Walden: If Princess Kate appears on Vogue, she should avoid discussing her health

Over the weekend, the Mail reported that Anna Wintour has apparently offered a Vogue cover to the Princess of Wales. I was meh on the story – it sounded somewhat believable to me, and I think it sounds reasonable that Wintour has wanted Kate on an American Vogue cover for a while. I also think it’s believable that Wintour has wanted the Duchess of Sussex for an American Vogue cover too, for what it’s worth. Well, Celia Walden – aka Piers Morgan’s wife – has written about Kate’s big Vogue offer in the Telegraph: “Americans adore Kate – but she needs to play the Vogue offers right.”

The wording of a Sunday news piece – “Kate Middleton offered to appear on Vogue covers to showcase role as a ‘global fashion icon’” – amused not just me, but many of those commenting “below the line”.

The Princess of Wales might be one of the only people in the world who only has to pick up the phone if she wants to be on the cover of Vogue. And it’s pretty hard to imagine Anna Wintour – the magazine’s redoubtable editor-in-chief – saying: “Actually, we’re a bit booked up, but we’ll certainly bear you in mind if anyone falls through.”

The point, however, is that eight years after appearing on the cover of British Vogue to mark the magazine’s 100th anniversary, the Princess is said to have been contacted by Wintour personally and “invited”, let’s say, to grace the global covers of Vogue.

It’s clear how much of a draw this would be – particularly in the US. Americans have a fixation with Kate that borders on the eerie. At any one time, she will feature on the cover of half a dozen US gossip magazines, and whether it’s Uber drivers, waiters, shop assistants, manicurists or indeed casual personal acquaintances, the first thing anyone out there will now ask me is: “How’s Kate doing?” (They all seem to think the UK is the size of a suburban cul-de-sac, and when I explain that the Princess of Wales isn’t, in fact, a close friend, faces crumple).

I’m guessing the Princess will agree to the “offer” – whether now or in the not-too-distant future. Wintour is said to be incredibly persuasive, no one is immune to the allure of a Vogue cover, and if she feels the time is right it could be the perfect way to herald a return to her public duties. It could also be a straightforwardly joyful experience of the kind she should be relishing, given what she’s been through.

All I would say to her – and this is as a journalist and an interviewer who knows exactly what the line of questioning will be – is that when it comes to her health, she should feel under no obligation to share more than she already has. Nobody has “a duty” to share those intimate details with the world, we don’t all have to subscribe to the current “better out than in” thinking, and I find any narrative suggesting the Princess of Wales “owes it” to other cancer sufferers to reveal all sickeningly disingenuous. She has already done a great deal for others. She will do more. Right now, the only person she owes anything to is herself.

[From The Telegraph]

It’s funny that Walden’s mind went to the same place mine went when I read the original Mail story – “what about the interview?” While Wintour would probably love Kate on the cover, I definitely think the cover would be contingent on Kate agreeing to some kind of interview, however basic. Only Beyonce gets away with “agreeing to magazine covers but eschewing interviews” and even Beyonce has backed down from that at times, agreeing to email interviews for various magazines. Walden gives up the game – they’re terrified every time Kate opens her mouth because they have no idea what could come flying out. They can “manage” and massage her rare public statements in the UK, where the royalists have a stranglehold on reporting around Kate. But if Kate says the wrong thing to an American magazine, it will be a global story which they cannot control.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images. Cover courtesy of British Vogue.

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56 Responses to “Walden: If Princess Kate appears on Vogue, she should avoid discussing her health”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Walden does not speak for all Americans saying they love kate. Kate cover stories do not fly off the shelves

    • American here and she doesn’t speak for me . As for the interview part how would that go ? Would Can’t be given the questions ahead of time? Would she practice for weeks answering them? Would she bring it all written out on paper with her? Would she still screw it up? I say yes

      • BeanieBean says:

        Cards, I’m going to say cards. She’ll have it written on little note cards. Remember her tiny notebook? She couldn’t possibly manage a full-page of written information. Don’t know how she got through that degree.

      • Lorelei says:

        @Kaiser, I know this is totally thread-jacking and I apologize, but I happened to see it a few days ago on Etsy and *died* laughing and didn’t know where else to post it.

        But apparently Kate actually bought the books for her “work desk” from an Etsy seller who sells books by the foot in various colors…Kate didn’t even care about PRETENDING to display books she’d actually read. They were bought purely for display and, I guess, to make it look to her fans like Kate immerses herself in the classics in her free time. (I understand if you delete this, but I think it’s so funny that I hope at least a few people see it.)

        I wonder if Kate ever realized that the seller saw her books in Kate’s lame PR photos and now advertises them as “as seen on Kate Middleton” 😭


        PS I can’t remember if that’s the same set of photos where she’s talking on a phone which someone realized wasn’t actually plugged in anywhere? If so, that makes her sad little attempt at being photographed appearing to ‘work hard’ even funnier

      • Chanteloup says:

        omg that etsy listing is hilarious! thank you for that!

      • IFoxi says:

        @lorelei The etsy listing is incredible! On one hand, I find it fairly shallow that people do this purely for decoration. On the other hand, at least people still want to buy books, even if they don’t read them. Take that, Kindle!

  2. s808 says:

    This would be a great avenue to talk about cancer and even promote cancer research and they don’t want her saying anything about it? Then what’s the point? What else would she talk about?

    • Genevieve says:

      Arly years

    • Lady Esther says:

      But, guys, she’s so keen! She’s a keen photographer, a keen piano player, a keen watercolor painter (remember that one?), a keen cook (chutneys and roast chicken, you guys, Meghan’s clearly got nothing on her), a keen videographer, a keen mom, keen to keep letting everyone know that TO EVERYONE’S SURPRISE, Aarly Yars are important!

      She’s a keen skiier, swimmer, tennis player, scuba diver (remember how important her scuba certification was to the Carribean Disaster Tour?)…Whoops, scratch those…too active. Thanks for the reminder, Ingrid Seward!

      Most of all she’s super keen to talk about her cancer as long as no details are given and she can stay with platitudes of how keen she is to walk with everyone in their journey and, most of all, she’s keen to work hard to stay cancer free and that means – you guessed it – not working.

      I mean that’s got to be an entire article, right?

  3. Alicky says:

    What America is she visiting? Absolutely no one in this country is obsessed with Kate, or cares a fig about her, honestly. I bet you not one in 10 could tell you that Kate Middleton and the Princess of Wales is one and the same person.

  4. Tessa says:

    Walden there is no obsession in America with keen. The ones who sold out issues were Diana and ferg ie. Walden is overdoing flattery

  5. Sasha says:

    I recall another Brit saying almost identical things about US obsession with her and absolutely EVERYONE they saw in a day, week, month asking after her. It’s so identical I’m shocked to say, I just don’t believe it. Mrs piss. Good luck with the cover.

  6. Loretta says:

    America is obsessed with Kate only in her dreams

  7. SAS says:

    Literally what else does she have to talk about?

    This “she doesn’t owe anyone details”, she’s a private person thing is so disingenuous when she has used her “cancer” narrative as her primary PR focus of the last 12 months.

    The Waleses are so extremely regressive in their expectation to never be questioned on any of their incoherent press offerings.

    I think she was probably testing the waters with continuing down this path, PR-wise, but the cancer ward visit was clearly a messaging disaster so out comes her little pet bootlicker to nip any future expectations in the bud.

    • aquarius64 says:

      If Kate is such a “private person” why do the interview at all? Or yet, why be queen consort at all? Kate married into a public facing job funded by UK taxpayers. Just confirmed Kate was picked by William for breeding purposes and to put on clothes, smile and wave.

  8. Tessa says:

    People magazine royal supplements mostly featuring Kath did not do well and was discontinued. There were about three issues per year and it went under.

  9. ShazBot says:

    For her to say Americans don’t understand the UK is funny because the Brits absolutely do not understand Americans or the US at all.

  10. Jais says:

    I don’t think most Americans are thinking about Kate that much. This sounds like a warning. Smile but keep your mouth shut, Kate, is the vibe coming from Piers Morgan’s wife. Wonder what she and her husband talk about in terms of Kate bc I’d imagine they know things.

    • Tessa says:

      And piers was the one who named names and said on tv Kate was one of the racists named in that book

      • Jais says:

        Maybe he doesn’t want Vogue to spoil any scoops. So yeah he already outed Kate as the royal racist. If there’s anything else to out about Kate or Kate and William, he’s gonna want first dibs. His wife is protecting her husband’s interests really.

  11. aquarius64 says:

    They know there’s something squirrly about Kate’s cancer and they’re afraid Kate will let the cat out of the bag. You don’t play games with serious health matters and the US will start sniffing around.

    • one of the marys says:

      I agree. Some of those media people must know the real story or the details that have been hidden from the public. It almost sounded like a warning to me. Best not discuss it Kate

  12. SussexWatcher says:

    Bahaha so much bullshit. No one in America cares about Keen. Her magazine covers do not fly off the shelves and I highly doubt that myriad random Americans are asking Piss Morgan’s wife how Kate is. We don’t even know or care who Piss Morgan’s wife is.

    And her comment that Kate doesn’t owe it to cancer survivors to talk about her own journey (of not wearing a cold cap but not losing her hair or spending lots of time in the sunshine when she would be photosensitive from chemo?!) because she’s already done a lot to help people?!? What people?! When and where? Kate hasn’t done anything for anyone but herself and her family.

    I hope she does do a cover because it’ll be just as bad as the Jecca cosplay above and a poor seller. Hardly anyone cared (in the grand scheme of things) when she was vanished for almost an entire year and not much has changed since she reappeared.

    • Libra says:

      Whether at a church or gym or community function, if I mention Kate Middleton, not one person has said anything negative about her. “She’s so pretty and so slender and looks like a model and she’s a great Mom. She looks like she adores her husband” . So there it is; the results of the tabloids sainting her and never a criticism. The press is powerful.

      • Julia says:

        Not having something negative to say about someone is not the same as being interested in them or Americans being obsessed with her @Libra. That was Celia’s claim that all Americans are obsessed with her. I believe there was a period last year when the ‘cancer’ storyline was at its height that it might have been true. I don’t believe it is true now people know she is fine.

  13. Ann says:

    I think it was Omid Scobie in “Finding Freedom” who wrote about Kate’s nervousness and panic about participating in a particular interview – I can’t remember what interview it was. It’s not just about her handlers not being able to control a live interview – it’s her own fear.

    • Tessa says:

      I wish Kate had panicked instead of letting the fake crying story get into the media. She just worked on the posh accent and never bothered with public speaking lessons.

  14. Ginger says:

    I can assure you that no one in the U.S is obsessed with Kate. Even her own “fans” don’t care about her, they just use her as a stick to beat Meghan with.

    One thing is true, they definitely don’t trust her to talk.

    • Lorelei says:

      Her US fans (at least the ones that I know) are “fans” on a very superficial level. They think she’s pretty with great hair and they like it when she wears a gown they can admire as they wait in the checkout line at the grocery store or whatever. I know a few people who got up early to watch her wedding (I admit I was one of them, but I’ve seen who she really is by now).

      They don’t genuinely admire her because she hasn’t DONE anything to actually benefit anyone; all she did was marry a prince. I don’t think they’d be able to name a single concrete example of work she does, or even give any reason why she needs to come to America at all. They just like looking at pictures of their pretty pretty princess 🙄

  15. Blujfly says:

    When is the last time Piers Morgan’s wife was in the US, in an UBER and not a black car, and not a guest at Mar A Lago?

  16. Stef says:

    America adores Kate? That’s so laughable. I think most Americans don’t care about her at all.

    This cover seems like desperate tokenism. Lately, the only interesting thing about her is this mysterious cancer and inconsistencies with treatment when she talks about it. How is this not embarassing for her?

    Even Canada thinks the royal family is a joke these days, now that the Queen is gone. The rest offer nothing of
    substance, just vapid, stupid, grifters and we are all supposed to just play along?

  17. Amy Bee says:

    The interview is why I don’t believe Kate will ever agree to be on the cover of Vogue. But if she’s such a star as the British press believe her to be she has to do an interview and she has to talk about her health. I think the real objective of this piece is to tell Kate that she can’t pose for Vogue and that she will get an easier ride if she agrees to give an interview to the British press.

    • Lorelei says:

      @Amy Bee, this is a good point. Kate has been starving the BM of steady content for *so* long now, we all know how angry they would be if she did a splashy cover with US Vogue, ESPECIALLY with an interview.

      This might be more of a gentle warning shot to Kate and KP that this idea would not go over well with the BM and especially the ROTA?

  18. Eurydice says:

    Omg, this is too funny. So, Uber drivers, waiters, shop assistants and manicurists in the US are all asking Celia how Kate is doing? As in “What would you like to drink and how is Kate doing?” or maybe “Cash or credit and how is Kate doing?” I don’t think so. And if her casual acquaintances are asking Celia that, maybe it’s because her husband brags about being in bed with the RF, and that the circle she travels in actually is the size of a cul-de-sac.

    • Lorelei says:

      As if any of these people would recognize Piers Morgan’s wife in the first place! 😂
      (How many would even recognize Piers himself? What a joke this entire article is.)

      Celia here could walk into my bedroom right now and I wouldn’t have a clue who she is.

      But sure, Americans all over are seeking her out to fawn over Kate.

  19. Aimee says:

    In my 54 years on earth I have come to know that people love talking about themselves. Kate would love to talk about her cancer but she can’t because it didn’t happen.

  20. Heather says:

    OMG Americans have no idea who Piers Morgans’s wife is, and we can’t stand him at ALL 🙄

    No one is obsessed with Kate other than the BM who desperately try to make money off her lol.

    And I would LOVE to see a no-prep interview with Kate because you know it would be a shitshow 🤣

  21. TN Democrat says:

    Can you imagine the collective rota rage if keener gave a full interview and posed for a full photo spread to Vogue while they have to settle with faux paparazzi shots posed at the UK version of LensCrafters? The gloves would come off and the invisible contract would be no more. The Rota is confusing Americans hatred for being lied to with their destructive tendency to believe any conspiracy theory. The story took off here because so many people dislike the Windsors enough to be willing to believe the worst about them. Keener chose to marry a world famous public figure after a decade of mattress duty and cares so little about the public funding her lavish lifestyle that she can’t form coherent sentences even in controlled environments. The rota 🐀 know what is actually going on with her and are wink wink, nudge nudging the public that her mental health was a major part of the issue and she can’t talk about her illness without causing more inconsistencies in the claims KP has made about her health. The cancer was either exaggerated or caused by personal behavior that would invite criticism as hateful and backwards as the tabloids are.

  22. SciLies says:

    Did I miss something? Do we even know what kind of cancer she had? As they say on the Real Housewives, it’s her only storyline and she still doesn’t make it interesting enough to stay on for another season.

    I know this is mean, but what would they even talk about in an interview? They can’t talk about her family because their money situation is a mess. They can’t talk about his family because everyone hates everyone. They can’t talk about their jobs because they rarely go out and do their jobs. They can’t talk politics because they aren’t supposed to actually do politics. She doesn’t have any hobbies or interests. She’s not known to be an intellectual. What would the interview even be about?

    • Eurydice says:

      That’s a good point, because Kate is essentially irrelevant to an American audience. If people here are at all interested in her, it’s as a celebrity, not as a member of a 1,000-year old ruling class. And even the celebrities who make it to the cover of Vogue are there because they have something to offer to an American audience. Everything about Kate has already been “reported” by the BM – the only mystery about her is what the heck is going on with her health.

    • Liz -L says:

      Exactly Scilies. Kate has never uttered a memorable word. Even if someone wrote the script for her she’d make it sound uninteresting. She’s a dull woman who’s never really evolved.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Because she’s a woman, and because the fashion press is as sexist & vapid as ever, they’d ask her about how she stays in shape, does she like to cook & what’s her favorite meal to cook, they’ll ask her about her kids & how they’re getting along in school. Let’s see, oh, they’ll ask her about her favorite colors and what her favorite designers are, definitely what’s in her bag, what kind of hair products she uses. They’ll do all that.

    • Lorelei says:

      LMAO, this is such a good point. But I think that those of us here know so much more about these people— the average American barely knows who Kate is, and they certainly don’t know about the Middletons’ financial dealings and disgrace surrounding them, or about William’s “anger management” problems, etc.

      I guess Kate could give a very general, surface-level interview about “her supportive family” and then mostly talk about her kids and the Arly Years nonsense. Most Americans wouldn’t know how much BS it all is.

      But the BM — particularly the ROTA — would still be *pissed*, so idk if it’s worth her while to go even go there.

      (Although she definitely might want to “beat” Meghan onto the cover of US Vogue, and she isn’t the greatest at long-term thinking, so who knows.)

      ETA: @BeanieBean, your comment just showed up, and I agree on all counts. Especially the “what’s in your makeup bag” part 🫠

    • J McGraw says:

      THIS. The list of verboten topics is so long! She was dull and bland when she actually worked at times. She could talk about her illness and recovery but there’s land mines there too apparently (from her exclusive treatment to her timeline). She doesn’t work, doesn’t have interests or hobbies, is only capable of reciting cliches.

  23. Lady Digby says:

    Rather than a Vogue cover and interview Kate SHOULD be at least be beginning a phased return to “work.” A work colleague is back at the office on a phased 4 week return and will be full time again by the end of a month. 4 weeks is standard for phased return. Kate tells us she completed chemo 4 months ago and is in remission but still hasn’t committed to returning to work on even a phased return just as and when she’s in the mood???

  24. Nano says:

    I still think she has mental health issues not cancer. I think that’s what the band aids on her fingers were all about, she was picking at shit out of stress. This chick is really fragile. And we don’t love her here.

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    “whether it’s Uber drivers, waiters, shop assistants, manicurists or indeed casual personal acquaintances, the first thing anyone out there will now ask me is: ‘How’s Kate doing?'”

    My husband is English and actually living in America, and no one has ever asked him how Kate is doing … people used to ask him if he’d ever met QEII, but now that she’s dead, no one here really cares about the royals.

    The grace that is afforded to Kate, while Piers and his wife demand to know every detail of Meghan’s existence, is galling.

  26. CMRM says:

    I’ve been a reader for awhile, yet I still don’t understand the references “keen” and “jecca”? Would someone please fill me in?

    • kelleybelle says:

      “Keen” is used because the BM is always reporting that Kate is keen to do something or accomplish something, and never follows through. It’s a a way to make her appear busy or productive, when she is neither. Jecca Craig is a well-to-do British lady who once dated William, but she had no interest in marrying into the BRF. She helped to found two organizations: one is a wildcat conservation organization and the other one is Stop Ivory, to stop the ivory trade. Will was really hot for her and she basically dumped him. He even attended her wedding alone and left Kate behind. She was one of the ladies he pursued when he dumped Kate to pursue “other options.” It’s even said that Kate tried to mimic the way Jecca dresses.

      • Nic919 says:

        William also gave Jecca pride of place for his 21st birthday celebrations and the Diana concert whereas Kate was not.

    • Jais says:

      Just to add, that’s Kate’s only Vogue cover with the hat looked very much like something Jecca would have worn. So it was an early example of Kate echoing another woman’s style and a woman that William was once very very into. But maybe that’s just bc there’s some pictures of jecca wearing a hat in that style to a wedding once?

  27. tamsin says:

    Doesn’t Vogue have one of those mini interviews where they have about ten standard questions and you can just send it in. I could be not remembering correctly, but I think Michelle Obama did one for Meghan’s issue of Vogue. Kate could do one of those. It would done in “collaboration with KP.” And if the hook is Kate is a fashion icon, then they need not ask any questions beyond “fashion” which Kate should surely be able to manage. They could feature Kate as the Princess of Wales which would be a sneaky way to bring in Diana, and therefore more readers.

  28. J McGraw says:

    “Americans have a fixation with Kate that borders on the eerie.”

    “The first thing anyone out there will now ask me is: “How’s Kate doing?” (They all seem to think the UK is the size of a suburban cul-de-sac, and when I explain that the Princess of Wales isn’t, in fact, a close friend, faces crumple).”

    I just…think this is all made-up bullshit. The UK is eerily obsessed with the Other Duchess, and British folk are the ones who don’t get the size of the US!!!