Nigel Farage referred to Prince Harry & Meghan as ‘wonderboy & wondergirl’

The American political landscape is a hellhole, a nightmare, a complete and utter catastrophe. But hey, at least Nigel Farage isn’t one of *our* homegrown dumbf–ks. Farage is British, he loves Donald Trump, and he’s a racist, Islamophobic, sexist horse’s ass. Farage has been flitting in and out of British and EU politics for decades, and his current title is leader of Reform UK Party, and he also won an MP seat in last year’s election. That is why he was invited to Buckingham Palace on Wednesday evening – it was a welcome reception for 300 new MPs, hosted by King Charles and Queen Camilla. Prince Edward and Sophie, the Duchess of Edinburgh, were also in attendance. Apparently, Farage spoke to Sophie and Edward separately, then he made some comments to the Mail about how the Edinburghs work hard. And then he made a crack about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who left that island five years ago.

Reform leader Nigel Farage sarcastically dismissed Harry and Meghan as ‘wonderboy and wondergirl’ for quitting royal duties and moving America while at a Buckingham Palace reception today. He was invited to the royal residence along with more than 300 new MPs and peers for a ‘welcome’ reception.

He did not speak to the King or Queen because he has met them multiple times before and said he wanted to let other MPs make the most of the occasion. He joked: ‘Also if I see him I know some of the exchanges will be interesting because we have disagreed in the past over a few things.’ Laughing, he went on to explain that he was the only person not to give the King a standing ovation after he gave a speech at the European Parliament. ‘We’ve had a laugh about it ever since. It’s not nasty,’ he said.

The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh spoke to Mr Farage separately, however, and when Edward introduced himself, he said: ‘I had a very very good chat with your wife.’

‘Oh right,’ the King’s brother responded before the politician told him: ‘You are working jolly hard.’

Speaking afterwards, the Reform politician – who attended a similar reception when he was first elected as an MEP in 1999 – heaped praise on the Edinburghs for doing so many royal engagements.

‘They are charming, they do a lot of heavy lifting because there’s one or two gaps out there. It’s been a difficult few years,’ he said. ‘Wonderboy and wondergirl disappear off to America, the Queen dies, the King’s not been well, Andrew’s not in the public eye, Princess Anne is 74, so they are doing a lot of the heavy lifting and I think doing it very well,’ he said in typically unabashed style.

[From The Daily Mail]

There are so many funny parts to this, including Farage blanking completely on the existence of the heir to the throne and his wife. Why were Prince William and Kate not included in Farage’s summary of the sad state of Windsor affairs? I actually appreciate how Farage frames it too, almost like Harry and Meghan’s Sussexit was the start of all of the Windsors’ problems, like that was what cursed the family for three generations, how they treated H&M. It’s the “Heartbreaking: Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point” meme come to life. As for Farage referring to the Sussexes as “Wonderboy and wondergirl” – I know he was aiming for sly, bitchy nicknames, but it comes across as irrationally bitter. Even Boris Johnson said (very recently) that Harry and Meghan were “brilliant” and a “national asset.” Five years later, and MPs are still this unbelievably salty that Harry & Meg got the f–k out of Dodge and now Britain is stuck with the left-behinds.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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27 Responses to “Nigel Farage referred to Prince Harry & Meghan as ‘wonderboy & wondergirl’”

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  1. Nanea says:

    Farage is a drunk and a fascist. And he doesn’t live in his constituency, but in Belgium (?) — because his French (?) girlfriend can’t move to Brexitannia because of the Brexit that Farage fought so hard for.

    So of course the Daily Heil would report on his opinions.

    Why did the Edinburgh-Wessexes feel the need to talk to him though — there is always the option to ignore people.

    Oh, and no mention why the Wailses were not there? Too exhausted from being flown around in a heli and pretending to like farm equipment (him), carrying a Chanel handbag around earlier in the week (her)?

  2. KeKe Swan says:

    Not a word about Kate? Hasn’t she been ill, too? No sympathy for William? Oh well —when you’re so intent on being nasty you may drop some rhetorical balls.

  3. somebody says:

    If he thinks Ed and Sophie work hard that shows how intelligent he is.

    • Osty says:

      Well as compared to the rest of the lazies they have now , he is right. Sophie esp ” works hard ” but her ” work ” is mostly ignored by the media cos no one cares about Ford fiesta .

  4. Amy Bee says:

    Didn’t the press say that Harry and Meghan are irrelevant? It doesn’t seem so if people like Nigel Farage are still upset that Harry and Meghan have left.

    • sunnyside up says:

      So irrelevant that they get far more stories about them in the BM then any other royals.

  5. Jais says:

    Wonderboy and wondergirl! I mean I get it’s supposed to be patronizing or something but it just makes them sound special. Farage is such a weird trump fanatic.

    • Jay says:

      I wonder if he was going for “Wondertwins”, which would have been a little more insulting, I guess. But Wonder Girl is a badass! And a very American cultural reference, too, wouldn’t you say? I don’t know much about Wonder Boy, but it seems better than (ahem) not being mentioned at all as the supposed heir to the throne! If Sophie and Edward get more attention than you, you doing something wrong.

      I fully expect the Sussex squad to take full ownership of the fact that even this racist loon recognizes that Meghan is basically a superhero and that things went off the rails when they left.

  6. ThatGirlThere says:

    Every time I see him baring his disgusting teeth I want to gag.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    Why do they care so much that they aren’t there? From what people are always saying here it doesn’t sound like the average person is always talking about the Royal family, so its your media constantly platforming them on a daily basis in multiple articles. It would still be irrational but I guess I could understand more if Harry and Meghan lived in some mansion in Mayfair and was constantly competing for attention. Meghan hasn’t been back in years and Harry literally comes back 70% of the time for court cases. They aren’t costing you any money, is just their simple existence not being beaten down that bothersome?

  8. lanne says:

    All of the noise over the past 5 years has me so relieved for Harry and Meghan to not be in the UK at the mercy of the royal family anymore. Because now we see that the royals are shills for the right wing, and they are at the mercy of the right wing. The Wales have to live with the shitty rota folks, the Farages, the nasty Tories and Murdochs and Rothemeres. The royals have to jump when those nasty folks say jump. Deliver their children for consumption and soon, the Wales will have to start feeding info about their kids to the public to protect themselves.

    No wonder William’s ass is so chapped. Harry is free while Slumlord Willy has to dance on the marionette strings of the dirtiest, nastiest media on earth. Serves him right.

    I love when the ratchets compare the Sussexes to the Kardashians. I have no love for that clan, but at least the Kardashions don’t sell each other out for money.

    Let the right wing ratchets call names all they want. The Sussexes can go on ignoring them just as they have for the past 5 years. The derangers look more deranged with each passing day. I wonder of any of the royals ever read the story of the Monkey’s Paw. They have gotten exactly what they asked for, and I’m so, so glad for them that they have to live with the consequences of their own choices. Have fun in the spotlight, Sir and Madam Wales!

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Love this line, lanne:

      “Harry is free while Slumlord Willy has to dance on the marionette strings of the dirtiest, nastiest media on earth.”

      • Angied says:

        Yes and he will eventually have to sell out his children to them. a situation he and Kate entirely brought on themselves by their jealousy of Harry and Meghan. It was supposed to be Harry. Meghan and their children. He will have to deal with the same awful press that made his mother’s life a living hell so they won’t turn on him and Kate. The same people Harry sued and won damages from he will have to deal with or they will eventually turn on him. He will feed the beast his children and I suspect this is were the anger with Harry truly lies. Harry can look in his children eyes and say Meghan and I protected you. What can William and Kate say? We had to sell you out so they wouldn’t turn on us. He is such a coward and scared shitless of them. Harry is so much the better man.

    • Kingston says:


      Love! It!
      You have such a way with words, @lanne.
      Le sigh.

  9. Eurydice says:

    I love the part where Nigel handwaves meeting with the King and Queen because he’s so “been there, done that” and “let the kiss-asses have a chance.” What a poseur. And even out of Sophie and Edward all he could get was “Oh, right.”

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      I read that bit and interpreted it as Farage is likely terrified of Seabiscuit Sidepiece.

  10. abritdebbie says:

    Also in that photo is Richard Tice, who lead the Reform party until Nigel Farage (who owns Reform) decided he wanted to be chair again. Both Farage and Tice are both Nepo kids, whose parents money helped them get where they are today. Neither of them are self made.

    I bet the real reason why Nigel Farage did not go to speak to the King was because he was probably worried about what Charles would say to him.

  11. Tuni says:

    -and when Edward introduced himself, he said: ‘I had a very very good chat with your wife.’

    ‘Oh right,’ the King’s brother responded before the politician told him: ‘You are working jolly hard.’-

    I had a good chat with “your wife” is weird and cloying phrasing. Especially at a work engagement, when you are first introduced by Edward to Edward. Just say her name. Don’t insinuate you are that close to Sophie and Edward should appreciate you for it.

    Also don’t insinuate to everyone “Sophie liked it too”. Just Because it was very very good for you.

    So Edward smacks him down with, oh really, aren’t you working “jolly hard”

    I mean most royalty looks down on everyone, Nigel is not an exception for Edward and Sophie. Afterwards it is highly likely they tore him down behind his back about him being inappropriately familiar and cloying. And laughed about it.

  12. Where'sMyTiara says:

    I do believe that WanK are the “gaps out there” Farage referred to.

    Much as I detest the man, the shade is copious and the schadenfreude pie is delicious!

  13. Hereforthegossip says:

    Nigel looks like he’s been chewing on rocks so f*#k him…

  14. NikkiK says:

    They really are obsessed with Harry and Meghan. Absolutely obsessed and it’s unhealthy and deranged.

  15. bisynaptic says:

    I just realized that Nigel Farage and Camilla have the same mouth.