Oh, now Princess Kate spent much of 2024 recuperating in Bucklebury?

Remember when the Princess of Wales went missing for months at a time last year? Remember what we were told repeatedly? That Kate was recovering at Adelaide Cottage, the four-bedroom house on the Royal Windsor estate, and that she was living simply with her husband and children and don’t ask questions about medical staff or home nurses or anything like that? Now that we’re in 2025, we continue to hear what Kate was “actually” doing during that time. Suddenly, we were told that, actually, she was being smuggled into the Royal Marsden Hospital for chemotherapy, without her husband, mother, sister or friends to keep her company. We’re also being told that, actually, Kate probably did most of her recovery in Bucklebury, at her parents’ manor home?

Following her chemotherapy treatment last year, Princess Kate has confirmed she is now in remission. When she wasn’t resting in Windsor, the Princess of Wales, 43, is said to have spent some of her recovery last year at parents Carole and Michael Middleton’s £4.2million countryside pad. Bucklebury Manor is located in Berkshire, which is around a 45 minute drive from Kate’s home with Prince William, Adelaide Cottage, so was handy for the royal mum-of-three.

Royal expert Ingrid Seward told Fabulous: “The Middleton house is gorgeous. I think it is an old manor house. It’s got a lot of grounds. I think it’s got its own stream going through it. Tennis courts, I mean, typically Middleton. They’ve made it absolutely gorgeous. Bucklebury is a really, really pretty place to be. It’s got great avenues of oak trees, so yes, I can imagine that Kate would have a great time there, and she’s got her mum to look after her as well.”

Carole and Michael bought Bucklebury Manor in 2012 and it has a number of impressive features. Perfect for Kate’s recovery, the grade-II listed Georgian property boasts seven bedrooms, five reception rooms – including a drawing room and library – and 18 acres of land complete with a tennis court and outdoor swimming pool.

Ingrid added: “The Middletons are very, a very tight knit family, and they all seem to support each other, which is how Kate was brought up, which is probably why she’s so stable and able to deal with whatever life throws at her, and I think they all get together, and they play games like a very old fashioned family they’ve got. They play tennis. They swim. They’re very, very sporty, but of course Kate wouldn’t have been able to be very sporty, so I think she just would have played a lot of sort of family games and been in the bosom of the family, and I think we saw a bit of it in the video that Kate and William put out last summer. I think that is very much Kate’s home life which she’s, you know, tried to recreate in her own life.”

[From The Sun]

If you remember, I theorized this from the start of the whole “Kate Missington” saga. I said she wasn’t even in Windsor most of the time – she was either in Norfolk, at Anmer Hall, or at Middleton Manor in Bucklebury. It just didn’t make any sense that Kate was supposedly recuperating from abdominal surgery – not to mention a course of chemotherapy – at the relatively cramped Adelaide Cottage. If Kate was camped out in Bucklebury for a large chunk of 2024, that would also explain that weird TMZ photoshoot with Carole and Kate in the car, remember that? Remember how Kensington Palace was so pissed that those photos got out? Because it ruined the storyline that Kate was basically on bed rest in Windsor.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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64 Responses to “Oh, now Princess Kate spent much of 2024 recuperating in Bucklebury?”

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  1. You were right!! So if that is the case then why was Can’t so alone during her chemo? If she was at bucklebury with mom and dad why didn’t one of them go with her? Remember that Peg was doing the raising of the children and couldn’t do any events so you would think mom or dad could go with her. So many holes in all these stories.

    • Andy Dufresne says:

      So many holes because she never was sick to begin with. Note to KP comms: if you’re gonna lie, might as well be consistent with it, otherwise just spill the beans.

      • KFG says:

        I think bullyboy hurt her. She has a huge scar on her eye that wasn’t there before. I think she was with the midds negotiating her separation and financial support because I think she’s actually scared of bulliam. I don’t believe the C story bc she keeps saying ish that is in opposition to normal treatment care. I fear for her though.

      • bananapanda says:

        I have family and friends who’ve gone through chemo in past 5 yrs – Kate does not look like someone who has been through even the mildest of treatments. Radiation knocks out your energy and chemo impacts your weight, sleep, hair, skin and focus.

        I thought she’d had fibroid surgery then took advantage since rumors last year (Feb? March?) were that in December Wills declared for divorce and Kate might have hurt herself and/or had a breakdown.

    • Lala11_7 says:

      @Andy….ALL OF THAT!

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Sooo many holes. But basically consistent with how the Wailses have always operated – chaotically, contradictory, bizarrely, via leaks to the press, copy-catting the Sussexes, and lying through their teeth.

      Andy – it’s wild too because we all know the rota rats know the truth about W&K’s relationship and what really happened in December of 2023 and all of last year. Where Kate really was and why Will looked like death warmed over (and/or drunk) several times in public. I just can’t wait for them to finally spill the beans.

    • Adventurous says:

      And the whole idea of having to do the school run was debunked years ago.
      My guess is that William was the cancer and that he still needs treatment. Billy the Basher strikes again

      • sunnyside up says:

        I have always wondered if it were William who had the Cancer and the RF didn’t want to world to know, because of the succession.

    • koro says:

      Regarding being alone during chemo, and as a former chemo patient, I took her remarks about being alone to mean that she was in a private room receiving the drips rather than out in the ward with the hoi polloi, so she missed out on the camaraderie that develops when you’re all going through hell together.

      • In the infusion center I went to there were two rooms that were private and they were for the very sick who had many issues and usually came by private medical transport. Everyone who first started going there were told that’s what they were for upfront . I agree about the comraderie. I met some really interesting people and it was nice getting to share stories of what you had and just everyday life.

      • TheOriginalMia says:

        I missed out on the camaraderie of chemo therapy. I was in my own cubicle receiving care. Usually knocked out on Benadryl. The only constants were my nurses, not any of the other patients.

      • We just had curtains to separate but was up to us if we wanted them closed. I always kept mine open and those who did the same were lovely to talk to to pass the time. Those who wanted theirs closed well they just wanted it that way and that was fine too. Yes I was loaded up with Benadryl and steroids but it never made me too sleepy to talk lol. The nursing staff were all wonderful I didn’t meet any that I did not like.

    • SarahCS says:

      Not to mention that she could have had her treatment ‘at home’ based on the services provided by the hospital.

      • V says:

        KP said “Kate received treatment with nurses at home in private!” AND. William released the frankinphoto… not Kate though he made her apologize for it… they were not together. KP said “only visitor she had at the hospital was the king once…”. And it was a different hospital…. Remember the hospital had someone try to get her records… different hospital! Try to find any articles about Kate from Feb-April on Google…. It’s been scrubbed.

  2. Amy Bee says:

    I think she had her treatment at Apartment 1A.

    • Chloe says:

      But if she was in london all this time she certainly would have been seen? If not by a Brit/ local then at least by a tourist.

  3. aquarius64 says:

    Why are they leaking Kate was recuperating at her family’s home? Payback for the Waleses stepping on Charles’ news cycle for the Holocaust Remembrance? I was kind of expecting it but wow.

    • Adventurous says:

      I think they had a poorly laid out plan to launch the same old media attacks at Harry and Meghan to coincide with her show, and now that it’s been delayed they’re trying to fill in the comments section with whatever they can get. Kate’s column comments average at about 350, Willam 175, Charles 250, Harry and Meghan always average in the thousands.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Mind you it is Meghan’s detractors who are responsible for the media producing all those column inches, if they stopped clicking on the stories they would soon go away.

    • Megan says:

      So Kate was playing Parchisi during family game night at Middleton Manor? These stories are getting more and more ridiculous.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, same. Why are they telling us this?

  4. Eurydice says:

    Oh for heaven’s sake. This is becoming the text version of the Frankenphoto – which piece is real and which is fake.

    • SarahCS says:

      It is, and I’m quite enjoying it!

    • ML says:

      😂😂 I love the fact that IS brought up swimming and tennis, then realized that K would probably not be actively playing if recovering from major abdominal surgery and chemotherapy. Whoops!

      Just noting this: If K was in Bucklebury, even for part time cancer recovery, that is not convenient if she were treated at the Royal Marsden Hospital.
      A. Did she have cancer?
      B. In addition to whatever she initially had?
      C. If so, where was she treated?

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yeah, loved that ‘but of course Kate wouldn’t be doing any of those things’; oopsie! I would imagine swimming would be out for a certain amount of time after surgery (for my hip replacement it was three weeks), and perhaps not at all if one has a stoma or a port, right? Not sure.

        I, too, am enjoying the twists & turns in this story! What will they reveal next? 🤔

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    Oh, I see, it’s okay for the Middletons to live in a house with 5(!!) reception rooms on 18 acres with streams and tennis courts and a swimming pool and all the rest…but not Meghan. Got it.

    And, umm, Kate’s family is so close that no one accompanied her to chemo or visited her when she was in the hospital for a month after surgery?? And Kate is so stable that she has no sense of self and single white females her mother in law, sister in law, and the old queen? And now she supposedly is planning to stalk Harry half way around the world? That doesn’t scream “stable” to me.

    Ingrid needs to crawl back under her rock.

  6. Harla says:

    So…Kate and the kids decamped to Middleton Manor but William still couldn’t be bothered to do any work for months because…checks notes…he was taking care of Kate and driving the kids to school?? Can anyone make it make sense?

    • sunnyside up says:

      Don’t these writers realise that they have just criticised William for hardly working last year, what was he doing when Kate was with her mother and why did she do the chemo without any support.

      • I think there are three camps: Chuckles is one and Peg is two and Carol and Can’t are the third. They all have agendas. They will step on whoever’s toes at any time to get their agendas in the public.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    No wonder that media can get away with so much. They’re just blatantly lying and it’s a shrug. There’s been about five or six different storylines since this time last year. Planned abdominal surgery, cancer found, chemotherapy started, cancer no longer found, precancerous cells were the only thing found, cancer in remission.

    Recuperating in windsor, recuperating in Norfolk and swimming in the ocean and visiting chocolate shops, recuperating in buckleberry with her family, spending all her time with her husband which is why he can’t work, being very lonely because no one’s with her doing chemotherapy, spending all her time with her close knit family and children.

    And this is just what I remember off the top of my head. I’m sure there were a bunch of other storylines along the way. Just tell the truth, it’s hardly like anyone is going to hold them account obviously.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Good assessment of the various editions of the Kate Cancer Story. Why do they feel the need to keep adding bullshit after contradictory bullshit to it, I’ll never understand. Who asks for this? This chapter should have been closed after the Teva commercial video.

  8. smee says:

    For a moment, I thought someone had dressed her better, but then I saw she was wearing mismatched blacks and a duster ……..

  9. Kathgal says:

    I always thought that was Pippa in the car with Carole.

  10. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    Why even lie about this? It wouldn’t be weird for her to be recovering from surgery and chemo with family. They just keep making these totally unforced errors.

  11. Otterton says:

    It’s entertaining how much the “reporter” fawns over how wonderful and lovely Bucklebury is, how comfortable, with amazing grounds! A stream! Tennis courts! Unlike oh say, the multiple freaking palaces she has access to, or her giant freaking house she owns, or the huge apartment in London at Kensington Palace. I mean, jeezus, it’s not like the rest of the time she lives in a council flat! These people are ridiculous.

  12. QuiteContrary says:

    This is one of the dumbest sentences in the history of sentences:
    “They’re very, very sporty, but of course Kate wouldn’t have been able to be very sporty, so I think she just would have played a lot of sort of family games and been in the bosom of the family.”

    • Smart&Messy says:

      She realized mid sentence that she is writing about someone bravely fighting cancer,not someone taking a sabbatical.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Or to put it another way, they haven’t the faintest idea what she was doing.

    • Blithe says:

      I think this is the kind of sentence one gets when you do voice-to-text in the car — and don’t bother to actually read the text before sending it in. It’s wild to see that someone could “write”: “…played a lot of sort of…” in a sentence — and get paid for it.

      • BeanieBean says:

        And what are ‘sort of’ family games anyway, especially when one is in the ‘bosom of one’s family’???

  13. Becks1 says:

    I’m half laughing, half just scratching my head in bewilderment.

    Was William by her side for her entire cancer journey or not? Why did not a single Middleton – even though they are so close – go to visit her in the hospital? I thought she was so close her children and can’t be apart from them for a single breakfast or tucking in at night -but she was at her parents for extended periods? If she was in bucklebury, how was she getting to the hospital for regular cancer treatments?

    I dont know who is putting out these stories – maybe KP, maybe BP to try to poke holes in KP’s stories, maybe they’re just completely made up – but the fact that we keep getting different versions of what Kate was doing over the last 12 months and where she was is very…….well, interesting. If you’re telling the truth you don’t need to keep changing the story.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      If it’s just one of their hagiographers making up a story, they should stop. They are not helping the propaganda at all.

    • Nic919 says:

      There was some discussion that kate was at Buckleberry following the hospital stay during the time no one had seen her last year. The locals would be able to confirm because when kate stays at her parents, they close up trails near by and the RPOs are obvious.

      Of course the rota was pretending that this wasn’t the case, but it’s possible William was with the kids and not Kate since Adelaide is much closer to school than Buckleberry. And there was a brief mention that nanny Maria was helping because of Kate’s health issues.

      Williams comment about Filipino nurses remains out there but it’s likely they were helping Kate with whatever treatment she was getting.

      • Jais says:

        So if Kate was mostly in bucklebury for a good amount of time then it’s possible that William really was doing some of the school runs😂. I will never believe that he has to do them all bc it’s sends a message of oh no someone’s a bad parent if they don’t do alllllll the school runs. Which fuck off. Very few people have the life and time that William does. But it’s just funny bc I wonder if all the school run references was some weird fight bw William and Kate playing out in the press.

  14. anotherlily says:

    There is an assumption that Kate was treated at one of Royal Marsden’s NHS sites in London. However there are four Royal Marsden private care sites in and around London including a day treatment centre. Royal Marsden NHS and Royal Marsden Private Care are two completely separate entities.

    • Nic919 says:

      I suspect that’s what happened. It was private care because there is no way Kate would not have been seen at the main London centre. The staff might keep quiet but other patients aren’t obliged to.

    • Convict says:

      It’s the same in Sydney, Australia. Two of our major, most well-known hospitals, the Prince of Wales and St Vincent’s both have public and private hospitals and treatment centres. Often, the two are not differentiated in general talk.

  15. Mads says:

    Monarchists are so easily duped and I honestly think that if a senior member of the Royal Family committed murder they would find a justification for it.

    If Kate was spending most of her time recuperating with Mummy, what was William doing??? Wasn’t his absence from public duties explained as taking care of Kate?

    We’re never going to know the truth. I think they’ve reached an agreement regarding living arrangements, finances and her future appearances plus ironclad NDAs for her and the Middleton family. They can do the odd briefing to their favourite rota mouthpiece but nothing official like articles, books etc.

  16. Kat says:

    Where would our Cath be without her Mummy?
    Useless woman, she is 43 years old not 43 months
    And this is supposed to be our future queen
    Looking beautiful is not enough Cath.

  17. Maggielou says:

    “Lies and the lying liars who tell them”. Zero credibility whatsoever, so many falsehoods told from the beginning, what is the true story/timeline, etc? We do know that cryptic messages and stories were put out by the BM including this one from Tatler that was trolling them in the biggest way about Kate recuperating at Adelaide:What’s in store for the Princess of Wales’ convalescent period at home with her family at Adelaide Cottage? | Tatler https://search.app/jgXneizPB4z2c4Dh6

    • Me at home says:

      This strange article does seem to point to Kate receiving home treatment, provided by Marsden, at Middleton Manor. And her kids stayed behind at Adelaide, which is closer to their school, but they were separated from their mum during this period.

      How else to explain why Ingrid Seward doesn’t ask whether Kate’s kids might have enjoyed the manorial tennis courts and streams, instead she gushes about Kate’s hypothetical use of these baronial features? Because the kids were back at Adelaide.

      And Middleton Manor is further from Marsden, so home treatment would have made more sense. Which is why nobody saw Kate enter or leave Marsden, let alone an entourage of family and friends.

      This situation could be why (1) some genius figured they needed the frankenphoto of Kate with the kids who weren’t actually living with her at the time, and (2) maybe William really was in charge of the kids at Adelaide during this time and that’s (at least partly) why he did a vanishing act.

  18. Jean says:

    This writer obviously knows nothing! Boring

    • First comment says:

      Or maybe she knows too much and she’s dying to spill the beans…I believe all the rota know and they cover them because William is the future king.

  19. Miss Scarlett says:

    I am zero percent surprised that Kate recuperated from chemo at Bucklebury. The first couple of days after each chemo round is supposed to be pretty rough, and I cannot imagine William attending to her or even wanting to be around that.

    I also think Kate and the kids have lived off and on with the Midds for many years. It was widely reported when they were first married and then after George, and then after Charlotte that Kate spent most of her time there.

    I also think that Kate met Alizee as per James’s book but that William wasn’t there.

    I actually wonder whether William bought that house and so Kate basically lives there. I doubt they are in Adelaide at all, especially with the loved up dolphins etc in the bedroom. That detail always struck me as so weird.

    I am seriously doubting that they live together at all. William at Windsor or KP, Kate at Anmer or with her parents.

    • earth2 says:

      The children wouldn’t be allowed to live with the Midds. They’re secured at Adelaide/Windsor with William and the nannies.

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Miss Scarlett – It’s often been rumoured that William bought that house for the Middletons.