Prince William apparently said something about ‘Harry has been poorly’ on Tuesday

On Tuesday, Prince William, aka Farmer Huevo, wore his country-gentleman cosplay and toured one of the many farms owned by the Duchy of Cornwall. William brought photographers to capture him playing on farm equipment, sniffing things and touching worms. He flew in on his helicopter, asked the farmers about the cost of living crisis, their environmental initiatives and their mental health, then he left by helicopter. All of that is just… typical Peg. But there was a wrinkle. Apparently, William was overheard speaking about “Harry.”

Prince William was overheard discussing someone named “Harry” being unwell during his visit to a Duchy of Cornwall estate yesterday.

“Harry’s better now… he’s been poorly,” the Prince of Wales said whilst walking alongside an unidentified man at Lower Blakemere Farm.

“Harry has?” the man replied.

“Yes he’s been under the weather,” William responded, according to video footage from the engagement.

The conversation took place as the pair entered the farm, where the Prince was due to meet local farmers.

Sources told the Mail that the Prince of Wales was not referring to his brother, the Duke of Sussex, during this exchange.

The clarification comes amid the ongoing distance between the royal siblings, who have maintained publicly frosty relations in recent years.

William, 42, was speaking with an unidentified gentleman during his tour of the Duchy estate in Hereford.

[From GB News]

I’ll criticize and mock William for just about anything, but I have no conspiracy tingles with this one. I believe William probably said something about “Harry is poorly” but he probably was referring to another Harry. It’s England – there are a lot of guys named Harry over there. Given that he was speaking to a farmer, the “Harry” in question was probably a mutual acquaintance, perhaps someone who works for the Duchy. That’s another thing – I can’t see one of William’s tenants asking him about his brother, nor do I believe that William would answer a question about his brother in this way. Besides, Prince Harry is looking fresh-faced and healthy whenever we see him these days.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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24 Responses to “Prince William apparently said something about ‘Harry has been poorly’ on Tuesday”

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  1. Dee(2) says:

    Yeah I think it’s more likely he’s referencing a farm manager ( not sure of the exact terminology) or someone else that would usually be there walking around with him, than his brother. Although there hasn’t been an article to my knowledge this year, he was still pretty frequently telling Tom Sykes up until the end of last year how much he hated Harry’s guts and could never forgive him for what he “did”, and would never be available to see him when he comes to the UK. I don’t think that’s changed primarily because I think Harry’s view on his brother is permanent S P A C E.

  2. OriginalMich says:

    It obviously isn’t our Good King Harry because, as “sources” have stressed repeatedly, William refuses to speak to him.

    Wishing the Harry being discussed a speedy recovery.

  3. SarahCS says:

    Of course it isn’t his brother.

  4. Eurydice says:

    This Farmer Huevo persona reminds me of Lord Emsworth and his prize pig, the Empress of Blandings, in the PG Wodehouse stories. She was doing poorly when her beloved pig keeper was jailed for drunk and disorderly.

  5. sevenblue says:

    He wouldn’t even answer a question about his wife, no way he is talking about Harry to the farmers. Probably someone working for him.

  6. He would never speaks so nicely about his brother Harry.

  7. Jais says:

    Harry just smacked down Murdoch in court and looked healthy and happy in that wellchild video. So yeah I’m guessing it was another British Harry. Besides William would call him Harold😂. Although I don’t think he calls him Harold in public.

  8. Becks1 says:

    I don’t think William would have the slightest idea whether Harry was feeling poorly or not, so I agree, this is probably about another person altogether.

  9. Tara says:

    Peg calls his brother Harold, I think.

    • Debbie says:

      why would he call his brother “Harold” when even I know that his real name is Henry?

      • Chrissy says:

        He thinks it’s an insult to Harry! Luckily, Harry couldn’t care less!

      • Lucky Charm says:

        When I was younger, I called my sister Mrs. Peabody when I wanted to insult her. I have no idea where that came from, I certainly never knew a real Mrs. Peabody, but it just sounded like a name to reflect my disdain, lol.

  10. Tessa says:

    How would William know that. I doubt harry confides in him

  11. Jay says:

    I agree – not only does TOB not know a thing about anything going on in Montecito, but it’s equally unlikely that he would be telling it if he did. I’m sure the reporters (“reporters”) at GBN know this, they are just desperately trying to sprinkle something interesting into this story.

    How funny would it be if this brief, overheard mention of Harry overshadowed all of the Wales’ busywork this week? Or if the palace has to clarify on the record that no, they weren’t talking about *that* Harry? Hahahahahaha…

  12. Hypocrisy says:

    Definitely not referring to his brother, I would be astonished if they have even talked directly in the last five years.

  13. Monc says:

    Can you imagine raising this for a son?

  14. VilleRose says:

    Harry is such a common British name, William probably knows multiple Harrys. He probably has a few friends with that name. He never would be caught talking so casually and nicely about his brother.

  15. lanne says:

    How desperate the media are if they jump on a story about some random Harry with a tummyache. They really are scrounging for scraps, aren’t they. Exactly what they deserve.

  16. T says:

    I wish someone would tell that man that his mustache/beard situation does not look good on him. It emphasizes his bald head and long face. I get that he wants it because Harry wears facial hair but it makes Harry look rugged and distinguished while he looks like a serial killer dressed like a wannabe bootleg lumberjack.

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    Just for laughs, I wish Harry would say to William, “We’re not close enough for you to talk about my health!”

  18. Lau says:

    Maybe they didn’t hear well and he was saying “hairy” and talking about himself in the third person.