Surprise, Joe Rogan ratf–ked Kamala Harris in the last weeks of the election

I’m not interested in reading many of the forthcoming books about the 2024 election. I was there, I know what happened, I watched in real time, and I know exactly how thoroughly both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris got f–ked over. So many people f–ked around, and the only thing left to cover is the “finding out” half of the equation. Well, Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes have written one of the first books about the election, FIGHT: Inside the Wildest Battle for the White House. As I said, I have no interest in reading it. But NBC published an excerpt for free, so here you go. Right around Election Day, there was this talking point repeated over and over by white men especially: why didn’t Kamala Harris go on Joe Rogan’s show? Was she scared? It really mattered to those dumbasses that Donald Trump and JD Vance went on Rogan’s show, and that became “the reason” why those voters “turned against” Harris. Well, this book reveals that Harris was fully prepared to go on Rogan’s show and then Rogan ratf–ked her.

On October 11, Harris deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty, the aide in charge of digital strategy, made the first Zoom call to start negotiating with Rogan’s reps. He did not know what to expect. These might be juiced-up, UFC-looking supplement people, he thought. He was surprised—perhaps a tad disappointed—to find out that Rogan’s associates were more like Hollywood agents. In that vein, they outlined the podcaster’s conditions for an interview: no staff in the studio, no topic restrictions, and Harris would have to sign a waiver. There was one more item in the small print: Harris would have to come to Austin, Texas. Rogan’s reps said that might be negotiable, but he had only once done an interview with an out-of-studio guest.

Along with fellow Harris campaign advisers Stephanie Cutter and Brian Fallon, Flaherty offered up that Harris would be happy to talk about social media censorship, weed, and other issues they thought would be of most interest to his listeners. From their perspective, it was a suggestion of possible topics, not an exhaustive or exclusive list. That’s not what Rogan wanted to talk about. “Joe just wants to talk about the economy, the border, and abortion,” one of his reps said, according to a person familiar with the negotiations.

After two Zoom sessions, Flaherty called the Rogan intermediaries with an offer. Could Rogan join Harris in Michigan? he asked, proposing a date later in the week. No-go, the Rogan team said after reaching the host on a weeklong hunting trip. Austin or nothing.

“That’s going to be tough,” Flaherty said. “We’re only a few weeks out from the election.” Harris had less than zero reason to be in Texas. It was not a swing state. Her campaign was flush with cash—so it made no sense to take her off the trail to raise money. She was in battleground-or-bust mode. Plus, a detour to Texas might smell like desperation to the press and a waste of money to donors.

Harris campaign chief Jennifer O’Malley Dillon broke the impasse. Harris would be in Atlanta on October 24 with Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen. O’Malley Dillon said the campaign could fly her to Houston for a rally—under the cover of visiting a state with one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion laws—to put her in proximity to Austin. She dispatched an advance team to the Texas state capital to do a walk-through of Rogan’s studio and get ready for a Harris arrival. She authorized her negotiating team to give Rogan what he demanded—an in-studio interview in Austin—on October 25. For many Democratic operatives outside the campaign, the October 22 announcement that Harris would hold a Houston rally felt like a palm-to-face moment. She was going to lose Texas, by a lot, and a visit would not force Trump to spend his limited campaign money there.

Only a few people knew the real reason: the whole Houston rally was built to put her in proximity to Rogan. The ongoing negotiations on that were touch-and-go. Flaherty had called his Rogan contacts on October 18, before the rally was set. “We could do Friday, the 25th,” Flaherty said. “Wish we had known about this sooner, because he has the 25th blocked out as a personal day,” one of Rogan’s reps said.

“What about Saturday morning?” Flaherty countered. “Only if it’s before 8:30 a.m.,” came the tough reply.

The tone is different, Flaherty thought. The vice president of the United States is offering to come to your f—ing show, and you keep putting up more hoops. Harris’s team still wanted to make it work, but a new wariness set in. On October 22, the same day the Harris camp announced the rally, the Associated Press reported that Trump would be Rogan’s guest on Friday — the “personal day” Rogan had originally reserved.

Mutual friends Elon Musk and Dana White had convinced Trump and Rogan to bury their dispute, according to a Trump aide. There would be no Harris interview.

[From NBC News]

Yeah, f–k Joe Rogan. Not only did he play these disrespectful games, his team spread it around that Harris “refused” to do the show. Magically, the story was “why won’t Harris reach out to young men” and “what is she afraid of” and “she can’t handle a Rogan interview.” Like, that was a HUGE issue with college-aged guys in this election cycle, it was its own little stand-alone culture war. I hope Joe Rogan ***** on a rusty ***********.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Spotify.

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33 Responses to “Surprise, Joe Rogan ratf–ked Kamala Harris in the last weeks of the election”

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  1. tiglilly18 says:

    no friggin’ surprise and now he is trying to backpedal… just trash

    • Josephine says:

      He’s crap on a stick pretending he has a “viewpoint” but he’s just another douche bro who is afraid of women and lashes out like a coward accordingly. White men really are the ultimate snowflakes, so frightened of everything and everyone.

  2. OriginalMich says:

    It has become increasingly clear to me that a lot of younger voters (particularly young men) voted on “vibes.” The wake up call to the reality that the world doesn’t run on “vibes” is going to be extremely painful.

    I am genuinely confused by Rogan and many others. Do they know nothing about history? They might not care about the masses but the masses will sure care about them when food becomes scare, unemployment skyrockets, healthcare becomes unattainable, the dollar crashes, children get sacrificed to wacko ideologies, terror attacks hit the US, and (heaven forbid) young men start being sent to fight useless wars.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      No consequence will sway people like him, because they just blame it on circumstances or other factors. Like narcissists do. It’s never their fault.

      • OriginalMich says:

        When and if people start losing everything, it won’t matter what responsibility they personally take. It will matter what responsibility people assign them.

    • ThatIsTheThing says:

      Elon was on Rogan’s show. You don’t think he got wind that Kamala could have appeared and Trump raged his way onto Rogan’s “personal day” to take Kamala’s spot? OFC Rogan had to spin it later as Kamala not wanting to go on his show.

    • Nic919 says:

      No one sane could vote for the orange moron especially seeing the mess he made earlier in office. But sexism and racism are so heavily a part of culture that many work hard to create other terms to justify voting for that monster.

      Rogan was never going to be fair to Harris and the media trying to place the blame on her for not doing an interview made it worse. At least the Dem media should have explored this a bit more.

      • kirk says:

        Nic919 – What Dem media? There is no such thing. There’s a ton of right-wing media: “Fox News (and the entire News Corp.), Newsmax, One America News Network, the Sinclair network of radio and TV stations and newspapers, iHeart Media (formerly Clear Channel), the Bott Radio Network (Christian radio), Elon Musk’s X, the huge podcasts like Joe Rogan’s, and much more—sets the news agenda in this country” (Tomasky, The New Republic 11/8/24). Bill Clinton is not wrong in saying that Democrats and left-leaning ppl need to get up on the propaganda arm.

  3. Nanea says:

    Look how douche bro Rogan couldn’t handle Kamala.

    And then to put out these disgusting lies, after making her jump through hoops.

    Good thing these facts have a way of coming out eventually.

    Fingers crossed for Lady Karma to find JR, and I hope Spotify will suffer too.

    (I left long ago, after it came out they only paid crumbs to most of their artists.)

  4. TheDtels says:

    This is no surprise. Joe Rogan and his toxic dude bros have been shit for a long time now. His comedy sucks and he needs to lay off the steroids.

  5. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    Men like this are all afraid of women.

  6. Walking the Walk says:

    And all of the media and so called leftists bros were screaming at her that she lost the election by not doing this and have been blaming her for not campaigning enough.

  7. B assy Rebel says:

    She wasn’t afraid of him. He’s afraid of her. Poor little sausage. But, yeah, I don’t plan on reading any of these fictional accounts of what happened. For example, Allen and Parnes make the crazy assertion that MVP “bombed” the Bret Baier interview. Again, it was the other way around. They also accuse her of not doing well in “softball interviews” ( gotta keep the narrative going that she’s not very bright, I guess). I plan to wait for Kamala Harris’ book about the campaign. Don’t trust these modern political reporters as far as I can throw them. If she did a Rogan interview it’s pretty clear it wouldn’t have made a damn bit of difference. The bro culture is so toxic.

  8. Emgee says:

    Oh surprise, surprise… More and more shiz is going to leak out about this election over the coming months and years, I can feel it. I bet 2024 will be noted as one of the dirtiest and most crooked elections in history.

    Unfortunately, we have to deal with the aftermath. Rogan, Musk, and his ilk are scumbags.

  9. Sue says:

    I never thought the guy who used to make people eat live cockroaches on tv for entertainment would be a major factor in the fall of American democracy.

  10. Christina says:

    I wish that her team had pushed back on the lie at the time and said that she was negotiating with him to be on Rogan’s crappy show, but that he kept adding hoops and then lied to her about a day off when Trump was hosted instead, calling Rogan out about how he needed to crap or get off the pot. It was never going to be a fair fight, and the discretion and politeness cost her. The Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression were already stacking the deck against her.

    Coulda shoulda woulda. Hindsight is 20/20. Maybe it would have made a difference, maybe it wouldn’t have. We will never know. Harris emasculating Rogan on air would have been glorious.

    • B assy Rebel says:

      Neither she nor her team trusted the mainstream media, obviously for good reason. I think their strategy, given the limited time they had, was not to engage with them unless absolutely necessary. But I have thought about one thing that might have actually made a difference. Trump and his advisors absolutely refused to do one final scheduled debate two weeks before the election. They could not afford to have Kamala drag his bloated, orange carcass around the stage like she did the first time that close to the election. And they knew it. It would have been a much bigger audience too. The media never made an issue of this although Kamala tried to. It was another way they helped Trump. I think it might have gotten her the few hundred thousand votes needed in the blue wall states.

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah the post-election autopsy has to end. As I’ve said before it was both everything and nothing that caused Kamala to lose. Being perceived as an incumbent, saddled with Biden’s baggage with his disastrous actions in Gaza, the difficulty that Dems campaigns face versus Republican campaigns, good ol’ fashioned racism and sexism, VIBES….all of that. But at the end of the day, I’m not sure any Dem candidate could have beat Trump.

      If we really want to point to one singular reason, we need to look within. We need to get real with ourselves about the collective moral rot that is festering and spreading in our country. Because I truly believe the biggest battle we’ll fight over the next four years is not political but social; not ideological but ethical. Because we are losing our humanity and our morality.
      We are primed for fascism to take hold and we have to be clear-eyed about the fight that’s ahead.

      • Robert Phillips says:

        Biden would have won. Hear me out. It would have been two old white guys duking it out. Both of them being thought of as two old. And possibly in the first signs of dementia. Everything that Trump could call Biden. Would also be called back on him. Put out commercials of Biden riding a bike. And Trump having difficulty walking down a ramp. No it was the racism that lost it for Kamala. That’s it. And only that. And until the Democrats start talking about this. They will continue to lose.

      • Kitten says:

        Sigh I said that I’m done with the autopsy but since you brought it up, Biden’s own internal polls had him losing by a devastating margin. He had virtually no path to victory–none. The election results taught us that not only did Trump win the popular vote, he made enormous gains with every demographic except BW, and in almost every single region including my deeply-blue state of MA. Biden had ZERO chance of overcoming that.

        And Trump won because our country is swinging hard towards fascism which is fueled by the misogyny and sexism of which you speak.

        We are currently checking every box on this list. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE:

        Ignore it at your own peril.
        People who have spent their entire lives studying fascist regimes have warned us that by the time it’s finally obvious to Americans, it will be far too late.

  11. Lucy2 says:

    I really hate that we live in a world where this barely sentient thumb has any power and influence. It’s WRONG.
    My general feeling right now is I hope everyone gets what they deserve, and I don’t mean that kindly.

    • Ula1010 says:

      I’m with you. The podcast bros have a lot to answer for.

      • Sid says:

        Absolutely. The podcasts clowns have poisoned the minds of a large part of an entire generation of young men and boys by feeding them extreme misogyny and all sorts of hateful bigotry. It’s no wonder they ran to vote for the Orange Turd.

  12. Monc says:

    A rat doing what they do….

  13. slippers4life says:

    It really sucks. But what is the answer when your opponent won’t fight fair? Do you compromise your integrity, your honour and go low like them? The story, to me, is not that Kamala Harris’s campaign made “mistakes” by not doing this or that. It’s that the “this or that” including exposing Joe Rogan for the rat fucker he is by tossing hoops in her way like that, she would be asked to do is to also fight dirty. That’s not who she is! And I too would rather lose than compromise my integrity. It just really sucks that so many got played soooooooo hard by Elon Musk, the media, and others that are hiding away pretending they don’t have a hand in this (George Clooney I’m looking at you!). We really need to do better to teach media literacy, social media literacy and critical thinking skills! However, despite ALL of the above, I don’t agree that democracy is dead. I still have hope. The election is over. A dictator is currently in power. Dictators can still fall. Democracy can still prevail! There’s a time to grieve and feel upset and then there’s a time to dust ourselves off and get back out there and fight!! Fight for freedom. Fight for democracy. Get involved in your local community. Don’t let the pod bros of the world gaslight you into thinking this is over!

    • Robert Phillips says:

      Her calling out Rogan wouldn’t have compromised her integrity. She should have been saying that she wanted to go on his show. But felt it was much more important to be out talking to real people. And then said she would talk to him if he came to her. And maybe even hinted that he was scared to come and talk to her. Again none of that would have hurt her integrity. And it isn’t even really playing dirty. You sound like Pelosi when she says that the dems have to be the adults in the room. Well because of that there aren’t going to be any adults in DC for awhile.

  14. Henny Penny says:

    I can’t even read this article all the way through. I’m beyond angry. I’m going to hole up on my house and do my very best to hide until those who voted for this have had enough winning. I hope there’s something left to salvage when it’s over.

  15. VilleRose says:

    I had no idea who this idiot was until COVID and he started peddling vaccine conspiracy theories. I have never listened to and never will listen to his podcast. I’m glad at least the story is coming out now because it just makes him look bad. His supporters won’t care, if anything it’ll make them happy that he led Harris’s team on a wild goose chase. But at least we have proof he’s a weasel.

    In the end though, her being on that show wouldn’t have made much of a difference. As much as I like Kamala Harris and wanted her to be president and voted for her, I am not surprised we ended up with a second Trump presidency. The real power lies in the hands of a few very wealthy white men (not just referring to the tech billionaires). It’s not fair and I hope someday that changes.

  16. ML says:

    I don’t think not being on Rogan’s show was the reason Kamala Harris lost. That said, she should have made it clear that she was willing and Rogan eventually was the reason it didn’t work, Because He Knifed Her In The Back. At the time. Telling us this now is more upsetting news and we can’t do anything about it.

  17. BlueNailsBettyj says:

    This should be a career ender for Rogan…but it won’t be.

  18. grace says:

    (one of) the MOST toxic males.