Mail: Princess Kate’s ‘substance over style’ will hurt the British fashion industry

As some people pointed out in the comments yesterday, it does seem like the Princess of Wales’s field-trip outing on Tuesday was designed as a copykeen event. Last year, when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were in Colombia, they toured a local school and one little girl wanted to be Meghan’s bestie, so the girl held Meghan’s hand as they walked around the school. Kate managed to “recreate” those images on Tuesday, as she exited a school bus and walked into the National Portrait Gallery, holding a child’s hand (a side-by-side comparison tweet is at the end of the post).

Meanwhile, something sort of hilarious is happening with Kate, her fashion and Kensington Palace’s announcement that they would no longer provide IDs on Kate’s ensembles. The British press is not reacting well, but they’ve also enabled Kate’s BS for so long, they have to bury their criticism behind a mountain of “obviously, she’s the most stylish woman ever, HOWEVER.” I was reminded of that as I read this Mail piece on Kate’s NPG ensemble:

‘Do we need to be officially always saying what she is wearing? No. The style is there, but it’s about the substance.’ Back in the dark ages, some people – usually men – subscribed to the notion that style and substance couldn’t co-exist.

If you were interested in clothes, you were frivolous. If you had a towering intellect, meanwhile, you didn’t care what you wore, your mind being preoccupied with far more worthy things. But clothes are important. They semaphore who you are, and what you want to say. They can be the cherry on an otherwise dry cake, driving interest not only in the wearer, but in whatever else they might want to convey, from their current mood to their charities.

Admittedly, yesterday’s outfit wasn’t among the most scintillating. But this only further proves the point that clothes can speak volumes. This was the first public engagement Kate had undertaken since Kensington Palace’s new ‘substance over style’ diktat. Presumably, it would have been deemed hypocritical to rock up in the latest Alexander McQueen.

That the princess was, in fact, dressed in a chocolate brown blazer by designer Petar Petrov, a chic polo neck by Reiss, Jigsaw trousers, Sezane ‘Bruna’ earrings and an £150 Halcyon Days ‘Salamander’ Torque gold bangle, are not details provided by the Palace. But nor did they need to be. In 2025, we no longer need to rely on official channels. (The Palace still shares Kate’s outfit choices for significant occasions but not for routine engagements.) The details behind Kate’s look right down to which foundation she wears (Bobbi Brown) can be gathered far faster online.

Instagram accounts are dedicated to tracking her style, identifying the provenance of her clothes with impressive speed and accuracy. But even a quick Google Image search, or similar, can usually yield a positive ID. The Palace knows this, just as it surely knows people will continue to be curious her wardrobe. It may be able to control what it says about Kate’s style, but it can’t control the public’s interest.

Besides, there was never any danger of Kate being known solely as a clothes horse. Which is why attempts to emphasise her substance over her style seem puzzling, as well as poorly timed. London Fashion Week kicks off in two weeks’ time. Many designers are fighting to keep their businesses afloat. And Trump’s proposed tariffs won’t boost sluggish US demand. But Kate will.

[From The Daily Mail]

Remember when these horrible people screamed “we pay, you pose” at a newly postpartum Meghan? The whole idea being, a princess’s main job is simple – pose for photos, let people talk about frivolous things for a second, promote British fashion. That’s the implicit understanding for how royal women are supposed to function, unless we’re talking about Princess Anne. Basically, there’s a growing discontent about Kate’s attempts to be taken seriously and they’re edging up to saying that she’s hurting the British fashion industry. Her ensemble yesterday absolutely hurt the British fashion industry.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid.

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57 Responses to “Mail: Princess Kate’s ‘substance over style’ will hurt the British fashion industry”

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  1. kelleybelle says:

    Especially when she shows up looking like she got dressed in the dark!

    • the Robinsons says:

      The copying of Meghan at every turn, that Khate and Co. are doing is.scary. Some serious”Single Whyte Female” ish happening here.

      • Gah says:

        Omg seriously! Did her team also go out of their way to find a schools whose uniform would appear to be the same as the uniform on the other little girl w Meghan? That can’t be a coincidence- not with the blazer situation…

    • 😂😂😂I think the British designers will be just fine without Can’ts not wearing their stuff.

  2. Osty says:

    She can be all about ” substance ” and not dress like she is going to the farm in my village .

    • Honeybee says:

      Her clenched teeth in the 1st bottom photos shows her feeling. Not happy. She didn’t even making eye contact with any kids. The front girl in the same picture looks happy and excited. But the one holding her hand is not looking interested in her.
      Clearly K is not happy with the dressing nor the trip.
      And again Saint Catherine, patron of colours grabbing coloured little girl. The little girl is not comfortable the way she is holding her.

  3. StellainNH says:

    I love how you use the picture of Kate with the little girl picking her nose

    • Mads says:

      @STELLAINNH I nearly dropped my phone laughing so hard when I caught that. Kaiser’s picture choices are just wonderful lol.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      She is the cutest thing 🙃🙂😆

    • manda says:

      And it looks like that is the girl whose hand she was holding! Eww. Kids are gross. That little girl’s mother must be so upset about that shot

      • QuiteContrary says:

        That is the best photo ever, though I hope Kate’s immune system is strong LOL.

      • KC says:

        Oh dear. I hadn’t thought about that. The photo is hysterical and made my day, but, yeah, the mom is probably horrified and the little girl will probably get picked on (no pun intended) at school/church.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Exactly what I was going to write about lol love that Waity’s photographer got the nose picker photo.

    • SarahCS says:

      That picture is a work of art in and of itself. The longer you look at it the better it gets.

      The NPG needs to buy a copy and get it hanging in one of their galleries STAT.

      She still looks to me like she got dressed via a mad dash through a charity shop.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      that poor little girl is never going to hear the end of it though. it’s one thing for your friends/family to be able to tease you a little about that time you met a famous person but you’re picking your nose in the one pic we have of it, it’s a whole other thing for that famous person’s PR team or media covering it to include that picture in public use

      • Zappy says:

        She’s just a kid, she didnt care with Princess K
        The photographer maybe thought that was cute gesture from her

    • slippers4life says:

      It is funny. We all know kids pick their noses, but I do agree. Including it in global wide photos is a choice.

  4. s808 says:

    Her outfit is looking the budget got slashed again. Maybe that’s why they won’t ID her clothes anymore?

    • sunnyside up says:

      She has plenty of clothes in her wardrobe, she must have a dozen jackets that would look better with the grey. Was it deliberate.

  5. Alia says:

    Not only copying Meghan, off all school Kate particular search for school with same uniform as Meghan trip. What is sick person does this.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      It really is disturbing.

      • Narges says:

        I genuinely feel sorry for Kate, yesterday I was angry for copying Meghan – but if I look at her, I see a depressed woman. She’s locked in a gilded cage… she has no real friends. Her eyes speak volumes.

      • Honeybee says:

        @NARGES, don’t waste your time for her. She is a well educated women with brain. She is not trapped. She has the opportunity to leave. She is the one chose to stay in the cage. I won’t blame her mother and definitely not willy for her decision. 40+ year old women with 20+ years of experience in the firm, loosing self respect, self esteem, self identity, freedom.. etc, must have learnt some life lessons. But she didn’t. Just look how she dragged her son yesterday to compete with a self made independent women.

        If she does good amount of work, KP and BM will support and praise her. Just bare minimum is enough to become a hero. Instead, If she chose to leave, she can negotiate a good amount of settlement. She has two good choices. But she wants to gain with out pain. Nobody can earn anything without hard work. Don’t say she is caged.
        Being lazy is not imprisonment. It just her pure laziness. She is the only one responsible for her current situation.

    • Lau says:

      Did they go through a catalog of every schools in London and check every uniform to get the exact same nuance ? This is unhinged but Kate is really unhinged so it’s a real possibility.
      Also, GREAT choice of header photo !

  6. Lilpeppa40 says:

    Whoa, seeing the two side by side is pretty stark and makes me wonder if they deliberately sought out a school with a very similar uniform 😐 Unless all the elementary/kindergarten/preschool uniforms are this style and colour, it’s really rather uncanny.

    • Magdalena says:

      That shade of green is such an unusual colour for a British school uniform that they had to have gone all out to find that school and those students.

  7. wolfmamma says:

    Yes I agree with Queens R Made

  8. Kristen from MA says:

    That tweet! I love to see it. 🙂

  9. Serenity says:

    Seriously! Did they have to drag her through a hedge backwards to get her to this event? 😳 OK, now I’m a bit concerned.

    • kelleybelle says:

      To be amongst young children I would’ve worn something a little more “fun” and colourful. This outfit really missed the mark, and so did her hair. A shorter style with maybe a ponytail would’ve looked better?

      • Me at home says:

        I wouldn’t have worn 3-4″ heels to be amongst young children. And like you I’d have put my hair up or in a ponytail. A recycled pantsuit with flats would have said “working princess” instead of whatever self-conscious message this grey+brown outfit is trying to convey.

  10. Jais says:

    Yesterday, I had to check myself for critiquing Kate for wearing neutrals with kids when I hadn’t done so with Meghan. But looking at the side-by-side…I really like Meghan’s outfit! She makes the neutrals look good and it makes sense for a school visit. The brighter camel color with the slightly slouchy blazer, rolled up at the sleeves. Hair pulled back. Her favorite Chanel flats that she’s worn before. Like I see what she’s wearing and I’m like yeah that’s cute. So I think its the styling and the vibe moreso than the colors worn. I just don’t look at Kate and think I want to emulate what she’s wearing even though its objectively fine if not scintillating. Also how did the DM know she was wearing a torque bangle? The sleeves are pretty long on her blazer but maybe its visible in one of the pics?

  11. Robert Phillips says:

    Did I miss the part where this article talked anything about the substance of this visit by Kate? All I got was still only about what she wore. I get it’s a pushback by the press. But come on now couldn’t they have at least talked about the museum a little bit?

  12. SueBarbri33 says:

    She’s just…exhausting. Whatever is happening with The Wales family and with Kate is absolutely exhausting. She somehow manages to be a try-hard without trying anything.

  13. Mslove says:

    I love the look of resignation and impatience on Keen’s face in the top pic. She doesn’t like working, it’s so obvious.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    The reason why the press is pissed about this is because they have nothing to talk about with the fashion details and they can’t put affiliate links for what she wears in their articles. I remember the Telegraph complaining about not knowing what Meghan was wearing after she left the UK because they’re were unable to add affiliate links in their articles. Plus unless it’s Trooping or Remembrance Day Kate rarely wears British fashion. The pants she had on yesterday were Max Mara not Jigsaw.

  15. Over it says:

    Clothes can be a cherry on top of an otherwise dry cake has got to be my favorite zinger is an insult here to Kate . 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  16. KC says:

    That little girl is all of us. OMG! Sorry, laughing so hard with my coffee over that first photo. You did it! I finally feel sorry for Kate. That outfit screams, “I’ve given up.”

  17. Lady Digby says:

    It is obvious that the tabs are hacked off by KP’s rather grand statement that GLobal Stateswoman Kate has now risen from her sickbed to astonish the world with her absolute dedication to A Mission Of Such Very High Purpose that no details of her wardrobe will be given out to distract from said Mission!! Are these folks for real? Get over yourself, Kate is there to promote British fashion amongst other worthwhile charitable endeavours , surely?

  18. KC says:

    Okay, stopped laughing finally.

    If I could advise this chick, I would tell her to ditch the Early Childhood crap, give a nod to some real experts to get on with that, get a modern stylist and start promoting young British designers as well as manufacturers. Get her own plaid, promote the wool/cashmere industry, up and going cosmetic companies etc. Christen a button factory, but lean into something that I that you can enjoy. She’s not deep, is never going to be deep and might as well play to her strengths which are shallow at best but could be fun. It’s like she read a dated, “How to be a Princess” book from 1977.

  19. Lala11_7 says:

    I have a polyester blend Black pinstripe suit from Lane Bryant’s that I got in the 90s because the material NEVA wrinkled & the cut ACTUALLY LOOKED GLORIOUS 🥰 and the pants were boot cut …which made the shape TIMELESS and the LINE that suit gives my body…PURE HEAVEN❣️ That suit became my “go to suit” for DECADES because I could wear it year round and dress it up or down…I STILL have that suit & it STILL looks MAGNIFICENT!

    My 30+ year old suit would eat the one above…ALIVE🤣

    Also…Black & Brown? 😯 It can BE done…I’ve DONE it…but ya gotta be careful & the textures should NEVA match in my opinion

    • Magdalena says:

      I’ve got two trousers like that which I “inherited” from my mother. A pair of light grey pinstripe wide-legged trousers which fits like a dream and goes with numerous tops and jackets and shoes and boots. And mustard wide-legged trousers which are a size too big for me but I still wear it, belted, but lower down on my hips. I wear it mainly with black or dark green or mustard tops, or cream jumpers. Those two trousers always look fabulous on me and whenever I wear them I feel grown up and like a million bucks. And I don’t have a millionaire’s budget.

      The woman has nooo style at all. So much could have been done with the individual pieces, but they do not belong together.

  20. Becks1 says:

    oh this article is mad. I’ve rarely seen the DM actually criticize her clothing, and here they’re mocking her outfit yesterday, saying there was never any danger of her being a clotheshorse anyway, and even if KP refuses to release the outfit info they’ll still find it.

    This outfit was bad yesterday. It was bland and not really that appropriate for the event. It wasn’t “inappropriate” per se – she’s not flashing anyone, it seems weather appropriate – but it wasn’t the best choice. Simple things would have improved it – flats, her hair pulled back, etc.

    I wonder if her household got slashed as well as her clothing budget so she doesnt have even a pseudo stylist anymore?

    • Eurydice says:

      None of this makes any sense. The KP announcement didn’t say Kate would stop wearing designer clothes and the DM article says they don’t need KP to tell them what Kate is wearing. So, what exactly is the substance of this announcement? A KP staffer has one less memo to send out and a DM staffer has to do their own homework.

      As for the British fashion industry, I don’t know how much Kate has done for it in the past, but they all have PR and access to social media – if Kate wears something of their own, I’m sure they’ll find a way to publicize, it if they want.

      • jais says:

        it doesn’t make sense. Bc of course people can figure out what she is wearing whether a KP staffer sends out an extra email or not. But the KP announcement continues that vibe of scolding the public as they’ve been doing for the past year. How dare people frivolously talk about Kate’s clothes and fashion? How dare people question the frankenphoto? How dare people expect Kate to work once a week? It’s a weird vibe and shaming the pubic is a choice.

    • Magdalena says:

      It may be that her closest advisor who we were told was her right hand during her “recovery” – (Natasha Archer?) is on leave or has resigned/been given the sack?

  21. Sue says:

    You guys, I usually don’t read the royal articles on here. I come here for the U.S. political commentary. So, I usually don’t pay any attention to the Kate copies Meghan stuff. But holy crap. It’s real and it’s creepy. There are a bajillion things Kate can do without copying Meghan. It’s not that hard. Why?

  22. Monc says:

    I love she’s got her finger up her nose and hopefully they held hands once again.

  23. Magdalena says:

    All I can see in those pictures, especially the second, is the light hold that the teachers have on their charges’ hands, versus the iron grip Kate has on that poor little girl’s hand, while she fixes her eyes on the cameras with laser-like precision.

  24. Julie says:

    I bet that little kid picked her nose before and after holding hands with Kate. Best pic ever.