The Beckhams went to dinner at Highgrove with King Charles & Camilla

King Charles and Queen Camilla have planned a trip to Italy this year. They will travel to Rome and Vatican City in April. They’re making some kind of special pilgrimage to the Vatican for the Catholic Jubilee Year, and according to CNN, “pilgrims are encouraged to pass through one of the “Holy Doors” located in Rome’s four major basilicas, while Pope Francis has called for this jubilee to be centered on ‘hope.’” This Italian trip has been in the works for a while, only it was originally supposed to happen last year, and Prince William and Kate were supposed to go. Charles and Camilla yanked it from them and everyone is being told that Kate will not travel for a while (unless it’s a vacation, apparently). Charles and Camilla will also be in Italy for their 20th wedding anniversary. I hope Pope Francis calls them sinners and homewreckers.

In any case, Charles and Camilla are extremely jazzed about their big trip to Italy & the Vatican. So much so that they organized a “taste of Italy” dinner at Highgrove on Friday night. Special guests included Stanley Tucci (he “inspired” the menu) and his wife Felicity, Donatella Versace, Helen Mirren and… David and Victoria Beckham. First of all, noted Italians David Beckham and Helen Mirren?? Mirren’s ancestry is Russian. I thought David’s ancestry was working-class English bloke, but then I googled it and it turns out that he’s partly Jewish? I truly had no idea. Mazel tov!

Anyway, David Beckham is still desperately trying to get that knighthood. Victoria is playing along like a dutiful wife, but my gut is saying that she’s not into all of this, and by “this,” I mean eating Italian food. All of this reads like Charles and Camilla simply wanting to have a dinner party and they’re trying to make it into a work event. I hope we get some more stories about how David Beckham should take over Prince Harry’s royal duties now.

PS… Charles was doing all of this to hype his Rome trip… meanwhile, he still hasn’t offered any support or best wishes to British Invictus veterans.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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44 Responses to “The Beckhams went to dinner at Highgrove with King Charles & Camilla”

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  1. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    These two are the definition of try-hard. And I wish he would lose the unnaturally dark facial hair. His hair color over all is so over done. He should go to who ever Tom Cruise sees to get rid of the greys.

    • Lady Esther says:

      All Posh did throughout her meeting with Charles was to nod thoughtfully at everything he said…or maybe it was because she clearly can’t move her face? She doesn’t need that much Botox, she should lay off. And stand up straight for the love of God!

      But the best part of this entire soiree was the video on the Daily Mail which quite clearly shows Camilla with a YOOGE glass of red wine, which she quickly hands to a kilted aide to put on his tray for safekeeping the second she saw the cameras, before she walked outside…Hilarious

    • jais says:

      Ha! When I read your first sentence, I initially thought you were talking about Charles and Camilla. Cuz they’re also pretty try-hard, surrounding themselves with celebrities while denigrating Meghan for being one. Please. I don’t care that they like to have dinner parties with celebrities but its the propaganda that they’re somehow not celebrities or better than celebrities. And yet, they’re calling up Beckham on the regular to make themselves seem less boring.

      • Megan says:

        The Beckhams will show up for anything royal and Charles knows it so he keeps dragging them out. Stanley Tucci was there so I guess it wasn’t the most boring dinner they have ever attended, but it sounds close.

      • jais says:

        I guess my thing is I don’t even care if the Beckhams will show up for anything. Let them, whatever. It’s just that I find the Windsors so much more embarrassing than the Beckhams. As cringe as they can be, I like David and Victoria more than Charles and Camilla. I mean they can all be cringe together but the Windsors will always be the cringiest for me.

  2. NotMika says:

    Lol at becks taking over Harry’s duties.

    I’m pretty sure David Beckham would rather work for money.

  3. Tessa says:

    Beckham is working the room so to speak to try to get that knighthood.

  4. Nicole says:

    If Beckham wants his knighthood give it to him. My only quibble is that he’s not far from a Las Vegas magician. I would love for him to go easy on fillers and hair color. He has a lot of famous LA and Miami friends. I wish is work was more subtle.

  5. Jojo says:

    I wonder if anyone asked Victoria where she was REALLY from.

  6. Tessa says:

    Hopefully, Pope Francis can tell Charles to make peace with his second son, daughter in law and their two children. And give them security and a place to stay.

  7. cerys says:

    I like VB’s dress. Very stylish.

  8. Becks1 says:

    Victoria looks good here IMO.

    David is just so desperate for a knighthood, I almost feel sorry for him lol.

    • Chrissy says:

      This is what he’ll be known for now, not his successful football career, but the endless grovelling and ass-kissing of Charles just to get some dinky honour to make his Mommy proud. I’m really embarrassed for him. And then there’s his plastic surgery! Yikes!

      • Cali says:

        Those chubby cheeks are too much!
        And it looks like he’s gotten lip fillers. Including the little extra at the corners to look like you have a little half smile.
        His ass Kissinger is so embarrassing.

  9. His attempt to steal thunder with some celebrities. Yes let’s invite the knighthood seeker he will come at our beck and call or Beckham call lol.

  10. Jan says:

    I bet Chris Martin will get a knighthood, if he want one, before Beckham.

    • Harla says:

      I doubt it, after Chris said some really nice things about Harry and performed at the IG opening ceremony, I don’t see Charles or William giving him a knighthood.

  11. Neeve says:

    Victoria sounds completely different than she did with the spice girls,I’m not English so I dont get what accent she originally had was it what they call essex,working glass,eastenders??I mean no offence but Adeles accent is also very ‘rough’. She clearly polished it up to sound like whatever it is now.

    • Yvette says:

      @Neeve … Wasn’t she ‘Posh Spice’ in the Spice Girls? There must have been a reason for that moniker. Perhaps it was because she put on ‘posh’ airs but was really common/working class.

  12. JenCF says:

    Well, Dame Helen does wear a lot of Dolce & Gabbana, so that’ must’ve been why she got the invite…

  13. Lady Digby says:

    I think it was the Fail with a typical pathetic take on Beckham attendance here as in Harry will be so hurt that KC got Beckham in the divorce!LOL everybody but everybody knows Beckham is begging for a knighthood and can be summoned by a dog whistle to prostrate himself as low as can be Infront of KC and his hairless heir!!

  14. Lady Esther says:

    It’s interesting that they held it at Highgrove, I get the impression that neither Charles nor Camilla spend time there anymore – they’re always at Sandringham, Birkhall or Clarence House. But then how else to charge it to the Duchy of Cornwall, the owner of Highgrove (and thus stick William with the bill) and charge a great expensive dinner party “in support of their UK Foreign Office trip” to the UK government, eg taxpayers? And where are the Daily Mail’s breathless articles about the menu? BP communications missed a trick there…

    I wish Stanley Tucci would come to my dinner party!

  15. Over it says:

    So what Will Victoria eat ?

  16. Amy Bee says:

    So were there any famous British people of Italian descent invited to this dinner party? Plus cruel as they are I’m sure the Royal Family is laughing at David Beckham behind his back.

  17. Blubb says:

    I am sure the Italien Trip is a soft nod to the Italian tour of the them Prince and Princess of Wales 40 years ago in 1985… Hope the Italiens remember.
    Didn’t one pope die in 2005 so the tampons had to delay their marriage for a day or so?

  18. sunnyside up says:

    A pony tail seems an odd choice of hair style for dinner with the King.

  19. maisie says:

    Looks like Posh has got some new boobs.

    • Kat says:

      I have lost count of the number of boob jobs Posh has had.David looks terrible with his botox face and har transplant.Does he ever look in the mirror?.The pair of them are so full of plastic
      they would make living examples of the embalmer’s art.

  20. Lisa says:

    Wants to get a cosplay medal! You know the fake ones they give for kissing royal booty!

  21. Alteya says:

    Guest list is odd. Why not invite marina hanbury and her husband? They spend plenty of time at his estate in Italy.

    Sting and trudie s who restored an estate in Tuscany and rent it out in the summer.

    Emma thompson, whom Charles loves? She and her husband had just moved to Venice when covid hit. They returned to Scotland to care for her mother during lockdown.

    Plenty of famous, Italy loving UK expats he could have invited rather than beckham.

  22. Pinocchio Princess says:

    Two Brown nosers for lordship on a mission. Just as hideous as it looks.

  23. QuiteContrary says:

    How does one even eat Italian food in a form-fitting white dress LOL?

    • Lady Esther says:

      One doesn’t, one pushes it around on their plate 🙂

    • Jaded says:

      Not all Italian food is smothered in tomato sauce. I’m sure Stanley Tucci’s menu choices avoided that like the plague, he’s a divine cook and I follow his cooking YouTubes. Anyway, Posh probably nibbled on 1/4 of it cuz she didn’t want a food baby.

  24. Jensa says:

    There were a lot of people at this event, going by the reports. Helen Mirren spends six months each year in Italy apparently, and David Beckham played football in Italy for a couple of years (Milan?), so I guess those are the connections.

  25. heygingersnaps says:

    bbc had a headline about buckingham palace hosting Stanley Tucci prior to the event happening. I didn’t click on the article as I refused to give them my clicks. They really want other celebrities’ star power and pizzaz because they don’t have it.

  26. Andrea says:

    Victoria’s arms look muscular and she actually looks good here. I am aghast. David though, eesh. He certainly isn’t as handsome as he used to be. I think that beard dye job does him an injustice. He reminds me of Johnny Bananas minus the Botox that Johnny clearly gets.

  27. Liz -L says:

    The conversation must have been scintillating. The Beckhams make Kate sound highly articulate.

  28. a mascarada says:


    “Cuz they’re also pretty try-hard, surrounding themselves with celebrities while denigrating Meghan for being one”

    Excuse me, but as far as celebrities go David and Victoria Beckham are quite accomplished in their endeavors.