It sounds like Princess Kate just tagged along on a pre-planned kids’ field trip

It’s just so funny to me that the Princess of Wales apparently threw a fit about how no one should talk about her style anymore, and then proceeded to wear one of her worst looks in years. I can’t get over this assy ensemble from Kate – the stringy, too-long hair, the obvious “bump-it” wiglet/fall, the catastrophic pleated trousers, the misshapen blazer. She was absolutely daring us to talk sh-t! Kate also has this weird thing where, when she knows she’s going to be around kids, she wears really dark colors. When visiting the 9/11 Memorial, she wore hot pink – when visiting a school, she wore all-black. I don’t get it. But anyway, we’re not supposed to talk about her style anymore, but I just had a big relapse. As for the substance of Kate’s big keen bus ride and museum visit, obviously People Magazine makes it sound like Kate deserves canonization for this.

Kate Middleton may have shared a glimpse into family road trips with Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis during her latest royal outing. The Princess of Wales, 43, made a surprise arrival at the National Portrait Gallery on Feb. 4, stepping off the bus with schoolchildren and teachers for their field trip to the London art gallery.

Alix Ascough, the executive head of All Souls Church of England Primary School in London, tells PEOPLE that Princess Kate “sat with the children on the coach and chatted with them.” At one point, the royal took part in a classic road trip game: I Spy.

“She was so relaxed and animated, and it just felt really natural,” Ascough says. “We’ll never have another school trip like that, will we?”

When they arrived at the National Portrait Gallery, Kate walked in holding the hand of a student named Grace. Inside, the group visited an interactive trail that used the artwork to explore how faces can express feelings and emotions. The project is part of the new Shaping Us Framework from The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood, the Princess of Wales’ initiative to give children the best possible start to life.

Ascough tells PEOPLE, “For the children, it was just so magical. It was an awe and wonder moment. They’ve been doing lots of artwork at school, so for them to be able to that within the gallery with the princess was magical. It’s what memories are made of.”

Liz Smith, director of learning and engagement at the National Portrait Gallery, tells PEOPLE that the outing was “a regular school trip with a very special person on the bus. That was quite deliberate. It’s planned to be for children, and it can lose that magic if you have that formal launch.” At the end of the interactive trail, Princess Kate helped the children create self-portraits in a “cozy nook” that Smith calls “our storytelling space… They all sat and drew and posted them into a magical cabinet where they disappeared. We might be revealing some of them.”

Princess Kate was “naturally nurturing and was listening and integrated with the group. She was one of the school party, and there was no official presentation. It was as if she was one of the mums, one of the helpers. And, as you are on a school trip, you’re learning as you’re walking and making sense of the environment. It was a real treat.”

[From People]

“A regular school trip with a very special person on the bus. That was quite deliberate. It’s planned to be for children, and it can lose that magic if you have that formal launch…” This makes me wonder how this outing came together. It feels like the National Portrait Gallery came to their royal patron (Kate) and said: hey, we’ve helped organize this field trip for our new interactive exhibition, maybe Kate would like to do something around it? Everyone is being pretty careful to NOT give Kate credit for coming up with the adventure. In fact, they’re making sure it sounds like Kate was added at the last minute and that she didn’t organize any of it. I feel like this is what most of Kate’s outings are like though – it’s never Kate being proactive and putting together events or launches. It’s her staffers figuring out these simple, uncomplicated childlike photo-ops for her.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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99 Responses to “It sounds like Princess Kate just tagged along on a pre-planned kids’ field trip”

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  1. SarahLee says:

    That little blonde girl would not let go of Kate’s hand. Adorable. I also wonder if some of the last minute adds for Kate have to do with how she is feeling. When I went through breast cancer, some days I was great and other days I could barely get out of bed. Some of it is emotional and some physical. I do hope the fact that we’ve seen her more in recent weeks means she is feeling better.

    • SaraH says:

      I wonder who you work for? Kate or the dying British press?

      • SarahLee says:

        I work for a food bank in the US, thanks. Not a Kate fan and not a royalist. I’ve just had sympathy for her as a younger mother going through cancer treatments and recovery. She is supposed to be in remission (if we are allowed to say that word? LOL!), so hopefully that is true and she is feeling better. As for mental health, I still have blue moments 6 years later where I just don’t want to do anything, so again, I have some empathy.

      • Kingston says:

        LOL @sarah
        You’re very bad.
        Carry on!

      • Dani says:

        No need to get snarky, she’s just sharing her personal perspective

      • Ellie says:

        Black with brown jacket Never.Too drab.

    • Jais says:

      Well she told us that she’s in remission so I’d imagine she is feeling physically better. I can’t speak to her emotions.

    • I’m also a survivor of breast cancer as there are a few here who also cancer survivors or still in the process . I personally never had a bad moment other than some roid rage at the grocery store because of the amount of steroids I was on. It’s been three years for me and if I feel blue or don’t want to go do something it certainly is not due to having had cancer. Can’t gets away with lots of lies. Nobody but her biggest fans want to believe her.

      • Megan says:

        Good for you, but I’ve rarely seen someone have a pleasant cancer experience. I sat by my best friend’s bed for six month while she lay in agony as metastatic breast caner ravaged her body. And then there is my brother in law whose brain was so eaten by cancer he didn’t recognize his wife and children in the end. Thinking your experience is the only “correct” experience is self-centered and entirely lacking in empathy.

      • Sarah says:

        So you’re just going to ignore her statement huh.

      • @ Megan Never said mine was pleasant just didn’t experience any problems and I never said mine was the only “correct “ way. You have put your spin on something I did not say. I have no empathy for a known liar as is my right so I don’t believe Can’t.

    • Sasha says:

      Kate put out in the media months ago that she’s exercising regularly and will only do things that bring her joy. And that wasn’t work. She said she HAD cancer in the bench vid nearly a year ago. Apparently fun things like Wimbledon happen on ‘good’ days. If you truly believe the cancer story VS pre cancerous cells that William accidentally let slip.

    • Kelly says:

      Yes SarahLee I thought it was a really cute appearance and the little girl was adorable. I am sorry you went through that but hope you are better now! Seeing Kate with kids is a positive so hopefully there will be more of this.

  2. Tessa says:

    The woman behind Kate has a good hairstyle. Shoulder length. Kates hair and wigs are unruly.

    • Unstrung_Pearl says:

      Kate would suit a shoulder length wavy bob i think. It would also look naturally thicker so she could ditch the raggedy wiglets!

      • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

        Kate cut her hair once, I think, when she was pregnant with Charlotte, and it looked so much better. It was shoulder-length and looked healthier. It’s cute that Kate is holding that little girl’s hand, but the difference between Meghan and Kate is that when Meghan did it, it was because that little girl with the glasses was glued to Meghan’s side the entire time.

      • Lady Esther says:

        When Kate cut her hair, not only did she have monstrous bangs (ref the photo of her and Charlotte as a toddler) but she and her staff put out a story that she thought shorter hair looked “mumsy” and hated it. Then a month or two later she was sporting extensions that gave her at least another 6 inches of length, while the bangs grew out and she started tucking them behind her ears again.

        I think she’ll still be rocking the extensions down her back and the wiglets for at least another 10 years, but as long as she gets rid of the girly goo-goo sausage curls that scream mutton dressed as lamb, and doesn’t get her staff to go to the press to Sternly Declare She Never Wears Extensions And It’s All Natural instead of them doing real work, meh, it’s her hair and apparently it’s all she’s willing to be known for, so that’s on her…

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Lady Esther–I had a sudden thought of Mary Pickford in your description of Kate, the ‘mutton dressed as lamb’ with sausage curls. Mary Pickford played a little girl well into her 40s, I think. 😕

      • Nic919 says:

        William was rumoured to have started his affair with rose after Charlotte was born. She probably thought it was the shorter hair that caused that.

      • Deborah1 says:

        Kate should do what her sister Pippa has done and cut that mane of hair to a shoulder-length bob. Pippa looked so much better with shorter hair at the Christmas carol concert.

    • Tara says:

      I have the feeling Team Middleton Took over and Kate styles as she pleases again. Or am I the only one seeing a resemblance to her before Princess Style?

      • BeyondTheFringe says:

        Excellent point. All of this *does* feel quite vintage to her style evolution.

      • Tara says:

        I think a light just dawned on me: They are fighting behind the scenes over the money for her wardrobe!!! If she was on the cover of Vogue, she would argue that people look up to her style. Now she’s showing them what they’re going to get. With joy, I think 😀 Where did the money for her wardrobe come from?

      • Jan90067 says:

        Tara, Charles used to pay for Kate’s “working” (ha!) wardrobe before Willie got the Duchy $$$$$$$$$. Guess Willie turned off the spigot!

    • Gail Hirst says:

      Seems to me I remember reading a long time ago that it is CHARLES who prefers long hair, or likes her long hair or something. How true or untrue that might be, but I’ve always understood that to be the reason she hangs onto the long, long hair. He may have said something mean when she cut it after Charlotte’s birth and that’s why we’re here, now. Stuck with ridiculously long and obviously-to-some fake hair. We must never underestimate the insanity that is the royal family, let alone the Firm. One comment from Charles 10 or so years ago and she’s afraid to cut her hair. This is what it seems like to me, anyway.

      • Dee says:

        William teased Kate about her “nightmare hair” back in 2014. He’s so sweet, right? Kate’s hair is very naturally curly, but she gets a blow out every time and attaches a hundred wiglets. She really should try to work with her curls; her hair (the part that’s hers) would be so much healthier.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Kate said once that *William* prefers her hair long.

      • Magdalena says:

        If M cut her hair tomorrow, Kate would follow suit and cut hers. She had cut her hair around the time of Louis’ birth, and M’s was shorter at the time (I’m presuming the vipers at KP had pressured her to cut it), but the reason Kate wears all those wiglets and extensions and massive bump-its is because she is in a one-sided competition with the lady she and her husband orchestrated to push out of the family and who is now happily thriving in another country thousands of miles away.

      • Tessa says:

        Both Diana and Camilla wore hair shorter. Dale tryon had longer hair down to her shoulders not as long as Kate. Charles seemed to prefer shorter hair style.

      • Nic919 says:

        The longer hair doesn’t look healthy at this point, extensions or not. It looks very dry.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Jan90067 – Yes, I suspect it is to please William that she continues to sport the ridiculous Barbie Doll hair. What is it with men and long hair on women? Melania tRump anyone?

      • Black with brown jacket Never.Too drab.

  3. Harla says:

    I just have to repeat what I said yesterday, if you want us to focus on your work then you have to give a sound bite, a quick quote, anything except having others speak for you. Kate and her team aren’t giving anyone anything to focus on except this god awful outfit. And @Kaiser, I have to applaud your photo selection, the one where Kate’s holding the little girls hand while disembarking the bus says it all, Kate is so over it.

    • Caitlin says:

      How about if she wants us to focus on her “work” she actually does some “work” – vs gratuitous photo ops and field trips?

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Yes, give us talking points please. And no, “she was so natural” “it was magical” “everyone was in awe of her natural magicalness” are not it.

    • Nanea says:

      “if you want us to focus on your work then you have to give a sound bite, a quick quote, anything except having others speak for you.”

      Harla, seriously, how can you? /-s

      This is the woman who infamously needed cue cards to welcome Dr Jill to an Airrly Yarrs event that took place in Cornwall on occasion of a G 7 + heads of EU meeting, IIRC. That Harvard something that never took off.

      You might be able to get a soundbite. I highly doubt we’d be able to make sense of her posho mumbling though.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That is a great photo! She was over it before it even started!

    • Megan says:

      The royals never give statements to the press. They either make some sort of official speech or are quoted by people they chatted with. The article mentioned that this was the launch of an early years initiative to show kids emotions on faces or some such and a group of small children are not the audience for an official speech.

  4. Unstrung_Pearl says:

    She has a huge wardrobe of expensive clothes, some of them actually quite nice, so not sure where this outfit came from?? Is she going for smart-casual? I think a lighter top would help. She looks much better in slim tailored trousers to balance the jacket, loose trousers just look too flappy on her frame. Altogether this looks mis-matched and drab.

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, she has so many options of something comfortable and stylish within her own wardrobe that she could have gone with. This is fine but also meh if that makes sense. She really wanted to hammer home that she is no longer about style.

    • Moniquep says:

      Bbbuut Meghan wears loose flowy pants…… I must copy!

    • BeanieBean says:

      That jacket is the worst part of the outfit. It’s the color of tobacco spit, is wrinkly, hangs weird, & too big.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      Look at Meghan when she visited the school in Colombia. The copy-keening isn’t 100 percent there, buuuuuut…your eyebrows will indeed be raised once you look at her jacket and the color of the kids’ uniforms.

    • Megan says:

      She’s not wearing Big Blue. Which I think is fine because the ring is so ugly, but unusual for her.

    • SophieB says:

      Little girls dream of fairytale princesses (still, I think). So I agree that something prettier and more feminine with a touch of glamour would have kept those dreams alive. It wouldn’t have taken much effort, given her extensive wardrobe.

  5. Tessa says:

    I think that behind the scenes Kate is being encouraged to work more. Her going on a ski trip and doing few work appearances was not a good look.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      Yes, there really has been a flurry of Kate events recently, makes you wonder…..

    • Becks1 says:

      I think she is definitely being pushed to work more. I wouldnt be surprised if KP placed a bunch of phone calls to her few patronages to see if there were any activities like this that she could tag along on.

      All we’ve heard from KP since the summer (basically) is that Kate is doing better but don’t expect her to work more, she needs to see how she’s feeling each day, one day at a time, etc etc but oh Wimbledon is fine and oh skiing!

      I feel like the ski trip was really the final straw and I think someone at BP got on the phone and told them both to get out there more. Many of us have noticed that the DM comments are turning against Kate but have also wondered if those are new comments or if they’re just letting those negative comments through. If its the latter, I dont think its happening without the approval of someone.

      It also could be that all of this was planned to distract from the combined threat of Meghan’s show, Harry’s trial and Invictus. Now they have to keep working through March poor sausages.

      • jais says:

        Do you think it’s only BP pushing her to work more or William also? Technically, the more she does, the less people notice what he does. I don’t know how much Camilla has been doing lately, but its been lost in the Kate news that Camilla actually had an event yesterday too. And I think it may have been at a school? So it also more competing events bw the two houses?

      • Becks1 says:

        I dont know about William. I figure the more Kate does, the less people focus on him- does he like that or not? Is that a good thing for him? I can see him interpreting it both ways.

        But I do think we have seen a shift since the skiing story came out – whether someone at KP realized how bad that was or someone at BP did, not sure.

        If Kate stepped on Camilla’s news cycle without permission though…..yikes. watch out kate lol.

    • Chrissy says:

      So, as a recap of recent events, we’ve heard: “Kate’s recovering from cancer!” Then, She’s “ cancer-free but “has good days and bad days!” Then, “She’s taking one day at a time”, then “Kate will only focus on things that bring her joy!” The a few weeks go by, she’s still not working but seen at an optical store when news about Meghan and Harry is released. Then, we find out she’s off with her family on a skiing holiday, while having not worked for not anything much for months. Then, the dark crucifixion-in-the-woods photo is released when more M&H news is released but she’s still not doing anything. And now we see she’s tagging along on an unscheduled children’s outing, which has no direct connection to her own work, while dressed in dark depressing clothing and sporting ratty hair extensions. The only common denominator in all this is that she wants to be seen under some circumstances but without any goal towards doing any good for anyone but herself. Why are the UK public okay with this situation?

  6. Chaine says:

    Serious question: do five-year-olds even know who Kate is? Her big moment as fairytale princess bride is well before their time. I think that school teachers on a field trip can use all the chaperones that they can get, so good for Kate stepping up for this one! Lol

    • Tessa says:

      Kate is not really a chaperone she is doing an appearance for cameras. The chaperones do this all the time.

      • sunnyside up says:

        First thing I remember of the RF was national savings stamps, at junior school, 6d stamps had a picture of Princess Anne and and the 2/6 stamps had Prince Charles, I thought typical, boys valued more than girls. Mind you we didn’t have a television until I was 12 or thirteen.

  7. Tessa says:

    There could not be too much real last minute spontaneity since Kate would need a security detail and planning schedules ahead of time.

    • Nic919 says:

      Exactly. Besides they failed to mention that this road trip was at best a ten minute bus ride. They wouldn’t have kate in a bus for that long unless they give the bus the police escort as well.

      • jais says:

        Only 10 min? okay that’s funny. I’m now imagining them picking up Kate and her RPO on the street and then driving around the corner for the photographers.

      • BeanieBean says:

        And they supposedly played I Spy? For a 10-minute trip? Oh, these ‘reporters’, they do make me laugh!

  8. somebody says:

    The other children are walking in calmly and the girl holding Kate’s hand is jumping straight up? She’s the only one excited to be there or the photographer got her to react?

    • Magdalena says:

      I’m guessing Kate tightened her fingers on the little girl’s hand at that moment, even though she had already been gripping hard, in comparison to the light hold the other adults had on the other children.

  9. Nanea says:

    “Princess Kate was “naturally nurturing …”

    Do People and KP share one Thesaurus?

    Makes me wonder that we get “nurturing” so soon after the Kate the Blair Witch Redeemer for KP’s World Cancer Day post.

    And if I see FewchaKween’s dark pants and blazer, worn without seemingly any kind of planning or fitting, I’m always reminded how Madeleine of Sweden dresses up extra princessy for the (sick) kids at her annual palace reception. IIRC she once said they’re expecting a princess, not someone who looks like everyone else.

  10. Eurydice says:

    I’m sure the National Portrait Gallery called KP about the school trip. Otherwise, how would KP have known about it? And now I’ve got an image in my mind of KP staffers diligently poring over Facebook pages and church newsletters and nursing home announcements, looking for any gathering Kate could possibly crash.

  11. Tessa says:

    People and us magazine seem to be the ones heavily promoting the keens.

  12. Inge says:

    Her staff noticed that the school uniform looked similar to the one the girl in Colombia who took Meghans hand was wearing & arranged a field trip & tried to replicate Meghan’s outfit?

  13. Jay says:

    Yesterday I wondered if this outfit was something intended for more of a formal launch. She has often showed up in corporate businesswoman cosplay for events related to the Early Years, complete with pie charts and a notebook that says “notebook” on the cover. Maybe this event was originally meant to be more of a formal launch? That would explain some of the weird quotes about how Keen latching on to a kids field trip is just so much better and more “magical” than doing something more formal. And I cannot deny that photos with cute kids are going to get better media coverage. It’s just odd that she didn’t wear something more informal if the vibe was to be just another parent chaperone.

    (Also, a commentator yesterday asked “Did this launch already launch?” and it has been stuck in my head ever since)

    I still think that the grey outfit is not that bad, but the purplish-brown jacket is pure copy keening. You know who looks amazing in shades of brown? I’ll give you three guesses.

    • Jais says:

      Your question of maybe this event was originally meant to be more of a formal launch is a good one. I wonder if the KP team wanted it to be more formal but the museum pushed back bc the exhibit is for kids. If that’s the case, the museum had the right idea bc it was a cute event. No need for wordy words like a landmark launch about the complexity of modern life. But yeah, the question remains of whether the launch already launched, which is really KP’s fault for making such a big thing about how they were going to launch something. Maybe there’s something planned for later in the week idk? or maybe this was the launch?

    • Lorelei says:

      @Jay, I hadn’t seen that comment yesterday, but now I’m lmao too, so thank you! It’s perfect

  14. aquarius64 says:

    So Kate just tagged along for the trip to NPG and not plan it? Typical.

  15. Miranda says:

    I don’t care if I sound curmudgeonly about this: As a former teacher of kids around this age (I taught 1st and 2nd grade) it just annoys the hell out of me anytime she (or anyone, really) does school visits, because there is literally no way that she isn’t a HUGE distraction. It can be a struggle to get young kids refocused after something as insignificant as a fire drill, so just imagine the trying to keep the rest of the day’s schedule on track after she shows up with her security detail, aggressive jazz hands, and an expectation to be held in awe.

    But I guess we should be thankful that at least it wasn’t a zoo field trip. The monkeys would take one look at that rictus grin and think that she was threatening them.

  16. Me at home says:

    Possibly a more coordinated pantsuit with flats (who wears 3” heels on a school outing?) and her hair up would have conveyed “working princess” better. Her hair isn’t naturally that wavy, so she still put some time in the palace salon chair before going out. That and the quite tall heels undermine the “I just pulled this out of my closet” look. She can’t still sport this doll hair style in her 50s, which are 7 years away, so at some point she’ll need to cut it. No worries, the BM can publish 20 articles about the transformation.

    • Jan90067 says:

      This precisely! Former teacher here, and I can state that going on a “walking” field trip, with little ones BEGS for flats or tennis shoes (or trainers as the Brits say), and casual pant/jeans for bending, sitting on the ground (or dirty benches). Also, even if she just wore her hair (naturally wavy or straight) in a ponytail, it would be so much more “professional”, and not be a bother to keep tucking behind her ears, bending down to the little ones.

      Hasn’t this woman learned ANYTHING in all her “listening and learning” years???

      • J McGraw says:

        She could’ve worn something bright, practical, sporty, youthful, flattering and practical for a day out with schoolkids. Easy layup for “fresh, vibrant princess” photos.

        The shabby 90s manager blazer, droopy long wig and heels are not it

    • BeanieBean says:

      She pulled that jacket from the dirty clothes pile under the bed.

  17. BeyondTheFringe says:

    To say the palace’s messaging (on this, her clothing…everything else) is mixed is a serious understatement. That is all.

  18. Thelma says:

    She looks …. rough. That’s all I got.

  19. Blujfly says:

    So it was a photo op – an excuse for Kate to be seen and the press to get fetching photos of her with children. Other than in passing, no one knows anything about the emotions based exhibit or how that’s even related to the national portrait gallery.

  20. Betsy says:

    The head tilting photo as she gets off the bus – she’s trying her damndest to look like Princess Diana.

    ‘My favorite thing to point out about the comparison between these two is that Diana did events constantly when she was a working royal.

  21. First comment says:

    Her face mask dropped several times during this school outing…there many photos where she looks annoyed and so over it…but the show must go on…🤷‍♀️

    • Hypocrisy says:

      It sure did… I wonder if she is out so much on the orders of the British tabloids or the BRF ? Whatever the case the outright copying of Meghan’s actions needs to stop. Supposedly Waity had cancer and almost died, time to grow up and do better with the second chance.

    • Jais says:

      I mean she did have to ride on a bus with a bunch of little kids. And while they’re very cute, the noise level and energy can be a lot. I say this as a former teacher who still remembers getting stuck in traffic on school field trips… I have a theory that the Midds went on a fun beach trip for Carole’s 50th and Kate wanted to go but was told to work.

  22. Over it says:

    There is ugly and then they is Kate’s outfit

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    Kate is so “naturally nurturing” that she cosplayed as a CEO and wore heels to tower over the little ones on the field trip.

    There’s a reason teachers wear bright colors around little kids — so they look less forbidding (my sisters are teachers).

  24. Over it says:

    I think the bus trip has done her In. She looks like she has been tortured 😂😂😂

  25. tamsin says:

    I read that the exhibit is a collaboration between some arm of Kate’s Early Years initiative and the NPG. Kate is patron of NPG, so she had a reason to be there. But by just tagging along with a School group she just became the news and a distraction. Could she not have introduced/explained the exhibit and its purpose, relating it to early childhood development? The exhibition is something that the initiative should be doing; it’s a good thing. A member of the experts advising her could have explained it in coordination with gallery curators, if Kate could not be trusted to articulate the exhibit. Or she could do a follow-up and speak to the students about their experiences working through the exhibit. Either Kate’s staff is just incompetent or it must be like dealing with a noodle.

  26. Hannah1 says:

    I don’t mind the outfit if she is really ‘focusing on work’ (though if the work is interacting with kids rather than adults it is oddly somber).

    But … the earth mother extra-long hair appeared when Meghan went longer as well — during her pregnancy with Lilli?

    And the high heels hidden under the puddle pants are also an attempted Meghan mimicry

  27. J McGraw says:

    1. This is her worst outfit ever. Almost feels like a deliberate flout to those focusing on her fashion—a brown 90s blazer with a black turtleneck and pinstripe grey pants? Why?? Drab, shapeless and sad.

    2. She clearly saw the pics of Meghan holding hands with that little girl in Colombia and was like, I’m doing that next time. Except with Meghan it looked sweet and natural and with Kate it just looks grim. It’s a shame the palace made her make “children” her charitable lane, unlike the Sussexes she doesn’t seem to have a natural way with kids who aren’t hers. As Kaiser always says, she should’ve gone for sports as her cause, it would’ve played to her strengths so much better but I’m sure it wasn’t trad-wife or Diana-cosplay enough

    • Hannah1 says:

      She also does *much much* better with elderly people. She responds so well to their crumbs of praise and attention.

      That would provide charming vignettes/photo ops rather than this forced nonsense of her being ‘naturally nurturing’ when she seems actually repulsed by other people’s children.

  28. Arhus says:

    I think her look was fine!

  29. Daisychain says:

    How do you identify the extensions and the hair bump? I cannot tell bad real hair from bad fake hair.

    • Unblinkered says:

      With her, the extensions can always be identified by the end lengths that she usually pulls round to the front over her shoulder. There’s a very subtle mismatch, but most tellingly the volume increases at the ends with extensions, whereas real hair thins at the ends.
      Higher up near her scalp, you’ll see her hair stands away from the scalp which in the past could be explained by back-combing but that’s not the case here. It’s extensions attached too high to look natural but one imagines on the client’s instructions desperate for thick hair as well as length. A good stylist would advise against it , and probably did.
      They’re not done well. How much is poor hairdressing and how much being dictated to by the client……

  30. Linney says:

    My husband, who wouldn’t know a hair extension if it hit him in the face, saw a few photos of Kate from this “engagement.” He said, “What’s with the hair? Why is she wearing a wig?” Probably not the look she’s going for….