Mail: Did Meghan Markle curtsy to QEII at her 2018 wedding?

It’s been happening a lot in the past two months: the Daily Mail is so desperate for Sussex content that they’ve been recycling years-old stories and trying to make them newly controversial. I call it “The Mail Remembers” series. Some of my favorites so far: The Mail Remembers… when the Middletons were really rude about inviting Meghan to Pippa’s wedding. The Mail Remembers… when Meghan told off Harry’s bigoted friends. The Mail Remembers… when Harry wanted to marry Meghan quickly, without making her waity around for a decade. Well, the latest is this: The Mail Remembers Meghan and Harry’s wedding and whether Meghan curtsied to QEII. This was one of the most well-read stories on the Mail over the weekend, I sh-t you not. I think the Mail just wanted to post wedding photos again.

Although the Royal Family has a plethora of long-established rules and protocols that need to be followed, the most important one has always been to bow or curtsey to the monarch. The practice is so ingrained into the DNA of The Firm that even as children, Princes William and Harry were taught to bow before running over to their Granny (the Queen) and kissing her on the cheek. Although the etiquette may seem arcane, it is taken very seriously by those in the institution, with male members bowing and female members curtseying to each other – both in public and in private.

So when it looked like Meghan Markle had forgotten to curtsey to the Queen as she walked down the aisle at her wedding to Prince Harry in May 2018, the world was shocked. Social media went into a frenzy as viewers began to question what they had just seen, with some suggesting she had been so overwhelmed by the occasion it had slipped her mind, while others mused that as she was American she was exempt.

Had Meghan just made the ultimate royal faux pas in front of 600 guests at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle and hundreds of millions watching from around the world? Royal fans took to social media to ask if they had somehow missed the moment by looking away or if there had been an unexpected change of protocol. Etiquette coach William Hanson spluttered on social media: ‘Meghan – did you curtsey to Her Majesty? I will have to lie down for months if you did forget.’

In fact, no, she hadn’t. But it had looked like it, thanks to some shoddy camera work. Some eagle-eyed viewers watching at home pointed out that just before the pair bowed/curtseyed, the TV changed its angle to a camera shot from inside the chapel. The pair can be seen just barely starting to carry out the mark of respect before the camera suddenly cuts away.

From the new angle in the ceiling, viewers are able to see Harry bowing his head, while Meghan’s curtsey is more difficult to make out.

In the months prior to the big day Meghan had been schooled in royal etiquette and traditions by royal household and diplomatic staff. As she had married into The Firm at the age of 36, she was not brought up to appreciate all of the intricacies of life in the limelight like her husband.

[From The Daily Mail]

Why this story in particular? I don’t even remember this being a thing – there was far more conversation about whether Kate wore white to another woman’s wedding, and there was far more conversation about how Chelsy Davy looked sepulchral during various cutaways. Anyway, I’m sure Meghan did curtsy to QEII, even if she didn’t need to. This made me think about Spare, and Harry coaching Meghan on how to greet his father, but emphasizing that Meghan should not curtsy to Camilla. Anyway… Meghan really could have been such an asset to those dusty people. And they hated her for it.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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53 Responses to “Mail: Did Meghan Markle curtsy to QEII at her 2018 wedding?”

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  1. Mightymolly says:

    That wedding portrait is such an amazing moment of n history. Oh well.

    • Tessa says:

      I recall that she did. Curtsey. Of course nothing said about the rudeness if zara Kate Camilla etc.

      • pottymouth pup says:

        she did and they even note that in this story but the way it’s worded makes it seem as though there was some legit scandal

        “‘Meghan – did you curtsey to Her Majesty? I will have to lie down for months if you did forget.’

        In fact, no, she hadn’t. But it had looked like it, thanks to some shoddy camera work. Some eagle-eyed viewers watching at home pointed out that just before the pair bowed/curtseyed, the TV changed its angle to a camera shot from inside the chapel. The pair can be seen just barely starting to carry out the mark of respect before the camera suddenly cuts away.”

      • PEARL GREY says:

        I actually do remember the massive hoopla that was created at the time over the “did she or did she not curtsy” debacle, where the Mail and others tried to lead the charge and the usual suspects of the British public fell for it and parroted the lie for years. The cameras clearly showed Meghan turning and lowering to curtsy and Harry turning to bow and then the scene quickly cuts to an overhead wide shot of the chapel, where Meghan is shown standing back up and turning with Harry. It was televised for all to see but the Mail and others still fanned the flames of confusion and the naysayers are still claiming she didn’t curtsy to this day. The Mail have been running throwback stories almost daily since November, many of them focusing on perceived slights towards the frail, elderly sick Queen. They are desperate to continue to try to tarnish Meghan’s name but have zero material, so old stories it is.

      • Caribbean says:

        I really think they should – go in the vault- and ask Queen Elizabeth about this…since they are so concerned…

    • Friendly Crow says:

      You know how everyone was screaming that her dress wasn’t perfectly tailored? She might have practiced her curtesy in it and she and the designer realized that the room was required for the curtesy.

      She absolutely practiced her curtesy in both the dress and her heels. She’s extremely thorough. No way she didn’t. Regular brides practice sitting and walking etc during fittings. No way she didn’t practice her curtesy.

      She absolutely did curtesy. If she had been forgetful given the momentous and loving start to a new life she had just undertaken that would be understandable and forgivable.

      But they just said that Harry had it ingrained in him since birth. He would have stopped to bow and Meghan – if she had forgotten – would have been like OH! Right!

      But Meghan is so present that even floating in cloud nine marrying the man she loves – she would have remembered if only because Harry loved the queen and she loves Harry.

      • windyriver says:

        Never thought about curtsying. Wondered at the time if it was tailored to allow room to lift her arm to wave.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Wait. Wait a second.

      Canada is part of the commonwealth. Under the Queen and now Charles.

      Trump wants to annex Canada. ….. has the British government issued any statements about that? Can someone tell me if that’s picking a fight with Canada AND the UK???

      • St Mary says:

        You think they care? Now they’re supporting The Moron so they can influence him to separate H&M and break their marriage, for some stupid reason they think United Kingdom is the only place Harry can live, should he to leave the US,truth is Trump cannot removed Harry from the states.

      • Gewels says:

        The commonwealth is an economic grouping – which is why it’s on Its last legs.
        It’s made up of former colonies of GB, and was formed when Britain lost her empire. It was geared to do trade with the mother country, but time and necessity has reshaped the need for it.
        What basically happened was that Britain joined the EU and forgot about her Commonwealth. Faced with all trade having to comply with EU standards, it became less trade with Britain and more trade with all members of the EU.
        So much so that when GB left the EU they got pretty surprised by the short shrift given them. No one was bothered much to negotiate separate treaties with Britain – except New Zealand!
        Really no one even thinks of it except the British.
        So no, it’s not a military grouping at all, and really it’s a dead man walking.

  2. Eurydice says:

    Wow, they’re really gasping for air, aren’t they? Meghan better show up for Invictus soon.

    • Libra says:

      Will anti American feelings extend to Meghan if she is seen at Invictus? This president is doing everything in his power to turn our friends against us. If even one person boos her the DM will be screaming with joy.

      • sevenblue says:

        Good thing, Trump made it known that he hates H&M.

      • Friendly Crow says:

        The games are about community and empathy and compassion. Meghan has shown up and worked so hard to help build the community there. She’s loved.
        I think people have come to understand that certain elements of a government do not align with the feelings of the majority of people in a country.
        Meghan lived and worked in Canada for years. She has Canadian friends and has always expressed a deep love for Canada and its people.

      • sunnyside up says:

        The Canadians are more intelligent than that. Loving Meghan is part of loving Harry and Invictus.

      • Tessa says:

        William gets
        Booed but the media mostly leave him alone

      • Old Lady Shafer says:

        No one will be rude. Don’t forget. This is Invictus. It’s a sacred space. All who are attending are thrilled and ready to celebrate it. “Bone Spurs” doesn’t count. Because he is a convicted felon he can’t enter Canada. Americans do not want to annex Canada. Yes, we have our share of MAGAs but we also have many who speak up and sass back. You may not hear of us on the news but we are here. I saw one thing today that made me more determined than ever to stop BS’s (Bone Spurs) huffing and puffing. Murdoch was sitting in the Oval Office. It was a show. However, we are an aware and a very calculating bunch. Did you see the crowds in LA that stood shoulder to shoulder with migrants? We’ve got our work cut out for us. But we know the words to Invictus. And believe in every one of them.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      They certainly are.. the queen is long gone and these articles are just to deflect that the current monarchy has a mistress wearing the crown and it cheapens the brand and certainly eliminating any importance of so called Royal protocols. Having these articles just highlight how far the current Monarchy has fallen.

  3. sunnyside up says:

    What does it matter, the Queen is dead and Meghan left the country years ago. I expect she did, she would have done it for Harry’s sake. The DM is just mischief making yet again.

  4. The sure are desperate for Sussex content!!! They have nothing new so let’s make something about a wedding from years ago lol.

  5. Jan says:

    Katie Nichol the writer from Vanity Fair, wrote in the Dailyfail that she has cancer, poor dear was wondering why as a healthy woman it happened to her at 46.
    She is a mother of 2 daughters, let’s hope what lying Katie put out in the World, don’t affect them.

    • jais says:

      Just last week, I Iinked to a bunch of byline articles talking about the allegations that she unlawfully gathered information about Harry. Ideally, there’d be a trial and consequences for that, with the biggest consequences going to the people at the top. I still think the fact that she is the royal editor of VF and a royal expert for ET is absurd bc that’s a conflict of interest and makes the tone of their royal stories suspect and lacking in transparency. That said, I wish her a healthy recovery for her and her daughters.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Wasn’t Jeremy Clarkson recently talking about his heart health? Huh. Seems those in the press who attack Meghan get on the wrong side of her ancestors. Doria’s ancestral line is handing out karma like candy.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I certainly would not be writing lies and propaganda about the Sussex’s anymore if I was these people.. it is rather mind blowing how many of them have fallen.

  6. Flamingo says:

    Didn’t Meghan specifically make a point in their Netflix series how she practiced curtseying to the Queen.

    I’m sure Meghan did everything royal protocol required. But as an American citizen we don’t have to bow to royalty.

    I wonder if that is the angle? Obviously, always racism is the point with the Daily Fail. But is this another shot that Meghan never gave up her American citizenship to become a British citizen. And Harry left England for a better life in America. Also, it’s her wedding day on a world stage. Give the woman some grace for God’s sake. Even regular non-famous weddings are extremely stressful for brides.

    There always seems to be so many layers with the Mail to harass Meghan and Harry just living their best lives in Montecito.

    • Eurydice says:

      But there is no “angle” because the DM answers the question – Meghan did curtsey, but the camera angles made it hard to see.

      • Flamingo says:

        Then what a bizarre article I read it as she hadn’t. Also, not a big follower of Royals. But I don’t remember any part of the ‘world’ shocked she allegedly hadn’t.

  7. Nanea says:

    One would think the Kingdom of Brexitannia is the most peaceful and prosperous paradise on earth, if the Fail doesn’t bother finding anything worthwhile other than reporting about how Meghan maybe, probably might have ignored the protocol once.

    Now if they only bothered to report how many times the other one has not only ignored protocol but actively went against anything that common decency would require — by flashing people repeatedly while on state visits, by wearing hot pink at the 9/11 Memorial, by wearing open-toed shoes and a dress with a flowery print to Auschwitz…

  8. Becks1 says:

    Man, the DM really is scraping the bottom of the barrel here. A whole article about whether or not she curtseyed but the article itself admits that she did, it just wasn’t obvious bc of the change in camera angles.

  9. jais says:

    So the whole story is about people wondering if she curtsied to the queen but then finding out that she did in fact curtsey to the queen? Okay? Lordy. But yeah, the pictures are always beautiful. Gorgeous wedding despite the sour faces and someone showing up in a creamy white, ahem, primrose yellow dress. How about a story about whether wearing a dress that photographs white at an international wedding is appropriate? Or the DM could ask whether Kate even looked at the bride once as she made her way down the aisle. Bc no, the answer is no. She ducked her head under that big ol’ hat and never once looked at the bride. Debate whether that was rude as hell and classless.

  10. Teagirl says:

    What always jumps out at me from the official gathering photo is how Kate is leaning away from Doria. I can’t see any other reason for this except racism.

  11. Harla says:

    I just popped over to the BM and they were begging me to turn off my ad blocker because they need the advertising revenue! Bwahahahaha!!!

  12. Nerd says:

    There was some small discussions about dud she or didn’t she at the time. SHE DEFINITELY DID CURTSEY TO THE QUEEN. The Daily Fail, telling the truth for once, is correct that the cameras changed angles at the exact time that Harry and Meghan started to bow and curtsey. It was after they returned to the room after signing their marriage license with Charles and Doria as witnesses. They had just walked in and were facing the Queen when they started their bow and curtsey. The cameras changed angles as they started and the next camera caught them as they finished. You noticed both of their heads move from the bow and curtsey motion at the beginning of the second camera angle. We know that regardless of how some of their supporters might have felt about the Queen, they both have always loved and respected her. I think that is why they were willing to do the half in and half out for her. They made a point to always visit her even after they left. They spoke with her and Philip by Zoom. They returned for her Jubilee, with both of their children. Harry made a point to mention their children meeting the Queen and how impressed she was with them. Meghan spoke about how she respected the Queen as the monarch but also as his grandmother. She had an extremely close bond with both of her own grandmothers. She spoke about the Queen sharing her blanket in her first solo engagement with her only months after the wedding.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Oh I remember that solo engagement now! It was so sweet. The queen seemed to dote on Meghan in such a sweet way. In a way that was much more affectionate and gentle than with the rest of her family. They truly seemed to enjoy each others company

  13. Amy Bee says:

    As the piece says Meghan did curtsey to Queen but I’ve always suspected that the BBC’s cut away from the shot was deliberate and on orders from the Palace.

  14. QuiteContrary says:

    Etiquette coach William Hanson spluttered on social media: ‘Meghan – did you curtsey to Her Majesty? I will have to lie down for months if you did forget.’

    Imagine being this concerned about a curtsey. Dude, get a life.

  15. FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

    In retrospect, Camilla wasn’t much better than Kate on the color front. That is a MIGHTY pale pink there. Really the only thing making her slightly better than Kate is that super pale pink doesn’t photograph as white quite as readily as super pale yellow.

  16. Lau says:

    This is childish, stupid and tedious.

    • Iolanthe says:

      What ?? Seven years on and this is what they regurgitate . She is a graceful and poised professional ..she could curtsy, pirouette and dance at a moments notice . Why don’t they recycle every single time Kate flashed the global press with her scrawny behind .

  17. paintybox says:

    Wow, looking at those lovely enchanting photos, and then looking at photos from now, it’s like an evil spell has ever since fallen over those miserable left-behinds. Every single one of them looks like miserable sh*t now. (oops – sorry not sorry!)
    (eta: the LEFT BEHINDS – not H & M or Doria or the kiddos etc)

    • Beverley says:

      The Left-Behinds – Chuckles, Queen Jump Off, Pegs, and KKKhate – have truly evolved into the faces they deserve. Yikes! Not a one of them is attractive. The toxicity inside is showing through to their outsides.

  18. SkyLab2023 says:

    Doesn’t matter much at this point, unless the curtsy was to be able to get a better angle of the queen’s back.

  19. Pam says:

    Why are we still talking about this?