Taylor Swift wore Vivienne Westwood & went home empty-handed at the Grammys

Taylor Swift had a nice vibe at the Grammys last night. Travis Kelce did not attend as her date, he’s still preparing for the Super Bowl (this coming weekend), so Taylor was just there to rep her album, The Tortured Poets Department and its six Grammy nominations. She was also there to hang out with friends and, as it turns out, cheer for two of her favorite people in music: Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar. Taylor ended up losing in all six categories in which she was nominated, but she presented Beyonce with the Best Country Album Grammy and she shared a toast with Jay-Z when Beyonce won Album of the Year. Swift was also super-happy for Kendrick when he won Record of the Year for “Not Like Us.”

Throughout the night – she made zero costume changes – Taylor wore a fire-red Vivienne Westwood corseted minidress. It was flattering and pretty, and a little bit sexy. I’ve made my peace with the fact that she’s not a huge risk-taker when it comes to fashion, and this feels entirely in her comfort zone. My one complaint is that it’s a bit ice-skater-chic, but again, that’s Taylor. She loves that “ice dancer princess” look. One sexy element was a delicate chain on her thigh with a charm with the initial “T”- for Taylor or for Travis.

Are the Swifties mad that Taylor didn’t win another AOTY? I hope not – I think if she had lost to someone other than Beyonce, they might feel some kind of way about it, but given Taylor’s clear happiness for her friend, I hope the truce between fandoms holds. Yes, another AOTY win would have been historic, but it was also a historic snub that Beyonce hadn’t won an AOTY Grammy before last night.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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42 Responses to “Taylor Swift wore Vivienne Westwood & went home empty-handed at the Grammys”

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  1. K says:


  2. Ami says:

    I am so glad that Doechii won best rap album!!!

    • Anne says:

      Me tooooooo! I was watching alone, but I still screamed and clapped! And her performance was spectacular.

  3. Lucía says:

    I don’t get it. She has access to literally any and all fashion she could possibly want, she’s built like a supermodel but then she chooses to wear…this. It’s a good dress, that’s for sure. It just gives…nothing. I do agree that her energy was nice last night, though. She looked like she was enjoying herself and if she was bitter over not winning anything, it didn’t show.

    • Josephine says:

      I think it was the dress of someone who did not expect to win and was leaning into the presenter role. I don’t care for her fashion sense in general – I think she always looks very “one note” and never combines anything in interesting ways. But it’s a fine dress and she looked good.

      • Lucía says:

        There’s a great IG account called @youbelonginthis which is ran by a Swiftie who works in fashion. She basically photoshops great runway looks onto Taylor’s body to give a general idea of how she’d look in them. They’re on another level. If I’m not mistaken Taylor has actually worn one of the looks featured on the account, a Vivian Westwood tartan number.

      • Normades says:

        Agree this is a dress for someone who didn’t expect to win and just came to present and hang out.
        But that’s cool.

      • KC says:

        This made me wonder if she knew she wouldn’t win. I don’t watch any of these award shows so does the person presenting ever win or is that a tipoff that they aren’t going to win a category? Wasn’t there some big hoopla about Bey and the CMAs? Like did she not get nominated? invited? This feels very deliberate on the part of the Grammys!🤭

      • Megan says:

        She desperately needs a new stylist and hairdresser.

    • Tis True Tis True says:

      I’m convinced that she knows her fan base and has chosen not to become a real fashion girl. I was watching a fashion YouTuber gamely trying to do a vid about what you can learn from Taylor Swift’s style. But even she broke down and said Taylor’s shoes are awful and made suggestions for better ones.

      Look – here we are talking about how Taylor could dress better. It’s all attention.

  4. Jas says:

    I like the way she looks here. She’s not doing anything revolutionary but it’s flattering and fun and good for dancing. Vivienne Westwood always does such beautiful shaping and draping and corsetry and that’s on display in Taylor’s dress. She’s got cleavage on show and the dress is strapless but it stayed put and looked comfortable.
    And if my legs were that long and that toned, I’d be breaking them out too. 😊

  5. Seraphina says:

    She looked ok. To have that money and that body, what a waste of fashion.
    I will say, those heels….. how in the world does she walk in them.

  6. Miranda says:

    It’s not adventurous, but she looks gorgeous. It’s a bit more mature than “ice dancer princess”, I think. Like, she’s graduated to “fishy drag queen”, lol. But it’s flattering, the girls look amazing, shows off every inch of those legs, and the charm is a sexy touch. And I appreciate that she seems genuinely thrilled for her friends when they win, and gets into the performances. She’s literally the biggest star in the world, and also still a big dork.

  7. FancyPants says:

    I still think Blake Lively is styling Taylor now. She always looks now like the Fug Girls’ old nickname for Blake: Boobs Legsly. As they always commented about Blake, pick one or the other, don’t try to emphasize both at the same time. That being said, she looks really pretty here minus the bangs.

    • Jess says:

      Boobs Legsly! Hahahahha
      Also agree: the bangs have to go. They are terrible! And on an otherwise perfect Barbie person. Crazy.

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      Great comment @fancypants. First chuckle of the day. I have to say Taylor’s hair was just starting to improve a little and now it’s back to those awful flat giant half-your-head bangs..

  8. Sasha says:

    There was always going to be snark about what she won or lost.. I knew it would be a thing here. She’s still the most successful Grammy album of the year and really? She mad 1.5 BILLION dollars on her tour. She’s fine

    • Miranda says:

      …literally no one here is mocking the fact that she didn’t win anything? “Went home empty-handed” is just an objective, factual statement, not a diss.

    • Jais says:

      She didn’t get an award this year but I don’t think anyone’s dissing her for that? She just won last year.

  9. sevenblue says:

    I have read a lot of swifties comments who didn’t think TTPD deserved AOTY. Hell, they even thought Midnight didn’t deserve it (Lana was their fav last year). It was surprising even to Taylor. Drake should have shut his mouth up about swifties while trying to diss Kendrick. They are never gonna forget it.

    Taylor’s dress reminded me of one of the pink dresses Margot wore while promoting Barbie. Very barbie-like, which looks fine. I don’t care about the red stockings though.

  10. Sasha says:

    Gee wizz the multi billionaire who owns the best of grammy’s didn’t win this year 🤣🤣🤣

  11. Draadje says:

    I’m a huge Taylor Swift fan, but I don’t feel she was snubbed. I enjoyed the album that was nominated, but it was very inside baseball and can totally get it that it got skipped by Grammy voters. As someone said further up, Taylor had a hugely successful tour. She’s fine.

    Agree with you that the real crime is that it took *THIS LONG* for Beyonce to get an AOTY award. The fact that she didn’t win for Lemonade is one of the greatest travesties of the Grammys.

    • Sasha says:

      Oh a like her BUT person.. That’s normallly Meghan bots

      • HeatherC says:

        Okay Swifty, we get it. She’s the best ever. This isn’t a Meghan bot comment. You can be a fan of someone and not think the latest album is the strongest in their catalogue. It’s okay to not fall over in love with whatever the artist you like happens to release at any given time.

        Here’s an example. I love Shinedown. But I think their Amaryllis album is their weakest album. Doesn’t mean I love them any less, just if I were to rate their albums by my preference, Amaryllis wouldn’t be at the top.

  12. Chloe says:

    I think the T on the thigh was a reference to the line, “What if he’s written ‘mine’ on my upper thigh only in my mind” from Guilty As Sin. A very TayTay thing to do lol.

  13. ariel says:

    I’m a swiftie- but i’m kind of thrilled that Beyonce won and Kendrick won.
    The grammies have long skewed toward racist awarding, including giving a lot to Taylor.
    Again, i’m a swiftie- and she makes great albums i buy and enjoy.

    But not only has Beyonce been actually snubbed by the grammys multiple times- Cowboy Carter was an historical album.

    I think Taylor does love to win, she is a competitive, type A woman. But she has been the center of the musical world for the last two years, and i think she is fine playing supporting character right now. and she LOVES music, and i bet she thought Cowboy Carter was amazing too.

  14. one of the marys says:

    That chain on her thigh is tacky as hell

  15. QuiteContrary says:

    I think she looks great here, and I loved the chain. It was about as edgy as Taylor’s going to go.

    Loved her enthusiasm for Beyonce and Kendrick — I was feeling it, too. And given the state of the country, and not only Taylor’s friendships with B&K but her political beliefs, I’m sure she was happy that the Grammys — at long last — gave Black artists their due.

    I am a Swiftie, too. Not going to apologize for it. And I’m Team Taylor/Travis. But I hope we next see Taylor consoling Travis over a Chiefs loss. Go, Birds!!

  16. NotSoSocialB says:

    It’s fine, I guess? Boring, though.

    And as another poster mentioned- why the red stockings? Add horns/tail/trident and you have a silly halloween costume.

    • ariel says:

      chiefs colors- red and gold/yellow.
      She i think is professional satisfied and at rest (probably planning releases and writing music) but after a 2 year tour- she gets to just show up in a pretty, chiefs coded dress, and have a good time celebrating other artists.

    • Mandragora says:

      Why are people talking about red stockings? She’s bare-legged.

  17. Brenna says:

    I’m a fan, but THE BANGS.
    Why are they like that? So thick! She has such a beautiful face and went years without them. And looked fantastic. We are now flirting with mullet territory.

    • Eurydice says:

      I don’t follow her closely, but it seems to me she’s almost always had bangs, or some way of swooping her hair across her forehead. It looks like she has a very high forehead and maybe she wants to cover that some.

  18. Janice says:

    Those bangs have to go, and the dress is great if your an ice dancer, at least she is not wearing hooker boots, and the right people won, her album was okay

  19. Flamingo says:

    I am way too old to spend the time I did. Trying to figure out what the easter egg was with the dress.

    Was it red for the Chiefs, red for Valentines Day, Red for a new mashup of her Red TV album. Does Red have anything to do with the long awaited Rep TV. What is the easter egg!!!

    But this was the first time I thought she looked ‘sexy’ or as sexy as Taylor Swift can be.

    I think she knew going in she wasn’t going to win. And just wanted a fun party dress to rock out to. Her bangs are forever tragic. But she looked like she had a fun time last night.

    She has had an incredible two years of professional and personal highs. She doesn’t need six more gramophones on her wall.

    I also wonder if it is an Omen the Chiefs will lose next week. I have to root for the Eagles for my boss lol. So he will be in a good mood on Monday. Go Birds!