King Charles is making a documentary about Dumfries House for Amazon Prime

Just a few weeks ago, King Charles held a big reception at Dumfries House to celebrate 35 years of the King’s Foundation (formerly the Prince’s Foundation). He also took meetings and invited some dignitaries up to the Scottish estate. Years ago, Charles purchased Dumfries House through his foundation, and it’s become both an albatross and a hub of the community, if that makes any sense. Dumfries is a money pit for Charles, because he borrowed so heavily to purchase it, it takes a lot of money to maintain it and he’s trying to tie too much to the estate. But… some of the community-investment programs are genuinely good and helpful. He already did one documentary – Charles at 70 – where his work at Dumfries House was front and center, and unfortunately, that documentary slapped. It was really good and Charles genuinely came across really well (he’s a deeply weird man, but good-natured around peasants). Well, Charles will do another documentary, and this one will be specific to his work in and around Dumfries House. Interestingly enough, it’s going to Amazon Prime.

The King will star in a feature-length film for Amazon Prime to “show, not tell” viewers how to “transform people, places and ultimately the planet”. Filming began in January at Dumfries House in Scotland and will focus on the philosophy the King outlined in his 2010 book Harmony: A New Way of Looking At Our World in which he called for a “dramatic revolution” in the way we see the world. The documentary will focus on his philosophy that people, nature and the built environment are interlinked, with film-makers looking at Charles’s charity work in the UK and overseas.

It is a radical departure for the palace, which has previously preferred to work with domestic producers such as the BBC and ITV on big set-piece documentaries. A source said: “Filming has started for the Amazon production and the crew have had some time with the King. More than any other documentary he has done before, the aim seems to be to tell the world what the King stands for and what he is all about.”

A palace source confirmed: “The King is greatly looking forward to seeing how the Harmony concept can be communicated to a new and international audience, using some of the best creative talents in TV. It’s astonishing, really, what has been put into practice since publication of the original book, 15 years ago, and how many of those pioneering ideas have been adopted in differing ways. This is a chance to ‘show, not tell’ how they can transform people, places, and ultimately the planet. I think many will be genuinely amazed at the scale, scope and vision of it all, for which Dumfries House continues to be the ‘living laboratory’.”

It is understood that several platforms were consulted before Amazon was given royal approval. The film is expected to be broadcast towards the end of this year or at the beginning of 2026. It is unlikely to be welcome news to Amazon’s rival, Netflix which has a multimillion-dollar, multi-year deal with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

The new film is not intended to be a “fly-on-the-wall” look at the life of the 76-year-old King. A palace source said: “The film is not about the King, it is about the work that he has inspired around the world in exploring and finding ways for communities to work in closer connection with nature and towards a more sustainable future.” Nevertheless, it is expected to show Charles’s work in a new light, by tying together the many strands of the various interests he outlined in his book.

[From The Times]

The genius of Charles at 70 was that it was more centered on Charles, the enigma. They followed him around as he worked and met people and talked to animals, and he came across as eccentric and funny, but ultimately unknowable. This just sounds like a snooze by comparison. As for Charles giving this project to Amazon Prime… it’s interesting, I suppose. Amazon has done some stuff with Prince William, especially with Earthshot. It looks like Prime is interested in being more royalist than Netflix. Anyway, the idea that the Sussexes would be nervous about this documentary is pretty funny.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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29 Responses to “King Charles is making a documentary about Dumfries House for Amazon Prime”

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  1. Dee says:

    This was a job for Lucy Worsley. I don’t think I can listen to Charles prattle on through a documentary.

  2. Mimi says:

    Wait, what? I thought royals couldn’t do that sort of commercial venture. Amazon Prime? Isn’t that the same as … Netflix?

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      How gauche and peasant of him to be trying to do what meghan and harry have been doing!

      I guess the urgent to leave a legacy available to all just seems to precious to pass…

    • sevenblue says:

      I don’t understand either. They have a huge country with multiple channels. Why don’t they do it with one of them? They have online content as well. BBC is right there, kissing the BRF’s ass for years now. No one would say no to the literal King.

  3. Lawrenceville says:

    Can’t these people stand on their own without invoking the Sussexes? I guess not because without mentioning the Sussexes, they’re duller than 3 days dish water. And I thought only the Sussexes acted all Hollywood and made Netflix documentaries, no? What changed? I guess celebrity is not such a bad thing after all. Well, lookie, lookie who’s looking to make a documentary with an AMERICAN platform, LOL. I hope it tanks.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Left Behinds caught on the back foot and desperately clout chasing, yet again. Sounds like Salty Isle is mad about the announcement of further Sussexes’ projects coming out on Netflix.

      Will the documentary pick up where the Channel 4 exposé left off, and talk about how Chuckles has been laundering his cash for honours deals through Dumfries House?

  4. Why would the Sussexes be worried about a documentary about an old historic building. Just gotta get their name in there anyway they can.

  5. Hypocrisy says:

    Netflix has the Crown and the Sussex’s, I bet they are laughing their 🍑’s off at this article.. I also wouldn’t be surprised to find out Netflix turned it down tbh.

  6. Kadie says:

    Amazon is lining A LOT of pockets right now, so the question is why King Cuck? What’s in it for the googly eyed, evil muppet? Also, why can’t Chuckles get cash from the suitcases? That’s the house he did it for, right?

  7. Harla says:

    I have watched a documentary about Dumfries House before and it was very interesting, especially how young people are learning traditional building and repair methods, which given the number of old homes in the UK will be a valuable skill for them in the future.

    It’s interesting that the British royals are so eager to associate with American companies, I wonder how long the British press will be okay with this before they start tightening their chains? Also, where is the money from this endeavor going? Into the King’s Trust? Into the King’s pocket? Into Waitrose shopping bags??

    • windyriver says:

      I think I saw the same documentary, was trying to remember who did it and where it was. Was it the one where they were also opening a culinary training program? Agree, it was quite interesting and there’s some really valuable education and training programs that Charles helped set up, in addition to being a source of employment in what was an economically depressed area. The foundation also helped upgrade facilities in the nearby town, the community pool, for one, IIRC.

      But then, there’s the selling of titles, and the valet turned director, Michael what’s his name, who also had a position in some of the questionable sounding land companies around Knockroon, which was supposed to be Charles’ model housing development near Dumfries, but failed to get off the ground.

    • Chrissy says:

      Yes, I thought that I already saw a doc on Dumfries house on PBS and this must be the one you mentioned. There is no need for another IMO but Charles, it seems, has now entered the imaginary competition with the Sussexes for airtime. It seems he never has enough. Pathetic!

    • Square2 says:

      The document I saw was from ITV, “The Royal Restoration”:

      “The Royal Restoration is a 2012 documentary about Prince Charles’s efforts to restore Dumfries House, a Scottish stately home.”

  8. Lady Esther says:


    This will be done by touting “his” “philosophy” that ” people, nature and the built environment are interlinked.” On a streamer. He’s not wrong and has often been willing to support these ideas while getting criticised by the British establishment, but the RF can’t just say “Hey, our King is promoting good and sensible things created by others.” It has to become Charles’ own innovative philosophy, like no one ever has linked nature, people and architecture. See also: Kate and Aarly Years, or Everything William Has Ever Done Wherein He Tries To Take Credit For Others’ Work….

    Gods the RF must be exhausting to be around with the constant ego fluffing

  9. somebody says:

    Yes, Charles looks for ways for communities (read “peasants”) to be more sustainable while he takes his private flights and maintains several residences that are exempt from environmental laws.

    • Liz -L says:

      Somebody – I agree. While Dumfries House is nice I won’t be watching. Charles years ago tried to play at being a crofter in the Highlands every year for a week. He doesn’t do the real graft and pontificates about the environment while driving gas guzzling Bentleys.

  10. Liz -L says:

    I live near Dumfries House and a neighbour of mine and her hubby worked on the restoration. She said Charles was extremely polite while William when they saw him was extremely rude.

  11. North of Boston says:

    One more project I won’t be supporting with my clicks/views since I’ve opted out of Bezos-land

    I Can’t avoid the server farms, so no choice there.

    But Washington Post, Whole Foods, Zappos, and Amazon/ Amazon Prime no longer get my money.

    • North of Boston says:

      Also, quite the wretched hive of scum and villainy gathering together – Bezos, Elmo, Charles, Melania and Trump and his evil Project 2025 overlords and MAGA minions. No surprise to see KC in that line up.

    • Blithe says:

      Long, long ago, in the Before Times, the Washington Post, Whole Foods, and Zappos used to be at least relatively trustworthy, with excellent customer service. Not any more.

  12. Gabby says:

    I dare these filmmakers to search the world and find even one person who says King Charles inspired them in any way. And no, David Beckham does not count.

  13. Beverley says:

    Lemme get this straight: Meghan is an attention-seeker whose upcoming show is a waste of time which nobody is interested in. But Chuckles’ classy and regal show will uplift and enlighten the masses.

    Okay. Sure, Jan.

    Hope the Royal Racist clown house show tanks, hard.

    • SarahCS says:

      Correct. See also, Meghan sending an email at 5am was ‘bullying’ but Charles shouting at people and expecting them to be at his beck and call at all hours is ‘great management’.

  14. Lauren says:

    There seem to be several very pointed quotes directed at William this article

  15. TN Democrat says:

    I have done trials of various streaming sites that focus on BBC/ITV/PBS content, so I don’t remember the specific source, but he has been featured in several documentaries over the years. I actually liked one that focused on the artistic abilities of various royals. Believe it or not, George III was an amazing artist. Charles’s watercolors were not terrible.

  16. therese says:

    Copy cat. Charles looks as perplexed and unhappy now as he did when he was young.

  17. tamsin says:

    I think what Charles did and is trying to do with Dumfries House is a good thing. I also saw the documentary which I thought was good. What is he trying to achieve with another documentary? Of course, this is not about Charles himself, you understand, unlike Harry and Meghan who are always about themselves. I’m sure Netflix is just shaking in their boots at the competition from Amazon for royal content. Well, this whole pitch is worth a chuckle.