Angelina Jolie wore Elie Saab to the Critics Choice Awards: fine or meh?

Here are some photos from Friday night’s Critics Choice Awards. This will probably be Angelna Jolie’s final appearance during the awards season, unless she’s invited to present at the SAGs or Oscars, I guess. You never know – she is a two-time Oscar winner already, so it’s more than possible that the Academy would invite her to be a presenter. Anyway, Angelina did not leave the awards season with a bang. She chose this peachy-beige-tea-rose lace Elie Saab Spring 2025 gown which… eh. I’m mad at the color, I’m mad at her hair these days. But overall, I’m happy that it wasn’t a sack dress and it also feels like she’s been venturing out of her comfort zone here and there. It ended up being an okay night for Jolie – that POS Chelsea Handler didn’t even say her name, and Demi Moore went over and hugged Angelina when Demi won Best Actress. It feels like Angelina has made some new friendships during this season.

Michelle Yeoh kind of disappointed me too? She wore this absolutely terrible Balenciaga look. Her hair also looked… not-great. She has great hair too, but it’s too “flat” and lifeless here.

Lupita Nyong’o was one of several women wearing Chanel. I, uh, don’t think Lupita got the best Chanel look, honestly. She’s always beautiful, but this is a minidress with black tulle and it looks like a homemade fashion project.

Margaret Qualley in Chanel – she’s been wearing Chanel throughout the awards season, and she has a good Chanel contract. I actually sort of like this? It’s more flowy and romantic than I would normally associate with Chanel.

Jodie Foster in Chanel – the dress is super-conservative and very “Jodie,” but can I just say? I love her hair these days. That choppy bob is killer and I love the subtle grey streaks. Her colorist is doing a great job.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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38 Responses to “Angelina Jolie wore Elie Saab to the Critics Choice Awards: fine or meh?”

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  1. Harla says:

    I’m really not loving blonde hair on Angie, it just washes her out, in my humble opinion. And this dress is doing nothing for her but if she’s happy with it then that’s all that matters. My favorite dress so far is Zoe Saldana’s, I love the color and the fit is impeccable!

  2. Chaine says:

    Oh fear, button placement on Jodie’s chest, whhhhhyyyyy! And I’m old enough to remember when Angelina was edgy and goth, how did she go to wearing stuff that looks so droopy and bland and octogenarian? She’s not even fifty yet, that dress makes me cry

    • Eurydice says:

      I was just coming to say about those buttons, and the sagging pockets at the crotch area. It gives me a demented teddy bear look with the eyebrows above the boob buttons and besides being the ugliest version of Chanel jacket I’ve ever seen, it seems to be the wrong proportion for a petite body like Jodie’s.

      • antipodean says:

        What a shame that a gorgeous and accomplished woman like Jodie is assigned a glorified housecoat to wear! Surely Chanel could have found a more modern look for her. However, she does look comfortable, and is probably much warmer that a lot of the other woman there who are doomed to wear wispy fabrics in the very chilly temperatures in LA at the moment. My cold running self could never endure it!

  3. wolfmamma says:

    I don’t like any of the dresses. Or looks. Maybe they are all just tired. It’s a tough time in the USA on so many levels.

  4. Keaton says:

    There’s something about Lupita’s countenance, grace and (to a lesser extent) just her body type that makes EVERYTHING look good on her.
    She’s so elegant and regal.

    Angie continues to look tired. She’s so beautiful but that blonde hair really washes her out.

    I’m so impressed with the career Margaret Qualley has forged but can I say something mean? Her parents are so beautiful. She’s pretty but not like them!!!

    Michelle Yeoh’s look is awful. Amazing body but she can’t pull that off!

    I love Jodie Foster but she looks like she should be in command of an inter-planetary star ship. lol

  5. Jegede says:

    Angelina is not a 2 time Oscar winner.

    That’s Emma Stone, Cate Blanchett, Renée Zellweger, Denzel Washington, Sean Penn et al.

    Jolie has 1 competitive AA and 1 Humanitarian Oscar.
    That’s like saying Tyler Perry, Michael J Fox are Oscar winners cause they were (very deservedly) awarded the very same Jean Hershlot Humanitarian Award.

    • alteya says:

      I see you’re putting the b1tchy in celebitchy today, Jegede.

      • Thelma says:

        This 💯! What Celebitchy wrote is FACTUALLY correct. Angelina has two Oscars. One can always make the elaboration in addition but she has two. The counterfactual would be that she DOESN’T have two, which would not be accurate.

    • Mtl.ex.pat says:

      Angelina is a better actor than all of them.

  6. Libra says:

    Margaret Qualley has worn some lovely pieces by Chanel this season. She looks good in these romantic, flowy designs.

  7. orangeowl says:

    I think Angelina looks lovely despite the less than flattering hair and dress color. I actually don’t mind the dress, would love to see it in a steel blue-gray, maybe. I think Michelle Y’s dress is interesting but the styling kinda ruins it for me.

    • Trex says:

      In several photos, Angelina felt she looked beautiful – a softness in her eyes. As for Michelle Yeoh, she looked like someone wrapped her up in my ski suit from the 80’s.

  8. tamsin says:

    I’m imagining Angelina in Margaret’s dress, I love Lupita’s whimsical look the best, and Michelle is wearing so much fabric, neither the design of the dress nor Michelle is discernible. I think Angelina looks lovely- she seems to be into neutrals. I agree that the blonde washes her out a bit, though.

  9. Lady Rae says:

    I think this is the first time I really understood the dislike for the blonde hair on Angelina. It really doesn’t look good. It’s a shame that she never really found her groove with the red carpet style wise. The dress is like a dusty attic relic.

  10. Jamie42 says:

    Lupita’s dress looks like one of those desperate designer “saves” on Project Runway. The runway is in ten minutes, you realize you have only a minidress in a ho-hum print, so you throw black netting over it. Chanel should be ashamed to send her out like this.

    • Kat says:

      100% this.

      That outfit Chanel gave Lupita for this appearance is a fashion crime. Lupita deserves way better than this fashion roadkill look.

  11. Beverley says:

    All of these looks are a big no from me, dawg.

  12. Lens says:

    I don’t mind the dress at all. Yes it’s a dress for an older actress but think of it on her with her former brunette locks. It’s just that the color and her hair kind of match now that make it overall look blah. Nobody here was on their A game. Maybe because it wasn’t televised? Or was it? it’s just that it’s a minor awards show compared to SAG and the Oscars. Even less than the GG despite that one being hardly legitimate any more. There are too many award shows imo.

    • jais says:

      Yeah, I was okay with the dress. It fit and flowed on her really well. As a brunette in my forties, it’s a pain to get that brown just right while hiding grays. But there’s some who do it really well. Sophia Vergara, JLo and Meghan. There’s still light mixed in but the hair reads overall as brown.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      I cannot stand her hair color, and mft was if she had her deep brunette hair and used a blue based red lip instead of an orange based red, it would be a much more pleasing color combination. With this brassy hair, the dress color kinda looks like baby poo.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      I cannot stand her hair color, and mft was if she had her deep brunette hair and used a darker blue based lip instead of the leaning orange red lip (with this dress/hair color combo), it would be a much more pleasing color combination. With this brassy hair, the dress color kinda looks like baby poo.

  13. StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

    Angie’s hair color is a no for me. The dress color blending with hair and skin tone is hair is also a no, but im happy I saw her for all those events

  14. Kaye says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s not Jodie’s natural color, and she gets Alexandria (Hedison) to give it a few snips when it gets in her eyes.

  15. GlammaGaule says:

    Love Angie’s red lipstick, but the gown’s giving Victorian Ghost.

  16. Zut Alors says:

    Angie’s dress is like little house on the prairie but make it lace.
    I still don’t understand why she likes her hair that way. At least, cut off a few inches to give it shape and body. The ends look fried.

  17. FYI says:

    Michelle Yeoh — Love her, but is this some kind of a ski jacket wrap-around something floor-length? I have no idea what is going on there.

    Angelina — Why why why is she choosing to look so matronly? (Then again, I loathe lace with the heat of a thousand white-hot suns. Yes, even on brides.)

  18. Thelma says:

    I hate all the dresses and the way they look….The designers could have done so much better for these ladies.

  19. SIde Eye says:

    I’m in the minority but I absolutely love Angelina’s dress. I love the color and the whole look – maybe a less orange lipstick would have made it perfect in my book. Her hair is looking healthier but I still miss the brunette.

    • alteya says:

      I like it too, although for Elie Saab it seems a little plainly done. Or I might just dislike the hard parallel lines in the lace netting. The style and shade reminds me of the one she wore at Cannes 2009.

  20. Normades says:

    All these dresses are so fugly especially the ones on such queens like Lupita and Michelle. WTF?

    Jodie’s hair is the only bright spot here.