Princess Beatrice welcomed her second daughter, Athena Elizabeth Rose

Aw, this is some nice news. Princess Beatrice has welcomed her second child, and it’s another girl! Last fall, Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi announced that they were expecting again, and people were genuinely happy for them. We were reminded of Beatrice’s delicate condition over the holidays, when Beatrice apparently had to change her plans last minute and avoid flying to Italy – she and Edo ended up staying at Sandringham with the royal family, all while Prince Andrew and Fergie were apparently banned from Christmas in Norfolk. No one expected Beatrice to give birth this soon into the new year, but the palace is indicating that Beatrice gave birth “several weeks prematurely.” The baby girl is very small.

Princess Beatrice has given birth to a baby girl named Athena several weeks prematurely, Buckingham Palace has said.

The royal was due to give birth in early spring and was told in December not to travel long distances.

In a statement the palace said: “Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice and Mr Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Athena Elizabeth Rose Mapelli Mozzi, born on Wednesday, 22nd January, at 12.57pm, at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London.

“The baby was born weighing four pounds and five ounces.

“Their Majesties The King and Queen and other members of the royal family have all been informed and are delighted with the news.”

[From Sky News]

I’m so glad that mother and child are safe and in good condition. I hope Bea and Edo aren’t too stressed, and I hope Fergie is around, helping out. This goes a long way towards explaining Beatrice’s sudden reticence to fly to Italy – this was probably a risky pregnancy, and I totally believe her doctors strongly advised her not to fly and to stay close to a hospital in her third trimester.

Thoughts on the baby’s name? I was not expecting “Athena,” honestly. It’s a Greek name, and Prince Philip was technically a Greek prince. I wondered if there were any Athenas in Philip’s side of the family – none of his sisters were named Athena, and his mother’s name was Alice. Hm. The “Elizabeth Rose” is obvious enough, and I’m fine with those names as middle names. Oh, they released a photo!

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images, Avalon Red.

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63 Responses to “Princess Beatrice welcomed her second daughter, Athena Elizabeth Rose”

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  1. Colleen says:

    Oh my goodness the photo!! It’s giving me baby lust. How perfectly sweet. Both mine were several weeks early – and with my daughter the doctors weren’t worried about it because girl babies are stronger at birth than boy babies –that’s what they told me. She is precious and I’m glad all are well!!

    • sunny says:

      My om is a OB nurse and a midwife and she always talks about how all of her babies were early. I was born nine weeks early in the 80’s and she and the doctors told my father who was scared at the time that premie girls tend to have much better outcomes then baby boys.

      Congrats to Bea and I hope she and her little family are doing well.

    • SURE says:

      I must be the only one who thinks the way the photo (not the child) has been staged isn’t cute. I understand not wanting to reveal the baby’s face but I think an obscure side profile would have looked more natural. I saw this photo and thought why did they even bother releasing it. Again my comment is about the photo composition and not the child.

  2. Alicky says:

    Absolutely adore the name! Congratulations to the parents.

  3. Lady Esther says:

    Oh she’s beautiful…and I love the name Athena so much, what a great choice! Congratulations to Beatrice and her family, wishing them all the happiness and health with little Athena 🙂

  4. s808 says:

    Athena is a pretty name!

  5. Ann says:

    Athena is a pretty name and likely a nod to Philip. I remember when Beatrice herself was born and the date is easy to remember: 8/8/88. Gossip then was she could have been named Octavia!

    • Kingston says:

      Seriously! Thats Beatrice’s birthdate: 8/8/88??

      I can only imagine the hype at the time of her birth. Surely it was a remarkable thing, leading to lots of articles?

      Anyhoooo…..i just did a quick search on the number 8:

      “The number 8 has many meanings across cultures, including in numerology, astrology, and religion.

      Balance: The number 8 is associated with the infinity symbol, representing balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

      Power: The number 8 is considered a “power number” that symbolizes strength, ambition, and success.

      Achievement: The number 8 represents success in setting and reaching goals.

      Karmic balance: The number 8’s symmetrical shape represents karmic balance.

      Scorpio: The eighth astrological sign is Scorpio, which is represented by the scorpion. People with a strong influence of Scorpio in their birth chart may resonate with the qualities associated with the number 8.

    • Tarte au Citron says:

      I feel so ancient now 😄😄 I can remember when Princess Beatrice was born too and there were articles about her 8/8/88 DOB and what that meant astrologically.

  6. MSS says:

    That’s great news, but I hope Beatrice and the baby are okay.

  7. ShazBot says:

    The picture is nice and shows the baby is already out of the NICU (if she was there at all), which is a great sign for a preemie!
    I think Brits start spring earlier than us in North America? Because when they said early spring, I assumed late March/early April, so was a little shocked when I saw she’d had the baby!

    • EM says:

      Not necessarily out of the NICU, just stable enough for a quick photo shoot. My late term preemie did still had their monitoring wires on underneath the blanket for their photo shoot. She will very likely stay in the hospital until she gains some more weight, assuming she doesn’t have any other health issues. (Late term preemies are born at 34-36 weeks. I’m assuming from her weight and appearance Athena was born in this window too.)

    • BeanieBean says:

      The spring equinox is the same time every year, around the globe.

      And that is an utterly sweet picture. That hair! She’ll have her mother’s beautiful hair, no doubt.

  8. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Athena is perfect for a courageous girl, born weeks before due date. Health to mom and baby.

  9. Tessa says:

    Two little girls for the family, how lovely.

    • Lau says:

      It’s funny how Eugenie has two boys and Beatrice has two girls. Very cute.

      • earth2 says:

        I’ll find it funnier if Edo’s fake title goes to a cousin, because he refused to marry his babymama and pass the title to his biracial son.

  10. TheOriginalMia says:

    Love the name. Sweet picture. Wishing both mom & child good health.

  11. Mightymolly says:

    I love the name Athena. I don’t understand the point of multiple middle names but it doesn’t hurt anyone. So there’s no title, right, because that’s paternal?

    • Tessa says:

      To get titles for the children, King Charles would have to give Edo a title to pass on to the children (Earl, Duke). It is doubtful this will happen. It happened when the Queen gave Antony Armstrong Jones a title, then his and Princess Margaret’s children would have titles.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Titles are only given through the male line so Beatrice’s children won’t have titles.

      • Tessa says:

        If Charles have Edo a title like earl then Siena and athena,and would have title of lady instead of miss. It is doubtful it will happen

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      Athena is very pretty and I like the potential nod to Prince Philip’s heritage.
      However, isn’t Sienna’s middle name also Elizabeth? If so that’s odd to me. When Elizabeth was alive it was a nice gesture to their matriarch, but now? Seems odd.
      Like William & Kate having Louis as one of George’s middle names and then naming Louis that. There’s more than just five possible names, guys /s
      As an aside- wonder if the Rose is a nod to Princess Margaret as it was her middle name? If I wanted to be a conspiracy theorist I could suggest it’s a nod to Ms Hanbury since apparently Kate has traditionally been rude to Beatrice…

      • Farah D. says:

        Prince Philip’s heritage is Danish and German, not Greek. He was on record many times saying he did not consider himself Greek but rather Danish instead, and he did not speak Greek.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        It’s not uncommon to reuse a middle name if the children aren’t going by the middle name. My college roommate was the 4th girl in her family (and youngest) she and all of her sisters have Anne as a middle name (her older brother is the only child in the family whose middle name isn’t Anne)

      • Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

        @pottymouth – interesting. I can say I’ve never seen that myself – with the exception of my French Canadian friends & relatives where up until the 1970’s everyone had either Marie or Joseph as part of their names, which is a whole other naming issue!

      • Sasha says:

        Relating it to Margaret’s middle name is a stretch, shed have barely known her. As for the other rose, what? I’m assuming edo has a say in the names.

        Athena is a beautiful name. Congratulations to them both.

      • BQM says:

        It could still be a nod to Philip’s side if not his ethnic heritage. Beatrice’s father Andrew was named for his paternal grandfather and Philip’s mother Alice lived in Athens and sheltered a Jewish family there during the war.

    • Jais says:

      Both having the middle name Elizabeth just seems like something they do to honor their grandmother. That said, if I was Sienna I’d be like where’s my flower middle name cuz why just Elizabeth when my sister is Elizabeth rose ? Siena Elizabeth Poppy, Siena Elizabeth Lily, Siena Elizabeth Dahlia. Siena Elizabeth Daisy. I kind of like daisy? Lol, there’s still time to add one. It reminds me of when we were all trying to guess Lilibet’s name and there were so many flower guesses. Which ended up being kind of right.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    So is the press going to be outraged that the baby’s face is hidden?

  13. tamsin says:

    Lovely to hear some good news. Love the combination of names for the baby. I think her older sister’s names are lovely too. Some interesting symmetry- two siblings- one with two boys and the other with two girls- just like another two siblings. I don’t think it has any significance, though. It’s just interesting.

    • Kingston says:

      To carry your analogy further:
      – two old male sibblings (chucky and pedrew), the older of whom had two boys while the younger had 2 girls;
      – of these four offspring (bully, H, bea, eug): the 2 boys each had a boy, followed by a girl*;
      – of the four offsping: the 2 girls – the older had 2 girls while the younger had 2 boys.

      * regarding older boy(bully) of the “2 boys” from the older of the 2 old male sibblings: his wife wanted to be compared with the queen so instead of keeping her litter to one boy and one girl, she decided to have a third.

  14. Hannah says:

    Aww, what a tiny little sweetheart. 4lbs. Oy vey, that’s tiny. Mazel tov to Beatrice & Edo on the safe arrival of their little girl. I hope the Rose in her name was a sweet nod to Princess Margaret Rose. Another sacrificial lamb to House Windsor. May this little one grow to be wise and a warrior like her namesake

  15. Jegede says:


    Eunice has the boys.😉 Beatrice has the girls.😉

  16. Cee says:

    I was born 6 weeks early and with a similar weight in the 80s. Baby Athena will be fine as it sounds like she was delivered when all of her vital organs were developed and ready to go.
    Congrats to the family!

  17. V says:

    So happy for Bea! Athena is a lovely name. Glad they are both well!

  18. Kingston says:

    Am I the only one who feels totally indifferent to this infant?

    I mean……….I’m totally indifferent to beatrice and that creepy man she married, so theres that. But I’m so hostile to that cult, in general, that I actively feel either disgust, contempt or downright loathing for the key perpetrators within it; pity for some (like eug, prince edward and his kids); or just plain indifference to its peripherals, like beatrice et al.

    • Beverley says:

      I’m also indifferent. I read the article to contrast and compare the rota’s reporting Athena’s birth to that of Princess Lilibet’s. No surprises there.

    • Mtl.Ex.Pat says:

      Yeah have to say while I don’t wish them any ill, I think Beatrice is a grifter and I have no use for her or her preening husband.

    • Meredith says:

      I’m indifferent to the infant but am jealous of her luxe cashmere blanket— it looks soooo soft.

    • sesemay says:

      Interesting choice for a name. I like it a lot. Lady Kitty Spencer, Harry’s cousin and Earl Spencer’s daughter, revealed her daughter’s name to be Athena. I believe she was born in 2023.

  19. Jen says:

    Awww… is baby Athena a ginger? That hair looks sorta darkly gingery. I hope they’re all doing well.

  20. KC says:

    What a beautiful name.

    On a side note regarding Keira Knightly, it’s irritating to hear actors disparage a role or movie that not only paid them incredibly well but launched their careers. It’s a slap in the face to the people that paid to see those movies. Keira Knightly and Robert Pattinson come to mind.

    It’s one thing to hate making an all around bad movie, or to have a bad experience on set, but the condescension of how they’ve moved past such trivial acting into a high brow level is insulting considering both actors earned well over $30,000,000. Those wealth and roles positioned them to have the careers they have now.

    Rant over.

  21. Kaye says:

    Edo’s son Wulfie is a cutie.

  22. bisynaptic says:

    Is there a sudden crop of “Rose” baby names in the extended British royal family? 🧐

    • Meredith says:

      Underscoring that they are English Roses. Blech.

    • earth2 says:

      Underscoring a connection to Hanbury? Originally Fergie was papped planning the Bea/Edo wedding to take place at Marina Hanbury’s husband’s place in Italy. COVID intervened.

  23. Daisychain says:

    Not saying anything anyone hasn’t already said, but very happy for Princess Beatrice and Hubby Mapelli Mozzi and their gorgeously cute daughter Athena, absolutely great name. I’m a new grandma myself and babies entering the world can be fraught, glad everyone is well.

  24. NikkiK says:

    Her husband is like a younger more attractive version of RFK Jr. LOL He’s very dashing. What does he do again? And his son is super cute, I hope the girls take after him.

  25. Athena says:

    Beautiful name, beautiful baby.