option instead of bread and butter royal engagements.

  24. kelleybelle says:

    Well that’s an issue I won’t be buying. In fact I’ll turn it around on the local newsstand, tee hee.

  25. tamsin says:

    Wonder what the impetus for this “story” at this particular time.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Is it possible Anna saw the footage and photos of a haggard KM visiting The Marsden last week and thought ….. mmm, would be something different for us to feature ‘cancer survivor not afraid to show the world’. That type of thing?

  26. Ads says:

    We know Meghan was offered the cover of British Vogue back in 2019, but chose instead to highlight inspirational women as guest editor. Whilst I understand why she declined being on the cover, I agree it was a mistake. The tabloids would have framed it as her being self-centred or vain, but they were always going to criticise her no matter what. I hope she is done with appeasing haters. If Kate has been offered Vogue US and UK covers she will 100% take it. She would not turn that down right now. Not in a million years.

    • Deering24 says:

      No, it was the smart play. Meghan established that she was about philanthropy and highlighting good causes, not being glamourous. The fact that the BM got so furious over that issue says everything. And ITA a solo cover would have given the BM endless “she’s vain!” copy.

      • Josie says:

        I agree. Meghan’s way too smart to fall into that superficial trap. Her fashion choices are to uplift aspiring designers, not show how ‘glamorous’ she is. Her support for other women’s emerging businesses is legendary. She’s naturally generous and thoughtful.

      • Barb Mill says:

        Yet Meghan was still criticized for not including the Queen on the cover. I don’t remember if they included Kate also.

  27. NikkiK says:

    I certainly hope not. There is nothing remotely interesting about Kate. Nothing. She’s so bland and basic and just there. At least Pippa seems to have a spark of personality. But Kate and James are both so dull. There’s no there there. It’s insulting that the British Press keeps trying to make her something she is not. She’s no Diana. She’s not even Fergie.

    I find it even more insulting as a Black woman, because there are so many amazing Black women and other women of color doing amazing things and they constantly get overlooked and the press insists on pushing bland and mediocre white women as the pinnacle of success, beauty, achievement, etc etc. I mean Meghan is mixed race and is right there. But we all know that’s why she was hated; she had it.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Meghan was better than Kate, she is hard working, charismatic and most of all she cares, always has done. Kate only does charity work because the late Queen told he to.

  28. Kim says:

    Do you really believe outside the UK that many people have an interest in empty-shell Kate?

  29. BeanieBean says:

    I am sure Kate right now is a big ‘get’; everybody wants a sit-down with her to hear her story, her ‘cancer journey’. Which is why it will never happen. Kate would never be able to keep up the facade, remember all her lies, answer any specific questions.

  30. Nano says:

    Funny thing this, she DID NOT battle cancer in the public eye. She was VERY much hidden from view. I don’t believe it was cancer either, I think it was mental health issues…the pressures of being married to an egotistical, petty, jealous, lazy idiot must’ve gotten to her.

  31. Miss Scarlett says:

    They would just get more boring Jecca-inspired photos like her last cover.

    Queen Mary’s Vogue covers are always so chic and interesting. Tiaras! Ball gowns! Jewels! But always in an artistic way.

    Kate should take a leaf out of that book, because I dare say her last cover flopped. No one wants to see a princess in jeans and a Breton top

    • Convict says:

      Mary of Denmark is as shallow as a puddle-always has been. She was on the make in Sydney before she met and stalked Fred. There is nothing of substance going on in her mind, but she puts on a good show. I suppose readers of Vogue want an ostentatious display of unearned wealth from parasitic royals. But the general public would be repulsed – or ought to be. Kate’s photoshoot reflected modesty, even if it is disingenuous.

    • earth2 says:

      What, the laughable photo shoot of Mary in Edwardian costume talking about her love of riding horses, when she’d never been on one before settling for drunk Fred (after hitting on Felipe and Niko in the pub)?

      Yes, Mary is shallow. She’s the OG Kate Middleton. Fred cheated on his long-time girlfriend with her, went back to the girlfriend for months afterward. He has cheated on her for 2+ decades, and she’s openly accepted it in exchange for a title. Not exactly a great role model for anything, including her extravagant and over-expensive wardrobe.

      • Sasha says:

        Don’t know how this thread became Mary.

        That’s a lot! I know her supposed issues but at least she works, doesn’t embarrass people and isn’t violent in public. Like her or not, she actually does the job she’s paid for incl 4 kids. Or however many. So what if she stalked him. He had millions of choices and still chose her. Her wanting it and actually learning good Danish – what’s wrong with that? Who else would do that? Not kitty kat.. Wanting the job matters. Kitty only wanted the title. Mary isn’t perfect but she’s damn good

      • earth2 says:

        Fred proposed to her only after Margrethe told the press they were getting married. Mama decided to force him to settle down, except he never did.

        Mary works less than 90 days a year, spends a ridiculous amount of taxpayer money, and has her nose so high up in the air she’d drown in a rainstorm. Not embarrass people? How about her lying about StarMakers and getting slapped down by them, because she was convinced they wouldn’t challenge her lies.

        Mary didn’t want Fred or the job. She wanted the title, the credit card, the unearned adulation. So what if she learned Danish. So did Alexandra (who spoke 4 or more languages) and Marie (who speaks five). Maxima speaks six and learned Dutch in two years – which is a harder language than Danish.

        Mary is one of the least impressive of the married-in consorts, having made absolutely nothing of herself before marriage. She chased down a cheater and decided to trade her self-respect for a title and a lifestyle she could never earn. She’s just another Middleton, putting up with a cheating husband because she wants to wear tiaras.

  32. Cottage Cat says:

    Can we all get this straight? A mediocre, under-achieving commoer compromised the naive “heir to the throne”. The end.