Prince William was surprisingly out and about on Tuesday, making a visit to one of the farms owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, Slumlord Willy’s web of real estate. Before I get into his visit, let’s talk about some superficial stuff. Some of you were pointing out that William has trimmed his beard in a weird way – he’s shaved all of his “beard hair” under his chin, and someone seemingly tried to give him a more angular, chiseled jawline with the trim. It’s weird because… William already has a pretty defined jawline, especially given his noticeable weight loss in the past year. It also confirms my theory that William is likely trimming his beard down so that it looks this scuzzy and fleshy, rather than letting it grow in properly. It’s a very strange facial hair look, and I’m saying that as someone who enjoys fuzzy men. Another superficial comment: he looks like he’s in farmer cosplay, and I can’t believe they let him pose on some of those expensive machines.
As for the substance of William’s visit… I was going to just talk more about how William is a dilettante slumlord who knows nothing of the struggles of the farmers who lease duchy-owned farms, but then I read this People Magazine piece, and several of the farmers insinuate as much. Some highlights:
Laughing at his own dumb jokes: Down on the farm, Prince William cups some organic material on his hands, sniffing its sweet cidery smell, and asks what it’s called. “Bokashi,” he’s told by farmer Heather Gorringe. “Sounds like sushi,” William laughs. There’s a reason for that. The word is Japanese, and the concoction in his hands is fermented from bran and molasses and is one of many ways that the farm on William’s Duchy of Cornwall estate creates healthy soil nutrients for the land they manage.
William is not his father: “It’s a new generation,” Heather Gorringe, who with her husband Phil has been a Duchy tenant farmer since 2000, tells PEOPLE of the change she’s noticed. “We went to the handover between King Charles and the prince at St. James’s Palace, and it struck me that they were different in the sense that, for King Charles, farming is in his blood. He is a farmer. But, having met Prince William on the farm today, I can see how important the Duchy is to him, and also that he is committed to a sustainable future.”
They must have paid this woman to say this: “He’s such a nice guy, isn’t he?” she adds. “He seems really down to earth — and miles taller than I ever imagined. And he loved the worms, so that was really great.”
The feudal landlord talks about tough times for farmers: Inside one of the barns, William was talked through the Ridge to River project in which 16 farms, including Lower Blakemere, unite to collaborate over how to maintain the landscape and increase its resilience amid environmental and climate challenges. He appreciated that it was a big ask for farmers who also find themselves at the forefront of cost of living pressures and falling prices for their produce. “Does it feel like stepping into the unknown?” he asked the gathering of some of the local farmers. Prince William added that it also had another benefit — uniting sometimes isolated farmers. “Do you think it’s good to bring you together from a mental health point of view?” he said. “Does this feel like a real unique moment where you can pool your collective experience and feel there is a team here?”
William is just keen to learn at 42: Phil Gorringe tells PEOPLE, “This business is not without stress — talking to each other helps no end, and having a mutually beneficial project to work on is hugely beneficial.” He adds, “I can see how much he’s learned since I first met him. His knowledge of the farm, the industry and the Duchy estate has increased immeasurably. He’s interested, he’s engaged and it’s a real privilege to be able to welcome him.”
Once again, these people held Charles in high esteem, probably because he didn’t waltz in once a year with photographers and ask to play on their machinery for a photo-op. Charles was and is a feudal landlord too, but he really gives a sh-t about farming and agriculture, and basically all of the duchy’s agricultural innovations stem from Charles. William “appreciated that it was a big ask for farmers who also find themselves at the forefront of cost of living pressures and falling prices for their produce” – considering William/the duchy owns the f–king land and generates tens of millions of pounds in profit every year, perhaps William could decide to take some of the financial burden off these poor f–king farmers? Jesus.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to Lower Blakemere Farm, a Duchy Focus Farm in Hereford, to learn more about how the multigenerational farm has refined regenerative farming practices and farm diversification as part of its journey to net zero. The 630-acre farm was established in the early 1980s as a specialist seed grower with a herd of South Devon cattle Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Hereford, United Kingdom When: 28 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to Lower Blakemere Farm, a Duchy Focus Farm in Hereford, to learn more about how the multigenerational farm has refined regenerative farming practices and farm diversification as part of its journey to net zero. The 630-acre farm was established in the early 1980s as a specialist seed grower with a herd of South Devon cattle Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Hereford, United Kingdom When: 28 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to Lower Blakemere Farm, a Duchy Focus Farm in Hereford, to learn more about how the multigenerational farm has refined regenerative farming practices and farm diversification as part of its journey to net zero. The 630-acre farm was established in the early 1980s as a specialist seed grower with a herd of South Devon cattle Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Hereford, United Kingdom When: 28 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to Lower Blakemere Farm, a Duchy Focus Farm in Hereford, to learn more about how the multigenerational farm has refined regenerative farming practices and farm diversification as part of its journey to net zero. The 630-acre farm was established in the early 1980s as a specialist seed grower with a herd of South Devon cattle Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Hereford, United Kingdom When: 28 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales being shown worm composting during a visit to Lower Blakemere Farm, a Duchy Focus Farm in Hereford, to learn more about how the multigenerational farm has refined regenerative farming practices and farm diversification as part of its journey to net zero. The 630-acre farm was established in the early 1980s as a specialist seed grower with a herd of South Devon cattle Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Hereford, United Kingdom When: 28 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to Lower Blakemere Farm, a Duchy Focus Farm in Hereford, to learn more about how the multigenerational farm has refined regenerative farming practices and farm diversification as part of its journey to net zero. The 630-acre farm was established in the early 1980s as a specialist seed grower with a herd of South Devon cattle Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Hereford, United Kingdom When: 28 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales during a visit to Lower Blakemere Farm, a Duchy Focus Farm in Hereford, to learn more about how the multigenerational farm has refined regenerative farming practices and farm diversification as part of its journey to net zero. The 630-acre farm was established in the early 1980s as a specialist seed grower with a herd of South Devon cattle Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Hereford, United Kingdom When: 28 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince of Wales being shown worm composting during a visit to Lower Blakemere Farm, a Duchy Focus Farm in Hereford, to learn more about how the multigenerational farm has refined regenerative farming practices and farm diversification as part of its journey to net zero. The 630-acre farm was established in the early 1980s as a specialist seed grower with a herd of South Devon cattle Featuring: William, Prince of Wales Where: Hereford, United Kingdom When: 28 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
He looks and sounds like the big tooth guy from Flebag. IYKYK.
Someone should ask him how HIS mental health is at one of these PR junkets. Turned the tables on his angry, lazy ass.
Awww, look at woogie boogie wittle William, “…he loved the worms, so that was really great.” This is the kind of thing you say about a little kid, not a grown man of 42. How embarassing!
Agree that the shade in this article is real, and so very British lol…it’s all in what you don’t say, the comparisons chosen, etc…Here for it!
That was my first thought too – he sounds like a child on a field trip from school. It’s really embarrassing.
I guess he and Keen really are the perfect match. Both operating at an age 12 level.
SussexWatcher – the school field trip – what a great analogy and I would argue it extends to all of the royal “work” engagements. It’s all about the royals “seeing” and “learning” but precious little about them actually doing anything — ie giving and helping.
I’m surprised he didn’t talk about his children saying things like Louis wants to be a farmer.
Charles would get involved in hedge laying and that really is hard work.
Charles knew from the day William was born he would inherit the duchy of Cornwall but appears to have invested no time in training him for a such a major role. And Charles could certainly see William lacked the motivation to educate himself, but neglected his training nonetheless,. There is no excuse for William being so crap at the job.
@Megan, ITA that Charles (as well as the late Queen) bears a great deal of the responsibility for letting Will (and Kate) skate for so many years, doing absolutely nothing he didn’t want to do. Maybe it would have been different and he would have been stricter if they hadn’t lost Diana at such young ages? But Charles should have been forcing him to do a lot more a lot sooner. To learn Welsh, ffs, for starters. And at the very least, to finish what he started (that “bespoke” agricultural curriculum that he lost interest in pretty quickly).
He loved the worms, so that was great. Could be his epitaph.
And in the end, the worms will love him.
The beard trimming is the absolute worst. Why?? His jawline doesn’t need the optical illusion. Was it a trimming accident? Did he go to Ali G’s barber??
The whole beard is just a mess
I’m so relieved because I thought I was alone in thinking that it looked weird. His entire look in general is just ugly.
My 3 year old watches a show that begins, “What do you want to be today? A ballerina? A fireman?”
This is William’s equivalent. Jeebus. Today I am a farmer! Let’s play with tractor!
I live in Midwest farm country, which I realize is a far cry from the “Duchyyyyyy,” but if you asked any of my neighbors about their mental health, they’d look at you like you grew a third head.
He can play with the big toys on the farm
Lucky for farmers in Midwest then. In UK suicide amongst farmers is scarily high. Huevo was right to ask. Must have been in his briefing notes.
And every day, William’s answer would be the same: “I want to be Harry.”
He never bothered much about the duch y he did not even finish that course Charles sent him to . William is so not down to earth. That beard needs to go
Yeah, Charles deserves no praise. Both he and William should divest from their feudal land and pay taxes. And William has no authority to speak on mental health.
William never thinks he has any flaws and can judge others . He us patronizing with people and with his degree in geography plays psychologist. William has anger issues he needs to look into getting over
“Does it feel like stepping into the unknown?”
Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone.
“How does if feel, how does it feel? To be on your own, with no direction home. A complete unknown, like a rolling stone.” Bob Dylan
This song is now stuck in my head.
LOL! So is Timmy!
Why was this in People? What was the point of this visit? Who did it benefit? Why were his questions so leading instead of a genuine conversation that would allow the farmers to bring up any issues on their own? This is such childish “work.”
“Does it feel like stepping into the unknown?” he asked the gathering of some of the local farmers.
If he is going to get into Donald Rumsfeld territory perhaps we could start with the known knowns which are that he is earning a decent chunk of his living from the rent these farmers pay. Perhaps ask them how that’s working out for them.
I’m surprised he didn’t throw some empathy in there!
“But, having met Prince William on the farm today, I can see how important the Duchy is to him…”
Let me correct that for you… “But, having met Prince William on the farm today, I can see how important the Duchy money is to him.”
I mean what are these farmers going to say? That he’s a spoiled man-child slumlord? They have to wait till the reporters leave to stay what they really think. And idk why but People covering William’s visit to Duchy farmland is kind of funny. Like why is that in People?
Maybe it’s just the selection highlighted here but all his questions are closed.
Almost as if he doesn’t want to have an actual conversation.
Exactly ! What did he expect as an answer to “Does it feel like stepping into the unknown?” ? He doesn’t want the discussion, he’s incapable to communicate with the people, he’s completely ignorant and he wants to stay that way! His questions seem rehearsed and prepared from his employees to avoid any further discussion or comments th which he would be unable to answer properly.
Either he was never taught how to interact with people or he never bothered to learn, but asking yes or no questions is just not a good way to get a conversation going. I truly thought everyone knew that. Guess not.
Could part of the reason for the beard be to stop the press from recycling old photos? I note that all the pieces claiming that William was with Kate on the recent ski holiday were accompanied by pictures of him cleanshaven
At least he’s back to work, while perhaps Kate is jetting away to Mustique for Carole’s 70th. But they could only find one, presumably carefully vetted, farming couple to say nice things about him?
He’s actually doing a fair amount. For him. But it is his busy time before the next school break in February.
Be doesn’t give a shit about there mental health because if he did he would lower rent costs to help them but that would never happen. Photo op of the day with him.
I was just coming on here to say the same. UK farmers have higher than average suicide rates, it’s an acknowledged problem, and a lot of it has to do with the financial burden. William could help with this as a landlord. But he just thinks it’s enough to blather on about “mental health”, because that’s one of his buzzwords. He has no understanding of what farmers face. He’s absolutely useless.
And the “he liked the worms” comment. They really are clutching at straws for something positive to say, aren’t they.
He should be upgrading the decrepit Duchy homes that have leaking roofs, no double-glazing, mold, mildew, rising damp, infestations of vermin, no proper heating, like help your rent-paying tenants live a decent life FFS. But no, you’re a lazy, rich wanker who doesn’t give a sh*t about anything other than lining your pockets, especially farming — you never even finished that bespoke Cambridge course on sustainable farming…remember? Even though you didn’t have the credentials to even attend Cambridge. It’s all just performative BS with him.
I can’t even have second-hand embarrassment for him anymore – he’s just too ludicrous. Everywhere he goes is a step into the unknown.
“Do you think it’s good to bring you together from a mental health point of view?” “Does this feel like a real unique moment where you can pool your collective experience and feel there is a team here?” Gee, I wonder who else at this point in time might be creating a team environment to help facilitate participants’ mental health? Yes, we know, the Duchy of Cornwall is all yours, Will. Here’s a thought – instead of trying to co-opt Harry’s publicity for the upcoming Invictus games with these contrived, pointless visits, maybe bite the bullet, do your job, and piggyback on Harry’s project by wishing the UK team good luck in Canada. Doing that at least would be worthy of some respect. It’s more than you (or your father) did the last time.
Yes, the inanity of his questions is toe-curling. Does he not realize that?
William loves worms, but does he know what they do.
Prince William is painfully unqualified to be projecting himself as a professional on mental health.
Heads Together was his big mental health initiative… and it promptly fell to pieces with Prince Harry’s forced removal.
His efforts here are so hollow that it feels insulting.
Correction… Heads Together was HARRY’s mental health initiative, despite the pretence from the others. That’s why it promptly fell to pieces after he left.
“And he loved the worms, so that was really great.” Well, like recognizes like.
LOL although maybe “sources” close to the worms don’t confirm the love was mutual!
Is he concerned about Megans mental health, or Harry’s? His sister in law struggled, did he reach out? It’s just a repetitive talking point he uses to bolster an emotionally compassionate image. This is the words and no actions of a bad boyfriend. And he’s a baaaaad boyfriend!
No media mentions his mode of travel to talk about sustainability. But a royal helicopter flew from Windsor to a few miles from the farm.
of course!! And a few days back when he went to Liverpool on train, the helicopter traveled also there to take him to Windsor…but the media focused on his train ride….
Schmuck. Says it all.