Christopher Walken doesn’t have a cell phone, has never emailed & watches satellite TV

A few weeks ago, some girlfriends and I were talking about how we were the last group to have grown up for a period of time without the Internet. My son starts middle school later this year and when we were touring it, we learned that public schools in our county don’t use lockers anymore. Part of it is a safety thing (don’t get me started) but a big reason is that students apparently really don’t use textbooks anymore. Everything is done through their school-issued computer. My son was actually in kindergarten when the lockdowns happened and all students were issued laptops. Those kids are probably the last group to ever started a school year without laptops being the norm. Sometimes, I think about how much things change like that.

I bring all of this up because while the majority of people adapt and learn how to navigate new technology, there are always going to be holdouts. Try to contain your shock, but Christopher Walken is one of these types of people. While promoting season 2 of Severance, Christopher, who is 81, told The Wall Street Journal that he’s so old school that not only does he still just watch satellite TV, he’s also never used email or Twitter and doesn’t even have a cell phone.

“I don’t have technology. I only have a satellite dish on my house. So I’ve seen Severance on DVDs that they’re good enough to send me,” Walken told the outlet. “I don’t have a cell phone. I’ve never emailed or, what do you call it, Twittered.”

His lack of technology helps him fall in line with Severance co-executive producer and director Ben Stiller’s “no phones” rule on set. The actor and comedian, 59, shared on Mike Birbiglia’s Working It Out podcast that he enacted the rule to help “protect that environment for the actors,” per Variety.

“Crew have to use phones sometimes to communicate, but, for me, I like no phones anywhere near the eyeshot of the actors,” Stiller said, per the outlet. “My least favorite thing is to see a dolly grip guy hunched down while an actor is acting their brains out, and he’s scrolling or whatever. It drives me crazy.”

“You also have to be respectful of the crew,” he added. “… These people are actually working really hard, and you have to figure out how to motivate them to want to be on the team. They haven’t been with the script that you’ve been writing for five years. They just came on last week. So, it’s on you as a director to figure out a way to get everybody on board.”

Walken previously shared his lack of modern technology to watch the popular Apple TV+ series during an appearance on SiriusXM’s Andy Cohen Live on Jan. 17, alongside Stiller and castmates including Adam Scott and Patricia Arquette.

When asked if he has watched the episodes he’s in, he responded, “Not all of them. I can’t. I don’t have the equipment. So, they’re good enough to send me DVDs.”

Host Andy Cohen followed up with, “Oh, they do? Okay. Do you have an Apple TV+ subscription?” — to which Walken replied, “I don’t have anything.” Cohen then noted, “Right. You don’t. Okay. I love you for that.”

[From People via AOL]

This doesn’t surprise me at all. In fact, if this were a trivia question, Walken would be on my short list of actors who have nothing to do with technology. Still, some of his claims are wild. I totally get someone not having any of the streaming channels and I am envious of anyone who has never been on Twitter, but he doesn’t even have a cell phone? They’ve been big for over 25 years now. Walken was still in his 50s and asking for more cowbell on SNL when cell phones became widespread. That is unbelievable.

Also, if you need a chuckle today, reread Christopher’s quote about not having technology again: “I don’t have a cell phone. I’ve never emailed or, what do you call it, Twittered.” You couldn’t not read it in his voice, right? All I can hear is him saying, “Twittered” in my head and it’s making me giggle.

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12 Responses to “Christopher Walken doesn’t have a cell phone, has never emailed & watches satellite TV”

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  1. Sasha says:

    That’s ultimate white man privilege. An old dude who has everyone do everything for him. He’s not a hero

    • lenn says:

      This. He has an assistant.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      More likely, he’s like my dad (78); of a generation that never had to use a computer or smart phone for work, and so he never learned. My dad’s a retired electrician. Once the technology got more advanced, it became too intimidating for him to learn. I tried to teach him how to use a desk top about 20 years ago. It was painful. It collected dust in his kitchen. When he bought a new house and moved in 2020, I had to take care of all paper work and communications with the bank, attny, etc, because everything is electronic now. A year ago I took him to buy a tablet and a printer, but he gave up on using them after I explained the cable company would have to come set up the WiFi. He recently abandoned using a smart phone – which he could never figure out anyway – and got a Jitter Bug flip phone. There’s so much online scamming now, that I’m actually glad he doesn’t have access to email or texts, even though I will have to continue to do everything for him.

      • ED says:

        My elderly father was like this too.

        My brother and I tried so hard to teach him how to use a smart phone, computer or i-pad etc but in the end the lack of repetition meant it never stuck and he got left behind as technology outpaced him.

        It made me so sad at the time because things like news-letters to all of clubs and social activities, and basic life-admin like banking and bills were all online and he missed out on so much.

        He’s been gone for 3 years now and the one thing that gives me comfort about all this is that he never fell victim to any type of scam. It’s a horror show online now for so many people.

    • Granger says:

      He also doesn’t have kids (or grandkids) to push him to / help him learn technology.

      Frankly, I wish my mom didn’t have a phone or know how to use the internet. She’s gone down far too many rabbit holes and all she does now is watch YouTube videos about conspiracy theories.

  2. Lady Esther says:

    Such an icon, I adore him. And also this post needs more cowbell

  3. Olivia says:

    Would never have guessed he’s a complete luddite. I do envy some of it. But his level of disconnect is just not feasible for a regular person. Obviously, he has people around him who use cell phones, email and the internet to manage his life and career.

    • Hannah says:

      Some of its feasible. Unless you’re a Comms professional then you don’t have to go on Twitter.

      Also nobody’s going to punish you for getting rid of your streaming services and relying on books, puzzles and music for entertainment.

      We have more choices than we think we do.

  4. Lady Digby says:

    Link for interview between Chris and Stephen Merchant who had to fax the actor the scripts and then fly over to his farm to persuade him to film the BBC series in Bristol
    I loved him talking about visiting Stonehenge!

  5. kirk says:

    I’ll never forget an interview I saw him do several years ago about making a movie (sorry forgot the interviewer and the movie). He said the filmmakers had given him a cellphone to use during production. So he called up everyone he knew during filming and talked and talked and talked. They took his phone away when they’d finished the movie. Interviewer asked him how he accomplished everyday tasks, like even look up a restaurant. Chris said his wife had a computer. Didn’t seem terribly interested in upgrading his technology. Even after he had a great time using the free cellphone to call everybody he knew.