Prince Harry made a sweet video for his longtime patronage, WellChild

Prince Harry has several remaining “private” patronages in the UK, and WellChild is one of them. WellChild provides support and resources to parents with ill children and their families. WellChild loves their patron, and they have worked to schedule their “WellChild Awards” around Harry’s schedule for years. Well, the nomination period for the 2025 WellChild Awards are upon us, so Prince Harry made a video to remind everyone to vote!

He obviously filmed this in Montecito, much to the chagrin of the British media – I’ve already seen some whiny headlines about it. Personally, I love it when Harry and Meghan film their charity-support videos at their home. It’s lovely, and a reminder that Harry stays protecting his peace. Harry says, in the video:

“Each year, the WellChild Awards, in association with GSK, recognize and celebrate the growing number of young people with complex medical conditions from across the United Kingdom as well as those who go the extra mile to care for them,” Harry said in the clip. “They allow us to shine a spotlight on the remarkable stories of strength, resilience and courage that they demonstrate every single day.”

“This year is especially significant as we celebrate the 20th WellChild Awards,” he continued. “It is a true privilege to honor the bravery and compassion of this incredible community.”

The prince went on to say that in order for the awards to take place “we need your help to nominate the exceptional people who inspire you every single day.”

“Your support can make all the difference. So, please join us in recognizing the amazing individuals who will be recognized at the 2025 WellChild Awards,” the Duke of Sussex said with a smile as the video closed. Nominations for the next awards are now open on WellChild’s website.

[From People]

I assume this means he’s planning to attend this year’s awards, which will probably be scheduled around Harry. If the years past are any indication, that means Harry will try to fly into London in September, maybe. Hm.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, screencap from WellChild video.

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10 Responses to “Prince Harry made a sweet video for his longtime patronage, WellChild”

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  1. B says:

    Big red is not new to this he’s true to this.

  2. Good King Harry supporting his charities from way across the pond. The leftovers don’t support theirs and theirs are where they live.

  3. SussexWatcher says:

    Good King Harry 👑 I’m sure he will attend the awards in person or by video, as he always does.

    Cue a copycat video from The Other Brother to drop in 3,2,1

  4. sunnyside up says:

    What a lovely person, and he sticks to it. 20th!

  5. Chaine says:

    Hilarious seeing the weeping and gnashing of teeth over this completely innocuous one minute video.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I know I’m asking this about the British media, but what could they possibly be upset about? All he’s doing is saying hey this awesome charity, please vote so that we can recognize the people who have made the most change this year. How is that in any way bothersome?

  6. QuiteContrary says:

    He looks so miserable, though, in that dreamy setting … like he’s trying to hold back tears at the gloomy state of his existence.

    Actually, the exact opposite is true: He is practically brimming with joy. It’s so obvious he’s happy and truly loves this cause.

  7. Pinocchio Princess says:

    There’s no way a man would look as composed, serene, and oozing with such natural kindness and charisma, if he was sharing his life with a nagging, controlling, suppressive wife.

    It does take an excellent woman to create a harmonious family environment that reflects so well on a man as to make him look and sound like this. Kudos to both Princess Meghan and Prince Harry.

  8. Jais says:

    Their momtecito house is so lovely. It’s always nice to get a peek. Wish wellchild the best. It’s a wonderful organization.

  9. Beverley says:

    What a man! Every photo showcased here shows a handsome, vibrant, self-assured man. His superiority to William shows in Harry’s relaxed bearing, his self-confidence, and his joy. WellChild and all of his patronages are lucky to have him. Diana must be so proud of her #GoodKingHarry.