“Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Senate confirmation hearing did not go well” links

Unsurprisingly, Robert Kennedy Jr’s Senate confirmation hearing is going poorly. The man is a moron and a liar (also not a surprise). [Jezebel]
Are Dua Lipa & Callum Turner engaged? Did you see that video where they were dancing by the Eiffel Tower? They’re very cute together. [LaineyGossip]
What is the stupidly awesome twist in Hulu’s Paradise? [Pajiba]
I guess Demi Moore will wear Armani at the Oscars. [RCFA]
Oscar prediction poll! [Buzzfeed]
Anna Kournikova was seen publicly for the first time in two years. [JustJared]
Lynda Carter went to Paris Fashion Week! [Socialite Life]
These two Russian figure skaters were in the plane crash on the Potomac. [Hollywood Life]
How are we already on Terrifier 4? [Seriously OMG]
Charlie’s Angels reunited to campaign for Demi Moore. [OMG Blog]

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19 Responses to ““Robert Kennedy Jr.’s Senate confirmation hearing did not go well” links”

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  1. Sassy says:

    There were American skaters, as well. At least 13 people were skaters. They were returning from a training camp with their coaches and families

  2. Lucía says:

    Dua and Callum are lovely, but they knew they were being filmed. I do hope they’re as happy as they seem.

  3. Jan90067 says:

    Re: Kennedy – it was a thing of beauty to see Sen. Bennett rip Krazy Kennedy a new one in the hearings yesterday. If anyone missed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RONiccbaGs

    Re: Paradise (Hulu) – Sterling K Brown is a must watch in anything. He is *superb* in this new show. As for the “shock ending”…all I can say is “O…M…G…!!!!!!!”

    I had to turn off the news conference about the plane crash as I just can NOT listen to Felon 47’s voice, much less see that POS, but I did hear enough to turn my stomach. RIP and deep condolences to all families of the victims, may their memories be a blessing 🙏🏻💔

    ETA: My decorator also did Cheryl Hines home (when married to her last husband). She said she will NEVER understand how Cheryl (whom she said was very nice and sweet (?!)) ended up with Kennedy, and why she didn’t leave him already.

  4. Nanea says:

    Does Cheryl Hines have any self-respect? She lets that disgusting liar humiliate her repeatedly.

    I loved how Senator Rev Raphael Warnock had the receipts on RFK, Jr — bringing transcripts of things he never said.

    That said, I have no idea who I despise most in Felon47’s maladministration, they’re all dangerous, destructive and dumb. RFKJr takes the cake for me though, because I used to work in biomedical research, before I became chronically ill.

  5. Jais says:

    I don’t know much about Anna K. And Enrique. I didn’t pay much attention to them at the time. But it’s interesting to me how they have seemingly kept so private or not covered much?

  6. SIde Eye says:

    I’m old enough to remember when Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing was a veritable disaster. Oh wait, I mean Justice Kavanaugh.

    He will be confirmed.

    • Truthiness says:

      I’m old enough to remember the hearings for Clarence Thomas which were like a train wreck to me. Thune & the GOP Senate leadership are allowing RFK Jr to get to committee hearings, I strongly suspect they have the votes. Thune is a total pro at this, unlike his colleagues in the House.

  7. Sassy says:


  8. JFerber says:

    I read that all the republicans are on board with him, so since there are fewer Dems, he’ll be confirmed. I agree about Cheryl Hines. And he looks like his face has turned to rock or stone. WTF? Remember asshole Aaron Rodgers said RFK was “brilliant” and would run circles around everyone at this meeting? Sure Rodgers still holds that opinion in upside-down world.

    And the Fourth Estate, the newspapers are already being silenced. Many are referring to ELon Musk’s Nazi salute as an “awkward gesture.” The lies and obfuscation are starting for sure. Even the German Prime Minister adamantly stated that it WAS a Nazi salute and who would know better than the Germans, whose awful history made that salute repugnant and yes, illegal to post in Germany. This is worse than I imagined, and I am a long-time catastrophic thinker.

    • martha says:

      Re Musk’s “awkward gesture” – If it had just been a wave-like movement awkwardly photographed, then yeah, maybe, but no – The heart-pound that preceded it absolutely confirms it was Nazi salute. Not to mention, the turn around and repeat it business. Not to mention – it was Musk.

      Bastards all.

      ETA Re RFK Jr – “it did not go well” pretty much guarantees he’ll be confirmed.

  9. JFerber says:

    Martha, yes, I agree. And the newspapers are afraid to print the truth for fear of punishment and there WILL be punishment.

  10. Scarlett says:

    My kingdom in return for a caption of that top photo of the anti vax animal killer.

    The captions write themselves. Signed – Petty McPetty

  11. Me at home says:

    Was flying back from Miami in late November. RFK Jr and Cheryl were on my flight in 1st class and boarded even before the other 1st class passengers. (Don’t get me started about why they were likely on Miami) . We economy-class passengers all had to troop past them and several were getting selfies with him or saying things to him. He looked up at me expectantly and I quickly turned away with what I hope was a clear expression of disgust. The flight turned out ok because I was seated next to two other older women who felt exactly the same way.