Prince William was in Scotland today to talk about farmers’ mental health

Here are some photos of Prince William in Scotland on Thursday. Such a busy little bee these days, it’s so remarkable. It reminds me of my theory about why William and Kate really wanted to push the Sussexes out: Will and Kate couldn’t handle the workload of constantly competing with Harry and Meghan. All of this work before Valentine’s Day, just to try to thunder-steal. Anyway! William is “the Duke of Rothesay” when he’s in Scotland now, and the Duke went to some farm communities to once again talk to farmers about their mental health.

Prince William is rolling up his sleeves to tackle mental well-being in rural areas. The prince, 42, headed to Scotland — where he is titled the Duke of Rothesay — on Feb. 6 to shine a spotlight on some community-led organizations that help support those facing isolation in farming communities and countryside areas.

William’s first stop was a farm in Carnoustie, Angus to talk to the Farm Safety Foundation (Yellow Wellies), a charity working throughout the U.K. to address the attitudes towards farm safety and poor mental health among the next generation of farmers.During a roundtable discussion, the dad of three spoke about combatting loneliness and rural isolation. The group from the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs has been leading the campaign and conservation efforts regarding loneliness in farming. In 2016, they launched ‘Are Ewe Okay?’ which aimed to break the stigma surrounding mental well-being for young farmers in rural Scotland.

“I love the countryside, and I love farming as well,” he said. “I’m conscious that it’s an area that needs maybe support in understanding that there’s access to support out there.”

Prince William added, “I think in the farming world, it’s maybe — it’s not talked about as much…yet we know it exists.”

Prince William’s second stop took him a short journey away to a Men’s Shed in Carnoustie to hear from the men and women there about how the organization helps build a sense of community and supports members in learning new skills – and thereby improve their mental health.

[From People]

Don’t get me wrong, I think there’s a lot of work to be done worldwide on “the epidemic of male loneliness” and mental health in isolated, rural areas. I’m not sure that work should be a prince flying in on a helicopter and doing a photo-op, but hey, maybe it will increase funding to some of these local programs. Is that actually what happens though? Is William choppering in and actually saying “hey, this is a good program, let’s make sure you guys are funded?” Because I don’t think he is.

PS… the clearer the photo, the less I understand William’s facial hair or the wispy fluff on top of his head.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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27 Responses to “Prince William was in Scotland today to talk about farmers’ mental health”

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  1. Jane B says:

    There was a study published in the UK during the pandemic (one of Ralph Fiennes relatives was involved) stating that royal engagements did not help raise funds.

    • Nanea says:

      Especially not when said royals don’t donate anything themselves and/or point people in the right direction, by linking to charities via their socials.

      Unlike the Squad, who always support anything Sussex-related. Most recent example: the nearly $ 70,000 collected for a charity involved with Invictus. As acknowledged by Invictus.

      And like Airmiles Andy in ancient times, before he became Paedrew, Willionaire is on his way to becoming Bonusmiles Bulliam: the roundtrip via helicopter to Carnoustie and back is ~ 900 miles.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      When will they ever do anything and not announce it? They bash Meghan for a insta post about Billie Eilish etc but they announce everything they do even the “secret” photo ops, I mean “engagements/visits. These people are shameless.

    • Caitlin says:

      Can’t believe a study was required to substantiate this basic fact!!!

  2. Peg isn’t a person who helps with mental health for the better but he is a person who causes people to have mental health issues with all his hate and constant trying to bring those he hates down.

  3. LolaB says:

    The last vestiges of a once great hair empire.

  4. Lady Digby says:

    What is the purpose of these visits? PR busywork photo ops for a lack lustre PoW? Or fulfilling his role by highlighting the existence of worthwhile organisations? Should he confine himself to brief 30 minute visit without follow up? Is it enough just to highlight or shouldn’t donations and fundraising be also key ? If he genuinely wants to help why not surrender the duchy to the Government. Then he retreats into private life and rejoins air ambulance as a pilot and helps people directly?

  5. tamsin says:

    “I love the countryside, and I love farming as well,” he said. “I’m conscious that it’s an area that needs maybe support in understanding that there’s access to support out there.”

    What the dickens is he saying? He is spouting word salad just like Kate. One of the reasons, besides the fact that neither of them seem to have any kind of mastery over words, is that neither of them have sufficient knowledge of what they’re talking about. It just shows that they don’t seriously put in the work to study the issues they claim to support, and therefore can’t actually do much to help or even bring significant awareness so that others can help. “I love the countryside, and I love farming as well,” he said. Could he be more superficial and performative? Had to tell people he “loves farming.” So shallow is William.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Tamsin any chance he got on a big red tractor and went vroom vroom for his photo ops?

    • Tessa says:

      He never spent much time at the Duchy. If he “loves farming” so much how come he never completed that course. Just when did he spend time in the country doing actual work and learning about it. I’m surprised he did not say Louis wants to be a farmer.

  6. Jais says:

    He used a lot of maybes in his talking points. So I’m gonna say MAYBE he should help some of these orgs get more funding. Nah, I’m gonna say he DEFINITELY should.

    • Eurydice says:

      Yes, “maybe” seems to be his operative word. And when was the last time he was farming in the countryside? Why is he saying he loves farming and the countryside to a group of farmers who are depressed in the countryside? Why does he always have to insert himself? Instead of “love,” how about showing respect, appreciation and acknowledgement for the work they do? I don’t know how a man with his pedigree can be so inarticulate.

  7. Tessa says:

    William needs to think about counseling for himself . He is not qualified to talk to anybody about Mental Health. There are farmers who are happy living rural life. William should have spent more time with the farmers years ago. His playing “all knowing seer” is tedious. He even uses “we” as in “we know it exists.”

  8. wolfmamma says:

    Willie looking homeless except for his purposely chosen country threads and spouting nonsense… sounds about right.
    But what are you actually doing Willie? I mean, do you have any idea of what farming is? Have you ever grown anything? Do you get up in the early hours to milk cows? Hardly

  9. Tessa says:

    He has the “concerned” look but the beard still looks awful.

    • Caitlin says:

      That’s not concern, it’s irritation and impatience – he wants this to be over fast so he can get back to regularly scheduled programming (ie rest and relaxation)!

  10. Amy Bee says:

    Is the mental health of farmers William’s new focus? He and Kate must be exhausted having to work so much the last few weeks. Is this is it until the BAFTAS?

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Amy Bee don’t fret they have half term break starting on 14 Th February.
      I wonder what Will’ s Valentine Gift to wifey will be ?

    • Tessa says:

      William like his wife, pretends to be an “expert” on something he knows nothing about. He is not qualified to diagnose or treat depression in farmers.

  11. Mslove says:

    IDK, it sounds to me like Peg interrupted a busy day of work for these folks that they’ll have to make up for later on. And for what? Poor mental health due to isolation and the high cost of living? Peg can get the best mental health care at the snap of his finger, while these farmers have to do without. And that’s not fair. We need farmers, they provide the food we eat to stay alive. Peg provides nothing.

    • Unblinkered says:

      Knowing the agenda, I’m surprised any of them wanted to talk to him. It’s not their mental health that needed discussion but their financial health.

  12. QuiteContrary says:

    William looks like he practices his concerned face in the mirror.

    Also, ‘Are Ewe Okay?’ … sometimes puns aren’t the best idea.

  13. Lau says:

    This comb-over is both dreadful and pathetic.

  14. Deneph says:

    Is that whispy fluff of hair new? Maybe they sprayed it to show up more because I don’t recall that much whisp before.

  15. Beverley says:

    Eww…the beard is repulsive! Too bad none of his yes men are willing to tell him.