Mail: Carole Middleton should be given a birthday title for her loyalty & ‘discretion’

Tomorrow is Carole Middleton’s 70th birthday. The Daily Mail has been celebrating like Carole is a full-time working royal in need of embiggening. They’ve published several bizarre pieces about Carole this week, including a piece about her diet and figure, and one about how Carole is so much like Queen Elizabeth II. They come close to calling Carole part of the Greatest Generation, I swear to God. But nothing beats this lengthy piece which serves as a mulligan on Carole’s shameful financial catastrophe, like it never even happened, and her poor management and house of cards didn’t leave a trail of destruction. This Mail piece ends by suggesting, yet again, that Carole is due for an honorary title. *wipes tear away* She is the queen mother, after all.

Of all the absurd portrayals in Netflix’s multi-million- pound series The Crown, Carole Middleton’s must be up there with the silliest and cruellest. ‘Heels not flats,’ she barks at her daughter on the phone, ahead of the famous St Andrews University fashion show in 2002, where Kate supposedly wowed her future husband by strolling down the catwalk in a see-through dress.
‘You still want to show off those legs. It’s our duty to make use of the assets God has given us.’

Carole is immortalised throughout the final series, released in 2023, as a grasping, scheming, ruthless social climber who repeatedly tried to fling her eldest daughter in Prince William’s path from childhood. It’s so ludicrously pantomime dame, it’s almost comedic. But then Carole Middleton, the real Carole Middleton, is no stranger to barbs and character assassinations.

‘She’s pushy, rather twee and incredibly middle class,’ one particularly snotty source said of Carole at the time. ‘She uses words such as ‘pleased to meet you’, ‘toilet’ and ‘pardon’.’ Carole was sniggered at for growing up in a council house, becoming a British Airways air hostess and reportedly chewing nicotine gum at Prince William’s Sandhurst passing-out ceremony in 2006.

Looking back now, on Carole Middleton’s 70th birthday, the flak that was thrown her way seems almost unbelievable given how admired she has become as the Middleton matriarch, especially after Kate’s cancer diagnosis, and the solid and unwavering role she’s played, particularly in the past year. When Kate was first spotted in public two months after her surgery last January, it was sitting beside her mother in the car.

In Kate’s personal Instagram video, released last September after her chemotherapy finished, there were scenes of the children on the swings at home in Norfolk, her and William lying on a blanket on the nearby beach, but notably also Kate’s parents – Carole and Michael – playing card games around the table. This appearance of the Middleton parents was very ‘telling’, a source reveals, adding that Carole was the family linchpin who often did the school run during this period, driving the children – and her daughter – there and back so that Kate could still be part of their daily routine.

I wonder what her critics would have preferred: that William had married a Sloaney blonde whose mother spent most of her time looking after the Labradors and arranging flowers at church?

The only question now is whether the Middletons will be granted a title – as grandparents of a future king, and to reward them for their unstinting loyalty and discretion over the past two decades. Middleton family friend and business tycoon Sir John Madejski has previously called for this. ‘They should be the Earl and Countess of Bucklebury,’ he said in 2014. ‘They deserve it. They are great people and really good role models.’

When Prince George was born in 2013, there were rumours of tension between the-then Prince Charles and the Middletons over who saw the new baby first. Classic grandparent stuff. But in recent years, the King is said simply to be grateful for the support they’ve shown his son, so perhaps an earldom is somewhere down the line, although insiders say this is more likely to happen when William becomes king. I can’t imagine it would change anything other than Carole’s notepaper, because she understands all too well that her role is to be the soft power behind the throne.

[From The Daily Mail]

I said last year, when the Middletons were suddenly allowed back into society events, that a deal had been struck between the Middletons and the Windsors. I still believe that, and I believe we’re seeing the deal continue to play out this week, with these old-school, sugary briefings from Middleton HQ. The Middletons suddenly had cards to play last year and they played their hand to ensure that they were allowed back at Wimbledon and Royal Ascot, and that Carole would get credit for being the “linchpin” holding this mess together. This reads to me like Carole is pushing for even more. That being said, the Mail is definitely mocking Carole – the Sloaney blonde crack was so pointed, you know Carole’s skin got pierced. That IS what many people wanted, for William to not marry into this tacky grifter family.


Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images, Netflix.

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81 Responses to “Mail: Carole Middleton should be given a birthday title for her loyalty & ‘discretion’”

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  1. Harla says:

    Bwahahahaha!! Thanks for the belly laugh @Kaiser!!

    • Jais says:

      Okay I am laughing! Bc Carole is letting us now know that it was she who was doing the school runs. Is she calling out William’s claim of having to do them all? Omfg, the psychodrama of the bloody school run continues.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Jais, The pic of Kate & her mother (banned in UK) got taken after Will was saying to the reporters that he was doing all the school runs. Then, Middletons arranged a pap shot of them doing the school runs. No doubt, she is making sure Will isn’t getting any credit for that.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        This is Ma yanking Peggy’s chain. Given that Katty is suddenly visible after being told she won’t be means something is up and the Mids aren’t getting what they want or the ‘deal’ is being ignored.

        These stories about Ma are not as flattering as they think. She has a history of pulling these media stunts to promote herself and remind us just how royal she thinks she is.

        Will be interesting to see how Cams reacts to the title story.

      • Megan says:

        The Midds play the long, long game. I never count them out.

      • Nic919 says:

        Camilla plays the longest game. Carole has nothing on her.

  2. K says:

    Gotta appreciate an old fashioned title grab. Makes me want to crack open a vintage Marion Chesney that prominently features an over bearing Mama. Lol. She’s got a royal flush, I’d say.

  3. SarahCS says:

    Yet they still spend three paragraphs reminding us of all the ‘terrible’ things people have said about her.

    • Jais says:

      Right? Did they really need or go into the detail of her Netflix the crown depiction? Besides, she should take that up with Robert Lacey.

      • SarahCS says:

        I think they do it because they still look down their noses at her but get their story orders from the palaces so here we are. They’ll be snide/shady any way they can.

      • Jais says:

        It’s hard. Bc I do find the class shade to be gross. But at the same time, Carole was a shady C-u-next Tuesday about Meghan. I’d rather like to see her called out for her actions, like shading Meghan’s public speaking in the Telegraph for no good reason. Or making up asinine rules about no ring no bring or whatever.

      • Nic919 says:

        It’s hard to feel bad about the class shade when it’s clear Carole isn’t proud of her background and is looking to move up. Plus her behaviour toward Meghan has been despicable with the interview and the nonsense around Pippa’s wedding.
        Kate wasn’t looking to be more successful in a career. She spent her time looking to marry and rich titled man and keeping other women out of the way.

      • Becks1 says:

        the class shade is hard but I think its used so often against her because the Middletons are the epitome of social climbers who are trying to “better” their standing in society. If they weren’t trying to portray themselves as psuedo aristocrats who are desperate for a title (countess of bucklebury?? really?) I think a lot of the classist comments would have lost weight by now (even if the aristos were still thinking them.)

  4. aquarius64 says:

    There have been stories about the Middletons getting titles for years. Now they look like they are using whatever happened on Dec 28 2023 to shakedown the Crown. This could easily backfire on them.

    • Yes it does look that way!! What’s really telling is the discretion part. What exactly is she being discrete about? Such an interesting word to use.

      • Jay says:

        I zeroed in on that word, too! What, pray tell, have the Middletons been so discreet and “loyal” about? Why, my goodness, it almost sounds like a threat – reward us with a title or else we spill the beans!

      • Jais says:

        It’s almost sounds like it was potentially someone else shopping a divorce memoir last year unless they got what they wanted.

    • Robert Phillips says:

      My own personal opinion. William’s courtiers picked cancer to cover up Kate’s problem for a reason. Cancer often comes back. So they can pull her out of the public eye at any time. And also cancer kills people also. So they can get rid of her at any time. I know that’s dark. But come on we know there are a lot of dead bodies in William and Charles past.

    • Betsy says:

      Yeah… discretion? I’ve been on the side that something horrible was done to Kate in late December 2023. What other kind of “discretion” would earn the Middletons a title?

    • earth2 says:

      There is absolutely no proof of anything keen-related happening Dec 2023. It was all made up by a pro-kate, anti-meghan nutjob on SM – and people are choosing to believe that idiot.

  5. Tessa says:

    She will wait for Huevo to give her a title if he is so inclined. Hilarious article.

    • Chrissy says:

      Only if there’s blackmail involved would she get a title. Given whatever’s happened with Kate in the last while, nothing would surprise me.

  6. Osty says:

    She should tell her “son in law ” that when next he puts his head on her lap , not leaking to her friends

  7. Dee(2) says:

    I don’t know what happened that gave them a hand to play, but if it was that bad you would think a good mother would have parlayed that into getting their child out of their marriage not more entrenched in it. The Sloaney crack just makes that more apparent. All these machinations, and 25 years later they still look down their nose at you.

    • Laura says:

      Am wondering what happened to all the publicity and outrage over the bankruptcy etc ? Did it just fade away or was paying their bills part of the agreement? Along with NDA’s of course

    • Unblinkered says:

      As Harry said in one of his TV interviews “it’s a dirty game”.

  8. TigerMcQueen says:

    I’d love to know what actually happened around Christmas 2023 for this kind of embiggening to be ok again.

  9. Jensa says:

    This is definitely Carole making a pitch for a title. Which means she must be feeling confident – I wonder why?
    The “Sloaney blonde” crack is a bit pointed. William’s mother was a Sloaney blonde after all – and he probably would have been better off marrying someone like his mother, at least she knew what work was.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Diana knew what work meant, but the Sloaney types aren’t generally known for their work ethic LOL.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        Perhaps not their work ethic, but they DO understand the importance of keeping up appearances…something which does seem to frequently elude Will and Kate.

  10. HeatherC says:

    So let me get this straight. The whole kingship thing is supposedly granted and anointed by god and all that. yet a “commoner” will be the soft power behind the throne.

    Even the royalists are starting to understand that they’re really not that special after all.

  11. Lady Digby says:

    Maybe Carole believes she is OWED for keeping Willy calm and functional and the marriage in tact. Maybe she has proposed a divorce memoir if daughter gets dumped so is now demanding her own title to keep her sweet? All her PR is about the linchpin that she is for daughter, Will and the kids? Ivor Novello wrote a funny song about the eternal MIL ” And Her Mother Came too!!

  12. Afken says:

    We must have different definitions of the word “discretion”.

  13. Tessa says:

    what about Mr. Middleton?

  14. Alicky says:

    Discreet about what, stiffing all her vendors?

    • MY3CENTS says:

      In this case airing Peggy’s dirty laundry. I guess he messed up big time for them to be pushing out these stories, and as always when there are is so many shenanigans you jump to the worst ( Domestic violence etc).
      He made a deal with the devil.

  15. Eurydice says:

    So interesting. Carole will go from being William’s surrogate mother to being the power behind his throne? Someone’s got an ego.

    • Jais says:

      Right?? She is calling herself the soft power behind the throne. Shouldn’t that technically go to her daughter more than her? But I mean I guess she sees herself as the power behind her daughter too. Lordy.

      • Chrissy says:

        Haven’t we heard stories for years about him having his head in her lap with her probably stroking his ego and so, I’d say she’s the one with the power. I’m sure her daughter has shared many secrets about Willie with her mother (and only friend) so that now she can call the shots and get what she thinks she is owed!

  16. Brit says:

    What’s most interesting about this piece, at least to me, is that line:
    ‘When Kate was first spotted in public two months after her surgery last January, it was sitting beside her mother in the car’
    As far as I remember, not a single British news outlet – paper, magazine or broadcast news – published that photo.
    At the time all the royal commentators criticised it as ‘an invasion of privacy’ and it felt as though there was an agreement between them all, maybe an agenda pushed by the palaces to denounce that photo.

    This article now makes it seem as though it was Kate’s choice that she was with her mother when she was ‘first spotted in public’

    • Jais says:

      Okay, yeah. That was something wasn’t it. Referring to the car picture that wasn’t even allowed to be shown in the papers. Confirming it. And then later saying it was Carole and Kate who were the ones most often doing the school run. So it wasn’t William? Despite him using it as the reason he couldn’t do f-ck all for months. These details given were purposeful. Yanking William’s chain? And does that mean the kids were having to go 45m one way to their school from bucklebury and then back rather than the shorter commute from AC? Hmm.

      • BeanieBean says:

        That is interesting. On the other hand, these folks can’t keep their lies straight, so there’s that.

    • Nic919 says:

      It fits with kate recovering at Buckleberry and not with William. Also it was pretty clear that the photo was meant to dispel the “Kate is missing and possibly dead” rumours that were flying after weeks of no updates from KP.

      The fact the photo was never printed in UK media shows that William aka KP used its power to not officially recognize it. Carole tried to get the upper hand here but William won that round.

  17. Lala11_7 says:

    They really dragged TF outta her!

  18. Digital Unicorn says:

    Give it up Ma you are not going to get a title even if you have to blackmail Peggy for it. Chuck will never give u one either.

    Ma has always been desperate for a title, can’t have her daughter with one and she none.

    Every time this story pops up there is pushback from the palace so I expect to see a negative story or 2 to come out about the Mids. What’s uncle gary been up to recently?

    The entitlement from that family is quite something.

  19. Mslove says:

    An earldom? Lol. Very ambitious. I wouldn’t give those grifters a darn thing, but Peg will probably make Carole a Baroness.

    • Jay says:

      Well, they say you should always start high in a negotiation 🙂

    • Lady Esther says:

      Not to mention that Michael will hold the actual title, which will then go to James and his descendants… Not sure this would suit either William or Carole. Dame sounds about right

  20. Blujfly says:

    Written of course by William’s good friend Desmond Money-Coutts sister, Sophia, friend of Pippa.

  21. Jay says:

    This feels like a Tatler-style takedown, doesn’t it? On the surface, it’s saying the Middletons (well, Carole) should get a title, but then repeats all of the slights and criticisms of how middle class and crass she is. The remark about the “sloaney blonde with labradors” sent me, because, uh, yeah – that’s exactly what these snobs wanted, and maybe also what William wanted, too!

    But all this talk of Carole being the “lynchpin” and “soft power behind the throne” seems both hilarious and frankly pretty dangerous to me. I thought Kate was the keen peacemaker and lynchpin? And wasn’t William claiming that he was the one doing the school runs every day and taking care of his wife? And you just know that Charles ain’t gonna be happy to be reminded that the Wales kids spend way more time with the Middletons. I would say that this article encapsulates exactly why Ma Midds is NOT going to get a fancy title.

    • Nic919 says:

      The Crown got a lot of the broad strokes about Carole pretty correct and so calling her a lynchpin seems to only confirm that the crown wasn’t wrong when they show Carole managing Kate’s chase for the Prince.

  22. Nic919 says:

    Charles will never give the Middletons a title. He won’t even give his nephew the Duke of Edinburgh title making it expire with Edward. There is no way he would give anything to a woman he actually despises.

    Maybe William will cave, but the entire point of kate being good for the family was due to her commoner roots. Giving them a title confirms the gold digging and social climbing that has attributed to that family from day one.

    • Christine says:

      If Charles gives the Middletons a title, it will confirm the DV rumors, for me, which is exactly why I don’t think he will do it. I expect William to do it, but Charles? Not unless whatever they have on William is really and truly awful.

  23. Sue says:

    It’s what she’s been after since she had daughters.

  24. Honey says:

    Per the DM article, what’s wrong with saying “pleased to meet you,” “toilet,” or “pardon?” Is there a more posh way? Can’t imagine giving the Middletons titles.

    • Thelma says:

      There’s a whole class thing about some of these phrases, essentially between “upper-class” and non “upper-class” and in my country depending on the school you went to, it was drummed into you. I was taught to say lavatory, never toilet. Also ‘I beg your pardon’ instead of pardon. Some people say ‘ What?’ but that was also considered abrupt and rude. I think people in the US are much more relaxed about language and it’s not a big deal here.

      • Oh come on. says:

        I also wondered this! I’d heard that posh Brits think it’s “middle-class” to say “pardon”–apparently aristos say “What?” among their peers and “I beg your pardon” around the higher-ranking?

        Iirc when the British tabloids were in a tizzy about Meghan meeting the Queen, Stephen Colbert quipped, “They’re supposed to say, ‘I beg your toilet'”

      • BeanieBean says:

        You see, it’s stuff like this that makes me happy to be American. I don’t want to worry about people judging me by my word choice, accent, school, etc. And we applaud people ‘bettering’ themselves, by getting a good education, good jobs, excelling at life. I know, I know, we’ve got the devil incarnate in the White House right now, but day to day? Nope, I’m good.

  25. QuiteContrary says:

    The photo of Carole captured in side profile and drinking alcohol is ice cold, Kaiser LOL.

    And the “countess of Bucklebury” sounds hilariously fictional (which, so far, it is).

  26. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    I mean honestly, why not lol The whole aristocracy is such am antiquated joke to me

  27. 80sMercedes says:

    Ugh, I knew I shared a birthday with Justin Timberlake (ew), but Carole as well?! Good lord. At least we 1.31ers still have Carol Channing and Kerry Washington.

  28. Miss Scarlett says:

    I’ve been dying over the parade of glowing articles Carole has received this week. The one comparing her as identical to the Queen and this one basically requesting a title again (it really took flight the first time after George was born) have me in stitches.

    And also begs the question – what exactly does Carole have on everyone that they are receiving such glowing press again?

    • earth2 says:

      Uncle Hookers and Blow paying for it, in addition to Carole continuing to leak lies about Harry and Meghan.

  29. Jaded says:

    I’d love it if this whole mess came to a head and she dropped all the tea on Slumlord Bill. Seriously, can you imagine!?!? Both she and her erstwhile son-in-law are cut from the same cloth — scheming, grasping, deceitful, you name it. Only Bill has a quick-burning temper while Ma Midd seems to play the long game much more skillfully. Bill may just slip up one of these days and have an “Oh yeah?? I double dare you” moment and Ma Midd will start leaking, and not just sugary, self-aggrandizing tabloid fantasies. This “birthday title” is a warning shot across the bow.

    • Libra says:

      I agree, Jaded . Something is up and I can’t think it out because 2+2 just doesn’t work here. This whole narrative is a warning shot across the bow, but why? Who benefits here? Carole is still getting bad press in the comments about leaving her creditors high and dry, so this aggrandizement will not go over well. Can’t come up with an answer except the obvious, it’s all made up by the tabloid trash.

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      I think the real question is how much would the UK press allow to be printed? We know they aren’t likely to print anything that they think might jeopardize the monarchy, though their idea of what is damaging to the monarchy does baffle sometimes.

      Would Ma Middleton have the nerve to go to foreign press to make sure that it all gets out?

  30. Amy Bee says:

    It’s interesting to see the press pretend like they weren’t the ones attacking Carole for her background. And I get the sense that some in the British establishment are calling Kate’s father (because Carole can’t get one in her rights) to get a title because of snobbery. George is going to be the first heir to the throne whose grandparents are commoners and untitled.

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      Well, Carole COULD get one in her own right, but the whole royal establishment is horrendously misogynist so they aren’t going to do THAT.

  31. Jenna says:

    This reads as a threat to me. They have something they are saying they can leak. “Don’t you agree our discretion should be rewarded?”

  32. kelleybelle says:

    I don’t think Carole Middleton has ever been discreet. She is insufferable.

  33. Weatherby says:

    Read: “William, DEAR, I’d like to remind you that I’ve kept a lot of your little secrets nice and safely guarded. I’d like part of my payout now, please.”

    Carole Middleton is so unbelievably crass. She has been demanding a title from her in-laws for years, even when the Queen was alive! Tacky, tacky, tacky.

    And selling out her dim-witted daughter in order to get it is just rotten. The tell will be how her son-in-law responds to these not-so-subtle threats.

  34. Lau says:

    With any luck she’ll have as much success getting her useless title as David Beckham does with his useless knighthood.

    • BeanieBean says:

      What are we thinking will happen first, Carole & Mike get their titles or Beckham gets his knighthood? Or neither?

  35. BeanieBean says:

    I like how they talk about the flak that came her way, criticizing her middle-class word choice 🙄 & nicotine gum chewing, failing to mention that the flak CAME FROM them!

  36. Penny says:

    Oh but don’t forget Uncle G, he has first dibs on ‘Duke of Slough’ 😄