Donald Trump: ‘I don’t want to’ deport Prince Harry, ‘I’ll leave him alone’

There are always complaints when I use photos of Donald Trump in stories about him and his BS, but I actually like to keep up with the most recent photos of Trump. I’m keeping track of his physical decline. It’s scientific and political. That ugly fascist is 78 years old and his mental acuity and health has been steeply declining for the past decade. And yet, no one will say anything about it, or at least they would never treat Trump the same way they treated Joe Biden. Anyway, these are some photos of Trump on Friday, looking FUBAR. Something else happened on Friday: Donald Trump made exclusive comments to the NY Post about how he has no interest in deporting Prince Harry.

Prince Harry can breathe freely in Montecito, because President Donald Trump has ruled out deporting the self-exiled British royal. Harry’s immigration status is the subject of litigation in Washington DC, with the Heritage Foundation alleging that he may have concealed past illegal drug use that should have disqualified him from obtaining a US visa.

But the president told The New York Post Friday that he isn’t interested in throwing Harry out of the country.

“I don’t want to do that,” he said. “I’ll leave him alone. He’s got enough problems with his wife. She’s terrible.”

Trump took the opportunity to praise Harry’s estranged older brother William, with whom he met privately in Paris in December during the reopening ceremony of Notre-Dame Cathedral.

“I think William is a great young man,” he said.

The Duke of Sussex and his liberal American wife Meghan Markle have voiced disapproval of Trump over the years, including one outburst in which the Duchess called the president “divisive” and “misogynistic”. Trump in turn has described Harry as “whipped” by Markle. “I think poor Harry is being led around by the nose.”

[From The NY Post]

You know what? A win is a win. You have to understand, the British media has been threatening Prince Harry with deportation from afar for years now. Since Trump came into office, there’s been another frenzy of activity, as the Heritage Foundation is once again trying to get their hands on Harry’s visa records. The Telegraph, Mail, Times, Mirror and Express have all run stories about “Trump could deport Harry at any moment, then he would be forced to come back to us!” Now, do I also think that Trump is so busy with all of his other fascist projects that he’s basically lost interest in Harry? For sure. But again, Harry got his visa in the first Trump administration, and no judge has seen anything questionable or noteworthy in Harry’s files so far. It’s likely that Trump’s people were just like “there’s nothing there, let’s forget about this.” And so the cover story is “Harry has enough problems, he’s married to a beautiful woke woman!”

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Netflix.

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146 Responses to “Donald Trump: ‘I don’t want to’ deport Prince Harry, ‘I’ll leave him alone’”

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  1. ThatGirlThere says:

    Lololol…that ugly orange bish knows he has no cause to deport Harry. Whatever. Harry stays winning with his brilliant, beautiful bold wife and that’s what matters.

  2. sevenblue says:

    He is trying to look tough, otherwise he has to accept in front of the media that he has no legal standing to deport Harry. I know, it is all chaos now and people think Trump can do whatever he wants. That is not a reality yet. If he tries anything, Harry is gonna send his expensive lawyers. It would be years long lawsuit and I doubt Trump would win. There is no real legal reason to deport him. That is why Heritage is desperately looking for something.

    • Bings says:

      Absolutely. There is no basis and Trump knew that he had no authority anyway. But what do you want to bet that Harry came away from the Murdoch settlement with a very nice insurance policy in his hand. Harry does not play.

    • somebody says:

      Exactly right. May he get backed down on many more things.

    • Barb Mill says:

      Yes trump probably knows what in Harry’s application and he did not lie and there is no reason. He wants to act like he is doing something nice for him. I know this is probably not true but I was thinking that maybe William told him not to deport Harry because they don’t want him back.

      • Kingston says:

        The fucking Piece of Shit Of The United States cant deport anyone who is lawfully in the US nor NOT deport anyone on the say-so of some fucking lazy over-privileged bastard who lives in england in some musty old castles.


    • Robert Phillips says:

      I imagine someone told Trump that bringing up Harry’s deportation would also bring up Melania’s and Musk’s. They both lied on theirs also.

      • Josie says:

        Harry’s case was won by him in 2024 and the court records sealed, never to be reopened. The article is deliberately misleading, claiming the Heritage Foundation has current litigation. That’s a lie. Trump is terribly threatened by clever women with self esteem so of course he thinks Meghan is ‘terrible’. Coming from him it’s a compliment. Bad journalism by dishonest writers and even more dishonest editors. Their racism permeates everything they touch.

    • Lau says:

      Yeah he definitely saw the records and realized that Harry had not lied. I do wish Harry would still sue the Heritage Foundation for harassment though.

  3. Who were these people says:

    Good, and probanly he knows this isn’t worth pursuing, but also – he lies a lot.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Yes. Just because Trump says something doesn’t mean it’s set in stone. He denied any involvement in Project 2025. Yet, we’re currently living in that HF fever dream.

      Also, these right wing outlets keep insisting that Harry saying he used drugs in his youth is sufficient grounds to deport him. That’s wildly inaccurate.

      • alteya says:

        ^This. Just because he says it today, doesn’t mean he won’t change his squirrel brain in five minutes.

  4. Fastgran50 says:

    Now they should look into the heritage foundations Nikes Gardeners visa. He is very shifty looking and who the hell is funding him, or is it a certain palace in the Uk. I am sick of these people saying Harry belongs in the UK. Harry has found peace in theUS. He has a supportive wife children and no men in grey suits telling what he can do.

    • Roblynn says:

      I think it’s the British press that want him back not his family.

      • alteya says:

        The Windsors want him back to use-and-abuse him as a cover for whatever sh!t bill does next. That’s his role as spare. They want him back, financially and security dependent, dropping all his lawsuits, doing all of bill’s work but giving bill the credit, and groveling at their feet.

      • MichaelaCat says:

        The British press is very strange.

        Even if the US threw him out, there are still many other countries where they could live. He doesn’t have to go back to the UK in that case

    • Jaded says:

      Kevin Roberts, Nile Gardner, et al at Heritage Foundation have strong ties to the radical and secretive Catholic organization Opus Dei and Project 2025 aligns closely with HF’s teachings and goals. Opus Dei has a sh*t ton of money and a vastly right-wing agenda including banning birth control, tracking women’s menstrual periods, banning LGBTQ+ people from just about everything, the list goes on. If you want to read up about it, an author named Gareth Gore has written a great exposé on Opus Dei, it’s scary how much influence they have with the Trump administration.

  5. Osty says:

    We all knew he couldn’t and when he realised that( cos there is no way he was going after a rich , white prince ) , he said some nonsense to appease his brain dead followers and equally brain dead royalist

    • Gabby says:

      A prince who has paid his taxes and created jobs here.
      I wonder if there is something in his file that the RF does not want exposed about themselves.

      • Robert Phillips says:

        Melania lied on hers. And Musk stayed past when he had to leave. And that would be the story not Harry did drugs. And someone finally got that into Trumps thick skull. It would cause way to much trouble for the MAGA crowd if they did it.

  6. alteya says:

    And just in time for Invictus, a new I P S O S 2-day poll is out attacking Harry and Meghan. As they pay you to participate, we know Meghan haters lined up to make money off their racist hate.

  7. Tina says:

    Ok works for me! Will this stop heritage? Probably not but trump also doesn’t like it when people keep on him about something he’s already decided so maybe he wii get super annoyed and tell them off

  8. Louise177 says:

    The only people who think Harry is in danger of being deported are the British media and haters. Besides, there are plenty of foreigners who have been arrested, committed crimes, etc who are still in the US and have no trouble coming into and living in the country.

  9. Amy Bee says:

    Harry’s a white man so Trump has no desire to deport him. Plus i think he knows that Harry did break any laws and he doesn’t want this case to boomerang on Elon Musk and Melania.

    • alteya says:

      No matter what they do or don’t do to Sussex Family? Nothing will boomerang on muskrat, melanoma, or her parents. Laws, if you want to pretend that such things still exist in the US, will never be used against rethugs.

      • TN Democrat says:

        Harry, an independently wealthy white man, won a huge settlement against Murdoch and can afford the on and on and on lawsuits mango is famed for launching to win even when he loses. Eventually politics will flip away from the death rattle of the remaining silent generation and boomers who won’t retire or fade away and have spent decades dismantling the New Deal and education. Notice how few fully formed adults are in muskrats groomed ring of programmers? Anyone with a fully formed brain remembers how Italians dealt with Mussolini in the end. 4 of mangos 5 kids were born to women who weren’t citizens yet.

      • alteya says:

        Optimistic of you to think democracy in the US will survive dumpster fire, vance, and vance’s owners – The Heritage Foundation.

      • Robert Phillips says:

        But press coverage will be used against them. And to Trump and Musk that is worse.

      • alteya says:

        They own the press. See WSJ, Washington Post, CNN, etc.

    • Bings says:

      I do not agree with your rationale here. Why would he think that Harry broke any law?

    • Rebecca says:

      What laws did Harry break?

    • Amy Bee says:

      Calm down everybody that’s a typo. I meant “didn’t” break any laws.

    • Athena says:

      Harry won a big settlement from a Murdock’s newspaper which makes him a Winner. Trump loves a winner. Seriously, Trump probably would like Harry more than William if he ever met him.

  10. Anne-Marie says:

    Personally I am happy now Nile Gardener can waste his time on something else

  11. Xantha says:

    I mean, the odds of Trump wanting to deport a rich white man were always slim. Not to mention deep down, Trump is a clout chaser. A star fucker. The biggest famewhore ever. Even with his power and privilege he still wants The Cool Celebs to like him.

  12. Miranda says:

    “She’s terrible”, says the senile fascist who practically picked his own racist wife out of a f–king catalog and STILL has to put cash on the table to get her to show her face in public with him. His entire marriage is nothing but history’s longest escort date, but sure, Harry’s miserable with Meghan.

    At any rate, I don’t trust a damn thing he says.

  13. jais says:

    Hope Niles Gardiner feels defeated and humiliated.

  14. Becks1 says:

    He was never going to deport Harry because that’s not the kind of immigrant his supporters want to see deported. The rich white men are (almost) always going to be okay.

    And that’s without getting into the idea of whether he COULD deport him.

    • alteya says:

      Actually, yes they do. Dumpster Fire’s supporters are massively anti Harry and Meghan. They are racist, misogynistic, and want to see a white man taken down for loving his biracial wife. Some of the absolute worst offenders, who are HUGE rethugs, have been racist Meghan attackers from summer 2016.

      • Becks1 says:

        Of course his base is racist which is why I stand by my comment. We even see it in the comment from trump – MEGHAN is the problem, not Harry. Not the rich white prince. The Black woman is the issue but she’s an American citizen so he can’t do anything about her.

      • alteya says:

        Given the insanity currently going on and no one stopping it? I wouldn’t be so sure he cannot do something about Meghan being a US citizen. If he succeeds in denying birthright citizenship, that’s the kids thrown out and forced back to the UK with Harry and without Meghan.

        Dumpster wants what Heritage wants – Harry destroyed for daring to love, support, and procreate with a biracial woman. His family destroyed, his wife destroyed, their children destroyed. Harry thrown out of the US and forced back to be the laughing stock, also ran, and whipping boy the BRF intended him to be all his life. His children abused by an unchecked UK tabloid press to cover up for W&K’s kids failings. Meghan banned from the UK and alone-and-unsafe in the US.

        I hope Sussex Family really did buy a home in Europe; they may need to flee there sooner rather than later.

      • sevenblue says:

        @alteya, Archie and Lili are USA citizens because of their mother. Birthright issue is regarding the babies born to the non-citizens (both mother and father) and acquired the citizenship because they were born in USA. Their children are not at risk in any way of deportation due to the proposed changes.

      • alteya says:

        Not sure why people think any normal laws apply in the US anymore. If HF wants Harry and the kids out and Meghan alone-and-unprotected in the US? It will happen.

      • sevenblue says:

        @alteya, OMG, that is not real, come on now. You are first giving misinfo about the proposed law, then doubling down. There is no proposed legislation change that would make Archie and Lili lose their citizenship. Otherwise, it would apply to millions of USA citizens. That is not gonna happen, the courts will be full of lawsuits. And no, Trump is not a dictator yet. We can talk about it if he manages to become one.

      • alteya says:

        How can any sane person look at the US since January 20th and think any laws or rules apply? Lawsuits take years and Trump owns the courts – up to and including the Supreme.

      • Becks1 says:

        @alteya take a few deep breaths. I think you’re new here so you might not realize the depths to which this site is anti-Trump, so we don’t need lectures about dictators etc. Sometimes lurking for a bit before attacking everyone in the comments is a good idea.

      • alteya says:

        Been reading here for years, which is why I am suspect of posters who think Trump won’t do whatever the hell he feels like – no matter if there are laws saying he can’t do it. As a fed employee, you should understand that better than most on here.

      • sevenblue says:

        @alteya, there is a difference between “won’t” and “can’t”. You are believing that Trump is a full dictator who can do everything. He isn’t. His administration is getting sued left and right and backing down. What they want you to do, to stop fighting and believe the inevitable. Some commentators here also said Trump won’t allow Harry to come back to USA after Canada games. Now, Trump is saying he won’t (can’t) deport Harry, they are silent. Trump wants us to believe he has the full power, he doesn’t.

      • alteya says:

        He has the power to do what he wants no matter what. Lawsuits take years. By all means, keep thinking this HF fight about deporting Harry is over. It isn’t.

      • sevenblue says:

        @alteya, 🙄 the lawsuits put a stop to the changes until the issue is resolved. That is why his administration is getting sued and backing down.

      • Deborah1 says:

        Those of us who are not US Citizens and do not live in the USA DO see Trump as a Dictator. His actions over the past 4 weeks PROVE it. Trump is prone to lying and changing his mind in a split second. If I were Prince Harry, I would still be feeling uneasy. The MAGA movement now owns all branches of government and the judiciary with Trump as its overlord. Lawsuits be damned. All bets are off now. @alteya has a right to his/her opinion without being attacked for it. Chill, people.

      • Bings says:

        I note that several posters already mentioned that what you are saying will not happen, but take from another one, Meghan will never be deported anywhere. Trump does not have the legal and constitutional power and cannot do this. I understand what appears to be some fear on your side, but you are believing in Trump’s invincibility. Please stop.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Alteya, Trump wants all of us to feel the same way you do right now. I’m sorry that you’ve been so overwhelmed by what’s been happening that you’ve fallen into his trap. He is not invincible. Indeed, the courts have stopped him and Elonia right, left and center. Elonia has already tweeted that the Judge who stopped him in his tracks needs to be impeached. Oh, the courts are getting the job done.

        I’m glad that there are millions of people who see what’s going on and continue to rebel. That rebellion is growing and there isn’t anyway for anyone in Washington D.C. to stop it. Let them chew on that.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Bings – I don’t think for one minute that Trump would be able to deport Meghan or their children (certainly not Lilibet who was born in the USA to an American mother) but Harry is a different matter. I honestly think the BRF’s main aim is to break up the family. They are behind this for sure.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Saucy&Sassy – I wish I shared your optimism. Trump and his best buddy, Leon, are becoming a clear and present danger to the WHOLE world.

      • Crystal says:

        I understand what you’re saying Alteya. Thing is, Trump has way too many things on his plate that he wants to shake up.
        If deporting Harry would get him money or power I think he’d try it. But it won’t do anything financially, legally, or diplomatically for him, so insults like this are the only way to go for him really.

      • Nic919 says:

        If they are at the point that rich white men whose father is the king of England get deported then the U.S. will already be in chaos. Harry isn’t the priority and orange idiot knows it is way easier to deport poor brown people than a rich English man married to an American woman.

      • alteya says:

        If destroying Harry and Meghan is a priority to HF, or to the MAGAT base, Trump will do it.

    • Tessa says:

      I won’t happen. Harry followed legal procedures and committed no crimes. Meghan would have legal recourse and would not be unprotected. There’s no earthly reason for Harry and the children leaving. The children are American citizens.

      • Josie says:

        I agree. It’s a lot of hysterical nonsense managed by the DAILY MAIL to keep the story rolling along, otherwise, what are they going to write about? Their ‘royal reporters’, or at least one ( Tominey) is on the Heritage Foundation so in a position to reward other members who will allow her to control their press releases. Provoking Harry into litigation is a sure way for British tabloids to laugh all the way to the bank, and that’s probably why Harry doesn’t take that bait. Tump calling a woman ‘terrible’ is a compliment, as the only women he approves of are so unlike Meghan there’s no resemblance. Trump’s already juggling court cases, and knows Harry’s immigration file was sealed in 2024 and can never be reopened. It’s no contest. A non-issue.

  15. s808 says:

    Trump having no interest in deporting H is a win, let’s make sure his handlers don’t either.

  16. Tessa says:

    Trump has some nerve look how he treated his wives. Bad husband

  17. PunkyMomma says:

    Wish Mango stop talking about Harry and Meghan — anyone he comments negatively about has the potential to be harmed. I fear for them.

    • Nanea says:

      There’s a potential harm much closer to H&M now.

      Tom Bower, that old creep who called for Meghan to be *obliterated*, was identified by two Black Squaddies, at the curling, I think.

      I hope they eventually alerted security.

    • Miranda says:

      I had that thought as well. It reminded me of when, after TS endorsed Kamala, he made that “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT” post. It was so petulant and juvenile that it was almost funny, but there was real malice there because his cult members have a propensity for violence with even the slightest encouragement from him.

  18. Tessa says:

    Trump reads derangers comments echoing the misogynistic comments about Meghan

    • Deborah1 says:

      Yesterday I looked at the official Twitter/X account of the Invictus Games. Some of the comments against H&M there were vile. There is no hope for society.

  19. one of the marys says:

    I completely agree that a win is a win. Let Trump frame this as if it’s his choice, it’s not worth the energy and he’s moving on to more important things. H&M want peace and I think they play the long game to get there. From what we see in public they’ve completely blanked the royal family.

  20. Angelica Schuyler says:

    What if, and I know I’m going totally sideways with this, but, what if Trump knows that Harry might have some very damning proof of Trump hanging out with his Uncle Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein…. And maybe he’d rather not give Harry a reason to let those photos/proof ‘leak’ to the public. Harry could have private photos, and he could have stuff that he received during the discovery for one of his trials. You know the tabloids have tons of stuff that the British press was forbidden to publish. It would make a nice insurance policy for Harry against US government intrusion….
    Harry probably doesn’t want to get involved in his uncle’s sordid affairs, but if they push him too far…

    • alteya says:

      No dumpster fire supporter cares he was a user of what Epstein so cruelly provided. They all support Epstein, Trump, and whatever they did to whomever they did.

    • sevenblue says:

      Babe, Harry isn’t blackmailing the President of USA. That is a crime. Trump can’t do anything to Harry because there is no legal basis for it and Harry is so rich he can wait on the lawsuits he would file until the next election time.

      • Libra says:

        Next election time?? Trump himself said there would be no more elections once president. The only way he will leave the Whitehouse is feet first, imo.

      • alteya says:

        ^This. And after dumpster comes Vance and his owners.

      • Angelica Schuyler says:

        I don’t think it’s straight up blackmail so much as a gentleman’s agreement, a quid pro quo of ‘ you leave me alone, and I’ll leave you alone’. Trump is still a royalist at heart. And Harry is still royal, regardless of to whom he is married. Trump will never like or respect Meghan because misogynoir is his brand, but Harry is still a blood member of ‘that family’ even though he walked away.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Angelica Schuyler, what you are describing is blackmail. You are imagining Harry talking to Trump and shaking hands and expecting Trump to stick to his promise?? Harry is not that kind of man. Also, that kind of “blackmail” may give power to Trump to throw Harry into prison. You don’t make agreements with Trump, because he wouldn’t keep his promise. Trump isn’t deporting Harry because he has no legal basis for it and Harry isn’t some poor immigrant who can’t fight with an army of lawyers.

        @Libra, stop believing Trump’s words. Just because he is saying it doesn’t mean he is gonna achieve it. He is throwing everything at the wall to demoralize people, so no one would fight against it.

      • alteya says:

        sevenblue, old laws and rules don’t apply anymore.

      • Angelica Schuyler says:

        @sevenblue I love that you think it would be so direct as Harry and Trump shaking hands… We know Trump operates like a mob boss, always speaking in codes and having his people deal with other people on his behalf. Michael Cohen testified to this. But what if there is some dirt on Trump that Harry has access to as a result of the tabloid snooping that Harry became privy to. Whatever Harry had was bad enough that Murdoch actually settled and issued an apology. It has to be bad enough to severely damage the royal family along with a host of other important people. In Brittan the press can be embargoed, but here in the US not so much… intimidated -sure. But not legally forbidden to speak on particular topics.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Libra – And the sooner, the better.

    • aquarius64 says:

      If Trump thinks that he may believe he could squeeze the BRF to get whatever he wants from the UK.

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Anjelica Schuyler – I think we’ve all seen enough proof already of Trump’s involvement with Epstein.

  21. aquarius64 says:

    Harry came to the US on Trump’s watch and when QEII was alive. Tin foil tiara: I think certain considerations may have been to allow Haary in and Trump doesn’t want that coming out in court. (I stand by my original theory of spousal visa.) That would undermine his anti immigration scheme. Also the judge presiding over the visa case was appointed by Trump, so he may signaling to that judge to make this go away. The problem is that same judge put a block on Elon Musk’s DOGE assault on the Treasury, a wild card that could really mess up Trump.

    • Barb Mill says:

      Harry and Meghan came to the US just as everything was being shut down and workers were being sent home. Who know how much scrutiny was given Harry’s application or they saw oh the grandson of the Queen of England. Stamp approved. Who knows when the actually filed the Visa Application and what kind it was.
      If someone asked trump about Harry he just took the opportunity to make himself look good and Meghan look bad.
      He’s more concerned about getting anyone who was involved in his criminal investigation, prosecutions, or political enemies either arrested or killed by one of the Jan 6 Proud Boys that he just pardoned and are now on the streets telling everyone they want revenge.
      The Billionaires who have bought trump just want to steal everything they can get away with to enrich themselves. They really don’t even need trump anymore.

  22. Me at home says:

    The orange freak’s advisors told him there’s no there there in Harry’s application, so to save face he trashes Meghan. As if a guy who’s been accused of sexual misconduct by something like 26 women, and of rape by two women, a guy who’s on his third wife and has to pay her to show up to events, is a credible judge of somebody else’s marriage.

  23. Walking the Walk says:

    Deporting a white man after doing an EO for other white men to come here sends the wrong message to his base.

  24. Harla says:

    Here’s the thing, even if Harry were to be deported the chances of him going back to London, Windsor or anywhere else on that isle are nonexistent. He knows that his family would be of no support or help and there are lots of other countries that would be more than happy to welcome him and his family as residents until Felon47 is out of office.

    • Jojo says:

      Exactly. If they ever did relocate I think they’d move to Canada, Meghan loves Canada.

      • alteya says:

        I doubt they’d choose a Commonwealth country. I’d choose Switzerland. Loads of privacy laws covering personal and business.

  25. Libra says:

    Trump is above the law. He had Harry’s immigration file shown to him and was told no laws were broken and no lies. Instead of telling the truth, he made it about himself and played the merciful king.

  26. Darkwing Duck says:

    For once I hope that Trump is smart enough not to be needled or steered on this, the Murdoch and UK media obviously want him to say he’ll deport Harry which is why they keep writing things like “Harry has been critical of Trump [no citation]” and “Harry saying ‘World is full of awful people’ [I’m paraphrasing] widely seen as attack on Trump” (that’s the Mail’ top story at time of writing).

    Carefully ignored of course are the many many reports of the other members of the family being critical of him, including Queen Elizabeth II, William and Charles (when he did his tweet that Kate deserved to be papped topless ).

    I wish I had the confidence of others that Trump will let this go but if British reporters keep asking him about it I can see him saying something to garner their immediate approval as both he and his son have done in the past?

    The British establishment is convinced that Trump loves the British Royal family and is dazzled by them and wants to be of service to them but I just think he also knows what people want to hear when he’s standing in front of them, knows they lap this ‘Meghan bad’ stuff up and knows the right wing media’s target demo are the same people as his MAGA constituency.

    He is also, as we have seen, an extremely vengeful and petty man with no regard for the law or process – if they a can really convince him that Harry is his enemy being white and rich won’t be any protection like it wasn’t for Liz Cheney, or Dr Fauci, or Mark Miller, or Chris Christie etc etc…

  27. Smegmoria says:

    Ozzy Osbourne lives here.

    • Angelica Schuyler says:


    • alteya says:

      He didn’t marry a biracial woman so Heritage doesn’t hate Ozzy. They HATE Harry.

    • Julia says:

      So does UK entertainer Russell Brand who made a whole documentary about his addictions and has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women.

    • Deborah1 says:

      Concerning drug use, what about RFK jr’s past heroin addiction and Leon’s alleged abuse of ketamine? It’s all so hypocritical.

      • Gabby says:

        By “Leon” are you referring to Elon Musk? Because I thought there was doubt about the honesty of his visa application – didn’t he come through a student visa under questionable facts? I don’t remember where I heard that.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Gabby – Yes, I meant Elon. He allegedly overstayed his student visa, dropped out of college and started working, which was illegal because he had no work permit. His ketamine use has come to light recently. The point I’m making is that the USA’s policy on drugs use is completely hypocritical – it’s OK for others but not for Prince Harry.

  28. Lady Digby says:

    Trump is a terrible person.

  29. kelleybelle says:

    Ohhhh, biiiiigggg person. Like you have that kind of power, you out-of-control dufus.

  30. Gabby says:

    I still hope Harry takes this time to become a US citizen. Then he wouldn’t have to pay taxes to the UK anymore, correct?

    I would love love love to see him take the oath in a naturalization ceremony on July 4, 2026, the 250th anniversary of the DoI and pull focus from any RF members that may be visiting the US. They’ll be clutching pearls all over the place.

    • sunnyside up says:

      He doesn’t have to pay taxes in the UK unless he lives here, however if he becomes a US citizen and then moves to another country he will have to continue to pay US taxes plus the taxes of the country he is living in. US citizens are taxed by the US wherever they live. He could of course give up the US citizenship if he decides to leave permanently.

    • Josie says:

      I agree. It’s a lot of hysterical nonsense managed by the DAILY MAIL to keep the story rolling along, otherwise, what are they going to write about? Their ‘royal reporters’, or at least one ( Tominey) is on the Heritage Foundation so in a position to reward other members who will allow her to control their press releases. Provoking Harry into litigation is a sure way for British tabloids to laugh all the way to the bank, and that’s probably why Harry doesn’t take that bait. Tump calling a woman ‘terrible’ is a compliment, as the only women he approves of are so unlike Meghan there’s no resemblance. Trump’s already juggling court cases, and knows Harry’s immigration file was sealed in 2024 and can never be reopened. It’s no contest. A non-issue.

  31. Murphy says:

    No comment on whether Kate is great or horrible. Because he can’t remember her name.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Next year Trump may be invited for a State visit and will expect to be made a fuss of by Monarch and heir. Remember Obama got to meet George in his bathrobe? Well obviously Will loved having his audience with Trump but I wonder what the Prez will say about Kate afterwards? It is bound to be cringe making!

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Murphy – Oh, but he said Kitty deserved to be papped topless (actually she was fully naked, I’ve seen the photos).

  32. Lynwall says:

    I firmly believe that the BRF approached Trump about deporting Harry.
    I also believe that his people probably did their research (only in this case based on other things that are happening) and realized that this could not be done legally and without implications.
    Therefore Trump threw them a bone by trying to insult Meghan.

  33. Kingston says:

    Rmbr when H said in Spare, Section 3: “Captain Of My Soul,” when he and M were discussing how they would conduct their long-distance relationship and H said, because “governments have to be informed” whenever he intends to visit another country and his security had to be rostered, it would be virtually impossible for him to do much of any travelling to see M; so she would have to be the one to do the transatlantic flights.

    The point is: while H is now freeer to travel and even tho his travels are NOT on behalf of the british monarch, the type of travel documents/permits/etc., that he used to enter countries HAVE NOT CHANGED.

    Rmbr, H is still a Counsellor of State of the UK

  34. Saucy&Sassy says:

    Well, nice to be told Harry can rest easy now. I wonder if he ever knew that he was supposed to be anxious about this?

  35. Crystal says:

    I’m sure Harry is sad President Trump thinks his wife is terrible, unfortunately not every man has Trump’s magic matrimonial touch.

  36. L4Frimaire says:

    Heritage needs to drop this and move on. Harry is staying here with his family until they make the decision whether to leave or not.Of course Trump insults Meghan. He hates strong intelligent women who don’t like him. He also called her nasty back in 2019 when she wouldn’t see him when she was on maternity leave in the UK. Now he’s sh*t posting about Taylor Swift. He is such a misogynist.

  37. Kim says:

    I’ve noticed over the past year Brits believe Trump/U.S. Presidents are omnipotent; they aren’t, and Trump’s arrogance will never allow him to admit his powers are limited. The U.S. government has 3 CO-EQUAL branches: Executive (President), Legislative (Congress), and Judicial (Federal Judges, Supreme Court). The Legislative and Judicial Branches check and balance the Executive. Trump doesn’t have the power to deport Prince Harry if PH lied on visa-related documents. Trump certainly CANNOT remove a U.S. citizen (Meghan) from the U.S. I’m sure his attorneys have warned him if he interferes with judicial proceedings related to PH, it would bring unwanted inquiries about his wife, Melania, who received a special visa meant only for professionals/researchers.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      What I don’t understand is the impression from the UK media that Trump is universally liked in this country and people want his approval. He is despised by so many and what he and his South African handler are doing to dismantle the government is criminal. I seriously would be disappointed if he liked Meghan because it would show she has some serious deficits. It’s bad enough how many billionaires and corporations are just giving up and leadership to kowtow to him. I prefer she be on his nasty women’s list.

    • Deborah1 says:

      Melania professional? Professional in what?

  38. Clear Pink Bunny says:

    #47 says he doesn’t want to deport Prince Harry, but don’t trust a word he says because when he was asked the question someone convinced him to say that right now, but give it time and someone else will come around and convince him to investigate and then attempt to deport. If we know anything about #47 he changes his mind more often than he changes his Depends…

  39. Constance says:

    Wishing your site would not use photos of the orange sewer …unless maybe the cartoon versions. I try so hard to avoid his image and have managed all these years to never have his voice…but I really can’t bear his face either…

    • Jaded says:

      Download the extension “Make America Kittens Again” and you will see kittens instead of his ugly orange butt-face.

  40. bubblegum dreams says:

    Ruh…roh… What them trashy BM Byotches gonna do now. They were depending on the Orange Mussolini to do their dirty work when they have exhausted their legal attempts to have Harry deported.

  41. AC says:

    I had mentioned this even pre-election. If Trump wins, he has so many other things to worry about besides H. And obviously H has been a great and wonderful asset to the U.S. Something the UK stupidly lost(they kicked both H and M out, the best assets they had) ! 🙄

    • Deering24 says:

      “…he has so many other things to worry about besides H..”

      A mountain of federal injunctions and lawsuits, for starters…😂 Trump sure loves to make lawyers rich, doesn’t he?

      • AC says:

        Exactly!! 😀
        I have to credit Biden and Kamala for thinking 10 steps ahead. They gave this country a backup insurance in case we get a lunatic for a president.