Prince Harry & Meghan looked thrilled & in love at the Invictus Opening Ceremony

Here are some photos of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Saturday afternoon/evening in Vancouver, at the Opening Ceremony for the Invictus Games. Someone gave Meghan a pair of blue pom-poms and she was the biggest Invictus cheerleader ever. She was having a blast with those pom-poms, and she was also taking photos and videos on her phone. She even posted some stuff to her Instagram. I just wanted to get the photos from the Opening Ceremony posted though, we’ll obviously have much more coverage tomorrow and throughout the week.

For the Opening Ceremony, Meghan wore a coat that’s been in her closet for many years – a winter white coat from Sentaler. She appeared to wear a black or dark green dress underneath, but I haven’t seen any details on that. She obviously looked great, and she and Harry were particularly loved-up in the stands. Harry got a kiss from his wife before he walked down to make his speech. Katy Perry and Chris Martin were among the Opening Ceremony performers, and Chris even jokingly called Harry “Your Royal Holiness.” Basically, good vibes all around, and the stadium was completely packed.

Here’s Harry’s speech last night! He’s already making headlines, obviously. But the biggest headlines is that the usual suspects are drowning in their own bile and salt because Harry and Meghan look happy, moisturized, rich and in love.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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58 Responses to “Prince Harry & Meghan looked thrilled & in love at the Invictus Opening Ceremony”

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  1. sevenblue says:

    Chris even jokingly called Harry “Your Royal Holiness.”

    I didn’t know Chris was funny like that 😂😂 They looked so beautiful. I guess, they didn’t get the memo about being separated. They should have arrived separately and one should have grabbed other one’s ass. I guess, they are not really in love 😂

    • Jan says:

      Chris, was funny as heck, pulling Harry’s leg with your Royal Holiness, saying Harry told him, he couldn’t get any other musician to perform.
      Harry did thank Chris in his book. I think is sticking with friends that he can trust, and the ones he can’t fell by the wayside, and went crying to the Tabloids.
      If Chucky and Cain did not offer Chris honors yet, they’re in the pipeline for next year.

      • jais says:

        But I would think that Chris being friends with Harry would mean he’s not ever getting any honors. Not that I can see him caring at all.

  2. duchess of hazard says:

    Harry has come on leaps and bounds with his speeches. He’s always been a trier, but since he’s linked with Meghan (marriage, children) she’s really encouraged him to be his best self. It’s nice to see.

    On a more superficial note, I honestly don’t know how Meghan wears those heels without crying. But she seems to have nice narrow feet and a high arch. I wonder what that feels like?

    • Lawrenceville says:

      Naahh, Prince Harry was already a good speaker before he met Meghan. I have been following the IG since 2014, and his speeches at 2016 IG Orlando and were really good. I think he got a coach after IG London 2014 and he’s been improving since. That’s not to say Meg didn’t encourage him to get even better, but attributing everything Prince Harry was, before he even met Meg, to “linking to Meg” is just ridiculous.

      • Fidget says:

        Exactly. He’d only just come out of the military and didn’t give speeches. It’s insane how Meghan gets all the credit all the time.

      • Caribbean says:

        @Fidget – it is only fair that Meghan gets all the credit since she seems to get even More Hate than one human being should EVER receive (unless they are grapist, terror!st, m…you see where I am going), but I believe what people are saying is that, Harry seems more unscripted, yet totally prepared and focused since Meghan.

      • Fidget says:

        Maybe people just weren’t paying attention before. Of course he wasn’t good the first time, he’d just come out of the military. After that he improved every single time.

        The hate M gets is unrelated to his speeches. What a weird thing to say.

  3. They both looked great and so happy to be there for the veterans. So much love with these two!!

    • Liz -L says:

      Looks like a fabulous event. Good for them and all the participants and supporters 👌

    • WingKingdom says:

      I’m a fan of this couple, and believe they are happy and in love. I just wonder why so many still photos of them show Harry leaning away or looking unhappy. The one where Meghan is leaning on his shoulder, I can see that everyone is tearing up at something. There is one in the extra photos at the bottom that shows both smiling.

      Do photographers just post what they think will sell? Are they uploading only the off moments? I never give the Fail any clicks but I bet they’ve done something with these photos, like continue their divorce storyline.

      When I watch the videos, the happiness and chemistry is obvious. It’s just the still photos.

      • Nic919 says:

        There was a moment where a veteran had not played bagpipes since he had served because he played them when the Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan who died in combat were being brought home. Harry had asked him to play them, which he did at the last games and then played them at the opening ceremony.

        It was very touching which is why Harry looked sad.

        UK media and derangers are working hard to try and find things showing they aren’t getting along.

      • Julia says:

        You don’t sound like a fan you sound like a concern troll. There are not many photos where Harry is leaning away looking unhappy! The one photo you are talking about is from when the bagpipes are playing and Harry got emotional. Meghan put her head on his shoulder. I’ve seen the video footage, moments later he leans towards her. Now go back to your Reddit Forum so you can find some more conspiracies to post…

      • Jais says:

        It just reminds me of the Beyoncé concert. Somehow the tabs got one or two pics of Harry with resting face and spun articles about how Harry was just miserable with Meghan. But then that tik tokker Matt came to the rescue and started uploading videos from the suite next door and irl Harry and Meghan were dancing and loving up on each other fully. Any moment can be spun. And it can be the reverse. When Kate came back for Trooping, the film video shows William and Kate barely looked or spoke to each other almost the entirety of the time. There was one brief moment where they looked towards each other and exchanged words and then boom the tabs turned that one pic into a full-on love fest when the video shows something different. So I usually go by vids rather than pics.

      • WingKingdom says:

        Thank you Jais for understanding what I was saying.

      • Krista says:

        @WingKingdom – I can totally see where you’re coming from – don’t let the comment of whoever that was get to you. I actually thought the same thing when I saw the photo of him leaning away – how it can be spun to fit another narrative. And I’ve been following Prince Harry since we were both like 10-11 years old… I remember when he founded Sentebale and his first visit there And have enjoyed Meghan since Suits began. So I’m a fan of both of them and the work they do as well.

  4. s808 says:

    They look happy as ever! I’m so so so happy Meghan is using her IG to give us BTS footage of IG!

  5. AlexandraS says:

    nice to see they appear completely unbothered by the brit media

  6. aquarius64 says:

    I follow Meghan’s Insta and I got an alert this morning. She’s helping to support Harry and Invictus.

  7. Chaine says:

    Not gonna click on those X links, but I love the sleeve details on Meghan’s coat and she always glows in winter white. Great look for her. It has to be nerve wracking and exhausting for them both spearheading an event of this size, yet you can’t tell at all to look at them.

  8. Harla says:

    I watched the entire opening ceremony and I can’t tell you the number of times I was moved to tears! The energy was electric, the stories about various competitors was inspiring and the story of the creation of the artwork by artists representing the Four First Nations was incredible! The bagpipes towards the end of the ceremony, I don’t know if I can describe how many of my feels it brought out!! Harry’s speech was so moving and you can see how much the audience loves, and I mean Loves him!! A couple of times the camera panned to him (and Meghan) and he had tears in his eyes! Oh god, I’m gonna tear up again!

    • Christine says:

      Same, I cried my way all the way through the opening ceremony. It was so beautiful, and so well done. The energy of Invictus is completely unique and uplifting. Harry and all of the team at Invictus Games Foundation should be so very proud of themselves for what they have created.

  9. Honey says:

    Is there some significance in the color blue in the pom-poms? Just curious.

    • Eurydice says:

      I read that the blue color theme represents the Pacific coastline and there were 28,000 blue pom-poms in the audience.

    • Julie says:

      The theme for this year IG is ‘paddle together’. Blue most probably represent water. In the air you had whale and dolphins which movement imitated they swimming. Also, when the delegations were introduced, they walked thru large bands of tissues in blue which, againm represented water. A pure First Nations creation.

  10. Nanea says:

    Harry’s speech at the opening ceremony was amazing. He’s become such a charismatic, self-assured public speaker, having improved so much since meeting Meghan.

    *His Royal Holiness* was funny, and I liked all the performances, such a vibe!

    I’ve been w̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ spending so much time looking at what the many Squaddies have been posting, but especially linking to.
    (sorry, family — priorities, you know)

    While I watched the ceremony live, I will have to do the catching up with recaps the next few days, because of the nine hour time difference.

  11. ThatGirlThere says:

    They looked thrilled and so proud to be with everyone at Invictus. The place was full of joy and love. I’m so happy for everyone involved

    There are photos on Bluesky and on Spoutible. I’m not giving that Nazi who is trying to coop my country any clicks to his disgusting site.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    According to the journalist from Harper’s Bazaar, Meghan is wearing an olive green dress from Brandon Maxwell. I suspect the dress is a green version of one of the other Brandon Maxwell sheath dresses she has in her closet. I’ve seen the British press trying to pretend that Harry and Meghan have never been affectionate in public to bolster their made up stories about them separating but it’s not working. A royal commentator on GB news had to admit/concede that they have always been loved up in public.

  13. Jais says:

    I streamed some of it on the ctv website and the performances were all really good. Nelly furtado! Matt Mac and Noah Kahan. I’ve never been a huge Coldplay fan but Chris Martin’s performance was lovely and had me giving it another thought. And Katy Perry’s songs are really so good for hyping up a crowd.

  14. Jan says:

    There is a picture of Harry looking at Meghan shaking the Pom Pom, like woman what are you doing.
    They sure had fun yesterday.
    The Bagpipes had Harry tearing up, the Veteran playing them, had stop playing them because he for played for 40 bodies coming back Afghanistan, and was traumatized. So to see him playing was a moving moment For Harry.

  15. tamsin says:

    The opening ceremony took place in the afternoon (1:00 P.M. Vancouver time) and was broadcast live on network TV and the building was just vibrating! So many moving moments. but bagpipes accompanied by aboriginal drums, and Harry’s speech are the two topmost for me. Eyes welled up several times. Numerous shots of competitors moved by Harry’s speech.
    BTW, I heard Harry’s closing speech in Toronto and it was moving and powerful then as well.

  16. MY3CENTS says:

    Moisturized! Dying….

  17. Eurydice says:

    A great speech and all the best to the competitors and organizers.

    I was reading the other day about the groundbreaking for an Invictus Recovery Centre in Nigeria. Harry is building a wonderful legacy.

  18. Jan says:

    I was looking for the IG on YouTube and I was shocked at the number of hate channels on Meghan, I would feel sorry for them if they were not making money off of her.
    I think they need to make an example of one of theYouTubers with a lawsuit, Cardi B and Meghan the stallion sued and won their libel lawsuits.
    The lies are so blatant, Harry demands security from the Canadian Government, while Meghan demanded money from them.

    • Beverley says:

      It’s appalling! A biracial American marries a British prince and so many white folks lose they natural minds!

      At this rate, I believe the hate channels will continue indefinitely. Racism is a drug and some people are addicted big-time.

    • tamsin says:

      I was also shocked. There are so many completely made up stories, they shouldn’t be allowed. I don’t know why they are allowed to just completely make up vile stories, but I guess there’s no oversight or commitment to either truth or reality on social media or YouTube. Maybe when Harry’s finished with his lawsuits, they can turn their attention to a couple of the biggest offenders and take them out.

      • Eurydice says:

        There’s so much fakery on YouTube, hating Meghan is the least of it. Having said that, there’s a lot that I like. Whenever a Hate Meghan site would pop up I would just flag it as “Don’t Recommend” or “Report” – I never see any channels like that anymore.

  19. Me at home says:

    Love this for them!

  20. Nlopez says:

    I didn’t expect to tear up during Harry’s speech. You’re doing great Harry! Keep going to all my fellow vets. We got this!

  21. EllenOlenska says:

    On a completely superficial note I was looking at ordering a beautiful winter coat from Sentaler but they won’t be shipping until March! Which seemed really odd for winter coats!

  22. Over it says:

    You could tell how emotionally invested in the IV games Harry is . He looks like he was crying at some points and Meghan could tell because she would offer him touches and comfort. I love how these two just know what the other needs . Good luck to all the competitors and I hope that everyone has an amazing time. What inspiration people all of them are .

  23. Lady Digby says:

    This is a rock solid couple who bring out the best in each other. They are so proud and supportive of each other. Love and truth wins!

  24. Boo says:

    So glad they can find some pockets of joy. My heart breaks for how hard life must be right now 💔 Meghan is glowing as ever.

    • Julia says:

      Why do you think their life is hard? Please stop buying into the media narrative. Of course the constant media scrutiny must take its toll but I believe they are truly happy

  25. ArtFossil says:

    Here’s the Toni Morrison quote from Harry’s speech:

    “Sometimes you don’t survive whole, you just survive in part. But the grandeur of life is that attempt. It’s not about that solution. It is about being as fearless as one can, and behaving as beautifully as one can, under completely impossible circumstances.”

  26. upstatediva says:

    I was there. The aura was electric. The crowd ‘went up’ for the Ukraine team when they came in, but all the teams got love. I was sitting amongst a lot of Canadians, and when USA came in, I did hear a few boos (!). However, the British Columbia leader (Eby) noted the connection between Canada and US, and everyone came on board with the cross-border love. Half the time crying over the video pieces of recovery of Canadian participants and half the time rocking out to Nelly F and Chris Martin, etc! A perfect mix of energy, moods, and a HUGE, beautiful crowd. I was sitting on the end of the arena where Harry exited after his speech. The competitors did not want to let him go without fotos. His security guys were sooo frustrated, but Harry gave the folks all the love.

    • L4Frimaire says:

      Sounds like it was an amazing event. Can’t wait to see how the rest of the week goes, especially the snow sports.

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    They always look so proud of each other.

  28. Cassie says:

    I was very emotional through the whole ceremony .Sobbing at times .
    It was beautifully done and honestly doesn’t get enough attention .
    It was so well done and so full of love and respect for all the veterans .

    The usual suspects make sure not to shine a light on anything successful that Harry is involved in .
    Also Harry and Meghan are a very strong and loving couple no matter how hard the media try to make it the opposite .

    You can’t fake what they have .

  29. ShoppeGirlMN says:

    They still hold hands! 🥰🥰🥰