Prince William was ‘uncomfortable’ with Meghan’s friendly, tactile manner

Would you believe that there’s a brand new book about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their brief time as a married couple in the UK? You would think that every story had been told, every meeting dissected, every lie amplified ad nauseum by now. But you can always trust these people to find brand new ways of crying about the two years Meghan spent in the UK. The latest book is called Yes Ma’am: The Secret Life of Royal Servants by Tom Quinn. It’s not solely about the Sussexes, although the bulk of the Times’ exclusive excerpt is obviously about them. Surprise! There’s a lot in this excerpt, so I’m splitting it up into two posts.

Meghan expected Harry to be a billionaire! Meghan Markle had a typically American view of the royal family before she joined it — for her, life was all about castles, glittering balls and limitless wealth and ease. As one royal staff member put it, “She expected a billionaire and she got a millionaire.” When Meghan discovered that Harry was only worth about £20 million, she realised she needed to reassess other assumptions she’d made about this strange new family. Harry, it seemed, had spent little time explaining exactly how strange and demanding his family really are. But then, having everything done for you throughout your life by staff gives you a complacent air, something several of Harry’s former Kensington Palace advisers have noted.

William & Charles’s tantrums: Protocol means suits must be pressed and laid out after a period of consultation the night before; shoes must be polished, ties chosen. Baths must be run at precisely the same time each day and both King Charles and the Prince of Wales, Prince William, are prone to tantrums if things are not done to their liking. “They both get irritated very quickly,” one former member of staff said. “They are very picky. It comes naturally to them.”

Kate calms William: The source added, “I don’t know where William would be without Kate — she hasn’t had everything done for her throughout her life, so she calms him down when he gets a bit fractious. She said he sometimes has to be treated as her fourth child.”

Meghan hated the courtiers & hierarchy: “Meghan really disliked the hierarchy,” a member of her former team said. “Many of the rules do seem pretty pointless and exist only so that the relative status of each senior royal is protected. And the senior royals are such a sensitive bunch — if one gets a gold pen or a new car, they all want one. Meghan thought they behaved like babies.”

The old guards hated Meghan right away: Meghan was a moderniser by nature. She was someone who wanted to get things done and change the status quo. She was actually very good at persuading some of the staff, even the junior staff, to be on her side. According to my sources, Meghan became especially friendly and close to one particular member of staff, who was really quite junior, and this was seen as inappropriate by the senior royals. A former member of the Kensington Palace staff said, “When someone arrives from the United States and tries to change things, the old guard really don’t like it. And the old guard are terrific snobs. They have to be less obviously snobbish today, but it’s still there.

What a bizarre statement: “I can tell you that if William had wanted to marry Meghan Markle, it would’ve been a step too far… [But] Harry was never going to be king. The courtiers and ladies-in-waiting and communications teams thought Meghan would keep Harry out of trouble; give him something to focus on.”

William & Kate liked Meghan at first! It’s easy to forget that when Harry first started dating Meghan, both William and Kate found her delightful — “They thought she was a breath of fresh air,” one staffer remembered. A junior member of staff explained that in the early days when the Fab Four were still getting along, she once came across Meghan and William doing a jokey parody of Fifties jiving together. William was apparently very good at it.

William hated Meghan’s tactile, friendly nature: But problems began to arise fairly early on. Tension developed between William and Harry as a result of Meghan’s warm, friendly, hug-everyone approach. Kate, William and Charles tended to flinch when she moved in for a hug. Meghan was understandably hurt, as everyone apparently hugs everyone in California. Meghan even tried to hug a singularly stiff Old Etonian equerry. He too flinched as if she’d tried to poke him in the eye, as another member of staff put it. This tactile manner made William uncomfortable because Meghan hugged him virtually every time they bumped into each other; the hugging and cheek-kissing fuelled gossip among the staff that Meghan was flirting with William, which she was obviously not, but the tense atmosphere caused by all the touchy-feeliness (and the resultant gossip) deepened the rift between the brothers.

William is awkward: In fact, William’s rather awkward, even inhibited personality — an inheritance from his father — was baffling for the more spontaneous Meghan. A member of staff once recalled Meghan asking, “ ‘Why do William and Charles sound so serious all the time?’ She used to make jokes about Harry not having the same parents as William as, she insisted, ‘Harry isn’t pompous at all. He’s chill.’ ”

[From The Times]

The rewrite and reimagining of all of this is bonkers – it’s like a make-your-adventure soap opera where you have the same cast of characters and people just keep going back to the same timeline and trying to create new storylines for why everything fell apart. People were not talking about how Meghan was somehow too friendly or tactile with William – that wasn’t a conversation at the time, and Meghan and William only greeted each other warmly a handful of times in public. For the most part, William and Kate looked and acted absolutely miserable in Meghan’s presence, like they thought her woke Americanness was airborne and they might catch it. How much of this is William’s creepiness about and towards Meghan? Ugh. Also: Meghan didn’t expect to marry a “billionaire.” She clocked it right away, that Harry didn’t understand money and he also didn’t realize how his family profoundly neglected him.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, WENN, Cover Images.

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90 Responses to “Prince William was ‘uncomfortable’ with Meghan’s friendly, tactile manner”

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  1. somebody says:

    “Having everything done for you throughout your life by staff gives you a complacent air.” Maybe in Will and Charles’ case. PH, however spent a good deal of his life away at school or away in the military. Funny how they always manage to overlook that fact. If Kate was okay with Meghan at first why did she drive past her when going shopping? I think PW was okay with her being someone PH ran around with, but not as someone to marry. The bottom line is they wanted PH to marry someone controllable or (especially in Kate’s case) not to marry at all.

  2. lanne says:

    Meghan and Harry will be grandparents and the ratchets will still be talking about 2017-2020 like it was yesterday. All this attention diminishes the prestige and the aspirational affectations of the royal family. They’re a bunch of scheming, petty, mealymouthed ninnies still muttering over decades old slights. Got it.

  3. Jegede says:

    This ‘royal expert’ knows what he’s doing amplifying this BS.

    The smears. The innuendos. The assumptions continue.😤😤😤😤

    I’m waiting for the next book ‘revealing’ how courtiers planned the surrogates for Archie’s birth.

    They’ll never let this woman rest. Ever.

    I honestly hope Meghan never sets foot in Blighty again.

    And no, I don’t care what Harry wants!!.😐😐😐

  4. Peg doesn’t like his wife’s tactile manner either when she tried to pat his butt or hold his hand. Peg is a stone cold narcissist jerk. However he doesn’t mind using his hands to shove his brother down or “throw pillows “ then that’s ok.

    • Jais says:

      Also doesn’t mind getting his finger in other people’s faces.

    • Nanea says:

      An addition: we need to always remember that Harry’s brother, “the stone-cold narcissist jerk”, as you rightly called him, was the one who touched Meghan to initiate a kiss that was unwanted by her and made her uncomfortable, in public, in front of Westminster Abbey on April 25, 2018 — Anzac Day service.
      (some of the pics above show part of their interaction)

      So Bulliam the Incandescent clearly isn’t above asserting his power over people he deems beneath him by not respecting their bodily autonomy.

  5. Lady Esther says:

    Interesting that very specific details are offered up – such as Meghan and William dancing to 50s music – for this book, yet absolutely NO details are ever offered about the bullying claims against Meghan? So strange…

    • sunnyside up says:

      There has been a racist heirarchy in BP for years, the servants didn’t like taking orders from a mixed race woman.

      • Pinocchio Princess says:

        – “She expected a billionaire and she got a millionaire”: Did Meghan expect a billionaire when she took it upon herself to purchase a sofa with her credit card upon realizing Frogmore wasn’t even minimally furnished?

        – “Meghan became especially friendly and close to one particular member of staff”: I thought she was bullying them to tears and cosmic oblivion. Which one is it?

        – “Meghan hugged him virtually every time they bumped into each other”: If the hugs were virtual and not actual, what was there to feel uneasy about? How often did Meghan and Willy run into each, given the distance between Anmer and Frogmore.

        – “[Meghan’s] tactile manner made William uncomfortable”: We know that Diana was the epitome of the hands-on, tactile mother who made it a point to provide displays affection to her sons, so pretending Will has never experienced warmth, hugs and cheek kisses is a bit of a stretch. Poor frigid little tin-tin.

        That piece of science fiction is very entertaining, thank you.

    • Tara says:

      @Pinocchio This excerpt reads to me like – who would have know – projecting. Who projects? Why? Because money is needed, maybe?

  6. Hypocrisy says:

    One thing is for sure Peg will never have to worry about Princess Meghan’s warm, friendly or tactile nature ever again.. it’s been five years the only book with any historical accuracy about the Sussex’s is Spare, I hope this book flops with all the others.

  7. Jais says:

    Huh. Didn’t both Robert Frost and Jobsen already write about how Kate and William were wary of Megan from the start and had “sharp elbows” towards them or something? So yeah. This is an odd re-imagining. The detail about Meghan befriending a junior member of staff is new but also makes her seem lovely. And yeah it sounds like it ticked off the more senior staff. They all sound horrible. As for the hugging, yeah, sometimes people don’t like to be hugged and that should be respected. But I can get how someone flinching away from you might feel too. It’s just weird bc isn’t William bothered by the fact that Kate is now the huggiest of huggers?

    • Yvette says:

      @Jais … Agreed. And I’ll bet that ‘very’ junior staff member was either fired or moved somewhere else.

      It’s obvious that the Kensington Palace aides, courtiers, and staff, with the approval or perhaps instruction of William and Kate, were determined to ‘other’ and snub American mixed-black race Meghan as much as possible for daring to marry into the royal family.

      In fact, I’m betting this was the attitude of all of the palaces, even Buckingham Palace, which Charles was practically running during the last 4 or 5 years of Queen Elizabeth’s life. We can now see that it was QEII insisting on royal birthday and holiday wishes to the Sussexes before she passed.

      I wonder if the Queen was aware before passing that she was the only royal who opening welcome Harry, Meghan, and their children whenever they visited Britain?

  8. Myriam says:

    Is it me or does this actually make Meghan sound more relatable, nice, and considerate? Lol While the royals look spoiled, stuffy, antiquated and classist. I don’t know if that was the intent, but they didn’t read the room quite right. Where are the excerpts about the horrid 5 a.m. emails?

    • Chaine says:

      That’s what I thought, too! The writer seems sympathetic towards her, that she is a warm, friendly person, and that the stuffy standoffish Brits couldn’t handle it.

      • Williams says:

        Tom Quinn is one of those” journalists” who writes the most fictitious and outrageous stories about Meghan in the Daily express. I am surprised that these excerpts from his book about Meghan are tame!

    • sunnyside up says:

      I often find that nasty stories about Meghan are in fact complimentary. And the comments underneath are a reflection of the commentators personality. Especially when they are criticising Meghan for being kind.

      • Ula1010 says:

        “She was someone who wanted to get things done…”

        The nerve! How dare she! That line says nothing but good things about Meghan but implies some bad things about the royals.

    • ecsmom says:

      My thoughts exactly!! This isn’t the flex they think it is. At least not with Americans. They sound dreadful and rude.

    • Becks1 says:

      I had the same impression. Even the part about her being tactile – if its meant to make her sound pushy or inappropriate, it doesn’t, because its contrasted with how awkward and cold and stand off-ish Will (and to a certain extent Kate) can be.

      So she worked hard, she thought the extremely enforced hierarchy was weird, she was surrounded by old-school snobs who didn’t think she would have been good enough for the future king (even though he would never have been good enough for her), she thought William’s personality was grumpy and stiff…….

      If this is meant to make her look bad, it fails miserably.

    • therese says:

      I’ve begun to wonder in a few articles if writers know the protocol, but pose an article as being favorable towards royals and as critical of Meghan, while using this facade to criticize the royals and say what they really think. The second from the last picture is my favorite ugly picture of William. It is priceless. You know when some moms used to say when kids would make faces, you better hope your face doesn’t freeze that way. If someone wants to know what William is like…….there’s that picture. Don’t care if he does sleep rough with a black man for publicity, a picture is worth a thousand words. Do you think your insides through time sculpt what you look like on the outside?

    • Lauren says:

      That was my first reaction too, none of this makes the royal family and staff look good

    • Betsy says:

      Agreed; this sounds almost complimentary of Meghan for the most part, and much more critical about William and Charles.

  9. sunnyside up says:

    “Meghan hated the courtiers & hierarchy: ” that’s a compliment to Meghan. the hierarchy is crazy. If Kate meets Beatrice in a corridor, Kate has to curtsey to Beatrice because Beatrice is of royal blood but if Kate is with William then Beatrice has to curtsey to Kate because William is higher up the succession. There is loads more, You couldn’t make it up.

    • somebody says:

      I think in practice they just bow or curtsey to the monarch. That is why H&M leaving has upset so many. They were eager to see Meghan have to curtsey to W&K. I wonder if Bea and Eugenie will hang around to do events much if they have to curtsey to W&K. I think they actually have some respect for Charles. And you know who else hated all this? Diana.

      • Blubb says:

        My thoughts, somebody. Diana hated all this too and would have loved to hug… And was and is the biggest think in Charles life that irritated him. He is still throwing a big tantrum, trying to win a battle he has lost long ago.

  10. Andy Dufresne says:

    Every woman who marries into the Royal Family always starts with “a breath of fresh air” and then she gets torn apart by that family and the press. That phrase has become so cliche.

  11. Tursitops says:

    So what? Who among us doesn’t have a cold, distant aunt or an uncle who is too touchy-feely?

    Adults deal with their emotions. They didn’t like her from the beginning, end of story. Everything after that was justification, not exposition.

  12. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Maybe there was some jealousy. Maybe with Prince William’s known Rose bush trimming, Kate wasnt comfortable with Meg’s hugs and cheek kissing. Personally my husband, when we were teens, decades ago, would pull jealousy fits because it wasnt in his culture to cheek kiss friends – and worst – men.

    • JT says:

      Of course there was jealousy. Why would they mention that William couldn’t marry Meg? As if the only thing stopping him was his status as king, like he could have her if he wanted to? William was jealous that harry married Rachel Zane from Suits. And Kate was mad that her husband’s crush that he watched in the telly every night was in his face.

      • jais says:

        Meghan was also the equivalent of the gold pen or the gold car. If someone gets a gold pen then everyone wants a gold pen. Harry got a beautiful shiny new thing and William couldn’t cope, thinking it should belong to him. If we’re going by the logic in this fantasy book anyways.

      • Christine says:

        That’s exactly what this is, a total fantasy. I love that William is clearly still so bothered that Harry got Meghan. He could not be more pathetic if he tried.

  13. Anne-Marie says:

    You don’t have to buy a billionaire furniture for his cottage on your own credit card.

    • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

      Right? I think Meghan sussed out the first time she walked into Nottingham Cottage that Harry wasn’t a billionaire. And when he told her, he bought his clothes on sale at TK Maxx.

  14. DL says:

    Even taking into account this is a smear job Meghan comes across well. William, charles and kate… not so much

  15. LBB says:

    This article makes Meghan look warm, friendly and welcoming while KC and William look stuffy, petty and snobby. I just don’t get it?

  16. Amy Bee says:

    This book is written by Tom Quinn who spent the last year giving made up stories to the Daily Mirror. According to Harry and Meghan, William and Kate were very formal behind the scenes so I don’t believe Meghan was hugging William every time they met. Plus Meghan bought Harry a sofa early on in their relationship so she knew about Harry’s financial situation and that he was dependent on Charles for funding.

  17. Afken says:

    Tom Quinn knows nothing. This is the same man who made up a whole think about what books Archie is into. 5000 miles away in America. He reminds me of Neil Sean. These people know they’ll never be challenged so they can say whatever they want.

  18. Emma says:

    “…the hugging and cheek-kissing fuelled gossip among the staff that Meghan was flirting with William, which she was obviously not…”

    Oh, how he wished she was. It never ceases to amaze me that the man that gets to be ACTUAL KING is so appallingly jealous of everything his little brother has, does, says, etc, etc, etc.

    It’s testament to how little substance the Wales have, that this recycling of (some very old) rumours is seen as better than talking about what it is they actually do…

    • Betsy says:

      I was going to say that if the hugging bothered him, it was only because it was only hugging and nothing more. Didn’t he and Kate watch Suits together and wasnt there an implication that William had a crush on Meghan?

  19. What Else says:

    This just solidified my theory that William had a crush on Meghan and possibly made an inappropriate statement/gesture or move on her. His actions and anger towards her points to a scorned, privileged man who has never been told no in his life.

    I think that’s the real issue between Harry & William. That’s what William is afraid of Harry revealing.

    • Jaded says:

      I came here to say the exact same thing. At some point early on, William must have said or done something that offended Meghan — probably deliberately so he could rub Harry’s face in it — but it backfired spectacularly and so began the animosity between the Wails and Sussexes. Remember the “kindly take your finger out of my face” comment Meghan made to him. William strikes me as the type of guy who, if his advances are rejected, turns on the woman who rejected him. Add jealous Kate into the mix and you have a perfect storm of spiteful, racist behaviour towards the half-black “parvenu” American actress even though Kate was once a parvenu as well. And the fact that Meghan ran circles around the Wails work-wise made them even more jealous.

    • TQ says:

      Yeah, echoing the William had a crush on Rachel Zane theory and his jealousy of their lovely happiness.

      I also note this stupid BS made up innuendo about Meg being overly friendly with Peg is designed to big up Peg once again — all women want to flirt & be with him. Same pathetic British media talking points he’s been using for years now. FFS.

    • kelleybelle says:

      I think you’re right. A lot of people believe this.

    • Lauren says:

      This would make sense of a lot of the vindictive anger coming from William

    • Rapunzel says:

      Will definitely had the hots for Meg. And more important, couldn’t fathom his brother, who in his mind is supposed to be lesser, snagging the hot girl from from his favorite TV show.

    • Dee says:

      100% agreement. William tried to get touchy feely in a bad way.

  20. Mightymolly says:

    I can believe that it’s surprising at first to find individual royals have very little financial independence. Harry’s wealth is paltry by California standards, but I also find it petty to suggest she was after his money. I’ve always thought it was their mutual interest in global philanthropy that was the initial connection.

    • Emma says:

      I think they were absolutely horny for each other on sight. There was practically steam coming off them at the wedding.

      There are absolutely other shared interests, as you suggest, but that chemistry is hard to ignore. Probably another reason why PoW is jealous. I don’t think he and K have ever had that.

    • jais says:

      Meghan would have visited Harry at NC when they dated so it wasn’t some surprise. She would have been v aware he wasn’t a billionaire and if that’s what she wanted then she wouldn’t have said yes when he proposed. Didn’t he propose there?

  21. ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

    In SPARE Harry states Charles said Meghan had “impeccable manners”. So Meghan this claim Meghan that continually was hugging people who didn’tt want hugs, doesn’t pass the truth test.

  22. Lilpeppa40 says:

    Ok so they didn’t like Meghan being “touchy-feely” ummmm did they open their mouths and tell her? It’s what most adults do if they don’t like something that much. Either they suck it up and endure for the sake of smooth relationships or they say something to get it to stop. They don’t flinch away and then do everything they can to destroy the person. Additionally, Meghan strikes me as quite intuitive so if they were flinching every time she came in for a hug, I highly suspect she’d have put 2+2 together and stopped. She herself said in their series that she was surprised that the formality carried on behind closed doors so clearly she did clock it. Good Lord these ppl are awful.

  23. anath says:

    To be honest, it sounds very British upper classy. Most of old European families are quite stiff, trying to maintain their perceived importance. Of all accounts of what happened, this one is belivable.

    • Nerd says:

      It loses its believability when we see how obsessed they are with hugging strangers in public now. For something that they want us to believe is against protocol and is based on their being upper class and aristocratic, how does it change now that Meghan is no longer there but they couldn’t have made that change on behalf of their family members, Harry and Meghan?

      • Kingston says:

        Precisely, @Nerd.
        I’m only just now reading these posts and I was wading thru quickly to see if someone would make the point that every one of those fuckers on Conjealed-Sewage Isle, living in palaces, are running around hugging their perplexed serfs now that they want to prove that theyre just as touchy-feely-huggy as the bi-racial American who came into their midst, saw their mediocrity, nastiness and cruelty and noped outa there.

        Its how they roll. Its why the entire royal arse-licking population watches M like a hawk to see what she does and how she does it, copy it, and then present it as something that THEY do.

        And they do this naked blatant copying & colonizing everything M does, because they want future generations to be confused about the truth about this period in their history…..what came first…….who innovated and who copied?

  24. Lynwall says:

    I now don’t believe anything that I have read about the BRF.
    The ease with which the people who have written books change up story after story.
    I don’t think we will ever know what happened other than what is written in Spare and that wasn’t the half of it .
    I can become a royal expert and say…I believe that William was in love with Meghan. I could see that Kate was jealous of Meghan.
    It is quite possible that while the queen and Prince Phillip were not too sure about her at first they were happy that Harry had found someone.
    It is likely that Charles found her delightful and after hearing every thing that was done to her by the men in grey suits, under his and William’s orders, he called her Tungsten because they didn’t break her.

    • Libra says:

      I don’t think William felt love towards Meghan; it was lust .

    • Jaded says:

      William doesn’t know what love is, just like his father. I bet my bottom dollar that he came onto Meghan to prove his superiority over Harry but it blew up in his face.

  25. Nic919 says:

    What’s the excuse for Kate being such a cold fish? She wasn’t born royal and we keep hearing how the Middletons were a normal and fun family. They need to pick a battle here. Also she was so welcoming to Meghan she could not offer her a ride to go shopping , her favourite activity?

    If Meghan did say the royals acted like babies, then she was correct in her assessment.

    • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

      Yet, she supposedly offered Meghan her fashion contacts. They need to make up their minds.

  26. blue says:

    Sure, the Mids were so warm & friendly that they wouldn’t let Harry the Beloved bring Meghan as his +1 to Pip’s wedding! She was “allowed” at the reception afterward however.

  27. MaisiesMom says:

    I read this and what immediately comes to mind is a silly Hallmark Christmas or other similar romance movie where a nice down-to-earth American girl meets a Prince and next thing you know her warm, breezy, folksy manners and common sense ideas are shaking things up and getting the stuffy valet all pompous and agitated. Except in this case, the Old Guard never melt and come to love her and want to move to Shore Harbor, USA and open a bakery.

    I don’t think Meghan comes across badly here at all. I guess it depends on your perspective. William and Charles sound like asses. I’m so glad they both got out of there.

  28. Eowyn says:

    I find it hard to believe that someone who interned for an embassy in addition to doing acting training had problems fitting in. Someone whose mother is a social worker. A woman with media training, an actress with representation, who did significant preparatory work for social engagements had trouble reading the room, really-no sense of personal boundaries ?

    • QuiteContrary says:

      All of this.

      If Meghan didn’t fit in, that’s because the royals and courtiers wanted her on the outs. It’s not because of anything Meghan did.

      And William clearly wanted Meghan and she turned him down. From childhood, he wanted whatever Harry had (I’m thinking of when Diana told a tantruming William that Harry would have all the fun and William then ran after her, screaming to have what Harry had).

    • Tina says:

      Right? A woman who had worked in a high stress demanding industry, who had lived in several different countries, who had travelled to many countries for pleasure and to volunteer. C’mon. The reason why Harry and Meghan are both so much better at this ‘job’ of being royal is because every room you seem them in they are comfortable. No matter where no matter who.

    • J McGraw says:

      THIS! Would she really have zero sense of other people’s reaction to her?

      Also: Even if she was more overtly affectionate than they were comfortable with, it’s just so telling that no one could talk about it, or draw a boundary, or ask for what they needed. Instead the mental health champions waited until they were incandescent with rage to summon the Sussexes and berate them for mentioning hormones. Adults in the 21st century COMMUNICATE.

      Even saying to Harry, “Hey, Meghan’s super friendly, we’re just not about the hugs”—it seems like there were so many adult, mature ways to handle these harmless differences and instead the Cambridges did the pompous, stuffy British bullshit of taking massive umbrage that someone couldn’t read their f’ing minds or have their stupid royal code memorized to show them the deference they think they deserve. This is, after all, a family that regularly summoned plebians to their Scottish castle for the “Balmoral test” to basically put them through upper class paces with no warning, yell at them if they sat in the wrong chair and laugh at them if they didn’t bring the right clothes to stalk deer in the pouring rain. What an awful, emotionally stunted family and culture. Meghan never could have done it right for these people.

  29. Lady Digby says:

    2nd photo of Will looking supercilious, down his very long nose at Meghan who is looking at her husband, is very interesting. Meghan is a strong, confident woman who quickly got the measure of Will. Given his status as heir he is used to fawning and deference so Meghan being unimpressed by him would have been a real shock. She wouldn’t be bullied by him and even told him to stop wagging his finger in her face.

  30. TN Democrat says:

    Not properly disciplining Willy as a child, surrounding him with people who have fueled his narcissism, allowing him not to launch as an adult and the failure to get Willy proper counseling/treatment when he was a child/demand he get help or face reasonable consequences as an adult up to losing the PoW title will eventually destroy the monarchy. He expects his brother to be his lifelong scapegoat while he does little and feeds lies about Harry to the rota. The treatment Louis is destined for at his hands defies belief. The on and on and on with these stories is old. Willy is a middle aged adult. His issue with Meghan is that she is better looking, brighter, harder working and more articulate than him or Keener. His ego couldn’t handle the fact that Harry didn’t settle for a lazy vapid groupie like keener when he is supposed to be top dog. I see in my mind palace a future reincarnation of Lucy Worsley discussing how the house of Windsor fell and Willy getting mocked for being both pathologically lazy and psychotic. Alarm bells should be ringing at this point. The planted stories about Harry/Meghan should have at least slowed down by now.

    • Deering24 says:

      “… a future reincarnation of Lucy Worsley discussing how the house of Windsor fell and Willy getting mocked…”

      Her—and a future Hilary Mantel. 🤣🤣

  31. Blubb says:

    And never ever would Meghan – knowing that Harry has to fend off that Hewitt is his father – make a comment like who is parents were. Never ever.

    • Tessa says:

      Harry knows he is Charles and Diana’s son. Whoever came up with the gossip about Hewitt was/is mean spirited and I think it was from someone who wanted to hurt Diana. Harry has a strong resemblance to Prince Philip and to Charles which makes the gossip talk rather ridiculous. HE also has the spencer red hair.

  32. yellowy says:

    For the Bitchies who watch RHOBH, this scenario reminds me of the new scene featuring Garcelle giving a hostess gift of a scarf to Sutton’s (elderly, cold, patronising, retired psychotherapist, Southern, white) mom.

  33. GlammaGaule says:

    I work in an extremely huggy profession and must be hyper-aware when I’m with people outside of it. Not everyone is comfortable being touched, and we can’t violate boundaries.

    • jais says:

      Fair. It’s also a kind gesture to set boundaries for a new person coming in and telling them to their face that it’s an issue as opposed to leaking it to reporters years later or visibly cringing away and talking about it behind someone’s back. And if it was such a big boundary, why do Kate and William both now go around hugging people at their events?

      • J McGraw says:

        100 percent. I agree that not everyone is about overt affection—but just be an adult and set your boundary. There’s no world in which Meghan wanted to alienate her husband’s brother and his wife. I think both Wills and Kate are very childish and immature. Neither of them have ever had to take care of themselves financially or emotionally and they have zero idea how to navigate anyone who doesn’t approach them with total deference and caretaking. Consciously or unconsciously they were threatened by a Black American woman who was not only a smart self-made millionaire but earned her place everywhere she went with her hard work and talent, bc deep down they both know in an actual meritocracy they are absolutely nothing special.

  34. Tessa says:

    Meghan had earned her own money. The “gold digger” implications again. Some married ins did not earn their own money or had just part time jobs, and the “career” was getting that ring.

  35. Tessa says:

    I don’t think Kate “calms” William. In public, she visibly gets on his nerves, grabbing at his rear end and trying to hold hands. He looks very uncomfortable and avoids looking at herI thought Carole calmed him down.

  36. DeluxeDuckling says:

    Lol it tried to make her sound bad but she just sounds…. Normal.

  37. MikeB says:

    Quinn misses the fact that Harry spent ten years in the military where everything was not done for him. British people are not huggy people and do pull away. Meghan was attacked when she hugged people from the start, her warm and friendly manner was never going to go down well in the UK.

  38. Sue says:

    Sometimes, my 3 year old daughter has a temper tantrum if I don’t have her bath drawn by the time she expects it too. We are working on patience

  39. Ennie says:

    LOL, he can’t act like family with his aister in law, but Oh was he handsy when he was partying with those Brazilian exchange students, no shame there, right? And there are pics to prove it.

  40. bisynaptic says:

    “[B]oth King Charles and the Prince of Wales, Prince William, are prone to tantrums if things are not done to their liking.”
    — You are describing developmentally-arrested toddlers.
    “[I]f one gets a gold pen or a new car, they all want one. Meghan thought they behaved like babies.”
    — Well… yes!

  41. tamsin says:

    “Many of the rules do seem pretty pointless and exist only so that the relative status of each senior royal is protected. And the senior royals are such a sensitive bunch — if one gets a gold pen or a new car, they all want one. Meghan thought they behaved like babies.” I think that describes the maturity of the current bunch. All the adults left the building when Liz and Phil died. Meghan was an adult, successful in the world, and a well-evolved human being who would have had to live in a nursery if she stayed in the UK. Who was it that pointed out that before Harry met Meghan, he was Cinderella (except when he was on active duty with the military). Besides being the love of his life, the mother of his children, his best friend, Meghan was also his fairy god-mother and first life-coach.

  42. monlette says:

    I don’t believe for one second that they thought she was too tactile. More like too Diana – meaning beautiful, glamorous, hardworking, and kindhearted. She made the Annointed Ones look like coldhearted, rotten-toothed, social awkward, bling and polyester clad slacker bingo hall rejects in comparison, and they couldn’t have that.