Eden: The Sussexes’ 2021 Time cover proves that Harry is Meghan’s ‘spare’

The usual suspects have been in a frenzy this week as they try to do some advance smears on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex ahead of the Invictus Games. As I’ve said before, they’ve had time to prepare, and I’m not looking forward to whatever stunts the Windsors have planned for the coming weeks. As for the British media, it’s a case of “is this all you’ve got?” They’re desperately trying to make “Meghan made an Instagram thanking Billie Eilish” into the centerpiece of their latest hate campaign. But that’s not all – Richard Eden got sent out to whine and screech about… the Sussexes’ 2021 Time Magazine cover. Yes, this is another “The Mail Remembers” piece. With a new twist! Apparently, as Eden pored over old photos of Harry and Meghan (which seems to be 90% of his job at the Mail), he noticed something: that Harry is Meghan’s spare and he hides behind Meghan! They’re still doing that.

Prince Harry was so fed up with his position in the Royal Family of playing second fiddle to his brother Prince William, that he angrily titled his memoir Spare. But some commentators have suggested history could now be repeating itself in his marriage, as he is becoming like the directionless spare to his wife Meghan Markle and her Hollywood ambitions.

The Daily Mail’s Diary Editor Richard Eden has explored the theory by analysing their body language in the latest episode of the YouTube series Reading The Royals. In the show he exposes that beneath the carefully curated public displays of affection, their behaviour reveals a shifting power dynamic in Meghan’s favour. The acclaimed royal expert looks back at their relationship through some famous and some less well known pictures, and analyses their behaviour while explaining the context of what was going on behind the scenes when they were taken.

Speaking on the show, he said one of the most revealing photos was the cover photo on Time magazine for its 100 list of the World’s Most Influential People in September 2021. The picture shows Harry dressed in all black and Meghan in all white on a terrace at their $14.65million mansion in Montecito, California.

Richard said: ‘Oh wow, I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say this is one of the most striking pictures ever taken of a royal couple. It is amazing that an image can say so much. It is also, I don’t think it is unfair to say, absolutely absurd. To set the scene we are in September 2021, we have had the controversial interview with Oprah which left royal and royal watchers aghast, but Harry and Meghan as an independent couple still have a huge popularity and interest around them. Which is why they are on the cover of Time magazine’s 100 list of the world’s most influential people.’

Richard added: ‘That a royal couple would ever do a shoot like this is extraordinary in itself, what does it say about their changing power dynamic? Meghan dominates the image with Harry positioned firmly in the background. A clear reversal of the roles we might have expected as he is the royal. Meghan stands unquestionably confident wearing bright white and splayed hair stands out, while Harry pops out behind her shoulder in what just looks a bit awkward, like a child appearing behind an adult’s knee or like he wants a piggyback. It was an image that spawned endless memes and comments on social media. One of my favourites was: “This looks like Harry is her hairdresser and he’s looking into the mirror explaining what he did to her layers”.’

However, the Time cover picture is just one of the many images Richard analyses in the 26-minute episode. The first ones that Richard looks at are in September 2017, when Harry and Meghan were pictured at their first ever public appearance at the Invictus Games in Toronto. Richard said the couple instantly showed they were prepared to ignore the traditional practice of the royals being formal in public as they displayed how comfortable they were being ‘touchy-feely’. He said the appearance would go on to ‘set the tone’ for the rest of their relationship, describing them as ‘very tactile’ and ‘determined to do things their own way’.

[From The Daily Mail]

This is just sad. It’s giving stalker, it’s giving loser. To sit around and look through years-old photos of Harry and Meghan just to hate on them on a Daily Mail YouTube show? To use that platform to look through photos and cry about how Harry and Meghan hold hands? Jesus. Don’t get me wrong, I also look through old pics of H&M for my job too – but I do it with joy, because they’re pretty and photogenic and it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that they’ve always made each other so happy. They’ve been enamoured with each other from Day 1. I look at these old photos and think “wow, they were destined to find each other.” Eden looks at these photos and cries because “Harry is Meghan’s spare!”

Cover courtesy of Time, photos courtesy of Backgrid and Cover Images.

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35 Responses to “Eden: The Sussexes’ 2021 Time cover proves that Harry is Meghan’s ‘spare’”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Eden is digging deep to find something. He is desperate. He has a weird obsession with their marriage and thinks women are domineering. Such anti women talk. And William bullied his brother. William seems the jealous one.

  2. Krista says:

    I mean, to me it wasn’t the greatest photo of them, but really? It’s almost 4 years later. Give it a rest! And this? “A clear reversal of the roles we might have expected as he is the royal.” This tells me all I need to know about these a-holes. They have no concept of a man who a) loves his wife and b) is incredibly proud of her confidence and power. This is a foreign concept to the left behinds, who freak out if the partners outshine them.

  3. Nanea says:

    I still can’t believe people actually get paid to write this kind of inconsequential drivel instead of analyzing old photos of the Flasher aka Middlebum — or actually research where all the money goes that is delivered to the RF in suitcases, shopping bags, or which the Willionaire Slumlord gets in return for supplying moldy, draughty apartments that don’t adhere to any kinds of standards.

    But then I remember that the Fail will be laying off hundreds of their employees.

  4. Tessa says:

    Yet it was ok. With eden For huevo and keen to have the shampoo commercial with Kate showing pda and huevo gritting his teeth

  5. Dee(2) says:

    Can these people look at ANY relationship without thinking about a hierarchy within it? No wonder Harry refusing to shackle himself, and his children to his brothers whims for life shocked them so much. They can’t seem to understand a relationship without an unbalanced power dynamic. There’s no give and take someone has to be the dominant party always.

    • somebody says:

      No they can’t. PH should still be standing behind PW and Meghan should (in their minds) be standing behind them all. All the derangers and RR wanted to see Meghan have to bow down to PW and his family.

  6. Chaine says:

    Wow, I had forgotten about this cover! Meghan looks stunning, so gorgeous that Katie Keen is still trying unsuccessfully to copy that hairstyle four years on, lol

    • Mrs Robinson says:

      I may be pilloried for saying something even slightly out of line re M&H, but the hairdresser checking her layers comment is funny. I’d like to sit next to that person at an event.

  7. Jais says:

    Someone had a deadline and some space to fill that’s for sure. Eden is scrapping the barrel. Why not write about Kate’s latest picture in the woods?

  8. Eurydice says:

    Lol, I suppose you have to scrape barrels while you’re waiting for Will and Kate to do something useful.

  9. The desperation is at peak right now with the Invictus games starting. Just think of all the articles of truth they could write about Peg and Can’t and the real state of their marriage. Thats what people really want to know. Harry is happy and everyone with eyes and a functioning brain can see that.

  10. Pret says:

    The DM advertises something called the magaland podcast. Being hateful is in their DNA and the entire site should be ignored.

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    Meghan barely comes to Harry’s shoulders that man is not hiding behind his wife, he is makes sure the world knows he has her back and is proud she is his wife.

    • Mightymolly says:

      IKR? And this was an American publication shortly after they moved here. It makes absolute sense that his American wife was in the foreground. Brits seem to have very conflicted feelings about our lack of hierarchical mandates.

  12. Miranda says:

    My husband and I actually used a photo with a very similar pose for our engagement announcements. You know why? I’m 4’10” and he’s 6’3″, and we just didn’t want it to look like he was ready to snatch me up and climb the Empire State Building. So I stood in front, and he was half-seated behind me. Harry and Meghan have less dramatic, but still significant, height difference, and I’ll bet that probably played into the choice of pose. It’s not that deep, FFS.

    • somebody says:

      Yes. Likely why the photographer chose that type of pose.

    • Saucy&Sassy says:

      Miranda, that’s what I was thinking, too! Did they want Harry to stand in front of Meghan so that she wasn’t seen at all? Idiots.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    This is just weird and obsessive. It is shows how desperate the British press to write about Harry and Meghan.

  14. sunnyside up says:

    Eden is desperate, why does he get paid for this nonsense.

  15. Pinocchio Princess says:

    My husband held the door for me the other day. I’m still gawking, wondering what that spare thought he was doing.

    The right way to go by it is to recoil away in slight disgust – William style – when your wife reaches for your hand in public, or contort your face like you’re being presented with a plate of fresh tripes while sitting next to your wife at Wimbledon.

    But under no circumstances should you let your wife take the upperhand by lovingly posing behind her, ok.

  16. Lover says:

    Misogynistic, classist, royal-bootlicking nonsense. H&M have made all the right enemies.

  17. Alarmjaguar says:

    We all know that this entire article is BS, but this line right here is disqualifying: ‘Oh wow, I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say this is one of the most striking pictures ever taken of a royal couple.’
    Please, any shot from the “You coulda had a bad bitch tour” (Thanks, Kaiser) is more iconic and striking and he knows it

  18. Debbie says:

    My advice to these desperate people in the BM is “The first step to recovery is to admit that you have a problem.” Admit that you miss the Sussexes and the attention they brought to your business, then go to some program for obsessives and maybe, maybe you’ll begin to get well at some point. This all smacks of people who are going through withdrawal symptoms to me.

  19. tamsin says:

    Did Eden notice Harry’s piercing look and Meghan’s vulnerability? Harry lets Meghan shine, but he’s always got her back is my takeaway. He’s ready to take on all comers. It is a stunning picture- something the pathetic Eden got right.

  20. Jojo says:

    It’s a beautiful photo of them both and if you look at it carefully you can see that Harry is actually sat down (on a wall?) and Meghan is leaning on his left leg/knee. It’s a classic couple photo pose.

  21. Worktowander says:

    Is he not aware that portrait photographers pose their subjects and give direction?

  22. MikeB says:

    What a sad, sad man Richard Eden is.

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    Like I said in another thread, no human being is a “spare” and it’s bizarre that these people think in those terms.

    It’s not a zero-sum game when a marriage is a partnership of equals.

  24. Lau says:

    The mornings meetings at the DM must be unhinged.

    • Caitlin says:

      Just when you think the quality of the Fail hit rock bottom, along comes “Eden” with a reused and recycled trash piece.

  25. VilleRose says:

    I didn’t love the Times 2021 cover of them. They are so naturally photogenic and smiley and happy which is pics of them together are so memorable. When they try to do a “serious” pose it sort of fell flat for me. It’s not the best picture of them and not representative of their personalities. I get the symbolism, Meghan wearing white (she’s biracial), Harry wearing black (he’s white, it’s an interracial relationship) and just the contrast of black and white and all that. And he’s sitting because he’s so tall and would be towering over her. It’s supposed to be giving power couple vibes but to me it’s just an unflattering picture.

    But the whole British tabloid angle of “Meghan is domineering Harry and he’s her spare” in this pic is so ridiculous lol. They really have nothing to talk about if they’re digging up mildly unflattering photos of Harry and Meghan.