Prince Harry should come back to the UK to visit Princess Beatrice’s daughters!

It’s been said by both sides of the Windsor-Sussex war: Prince Harry is genuinely close to his York cousins, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie. The Sussex side makes no secret of it, and Eugenie continues to be the only Windsor-family member to visit Montecito, and Sussex sources have always said that Harry maintains contact with the York princesses. Meanwhile, the Windsors have absolutely telegraphed the fact that Eugenie and Beatrice must “choose a side” and something something Prince William will be incandescent with rage! In any case, Princess Beatrice welcomed her second daughter in January, and now they’re making newborn Athena into another reason why Harry should come back to the UK: to visit his cousin’s baby.

Princess Beatrice ‘may have reached out to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’ after the birth of her second daughter Athena last month, an expert has claimed. Beatrice and her sister Eugenie, the daughters of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, are thought to have remained close to Harry, 40, and Meghan, 43, since they departed royal life in 2020.

It was recently reported by the New York Post that Beatrice is the only royal able to ‘initiate peace’ between Harry and his brother Prince William after a years-long feud. A former Buckingham Palace staff member claimed that Beatrice has ‘spoken to the two brothers to try to improve the situation’.

It is perhaps no surprise, therefore, that royal experts believe she may have extended an olive branch to Prince Harry and his wife Meghan after the birth of her daughter Athena.

Jennie Bond, the former BBC royal correspondent, said Beatrice may have ‘pinged a picture of two [of Athena] to Harry and Meghan’ after the birth. She told The Mirror: ‘I don’t think it will hasten a visit by them to the UK, but perhaps if charity work or business brings Harry this way he’ll be keen to meet his new cousin. This was lovely news. After the brutality of last year for so many of the royal family, 2025 is looking altogether brighter. It must have been rather alarming to have such a premature and tiny baby. I think the hospital has to be commended for keeping the birth completely confidential for a week.’

Athena Elizabeth Rose becomes 11th in line to the throne, pushing her aunt Princess Eugenie down to 12th place.

[From The Daily Mail]

Eugenie is down to 12th place? I doubt it matters to her – she’s had one foot out the door for several years now, so much so that I’m always surprised when she does turn up at a royal event. As for Beatrice and little Athena… sure, I bet the Sussexes have gotten some photos, and I’m sure Harry would love to visit with Bea’s kids. Remember how the Sussexes made sure to stop by Portugal to visit Eugenie several months after she gave birth to her second son?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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37 Responses to “Prince Harry should come back to the UK to visit Princess Beatrice’s daughters!”

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  1. An EXPERT claims Bea reached out to Harry last month. WTF kind of expert is this. I say an EXPERT in stirring the sh*t.

    • Normades says:

      Yea “may have”. I also “may have” done the laundry yesterday (but maybe I did not).

      • Paisley25 says:

        What a made up, ridiculous article couched in maybes where anything is possible!

        Let’s add that Harry “may have” been visited by aliens and “perhaps” they invited him to their planet the next time he’s in space.

  2. blue says:

    Why? Because Bea was such a devoted auntie to H’s kids? How often did she visit Frogmore? She certainly never visited outside the island.

    • Afken says:

      Exactly. This is rubbish. It’s Eugenie they are close to and used to acknowledge this. All of a sudden they are no including Beatrice in the loop ever since she got seen hugging piers Morgan and her role in the Newsnight interview was highlighted again. There is literally no evidence they are close to Beatrice at all. Eugenie yeah. Beatrice no

  3. Alicky says:

    Ooooh, if they wish hard enough maybe he’ll come back! So, so needy is the UK press, ha ha.

  4. Normades says:

    They seem closer to Eugenie. Beatrice seems more interested than her sister in being a “working” royal

  5. jais says:

    Huh. So Beatrice is the peacemaker now? Bc she maybe may have sent a baby picture but its not confirmed. Okaaaay. I saw a screenshot, as I do not click on the DM, but Amanda Platell wrote an absolutely nasty article about Beatrice asking who does she think she is…bc she covered her baby’s face in the picture. I’m like well she thinks she’s a non-working royal who doesn’t have to show her baby’s face. It was unhinged but I think Platell may have real issue, idk.

    • Deborah1 says:

      Amanda Platell is unhinged, along with Jan Moir, Rebecca English and Sarah Vine – and they are just the female journos at the Daily Fail. Don’t get me started on the men.

  6. Amy Bee says:

    Being a royal commentator just seems like a sad existence to me. Jennie Bond is just conjuring up fantasies about Harry and Meghan and their relationships with the rest of the Royal Family. Anyway it’s likely that Harry will be in the UK after the summer to attend the Wellchild Awards.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      It truly must be a sad existence.. has she ever met either of her cousins children? I mean Prince Harry didn’t rush over to meet her first child why the hell would they expect him to do it for this one? Besides it sure seems like he is much closer to the younger York cousins.

  7. wolfmamma says:

    Beatrice and hubby seem keen to become working royals and toe the Windsor line. I doubt she has a lot of positive thoughts about Harry and certainly none about Meghan.

    • Tessa says:

      Her Uncle Charles won”t allow the York Princesses to work. I doubt he’d let Edo do royal work. Mike and Jack don’t do royal work, same should be for Edo. Edo is not a “royal,” he is a married in and has a career outside the royal family.

  8. Pebbles says:

    Personally I don’t trust Beatrice and especially Edo. Charlotte Griffiths on that palace confidential show always lets slip that she’s friends with W&H old friend circle and not too long ago she threw out that she called Edo to ask about how Andrew is doing and she gossiped about it on the show.

    Just means he is a useful idiot that will talk and leak to reporters. I’m sure all those desperate reporters would love for the Sussex’s to visit so they can get some scoops.

    • Tessa says:

      I think Edo is an opportunist.

    • Robert Phillips says:

      How many times has Harry showed up over there for trials and charities. Yet they still don’t know where he stays. They only get pictures of him. When he gets out of a cab at where ever he is supposed to be at. So how do they know he hasn’t been over to see them. The press just didn’t get clued in. As lazy as they are with their articles. Do they really think Harry couldn’t hide over there and they would never know. Although I doubt Meghan or the kids would ever go.

  9. lanne says:


    I’d be embarrassed for the whole royal institution if I had room in my head for anything other than contempt. I just realize how much the ratchets disrespect the whole institution with their pleading and whining. Are the other royals so uninteresting that the prospect of a 5th in line visiting a 10th in line baby is the most compelling story that can be told?

  10. Saucy&Sassy says:

    It seems someone is testy because Harry wasn’t in the UK for a trial, doesn’t it? Now he’ll be in Canada for IG and I wonder how many of the bm will have access to him? Definitely testy.

  11. kelleybelle says:


  12. L4Frimaire says:

    Why do they always post such random stuff and make it about Harry? That preemie baby just got out of the hospital. The family is probably just recovering and settling back home. Is Harry supposed to interrupt Invictus to go see the baby?FaceTime and Zoom exist for a reason.

    • sunnyside up says:

      They really do not need lots of visitors with just started school age children when they have a preemie baby at home. But this is just another, come over here Harry so we can make up some fresh nasty stories about your wife.

  13. tamsin says:

    What a stretch. I wonder if it hurts their brains to try to come up with these angles. I’ve always had the impression that Harry and Eugenie are close and it appears that Meghan may have been acquainted with Eugenie before she met Harry. Don’t recall any stories about Harry and Eugenie AND Beatrice. I believe the sisters are close, but that doesn’t translate into they are both close to the same people. I think Beatrice and Edo have chosen lovely combinations of names for their two daughters.

    • sevenblue says:

      Harry told about spending time as couples with Eugenie. None of the stories included Beatrice. So, I don’t think they are close, which isn’t weird. I don’t think many people are close friends with their cousins.

  14. Muprhy says:

    Well that’s a new one.
    Welcome to the family Athena, your only worth is as a pawn for your Grand-Cousin William’s press games!

  15. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    Beatrice always struck me as inheriting more of the grifting gene from both her parents. Her preening husband strikes me the same way. Just a gut feeling. Could be entirely wrong.

  16. Tessa says:

    Of course no mention of Meghan going too.

  17. Constance says:

    There is nothing in this article from the “experts “ that I as a person who knows nothing about anything could not claim with as much authority lol…

  18. QuiteContrary says:

    LOL at the growing list of peacemakers in that vipers’ nest. Meanwhile, William could just grow the f*ck up and apologize to his brother.

  19. Sid says:

    In all the years I have been observing the royal family freak show, and we are talking back to the 80s as a kid, it was always reported that Harry and Eugenie were the ones who were very close. I do not recall Beatrice’s name really coming up often in that context until recent years since Meghan entered the scene. Which makes me wonder if she has been involved in giving some tidbits to the rota rats.

  20. Over it says:

    First off . Did Bea go to cali to visit lili when she was born or to her Christening? I doubt it . Second and as far as I am concerned more important. Well let’s first say I hold grudges. I know I am not Harry or Meghan. Just speaking about myself and how I would react and feel after seeing pictures of my dear cousin who I am supposed to be so close to hugging up the very same vile pig of a person who keeps saying vile disgusting things about me and my wife . I am referring to Bea hugging piss Morgan outside the club . See that’s the kind of thing I could never get over and I can’t believe people would expect me to just forget and play happy family. Because as far as I am concerned, family doesn’t do you dirty like that

    • Beverley says:

      I agree . Bea tries to play both sides. She hopes that disgusting Piss Moron will leave her and Edo alone – so yeah, she’ll throw H&M, especially Meghan, under the bus when it suits her agenda.

  21. blunt talker says:

    this family of royals seem to be all about revenge. stabs in the back. smearing other relatives. and competing with each other over trivial things-its enough to make your brains fall out.