Megan Fox isn’t in communication with Machine Gun Kelly & she’s due in March

I actually forgot that this happened, but here goes. Last month (an eternity ago), we learned that Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly had called it quits yet again. Apparently, over the Thanksgiving holiday, Megan found some weird/cheater stuff on his phone, and she finally decided to throw the whole man away. We also learned, around the same time, that Megan had already purchased her own home away from MGK because she couldn’t trust him to not bring over randos and (presumably) do drugs constantly. Of course, sources also said that Megan and MGK have done the break-up-and-make-up cycle a million times already and people could see it happening again. All of this is happening as Meghan is pregnant with her first child with MGK (and fourth child overall). Well, a miracle might have happened: Megan really seems done with him? There hasn’t been any back-sliding and they’re not even in communication.

Things are not amicable between Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly as she gets closer to giving birth to their baby … and the lines of communication are closed. Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … Megan and MGK are not on good terms and things are so bad they aren’t even speaking to each other.

Megan is due to give birth in March, but we’re told her relationship with MGK is so icy it’s unclear how involved he will be when the baby comes.

Our sources say Megan seems to be done with MGK and everyone in her orbit is happy about it … they feel like she finally came to her senses by shutting him out of her life.

TMZ broke the story … Megan and MGK called it quits during their Thanksgiving trip to Colorado after she found some upsetting material on his cell phone. We’re told the stuff she saw was “relationship ending.”

Unclear what will happen with MGK when Megan goes into labor, but we’re told she doesn’t want anything to do with him.

[From TMZ]

I really, really hope for her sake that MGK is as done with Megan as she seems to be with him, because if he isn’t… he’s about to make her life HELL once the baby comes. That kind of white boy will always hire some “father’s rights” lawyer and MGK will use “I want to be in the baby’s life” to insert himself into Megan’s life and try to control her. I hope Megan is prepared for that, and hopefully she has some good lawyers and evidence of MGK being a dirtbag.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

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11 Responses to “Megan Fox isn’t in communication with Machine Gun Kelly & she’s due in March”

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  1. Nicole r says:

    Well regardless of his douchebaggery, I hope he does step up and be a father to his child.. I wouldn’t wish a deadbeat dad on a baby. It isn’t only about finances, someone can be a terrible partner but become a good father.

    • Normades says:

      I think he already has a kid and according to Pete Davidson he’s an awesome dad (but that’s according to Pete Davidson)

      • Chaine says:

        He has a 15 year old daughter and yes he seems like the kind of person that is the “fun” non custodial parent that love bombs their kid for the three days a year they show up to see them

      • molly says:

        @chaine- By other (non-Pete Davison) accounts, MGK is a very involved/present father to his daughter. Prioritizes flying to watch volleyball games, etc.

        That being said, both these parents seem very messy, and they absolutely should NOT have made a baby.

  2. Normades says:

    Geez it seems like she’s been pregnant forever with all the ongoing drama still in the press.
    Every time they got back together I said nope not good. And when she got pregnant I really said NOPE that’s not good: These 2 toxic codependent people will now be forever attached.

  3. Stef says:

    Hope she has a good support network around her because this mess feels like it’s only just beginning in some ways. She’s never picked great guys – BAG was controlling AF and MGK just seems like an even worse douchebag to procreate with.

    Always had a soft spot for her. She deserves so much better…

    • Mightymolly says:

      Same. I have a soft spot for her and wanted her to have fun after BAG monopolized her youth, but having a baby with a dirtbag wasn’t the thing. I hope she finds her peace and can grow up on her own terms now.

  4. It Really Is You, Not Me says:

    I hope she’s well and truly done-zo with him now and focusing on herself and her children.

    Is it just me, or does all this talk of “relationship-ending material ” make it sound like it’s worse than cheating? As in possibly an illegal type of pornography? It had to be really bad to make her finally leave after all the back and forth. I really hope that’s not the case, but the wording is a little strange.

    • Lucy says:

      Yes, to me the way they’re saying this reminds me of when Dita Von Teese left Marilyn Manson. I remember reading an interview with her right after and she basically said we were together for 8 years, I’m fine with drugs, I saw something that made me flee my house on Christmas Day.

    • Jamie says:

      I think it was inappropriate contact with a minor. So not cheating, but abusive and predatory.

      Re: Lucy’s comment about Manson seems to line up with that idea-

      DVT said that what caused her to leave was bad enough she left immediately, even though Christmas. She also said the marriage ended due to infidelity and drug use.

      She also noted that infidelity was not a new issue and she hadn’t walked out because of it before.

      ERW was freshly 18 when they got together immediately after, so it is not a leap to put together that ERW was still underage.

      Inappropraite contact with a minor checks the boxes in both stories, and that is something that has been brought up with MGK in the past.

      Her having that info on him could also keep him from giving her a hard time about the baby. It may not be enough to have any legal standing but enough to know to walk away and cut him off.

  5. Flamingo says:

    I remember an interview with him. He had a terrible childhood. I would like to think his involvement with his child. Isn’t some extenstion of control over Meghan. It’s just he does not want any children of his to feel like he did growing up. He wants to be a present Father.

    These two are ridiculous for the most part. The breakup/makeup game is never ending. I suspect after the child is born. She will get back together with him.